[Legendary Games] Which Adventure Path Plug-Ins?

Product Discussion

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Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Hi all,

The 10th and probably last product in the Egyptian AP Plug-Ins series has just gone off to layout. It's evolved in scope and scale since we first put it on the schedule, but we are very excited about Ancient Tombs by Alex Riggs, Anthony Adam, Jason Nelson, and Loren Sieg! Here's a quick preview of what you'll find in these pages!


Ancient Tombs provides a wealth of knowledge to enhance your Pathfinder campaign wherever your heroes are delving into the funereal grounds and burial chambers of the ancient dead. You'll find within a detailed exploration of tombs of all types from both history and fantasy, with tables and detailed descriptions to create tomb treasures of every kind, from the ransacked graves of peasants to the pyramids of kings! Of course, tombs should not go unguarded, and you'll find tomb hazards like the hungry sarcophagus and pharaoh's fall trap, alongside guardian creatures like the grave warden and mummified zombie templates and an encyclopedic assortment of graven guardians suited to every deific domain. You'll also find a dozen new tomb-focused spells and feats, from Bind the Ancient Dead and Sleeper in Dust to lost in the sands and pharaoh's binding. Whether it's a lonely grave or a sprawling necropolis, Ancient Tombs is an indispensable resource to bringing your burial grounds to life!

With the Egyptian product line completed, we are also very close to tying up some of our other existing product lines:

Pirates (1 product left - the high-level Fort Scurvy advenure)

River Kings/Kingdom Building (1 product left - Royal Tournaments)

Far East (3 products left - Asian Archetypes: Martial is in layout now, with the temporarily named Oriental Options: Magic and Oriental Options: Monks very nearly done, plus Legendary Hybrids: Yakuza)

That would leave the following product lines still open for the moment:

Metal Gods (5 products done)

Righteous Crusade (8 products done)

Winter (3 products done)

And we've just started doing the Red Queen/Red Throne product line.

The questions before you, oh Paizo AP fans, are these:

1. Of the AP Plug-Ins from Legendary Games that you have used, whether in an actual AP campaign or a home game, which one(s) have been your favorite?

2. Are there any kinds of products for any of the above AP lines that you would still love to see?

3. Which APs should we target next for the Legendary treatment?

4. Would you be interested in a subscription or Patreon for an LG AP Plug-In line of products?

5. If we did a compilation volume of one or more of our AP Plug-In lines, which would you most want?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

First, let me say y'all put out an excellent product. I've purchased many of the plug-ins and love them all so far.

Regarding your questions: 1. So far I have almost all of the Desert and Pirates plug-ins. They've been a big hit with the players mainly as there is too much information out there regarding the APs and it is easy for the players to get inside information. These plug-ins really keep them on their toes. Plus they always fit really well right where suggested by y'all. I've used almost all the pre-generated PCs and Villains and rival adventuring parties.

2. For me, you've put out enough for the above mentioned AP lines. I wouldn't get any use out of them now.

3. Strange Aeons of course. I'm prepping to be a player in this AP but I'd point my GM your direction.

4. A subscription? Most likely, yes.

5. Metal Gods and River Kings

Silver Crusade


2)None that come to mind...

3)Giantslayer... I'd love to see what you guys do with that one.

Strange Aeons has already been said, but I'd like to see you work with that one as well.




Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

1. Haven't used any of them yet, but I have a very extensive collection that I'm basically begging one of my GMs to look into for inspiraton.

2. Metal Gods, Winter, and Red Throne are all near and dear to my heart, and I'd love to see what more you can pull off with those.

3. I'm prepping to GM the Mythos AP, so that's also one I'd love to see, although some content for the Rebellious, Shattered, and Genie APs would be interesting to see as well.

4. Yes.

5. All of them! And for an actually helpful answer, Far East and Winter would both be cool.

1) - Far East. In general, our group gets a lot out of the adventures, but not so much about the other support material.

2) - Not really.

3) - Rise of the Runelords and Giantslayer.

4) - Depending on the product mix (adventures vs other support) yes.

5) - Far East, then Pirates.

