Two-handed weapons in one hand help


Just looking for assistance on doing as the title suggests. Attempting to build a character who would use a 2h weapon, in one hand, without dipping Titan Mauler barb. Im not finding anything that would help with this, other then this class, and archetype, but I'm attempting to forgo dipping classes.

So if its possible to do without this class, lets hear it. I tried searching but everything with this in mind seems fairly old, and many books have come out since.

yes, a medium person could wield a small greatsword in one hand.

Sorry, I should be as clear as possible, without lowering the size of the weapon, or dipping Titan mauler.

Medium Creature, Medium 2h Weapon, held in one hand. How do I do this without Titan Mauler Archetype?

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Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword.

More to the point: not possible using paizo material because "no fun allowed".

If you can use third party there's the lighten weapon feat.

Flambard. It's an exotic two-handed sword that can be 'used as a bastard sword'; IE one handed. The downside is that you need both bastard sword and Flambard proficiencies to one hand them.

Johnnycat93: Bastard swords are one handed, so no two weapon damage. You use a flambard in one hand and you get "+50% damage for using a two-handed weapon" as per the lance FAQ.

Liberty's Edge

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Any particular weapon you are looking for?

The Quarterstaff Master feat lets you do it with a quarterstaff.

Add Spear Dancing Spiral and you can extend that to include any spear or polearm.

Per PFS rules the Shield Brace feat also allows it with spears and polearms - provided you have a shield in the other hand. The Phalanx Soldier fighter archetype does the same at 3rd level.

Other feats for specific weapons include; Dorn-Dergar Master, Thunder and Fang, Net Adept, Net and Trident, and Natural Jouster.

Spear Dancing Spiral + Quarterstaff Master will allow you to use any spear or polearm one handed.

It also allows you to qualify for weapon specialization without fighter levels.

Are you just after bigger damage dice? If so, it's just not worth it most of the time.

You probably wont like the solution, but there is the Titan Fighter archetype (similar to Titan Mauler Barbarian).

Why do you want to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand? They don't get 1.5 strength nor do they get +3 damage -1 attack when using Power Attack. All they get is slightly larger damage dice, which is almost never worth it.

He could be looking to use a reach weapon + shield, or TWF with a reach weapon in one hand.

There are better ways to get a polearm + shield since the Armor Master's handbook came out.

Either way, if it is a concept build, go for it. Do what you find fun.
If looking for optimization, probably not a good path.

Which is why I'm asking what the OP actually wants to accomplish because there are some various ways to get weapons in one hand, but how useful they are depends on what the goal really is.

For reach weapon with shields, there are two feats that when combined allow you use a shield while using any polearm (though I forget what the feats are named).

Shield Brace

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graystone wrote:

Flambard. It's an exotic two-handed sword that can be 'used as a bastard sword'; IE one handed. The downside is that you need both bastard sword and Flambard proficiencies to one hand them.

Johnnycat93: Bastard swords are one handed, so no two weapon damage. You use a flambard in one hand and you get "+50% damage for using a two-handed weapon" as per the lance FAQ.

Did they ever do something to fix the contradictions between these two FAQs?

Power Attack: If I am using a two-handed weapon with one hand (such as a lance while mounted), do still I get the +50% damage for using a two-handed weapon?


—Pathfinder Design Team, 05/24/13
and that

Weapons, Two-Handed in One Hand: When a feat or other special ability says to treat a weapon that is normally wielded in two hands as a one handed weapon, does it get treated as one or two handed weapon for the purposes of how to apply the Strength modifier or the Power Attack feat?

If you're wielding it in one hand (even if it is normally a two-handed weapon), treat it as a one-handed weapon for the purpose of how much Strength to apply, the Power Attack damage bonus, and so on.

—Pathfinder Design Team, 07/19/13

One seems specific for the lance used while mounted, the other a generic rule, but as they are written, they sure seem contradictory.

Joey Cote wrote:
One seems specific for the lance used while mounted, the other a generic rule, but as they are written, they sure seem contradictory.

Disagree on the one being "specific for the lance" as the lance is only given as an example of "using a two-handed weapon with one hand" and NOT an exclusion. As such, they are 100% contradictory so pick whichever one you like best. It's been over 3 years so I don't think they are in a hurry to fix it.

If you go by FAQ #2 then there is little reason to try two handed in one hand as Claxon points out. Reach is about it as the extremely minor damage boost isn't worth the feat/ability cost in gaining the ability to do so.

The Exchange

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It's not exactly what you're looking for (Nor is it PFS Legal) but you could look at the Tiefling Oversized Limb Alternate Physical Feature. It allows you to use Large weapons without penalty. It won't help you get an actual 2h weapon, but if you just wanted a "bigger" weapon to combine with a shield or something, having a Large 1hander will get you at or very near a similar med 2hander.

