PaizoCon 2017 - Who's Coming?!

PaizoCon General Discussion

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RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

So this will be my first year I'm able to attend any day of PaizoCon!! Super excited the wife wanted to schedule a trip to Seattle to visit a friend, which is where I'll be staying, and she gave me the go ahead to attend!

I'll be there for Saturday May 27th for the day and the banquet. Hope to see a bunch of folks I've only gotten to meet online!

So who's coming?!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Sadly, for the foreseeable future PaizoCon is in conflict with Phoenix Comicon, meaning I will not be in attendance until one or the other changes their schedule.

Sovereign Court

Unless my job / financial situation looks up dramatically in the next month, I won't be there ... which will make for my longest absence from PaizoCon ever ... this makes me a sad panda.

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First time visitor coming from Australia. Arriving the Sunday befrore to see some sights and maybe get some seeker games in beforehand.

I'll be there with Kalyna again.

Dark Archive

Currently planning on it, but nothing set in stone. Need to see how finances look post taxes.

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I'll be there for the second time. Last time I arrived the day before, was horribly jet lagged, stayed half an hour away from the venue and only got to spend a day and a half there.

This time around I'll be less sleepy and more focussed. Looking forward to it already. :)

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I'll be there. Actually, there are six of us riding the Empire Builder from Minneapolis/St. Paul. We'll be gaming the whole way out and back (taking breaks to eat and sleep?... maybe). We get into Seattle the Thursday morning before the con and leave the Tuesday afternoon after the con. If you're on or close to the Empire Builder's route and might want to join us, send me a PM for more information.

Liberty's Edge

I really want to go; I've been going since 2013 (when I lived in southern BC, so it was a few-hour drive). Alas, finances are such that I don't think I'm going to make it this year :...(

(I'd like to go either to PaizoCon or to Phoenix Comicon to hang out with TOZ &co, but I don't believe I'll be able to afford either.)

Even though I can't go... what's the Empire Builder's route? It's possible that my route would intersect most of their route. (I'm starting near Pittsburgh.)

Not for a couple years. I'm doing nursing practicums until late summer. But when I'm done, I should be able to afford to go!

rknop wrote:
Even though I can't go... what's the Empire Builder's route? It's possible that my route would intersect most of their route. (I'm starting near Pittsburgh.)

The Empire Builder starts in Chicago and runs through Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana and Washington (major stops along the route include Milwaukee, St. Paul/Minneapolis, Fargo and Spokane) before ending in Seattle. From Pittsburgh, you'd have to take the Capitol Limited to Chicago to meet up with the Empire Builder.

Scarab Sages

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This will be my first year to attend.

Liberty's Edge

Well, hell. Belabras is going to be there. Would love to meet you in actual person. I may need to start robbing 7-11s or some such for cash.

(Edit: Belabras, you know me as Prospero.)

GM Eazy-Earl: how many days do you take to drive from Illinois to Seattle? 4+? Are the stops you list overnight stops, or just places where you pick up more people?

rknop wrote:
GM Eazy-Earl: how many days do you take to drive from Illinois to Seattle? 4+? Are the stops you list overnight stops, or just places where you pick up more people?

Sorry, rknop; I should have added some clarification. We're not driving; we're taking the train. It takes about 38 hours to get from St. Paul (where we'll be boarding) to Seattle via Amtrak's Empire Builder (the name of their train that travels from Chicago to Seattle). And if I recall correctly from my last trip, it takes about 9 hours to get from Chicago to St. Paul on that same train.

Trains OMG Trains!

I'm sending you a PM Right Now!

I hope to be there! :)

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm coming back for my fourth year. I can't wait.

Scarab Sages

rknop wrote:

Well, hell. Belabras is going to be there. Would love to meet you in actual person. I may need to start robbing 7-11s or some such for cash.

(Edit: Belabras, you know me as Prospero.)

Back at ya man! Hope you can come.

Paizo Employee Developer

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I'll be there! ;)

Liberty's Edge

Me too!!!!!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Awesome! Can't wait to finally meet you fine folk!

Adam Daigle wrote:
I'll be there! ;)

Good to know. I'll have to sign up for the "tell Adam how awesome Strange Aeons is" event. Presuming I can get in... :o

Scarab Sages

Plans have already been in work since last year. We have a small delegation from Spokane attending this year besides myself (5th PaizoCon), my wife (4th PaizoCon), and our son (2nd Paizocon).

Dark Archive

David and I will be there again (3rd year)!

Jon Brazer Enterprises

I wish I could. A medical procedure used all my vacation time last year and I've got another one some time later this year. Enjoy yourselves everyone.

Scarab Sages

I'll be making the trip across the pond again :)

Can't wait!

Grand Lodge Contributor

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theheadkase wrote:

So this will be my first year I'm able to attend any day of PaizoCon!! Super excited the wife wanted to schedule a trip to Seattle to visit a friend, which is where I'll be staying, and she gave me the go ahead to attend!

I'll be there for Saturday May 27th for the day and the banquet. Hope to see a bunch of folks I've only gotten to meet online!

So who's coming?!

I already bought a ticket, so I guess I'll see you there, friend!

Also, looking forward to meeting Eric and Adam again, and I hope to see Blazing 9 regulars Kobold Cleaver and Belabras as well. :)

Grand Lodge

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This will be my first ever Con, let alone PaizoCon.

Very looking forward to it.