1) The River Kings ones, easy. I love the Plug-Ins you did that deal with the Fey. Though the Gothic horror ones were great too, especially the ones covering the various vile eldritch tomes.

2) Right now I mostly just want to finally see Royal Tournaments and Ultimate Armies.

3) Giantslayer and Strange Aeons would be my choices.

4) Interested, yes. Able to afford it right now, no.

5) River Kings would be the one I'd like the best, but my chances of affording it right now aren't good. But once I have the cash it'd be a different story.

The Exchange

1. Well, as I'm about to start the Winter-AP for my kids and made heavy use of the Winter Heroes: Pregen Characters book, I probably have to choose this as my favorite

2. Side Trek Adventures for the Winter-AP, probably

3. Strange Aeons

4. Interested yes, If I could afford it would depend on what it contains. Couldn' probably spend much more than 20 $ per month on it.

5. There's so much stuff I don't own that it probably doesn't matter to me. Probably the Gothic stuff.

1. I only gave Treasury of Winter to my GM, he put a couple of items there. But I really liked everything I bought for Kingmaker (both adventures and both bestiaries).

2. Adventures for Reign of Winter, although they'll probably be too late since we're near the end of Frozen Stars (there was an adventure for Rasputin mentioned, how close is that?).

3. Serpent Skull & Giantslayer.

4. Probably not, I don't usually follow patreons.

5. The Kingmaker one, although I have many components.

Since I always ask on your threads, how is Legendary Fighter coming along?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

WormysQueue wrote:

1. Well, as I'm about to start the Winter-AP for my kids and made heavy use of the Winter Heroes: Pregen Characters book, I probably have to choose this as my favorite

2. Side Trek Adventures for the Winter-AP, probably

3. Strange Aeons

4. Interested yes, If I could afford it would depend on what it contains. Couldn' probably spend much more than 20 $ per month on it.

5. There's so much stuff I don't own that it probably doesn't matter to me. Probably the Gothic stuff.

Gothic compilation, you say? I might have something like that.

The Exchange

Jason Nelson wrote:
Gothic compilation, you say? I might have something like that.

Oh come on, now I have to rephrase my answer because you probably wanted to know about things you haven't already done, right? :D

But thanks for the link, wasn't aware of that and it's even availiable as a hard back (me is going to try to figure out the shipping costs immediately ^^).

edit: Arrgh, I fear, pdf it is then ^^

The Exchange

As an aside, regarding question 4, you already have a patreon subscription going on aren't you? If I may comment on that, as it is at the moment it isn't directly usable for me, as the 5$ option only extends to the egyptian AP plug-in line and the other options, while being cool, aren't affordable to me because of the shipping costs (as I just found out for the gothic compendium, shippigng costs nearly double the price for me).

Still I liked most of your stuff I own so far, so a pdf only option would probably even be interesting for me if it includes other things as well (like the Legendary Beginnings or the Legendary Planets line), as long as they are Pathfinder-related.

AS said before, would depend a bit of what this would mean with regards to monthly costs, I have no idea of what your monthly output at the moment is in average.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

WormysQueue wrote:

As an aside, regarding question 4, you already have a patreon subscription going on aren't you? If I may comment on that, as it is at the moment it isn't directly usable for me, as the 5$ option only extends to the egyptian AP plug-in line and the other options, while being cool, aren't affordable to me because of the shipping costs (as I just found out for the gothic compendium, shippigng costs nearly double the price for me).

Still I liked most of your stuff I own so far, so a pdf only option would probably even be interesting for me if it includes other things as well (like the Legendary Beginnings or the Legendary Planets line), as long as they are Pathfinder-related.

AS said before, would depend a bit of what this would mean with regards to monthly costs, I have no idea of what your monthly output at the moment is in average.

Our monthly output is considerable, but if we do set up a new Patreon it would likely be for a single product line. I haven't been able to figure out a way to have divided product lines in Patreon, and it also doesn't fit very well with the fact that our products do not have a uniform price - it depends on length, and some thing are just much bigger than others.

We are looking at trying to set up subscriptions on our own webstore, but so far the plug-ins we've tried haven't been very satisfactory. If we are able to get a better setup, we'll put it together on our page and then people can pick and choose how they subscribe.