The second FAQ referenced stipulates that "...a feat or other special ability says to treat a weapon that is normally wielded in two hands as a one handed weapon..."

This leads me to believe that if the feat or ability does NOT allow/require you to treat the weapon as one handed, you still get the benefits of using a two handed weapon.

Rylden wrote:
I'm attempting to forgo dipping classes.

And taking a serious amount of titan mauler / titan fighter levels is out of the question?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
graystone wrote:
As such, they are 100% contradictory so pick whichever one you like best.

They are not contradictory. The difference is in the wording of how one gets to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand. One wording changed ONLY the wielding, retaining all other two-handed characteristics such as 1.5xSTR, while the other changes ALL aspects to those of a one-handed weapon.

See other threads like this one or this one.

Wielding is a very bad word in pathfinder.
I agree that there's contradiction in these FAQs. I don't buy the nit picking needed to say they are different.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

SlimGauge wrote:
graystone wrote:
As such, they are 100% contradictory so pick whichever one you like best.

They are not contradictory. The difference is in the wording of how one gets to wield a two-handed weapon in one hand. One wording changed ONLY the wielding, retaining all other two-handed characteristics such as 1.5xSTR, while the other changes ALL aspects to those of a one-handed weapon.

See other threads like this one or this one.


Plus they have said they actively remove or change contradictory FAQ and this alleged contradiction (which I don't agree is one) has been pointed out often and never revised.

Dark Archive

To further clarify that you do not get the strength increase, bother titan archetypes state specifically that when wielding a 2h weapon in one hand that you do not get the 1.5× while wielding in such a way. Your Benoit from these classes would allow you to do the following however.

1. One hand a reach spear.
2. Two weapon fight with greatswords.
3. Sword and board with a greatsword.
4. Have a hand "free" at all times.

Sorry for the delay, also thank you for the great amount of posts to search through. Now I assumed I gave all thr info for the question, but didn't realize the extent this would go with answers.

The plan was to build a Sephiroth, of final fantasy 7, type build. Massive 2h weapon used in one hand, and some casting ability to boot. I found the way to do so would be to go Kensai Magus, dip two levels into Titan mauler barbarian, use a nodachi and pick up flamboyant arcana for any fancy parrying to be done. However I'm reluctant to do so as the dip would mess with spell progression, and I would most likely need exteme stats to make it work.

Long story short, 1h a nodachi, to keep hands free for casting as a magus. I realize the power attack, 1.5 str damage is an issue if I 1h a 2h weapon.

P.s. Didn't post in conversions forum as I needed help with the mechanic.

Community & Digital Content Director

Moved to our Advice and removed a handful of posts. Let's keep rules debates out of this subforum, thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Rylden wrote:
Long story short, 1h a nodachi, to keep hands free for casting as a magus. I realize the power attack, 1.5 str damage is an issue if I 1h a 2h weapon.

The nodachi is in the polearm weapon group. Therefore;

Wear a Buckler on your off arm
Upsetting Shield Style - Allows a buckler to be used as a light shield
Shield Focus + Shield Brace - Allows use of a nodachi and light shield (buckler in this case)

Note, this assumes you are using the Pathfinder Society interpretation of the Shield Brace feat;

"When using the Shield Brace feat, treat the polearm or spear as a one-handed weapon. More specifically, when calculating the damage the weapon deals, it uses your Strength bonus instead of 1.5 times your Strength bonus, and it counts as a one- handed weapon when determining extra damage from the Power Attack feat. You may use Two- Weapon Fighting and other feats as if the polearm were a one handed weapon."

Outside PFS, Shield Brace is sometimes instead interpreted as allowing the weapon to be used two-handed... which would be no good for your purposes.


Weapon Focus (Quarterstaff) + Quarterstaff Master - Allows you to one-hand a quarterstaff
Two-Weapon Fighting + Weapon Finesse + Weapon Focus (Nodachi) + Spear Dancing Style + Spear Dancing Spiral - Allows you to apply Quarterstaff Master to one-hand a nodachi

Rylden wrote:

Sorry for the delay, also thank you for the great amount of posts to search through. Now I assumed I gave all thr info for the question, but didn't realize the extent this would go with answers.

The plan was to build a Sephiroth, of final fantasy 7, type build. Massive 2h weapon used in one hand, and some casting ability to boot. I found the way to do so would be to go Kensai Magus, dip two levels into Titan mauler barbarian, use a nodachi and pick up flamboyant arcana for any fancy parrying to be done. However I'm reluctant to do so as the dip would mess with spell progression, and I would most likely need exteme stats to make it work.

Long story short, 1h a nodachi, to keep hands free for casting as a magus. I realize the power attack, 1.5 str damage is an issue if I 1h a 2h weapon.

P.s. Didn't post in conversions forum as I needed help with the mechanic.

If you're using 3.5 material, which pathfinder is supposed to be compatible with, just get Strongarm Bracers. They let you wield large weapons without penalty. Get a large Katana. Unless this is PFS, I have no idea how that works with 3.5

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Post was deleted.

