Second Darkness AP [Recruitment]


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A strange light in the sky holds a danger unknown for ten thousand years! Deep beneath Golarion's surface, the greatest shame of the elves is stirring once more. Seething with hatred, the drow have come up with a plan to wipe out their ancient enemies and bring a second Age of Darkness. And this time, there's only the heroes to stop them...

Welcome to the Recruitment Thread for my Second Darkness Campaign. I'm hoping to find 4-6 players to run the streets of Riddleport and beyond. I've looked over the first two modules and they seem to be quite fun. Hopefully, we'll finish with those two and, party willing, we'll move onto the rest if they're interested.

Who wants to test their luck?

Character Creation:

• We will be starting at level 1, and be leveling usually through the moderate experience track and key moments during play. I'm starting to default to the second one to be honest.
• Races: All standard races from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook will be allowed. Any other PC race will be considered on a case by case basis.
• Classes: All classes from PFRPG core rulebook plus those from the Advanced Player's Guide (APG), Advanced Class Guide (ACG), Ultimate Combat (UC), and Ultimate Magic (UM), Occult Adventures(OA), and Ultimate Intrigue (UI) will be allowed. Any Archetype for these base classes will be allowed.
• Alignment: You can declare an alignment, but for the most part it will be determined by your actions and motivations.
• Abilities: Characters will be based on the High Fantasy (20 point) buy, found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 16.
• Feats: Any feat from the Core Rulebook, APG, ACG, UM, UI, OA, or UC will be acceptable.
EDIT: Clarifying this. Essetially, any feat published officially by Paizo is acceptable.
• Skills: We will be using the Background Skill system.
• Traits: Characters will start with two traits. One must be a campaign trait listed below. The other one better have a good narrative reason why you have it.
EDIT: You may take a drawback for a third trait.
• Hit Points: Characters will start out with Maximum hit points for their class at 1st level. After 1st level character's will roll for their hit points or take the average of their particular hit dice, whichever is greater.
• Starting Gold: Characters will start with Average starting gold for their base class as found in the PFRPG Core Rulebook on page 140, or in the APG on page 26.
• I retain the ability to ask you to change something if I find it would upset game balance a bit too much.
• Third Party Pathfinder material and 3.5 material will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Be forewarned, don't go too crazy with this. Also, link the material you are asking if you can use.
• Unchained options are allowed, but you must fully commit. Meaning, you cannot choose the unchained version of a barbarian but choose the non-unchained version of one of his rage powers.

Campaign Traits: Choose One:

1. Fools for Friends: You don’t think of yourself as a gambler. In fact, you rather detest the whole thing. Unfortunately, one or more of your friends (pick one or more of the other players’ characters) doesn’t think so, and you’ve recently learned that friend—or friends—have decided to go to the Gold Goblin’s “Cheat the Devil and Take his Gold”
tournament. Which pretty much means you have to go as well, since if no one’s there to watch out for them, they’ll lose all their money and respect. Again. Sometimes it’s hard being the responsible one. Your devotion to your friendships (even when said friends seem, at times, to be trying to test that devotion) is a point of pride to you. Whenever you take the Aid Another action to help an ally, or whenever an ally aids you in this manner, a successful check grants an additional +1 trait bonus to the check for which aid was being rendered. Additionally, as long as one of your friends is within 30 feet, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

2 Into Enemy Territory: The shadow in the sky is visible from all around Riddleport, not just in town. It’s certainly come to the attention of several druids, rangers, and other
rural folk who dwell in the nearby mountains, forests, and swamps—among them, yourself. You’ve consulted with several seers and Harrowers, and may even have performed some simple auguries yourself, and all the signs point the same way—something or someone in Riddleport is connected to the blot, and it means bad news for the region. You’ve avoided the sleazy, dirty town or most of your life, traveling there only when absolutely necessary, and although you don’t relish the prospect of going there now, you see little other choice (especially if one of your superiors is ordering you to go investigate). Fortunately, an eccentric friend of yours (pick another PC) is in town, and you’ve heard this friend will be taking part in some gambling thing at a place called the Gold Goblin. Your friend’s always had better luck interacting with the cityfolk, so you’ve decided to accompany your friend to this gambling tournament and plan on letting him find a safe place for you to stay while you’re in town. Your long life of self-sustenance has toughened you and made you more resistant to hardship, in any event—pick one of the three categories of saving throw. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws of that type.