In general, we put only 1-2 products out in each line each month.

1) River Kings, basically all of them, we loved it, really helped add a bit of storyline to the sandbox in a non-railroady way.

2) I'd like to see more Ultimate Relationships style add-ons like the one for Far East.

3) Definitely Mythos. Hell's Rebels feels like a good venue for a Relationships add-in. This one's probably a stretch, but I've always liked Legacy of Fire and thought you could do great things with this kind of 1001 Nights / Arabia AP (I recognize it's older and doesn't have the rep of e.g. RotRL, but maybe that's the angle - upgrading an AP that doesn't seem to be a fan favorite). I think the "Lost City" chapters of Serpent's Skull could really benefit - there's a lot of assumptions/expectation about GM supported sandbox action in this part of the AP which is where I think the add-ins can really shine.

4 & 5) Don't really do subscriptions (even though I usually buy all the products 1-off eventually). Compilations the same.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Lots of support for Mythos here. Might be worth exploring. :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Jason Nelson wrote:
WormysQueue wrote:

1. Well, as I'm about to start the Winter-AP for my kids and made heavy use of the Winter Heroes: Pregen Characters book, I probably have to choose this as my favorite

2. Side Trek Adventures for the Winter-AP, probably

3. Strange Aeons

4. Interested yes, If I could afford it would depend on what it contains. Couldn' probably spend much more than 20 $ per month on it.

5. There's so much stuff I don't own that it probably doesn't matter to me. Probably the Gothic stuff.

Gothic compilation, you say? I might have something like that.

Feasting at Lanterngeist was really well done. I used it as part of my current homebrew and mixed in a lot of it as a side quest.

Jason Nelson wrote:
I haven't been able to figure out a way to have divided product lines in Patreon...

Maybe you could delineate based on cents? So there'd be a $5 tier a $10 tier and a $25 tier (or whatever). If you wanted the mummies product line you'd pledge $5.01/$10.01/$25.01 metal gods product line would be $5.02/$10.02/$25.02 etcetera.

I guess you'd struggle for people who wanted to mix-and-match multiple lines - perhaps you'd have to just offer a $13/$28/$60 pledge level for all three lines (or however many you run concurrently)?

Jason Nelson wrote:

The questions before you, oh Paizo AP fans, are these:

1. Of the AP Plug-Ins from Legendary Games that you have used, whether in an actual AP campaign or a home game, which one(s) have been your favorite?

Gothic and Metal Gods have been my 2 favorite so far.

Jason Nelson wrote:
2. Are there any kinds of products for any of the above AP lines that you would still love to see?

More sidequest for Righteous Crusade.

Jason Nelson wrote:
3. Which APs should we target next for the Legendary treatment?

Serpent's Skulls or Goantslayer

Jason Nelson wrote:
4. Would you be interested in a subscription or Patreon for an LG AP Plug-In line of products?

Maybe but unlikely.

Jason Nelson wrote:
5. If we did a compilation volume of one or more of our AP Plug-In lines, which would you most want?

Metal God and Far East would be my vote here.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

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Jason Nelson wrote:
Lots of support for Mythos here. Might be worth exploring. :)

Careful. Those who explore the Mythos too deeply often regret doing so. ;-)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Tom Phillips wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
Lots of support for Mythos here. Might be worth exploring. :)
Careful. Those who explore the Mythos too deeply often regret doing so. ;-)

And yet, I have the perfect product JUSSSSSST about ready to go to layout for this very thing!

Honestly, the Horror Plug-Ins product line we introduced earlier this year was really intended as a supplement for the Mythos AP as much as it was for general horror games, much as the "Gothic" line was all about horror in general as well as vampires, werewolves, and all the Gothic classics.

I suppose we could create a "Mythos AP Plug-Ins" line and cross-list any products that fit there ideally. It would make some sense, since we do have plenty that slide right in, including:

Mythic Monsters 5: Mythos
Mythic Monsters 21: Mythos Too
Feasting at Lanterngeist
Beyond the Void
Cultic Cryptomancia
Gothic Grimoires: The Necrotic Verses
Gothic Grimoires: The Sepulchral Swaths of Tanoth-Gha

I'd say all of those are pretty darn mythosy.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Oh hi there Mythos Adventure Path Plug-Ins!