Just keep in mind, your Str mod will be determined by how the weapon is wielded, no matter what the weapon actually is. Otherwise, Light weapons wouldn't do damage at all in extreme discussions.

Final Fantasy does have a lot of situations that is simply impossible or at least extremely difficult to do. I would say FF VII's main character uses a Bastard Sword, but Sephiroth sword is unique and made specifically for him. (It has more slots for the Materia than any other item in the game) He is likely, in a PF situation, getting more damage output than any str modification, as the character itself looks like a dex build more than anything else.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Maybe think about the Sunblade magic item?

thaX wrote:

Post was deleted.

Just keep in mind, your Str mod will be determined by how the weapon is wielded, no matter what the weapon actually is. Otherwise, Light weapons wouldn't do damage at all in extreme discussions.

Final Fantasy does have a lot of situations that is simply impossible or at least extremely difficult to do. I would say FF VII's main character uses a Bastard Sword, but Sephiroth sword is unique and made specifically for him. (It has more slots for the Materia than any other item in the game) He is likely, in a PF situation, getting more damage output than any str modification, as the character itself looks like a dex build more than anything else.

usually when your post is deleted you're supposed to realize something is up

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Past dealings... I tried to be minimal in the last post while also informing. Usually, it is swept up with others that tend to get... heated.

What is your take, Chess Pwn, on how to emulate Sephiroth? Is a Dex Build more inline to what he does, or do you have another track?

Yeah, word of mod is that the forum software responds to any post being deleted by scouring the entire thread and nuking any post that has the slightest possible connection to said deleted post, however tangential. Think of it like Six Degrees of bad post: Did you reply to a guy who replied to another guy who told a third guy that maybe guy number 4 was getting a little too worked up? Post deleted.

Silver Crusade

Okay, for emulating Sephiroth, remember, he carried the weapon one handed, but when he used it in combat, every attack I saw him make (game and Advent Children, he indeed used both hands. Remember, it's a free action to change your grip, from one to two hands.


You raise a very valid point, Ive gone back and looked and seems your spot on. Outside anytime he parried, or cut a building in half. But for actual combat, you may have just fixed all my worry in dipping, and such.

starting to veer off topic, but i would just use a Kensai with a Nodachi and ignore Spell Combat. Sephiroth can cast or attack but he doesnt do both on the same turn. Build for strength and Int, use buff spells for your defense and parry to avoid attacks. Failing that take the dip into Titan Mauler. You shouldnt expect to be mimicking something like Sephiroth at low levels, he is presented at high levels every times you see him and you wont be able to match that until you get up there yourself.

Makknus wrote:
Rylden wrote:

Sorry for the delay, also thank you for the great amount of posts to search through. Now I assumed I gave all thr info for the question, but didn't realize the extent this would go with answers.

The plan was to build a Sephiroth, of final fantasy 7, type build. Massive 2h weapon used in one hand, and some casting ability to boot. I found the way to do so would be to go Kensai Magus, dip two levels into Titan mauler barbarian, use a nodachi and pick up flamboyant arcana for any fancy parrying to be done. However I'm reluctant to do so as the dip would mess with spell progression, and I would most likely need exteme stats to make it work.

Long story short, 1h a nodachi, to keep hands free for casting as a magus. I realize the power attack, 1.5 str damage is an issue if I 1h a 2h weapon.

P.s. Didn't post in conversions forum as I needed help with the mechanic.

If you're using 3.5 material, which pathfinder is supposed to be compatible with, just get Strongarm Bracers. They let you wield large weapons without penalty. Get a large Katana. Unless this is PFS, I have no idea how that works with 3.5

Pathfinder is more than compatible with 3.5. Items/classes/etc that were broken in 3.5 are even more so in Pathfinder. The 3.5 compatibility push is pretty much water way past the bridge by this point. It's not exactly a selling point any more.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Chengar Qordath wrote:
Yeah, word of mod is that the forum software responds to any post being deleted by scouring the entire thread and nuking any post that has the slightest possible connection to said deleted post, however tangential. Think of it like Six Degrees of bad post: Did you reply to a guy who replied to another guy who told a third guy that maybe guy number 4 was getting a little too worked up? Post deleted.

unusual suspect:

I have to admit, it was I that brought up an old issue. It is one that I have seen be contested with fever and misplaced ire, both on these boards and at the store. (though not, thankfully, at the play of the table)

Sometimes it gets me that the 4th guy had a really good point, but gets swept away because of the overall subject that is offputting is shunted back and punted.

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Does the effortless lace can help ? It's supposed to allow you to use a one handed weapon for a larger size than you without penalty, or turn a one handed weapon your size in a light weapon. I know it's not stated, but it would make sense if it allowed two handed weapons to be treated as one handed, wouldn't it ?

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