Will be there late Wednesday night on the 24th -- flying out Tuesday morning the 30th.

Scarab Sages

Mikko Kallio wrote:
theheadkase wrote:

So this will be my first year I'm able to attend any day of PaizoCon!! Super excited the wife wanted to schedule a trip to Seattle to visit a friend, which is where I'll be staying, and she gave me the go ahead to attend!

I'll be there for Saturday May 27th for the day and the banquet. Hope to see a bunch of folks I've only gotten to meet online!

So who's coming?!

I already bought a ticket, so I guess I'll see you there, friend!

Also, looking forward to meeting Eric and Adam again, and I hope to see Blazing 9 regulars Kobold Cleaver and Belabras as well. :)


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I'll be there for the tenth time!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Woohoo! It's only January and I'm getting pumped.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'll be there for my 6th PaizoCon! Sadly, first in 5 years without my kid (now 14, he's been going since he was 9!)... he'll be in DC.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I'll be there

I'll be there for my third year, first year staying in the hotel. Looking forward to just opening my door onto the con.

I'll be there - 3rd year and bringing along my roommate and fiance'.

Liberty's Edge

Here's hoping that the roommate and fiancé is interested in Pathfinder.... :)

I'm coming back for a second trip!

There are still people to meet, things to see and things to do - like praying to the god of random selection for the events lottery :P

Still lots of Seattle to see too! So I'm doing the couple days either side thing again.

Finances are looking really tight for travel and there's been a request from someone I respect to assist/attend a different convention that weekend.

Still running the numbers but prognosis doubtful atm.

In odd pickle of can't 'barracks-style' at a hotel but need at least a room-mate or two if I do attend. Last time I went to a convention with more than a person or two in the room I ended up with crud for a month, even with taking time to rest.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Anyone know what time the doors open each day? Or is it always 7am PST like on the 1st day for badge pickup?

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"Doors" is a weird question. PaizoCon is in a conference hotel, so the doors don't really close. Most days things kick off around 8am, but the hotel restaurant, cafe, etc., are open earlier than that (6am? 5am? I have no idea, early.).

rknop wrote:
Here's hoping that the roommate and fiancé is interested in Pathfinder.... :)

Well you ran for the three of us last year and we all had a ball so I'd say yes, heh.

Liberty's Edge

Oh! Which game did I run? Was this a Captive in Crystal game? I ran four of those, so it all runs together a little bit. (One of the tables had John Compton as a player; that was a little scary to start out with, but was fine. He's a good player to have at your table if you're a PFS GM, it turns out.)

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

So when does the schedule of events go up normally, and where do you normally sign up?

rknop wrote:
Oh! Which game did I run? Was this a Captive in Crystal game? I ran four of those, so it all runs together a little bit. (One of the tables had John Compton as a player; that was a little scary to start out with, but was fine. He's a good player to have at your table if you're a PFS GM, it turns out.)

It was Captive in Crystal - but I don't think our 4th was John. We ran pregens and someone had a rather wicked magus. A lot of fun all around.

Dark Archive

I am trying to make it this year. Magic 8-Ball gives me "results hazy... try again later."

The Exchange

8 ball does the same thing to me.

I'll be there with my son for our fifth PaizoCon!

And I sure hope rknop figures out those finances, he's great fun to play with!

Dark Archive

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theheadkase wrote:
So when does the schedule of events go up normally, and where do you normally sign up?

The full schedule usually hits sometime in mid to late April, if not the very start of May. Because it is a tabletop focused convention, there are a ton of moving parts in addition to the usual shuffle of panels, special guests, etc. Please be patient with the staff running this; they are going to be doing this schedule on top of their normal duties.

You can expect lots of Pathfinder Society and a large variety of custom/special games run by Paizo Staff, Fans, Freelancers/3PPs, and other wonderful folks. This ranges from games in different systems entirely to special adventures written by Paizo Staff to preview games with designers.

Panels talk mostly about Pathfinder/Paizo itself, themes in tabletop gaming, and skill building workshops. Special Guests for the year may also present other fun topics depending on their background. Expect some product reveals/announcements as part of the banquet Saturday that will then get discussed a bit more in Sunday panels.

PFS specials will usually be on Friday and/or Sunday night. The Banquet will be on Saturday. Remember: the Banquet is a separate ticket to attend with limited seating, so buy one ASAP if you want to go.

Sign ups are done online via the Paizo website. The schedule will be up for a while (a good week at least) before any open signups start. Initially, you will be asked to "rank" events from a score from "Don't Want to Attend" to "Highest Priority to Attend".

The system will then pull names for a given day at random, assign them a seat at their highest ranked event with has seats left, and then repeat this process for the whole weekend as needed until there's no more to parcel out. This gives everyone a fair shot at attending games that only have 4-6 seats. You are able to designate a "buddy" in this system to ensure you and a friend/family member can play together.

Once the lottery concludes, all remaining seats are up for grabs in open sign ups. Usually, the lottery only fills up non-PFS games. I advise folks to still list the Specials as something they want at a lower priority during the lottery if they want to play them, as these fill up quickly once open sign ups start.

You can expect a more in depth post on the lottery system when the schedule goes up, so don't fret too much on it now.

Dark Archive

Gotta represent Minnesota well, so I'll be there.

Dark Archive

Keith Apperson wrote:
Gotta represent Minnesota well, so I'll be there.

Someone has to carry on our pre-special tradition

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