The Exchange

Jason, another question (hope it's ok to ask you here). I've just started running the Wrath of the Righteous-AP and think about including some of the stuff from your Mythic-AP-line. And as I really love monster books, I'd like to know if there's any overlap between the Mythic Monster Manual and the Mythic Monster Mega Bundle (and if there is, how much), as I'm interested in both.

Oh, and actually I have another question: The only products contained in the Mythic Hero's Handbook or the Mythic Spell Compendium are those on the "Mythic past books" page, right? So products like Mythic Magic: Advanced Spells III would add to the Spell compendium?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jason Nelson wrote:

I suppose we could create a "Mythos AP Plug-Ins" line and cross-list any products that fit there ideally. It would make some sense, since we do have plenty that slide right in, including:

Beyond the Void
Cultic Cryptomancia
Gothic Grimoires: The Necrotic Verses
Gothic Grimoires: The Sepulchral Swaths of Tanoth-Gha

I'd say all of those are pretty darn mythosy.

Owning copies of all four of these amazing PDFs, I wholly agree.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.
WormysQueue wrote:

Jason, another question (hope it's ok to ask you here). I've just started running the Wrath of the Righteous-AP and think about including some of the stuff from your Mythic-AP-line. And as I really love monster books, I'd like to know if there's any overlap between the Mythic Monster Manual and the Mythic Monster Mega Bundle (and if there is, how much), as I'm interested in both.

Oh, and actually I have another question: The only products contained in the Mythic Hero's Handbook or the Mythic Spell Compendium are those on the "Mythic past books" page, right? So products like Mythic Magic: Advanced Spells III would add to the Spell compendium?

Correct. Horror Spells, Intrigue Spells, and Advanced Spells III are all new material.

As for the Mythic Hero's Handbook type stuff, all Mythic Minis from 81 to 105 are all new material. Also, Path of Dragons, Path of Villains, and Path of the Reluctant Hero are all new material.

For monsters, Mythic Monsters from 1-30 have overlap with the Mythic Monster Manual, though exactly how much varies from book to book. On average, about 4-7 monsters from each book ended up in the Mythic Monster Manual, and around half of the frontmatter bonus material ended up in one of the mythic books.

The Mythic Monster Mega Bundle gets you all of those PDFs for $2 apiece (original list price of $6.99), so even with the overlap you'll be getting a TON of new stuff.

All of the Mythic Monsters books from 31 onward are all new material, with the exception of two of the demons in Mythic Monsters 35: Demons Too.

The Exchange

Thanks again. Now I'll just have to hope that my christmas budget leaves room for at least some of this stuff :)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wormy: I own the Mythic Monster Manual and bought the Mega Bundle. Totally worth it, if you can afford it.

The Exchange

Thanks for the insight, Chemlak. I think my main preference might be the Hero's Handbook for the special treatment of the kobold and rogue genius classes. The monster books would be next (with the mega bundle first, just because it's more monsters :D), but in the end, I want them all. ^^

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I know what you mean. Jason teases me because surely I own all of the mythic monster books by now (not even close, but I got a good deal on the mega bundle one time, which seriously improved my selection).

Jason Nelson wrote:

Correct. Horror Spells, Intrigue Spells, and Advanced Spells III are all new material.

As for the Mythic Hero's Handbook type stuff, all Mythic Minis from 81 to 105 are all new material. Also, Path of Dragons, Path of Villains, and Path of the Reluctant Hero are all new material.

For monsters, Mythic Monsters from 1-30 have overlap with the Mythic Monster Manual, though exactly how much varies from book to book. On average, about 4-7 monsters from each book ended up in the Mythic Monster Manual, and around half of the frontmatter bonus material ended up in one of the mythic books.

The Mythic Monster Mega Bundle gets you all of those PDFs for $2 apiece (original list price of $6.99), so even with the overlap you'll be getting a TON of new stuff.

All of the Mythic Monsters books from 31 onward are all new material, with the exception of two of the demons in Mythic Monsters 35: Demons Too.

I am very interested in the compilations that would bring this material into a smaller number of sources, especially if we can get it in print!! KS, part deux, perhaps?

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Thedmstrikes wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Correct. Horror Spells, Intrigue Spells, and Advanced Spells III are all new material.

As for the Mythic Hero's Handbook type stuff, all Mythic Minis from 81 to 105 are all new material. Also, Path of Dragons, Path of Villains, and Path of the Reluctant Hero are all new material.

For monsters, Mythic Monsters from 1-30 have overlap with the Mythic Monster Manual, though exactly how much varies from book to book. On average, about 4-7 monsters from each book ended up in the Mythic Monster Manual, and around half of the frontmatter bonus material ended up in one of the mythic books.

The Mythic Monster Mega Bundle gets you all of those PDFs for $2 apiece (original list price of $6.99), so even with the overlap you'll be getting a TON of new stuff.

All of the Mythic Monsters books from 31 onward are all new material, with the exception of two of the demons in Mythic Monsters 35: Demons Too.

I am very interested in the compilations that would bring this material into a smaller number of sources, especially if we can get it in print!! KS, part deux, perhaps?

It's on the list as a possible KS project, though it's not at the top of the list. We have a few more things we're planning to get finished up, and then we'll see what the appetite is like for it.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Btw, looks like the Far East Adventure Path Plug-Ins series is about to have a new member tomorrow...

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Today we give thanks for Characters with not one, not two, but THREE terrific announcements!

1. Today we release ASIAN ARCHETYPES: MARTIAL, with a dozen delightful archetypes flavored for the Far East, with ninjas and samurais yes, but also kaiju hunter rangers and sky dancer swashbucklers, mandarin investigators and marvelous mercurial duelist vigilantes!

2. This week also saw the debut of the latest project devoted to urban intrigue characters with CRIMSON HEROES, with 8 fantastically detailed ready-to-use characters perfect as PCs or NPCs in any game creeping through the shadowed city streets and the halls of power in royal courts!

3. In honor of the latest Legendary 5-star seal of approval, we are offering the marvelous Crusader Codex for just $2 as our TWO$DAY product of the week!

Plus great savings to come this weekend at the Open Gaming Store Black Friday sale, and ONE WEEK LEFT to save HUGE with our 20 FOR 20 5E Mega-Bundle sale - 20 5th Edition PDFs for just $20 - over 550 pages of magnificent material, with awesome accessories and adventures for 1st to 10th level!

Be thankful for all the characters in your campaign, and celebrate with family and friends with the thanks of Legendary Games for all your support!

Check out the latest right here!

necromental wrote:

Adventures for Reign of Winter, although they'll probably be too late since we're near the end of Frozen Stars (there was an adventure for Rasputin mentioned, how close is that?).


Since I always ask on your threads, how is Legendary Fighter coming along?

No answers for me?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I think patience is the watchword when it comes to Jason's own projects. I get the impression that he spends the vast majority of his time being Jason Nelson, Publisher of Legendary Games, and relatively little being Jason Nelson, Designer.

Picture it like Mark Seifter, who has his day job at Paizo, and does freelancing stuff on the side. LG is Jason's day job, and the books he writes himself are freelancing work that he just happens to be the publisher for, but it's still "on the side".

Unfortunately this means that there are some projects which have languished in design hell for a looooong time, and includes three that I'm looking forward to (Legendary Fighter, Royal Tournaments, Ultimate Armies). It's a pain from a consumer perspective (I want to be all "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"), but a man's gotta pay his bills, and I can't begrudge him that.

I would be interested in a compilation of the piratey one, but would also suggest including hooks for a certain froggy adventure path as well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Chemlak wrote:

I think patience is the watchword when it comes to Jason's own projects. I get the impression that he spends the vast majority of his time being Jason Nelson, Publisher of Legendary Games, and relatively little being Jason Nelson, Designer.

Picture it like Mark Seifter, who has his day job at Paizo, and does freelancing stuff on the side. LG is Jason's day job, and the books he writes himself are freelancing work that he just happens to be the publisher for, but it's still "on the side".

Unfortunately this means that there are some projects which have languished in design hell for a looooong time, and includes three that I'm looking forward to (Legendary Fighter, Royal Tournaments, Ultimate Armies). It's a pain from a consumer perspective (I want to be all "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"), but a man's gotta pay his bills, and I can't begrudge him that.

I've got to agree with that sentiment. I've been looking forward to Ultimate Armies for over a year now, and have seen its deadline been pushed back at least four times. But I'm patient, because in the end I know that it's going to be a great product when it's done and that Jason has a lot on his plate already. Because, to make a point, it's never so simple as going from point A to point B when making a product. Sometimes (most times) Jason is quite busy with what needs to be done, rather what he wants to do next. All I can do is be patient and congratulate him on a job well done when Ultimate Armies comes out............shortly before I get on him about creating Ultimate Strongholds. :P

LOL no pressure, Jason. Keep the great work coming!

pezlerpolychromatic wrote:

shortly before I get on him about creating Ultimate Strongholds. :P

LOL no pressure, Jason. Keep the great work coming!

After Ultimate Factions, Ultimate Strongholds is a passion of mine, so I'm going to have a chat with Jason about it once I've dropped the UF manuscript on him.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010

necromental wrote:
Since I always ask on your threads, how is Legendary Fighter coming along?

Jason and I are collaborating on this one and I know he is further along in his part, but I've had a fruitful week or so nailing down some 'fighter-y' concepts.

Oh, I know I'll have to wait, but I will always ask. Even an answer along the lines of "I haven't touched it in months, but it's still in plan." is ok for me. But I am more anxious for the Rasputin adventure, since we'll be there in a couple of sessions. I figured Jason either missed my questions or filed them under "answer later" then forgot.


Matt Goodall wrote:
necromental wrote:
Since I always ask on your threads, how is Legendary Fighter coming along?
Jason and I are collaborating on this one and I know he is further along in his part, but I've had a fruitful week or so nailing down some 'fighter-y' concepts.

Nice to hear. Thanks.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
necromental wrote:
Oh, I know I'll have to wait, but I will always ask. Even an answer along the lines of "I haven't touched it in months, but it's still in plan." is ok for me. But I am more anxious for the Rasputin adventure, since we'll be there in a couple of sessions. I figured Jason either missed my questions or filed them under "answer later" then forgot.

Indeed I did.

The short answer on On the Siberian Line is that Pedro Coelho went back to school this term and got super-busy, which put a serious crimp in his writing time. The art is done, and his most recent update on November 2 was this:

This weekend I finished the 5th map for the Siberian Line; I originally intended to have 6, but I think I'll need one extra for a mass combat scene at the end of the module, so that means 2 half page maps to go. With the maps done, I can work out the encounter details. The module is about 2/3 done, I would say.

The module currently has the following encounters:

1st - PCs arrive on Earth, lose the hut, fight a Bolshevik troop
2nd - Attacked by Sniper
3rd - Social encounters and investigation in Japanese/English army camp
4th - Attacked by ninja in train
5th - Bridge explosion/ambush. Fight group of NPCs saboteurs.
6th - Mass combat to invade Irkutsk
7th - Final encounter vs. samurai order

The antagonists are pretty much all NPCs, so it's a lot of stat blocks to do (about 10). Most of them are ready, but I need to double-check the sheets.

I'm currently taking a course in cinematography that ends on December 12th. After that I'll have a break from studies and can dive into the project again. I don't want to drag it into 2017, so I'm working with a deadline of December 28th.

necromental wrote:


Matt Goodall wrote:
necromental wrote:
Since I always ask on your threads, how is Legendary Fighter coming along?
Jason and I are collaborating on this one and I know he is further along in his part, but I've had a fruitful week or so nailing down some 'fighter-y' concepts.
Nice to hear. Thanks.

Yep, my fighter stuff is at a simmer on one side as I wait to see what Matt cooks up. I have notes for more stuff to add but don't want to double-dip.

I actually pivoted and have been working hard to grind out the "Way of the Blade" project and have gotten a lot done on that, including what ended up turning into Legendary Monks (and more). Funny thing when you actually are FINISHING things... you end up writing a lot more than you thought you would. :)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Chemlak wrote:

I think patience is the watchword when it comes to Jason's own projects. I get the impression that he spends the vast majority of his time being Jason Nelson, Publisher of Legendary Games, and relatively little being Jason Nelson, Designer.

Picture it like Mark Seifter, who has his day job at Paizo, and does freelancing stuff on the side. LG is Jason's day job, and the books he writes himself are freelancing work that he just happens to be the publisher for, but it's still "on the side".

Unfortunately this means that there are some projects which have languished in design hell for a looooong time, and includes three that I'm looking forward to (Legendary Fighter, Royal Tournaments, Ultimate Armies). It's a pain from a consumer perspective (I want to be all "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!"), but a man's gotta pay his bills, and I can't begrudge him that.

Well said, Chemlak. This is pretty much it right here.

When LG was just starting out and I was doing it on the side while teaching school or whatever, our output was at a certain level and much of that was stuff I was writing or co-writing anyway. Even other people's projects we did didn't require a whole lot of work on my side to keep the art, layout, and production organized.

Now we've got over 350 products out, with a vastly more aggressive release cycle that takes up much more of my time in editing, development, project management, marketing, planning, and on down the list. My pure writing time just ain't what it used to be, and my headspace is much more crowded with juggling that side of things. Working "in" the business (i.e., writing) often takes a back seat to working "on" the business (everything else).

Or as I like to say, "My publisher hat took my writer hat out in the back alley and whipped it like a borrowed mule."

THAT SAID, I've been working hard to get those "development hell" projects out the door and making progress on most of them. I'm focusing on the Asian ones right now as I want to stay in that design space and maximize my creative focus there. Juggling between them obviously hasn't gotten any of them out the door, so laser focus it is!

Speaking of which... back to writing today! Legendary Monks, I am in you... :)

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

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Ben Walklate wrote:
pezlerpolychromatic wrote:

shortly before I get on him about creating Ultimate Strongholds. :P

LOL no pressure, Jason. Keep the great work coming!

After Ultimate Factions, Ultimate Strongholds is a passion of mine, so I'm going to have a chat with Jason about it once I've dropped the UF manuscript on him.

High fives!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Body of UF is complete, it's now going through review by my wife and my game group before I make any last-minute adjustments and send it on.

*Excited nervous jig*

Missed my self-imposed deadline. Not long, though.

The Exchange

Ben Walklate wrote:
Body of UF is complete, ...

I'm highly interested in this book (guessing by the title ^^) but as I only have heard about it through this thread, is there already any public source (even if it's only a product blurb) anywhere where I can learn more about it?

Or can I somehow tease you to tease me back in this very thread? :D

edit: By the way, I used the Black Friday to get the Mythic Hero's Handbook and the Mythic Monster Manual next to some of the newer stuff. At the moment, I'm reading through Ancient Idols and am already thinking about to include this stuff in my homebrew, which is (at the start) very low-magic with the gods kind of dead (loooong story) so to have idols as a means to get the PCs limited access to divine spells seems quite appealing to me. In each case, I'll try to get up an review in the next days.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Public knowledge, your best bet is to find the PaizoCon 2016 presentation Jason did (or listen to the What's New With Legendary Games seminar, available as a podcast from the Know Direction Podcast network). That covers the majority of it, but the basic pitch is a product which a) bridges the gap between individual characters and entire kingdoms, and b) provides rules for groups (factions) within a kingdom to affect the kingdom in ways that are outside the control of the kingdom's leaders (whilst creating interesting stories and not being too harsh to the kingdom).

For example, if you've ever looked at the kingdom rules and asked "but what if someone inside the kingdom tries to take over?", or "can the guilds bully the kingdom into lowering taxes?", or "what if someone incites a peasant revolt?" then Ultimate Factions has rules to help answer.

There's a lot of nuance, of course, like making it compatible with the Organisation Influence rules from Ultimate Intrigue, and including at least one of the groups from the Villain Codex as a sample faction, but I think that explains it enough for now.

Jason Nelson wrote:

Indeed I did.

The short answer on On the Siberian Line is that Pedro Coelho went back to school this term and got super-busy, which put a serious crimp in his writing time. The art is done, and his most recent update on November 2 was this:

This weekend I finished the 5th map for the Siberian Line; I originally intended to have 6, but I think I'll need one extra for a mass combat scene at the end of the module, so that means 2 half page maps to go. With the maps done, I can work out the encounter details. The module is about 2/3 done, I would say.

The module currently has the following encounters:

** spoiler omitted **

The antagonists are pretty much all NPCs, so it's a lot of stat blocks to do (about 10). Most of them are ready, but I need to double-check the sheets.

I'm currently taking a course in cinematography that ends on December 12th. After that I'll have a break from studies and can dive into the project again. I don't want to drag it into 2017, so I'm working with a deadline of December 28th.

I'm guessing after he finishes it, it has to go to editing, layout and stuff like that before publishing? We'll probably be playing Rasputin until/through March (given our current tempo), so I'm guessing that it will be out by then and our GM could modify it suitably to add it somewhere along Rasputin (from your post, the side trek is meant to be at the start of the module?).

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

necromental wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

Indeed I did.

The short answer on On the Siberian Line is that Pedro Coelho went back to school this term and got super-busy, which put a serious crimp in his writing time. The art is done, and his most recent update on November 2 was this:

This weekend I finished the 5th map for the Siberian Line; I originally intended to have 6, but I think I'll need one extra for a mass combat scene at the end of the module, so that means 2 half page maps to go. With the maps done, I can work out the encounter details. The module is about 2/3 done, I would say.

The module currently has the following encounters:

** spoiler omitted **

The antagonists are pretty much all NPCs, so it's a lot of stat blocks to do (about 10). Most of them are ready, but I need to double-check the sheets.

I'm currently taking a course in cinematography that ends on December 12th. After that I'll have a break from studies and can dive into the project again. I don't want to drag it into 2017, so I'm working with a deadline of December 28th.

I'm guessing after he finishes it, it has to go to editing, layout and stuff like that before publishing? We'll probably be playing Rasputin until/through March (given our current tempo), so I'm guessing that it will be out by then and our GM could modify it suitably to add it somewhere along Rasputin (from your post, the side trek is meant to be at the start of the module?).

If Pedro turns it in this month, we should be ready to release it in early January, so we'll see how quickly we can get it done. Should be in time to massage it into Rasputin!

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Today Legendary Games is delighted to bring you the final installment in our epic Egyptian Plug-Ins line - ANCIENT TOMBS - with 36 pages packed with treasures, traps, guardians, feats, spells, templates, and more perfect for stocking the dusty burial pits and sprawling necropolises of long-fallen empires!

Plus, previews for new products coming soon, including Ultimate War for 5E and The Robot Summoner for Pathfinder coming in the next few days, as well as the brand-new Ultimate Factions and new Mythic Monsters installments wrapping up their manuscript writing and ready to turn the corner to layout soon.

Plus exciting news on Legendary Planet!

Check it all out right here!

Have a great weekend everybody!

I just looked at the link, and it's great. I am really looking forward to Ultimate Factions. Will any of the rules from Ultimate Intrigue play a role in it?

But what's going on in the cover art with that poor tied-up dragon-man/whatever the heck he is?

Jason Nelson wrote:

Today Legendary Games is delighted to bring you the final installment in our epic Egyptian Plug-Ins line - ANCIENT TOMBS - with 36 pages packed with treasures, traps, guardians, feats, spells, templates, and more perfect for stocking the dusty burial pits and sprawling necropolises of long-fallen empires!

Plus, previews for new products coming soon, including Ultimate War for 5E and The Robot Summoner for Pathfinder coming in the next few days, as well as the brand-new Ultimate Factions and new Mythic Monsters installments wrapping up their manuscript writing and ready to turn the corner to layout soon.

Plus exciting news on Legendary Planet!

Check it all out right here!

Have a great weekend everybody!

Don't look now, but I think your link is broken. Either that or everyone is clicking it all at the same time. (Which would of course be great!)

I'm looking forward to the rest of the Far East set.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

New link here!

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