3 Looking for Work: Although out of work, you aren't particularly keen on the prospect of gambling away your last remaining coins simply for a chance at riches. That said, if the Gold Goblin’s fortunes reverse after this big gambling tournament, you’re relatively certain its owner, Saul Vancaskerkin, will be needing to hire on some new staff members. You’ve secured payment for the tournament, and intend on attending mostly to check the place out, to decide if it’s a place you’d want to work at (as a bouncer, bartender, croupier, server, entertainer, spotter, or cook), and hopefully get a chance to catch Saul’s eye and make an impression. You’ve long worked at honing your skills, and are quite accomplished and certain that you have something to offer. Pick one of the following skills: Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perform (any), Profession (gambler), or Spot. You gain a +1 trait bonus in that skill, and that skill is always considered a class skill for you.

4 Optimistic Gambler: You’ve always seemed to have trouble keeping money. Worse, you always seem to have debts looming over your head. When you heard about the “Cheat the Devil and Take His Gold” gambling tournament, you felt in your gut that your luck was about to change. You’ve always been optimistic, in fact, and even though right now is one of those rare times where you don’t owe anyone any money (you just paid off a recent loan from local moneylender Lymas Smeed), you know that’ll change soon enough. Better to start amassing money now when you’re at one of those rare windfall times! You’ve set aside a gold coin for the entrance fee, and look forward to
making it big—you can feel it in your bones! This time’s gonna be the big one! Your boundless optimism, even in the face of crushing situations, has always bolstered your
spirit. Effects that grant you morale bonuses persist 1d4 rounds longer than they normally would as a result.

5 Researching the Blot: You may or may not be seeking membership into Riddleport’s most prestigious magical guild, the Order of Cyphers, but you certainly have heard
their call for aid in determining the nature of the strange shadow in the sky above Riddleport. You arrived in town several days ago and had some issues with security and
safety at several inns before you finally settled on the Gold Goblin; you’ve been staying there as a guest for several days now, and the owner, Saul Vancaskerkin, seems like a nice guy. He’s even given you a pass to attend the gambling tournament he’s about to throw—you’re not sure how into gambling you’ll be, but perhaps there’ll be some visitors from out of town you can talk to about the strange shadow in the sky. At the very least, you’re hoping someone at the tourney will be into magic—there’s not really enough folk in this town who seem all that interested in magic, you’ve found. Your interest in magic dates back quite far, and as a result, you’ve developed a knack for identifying common magical items at a glance. You can use Spellcraft to identify magic items in the same way you can use Spellcraft to identify a potion. The DC to identify a magic item is equal to 20 + the item’s caster level.

6 Scouting for Fiends: You belong to an organization (most likely a religion) that has definite views on the menace posed by the lower planes. The willfulness with which the city of Korvosa (they even allow a temple of Asmodeus to operate in broad daylight!) tolerates infernal influences is, to you and your organization, the greatest symbol of what's wrong with civilization today. And now, in Riddleport, there’s news that a gambling tournament is using devils and Hell as an idle decoration. It’s likely that this is just an example of poor taste, but there’s a chance that something sinister may be lurking beneath the goings-on at the Gold Goblin. You have been contacted by your organization (or may have decided on your own) to travel to Riddleport (if you don’t already live there) and attend this tournament under the guise of a patron. Keep an eye on things there, even after the tournament is over; if you can, get a job working for the owner. Demons and devils can be subtle, and it could take weeks or even months to find proof of their involvement. Your near-obsessive hatred of all things fiendish grants you a +1 trait bonus on all attack rolls made against foes you know to be evil outsiders.

Things you should know:

• While I don't mandate posting every day, I do hope you will post frequently. If you will be gone for a decent span of time, please inform me and I will bot you as necessary.
• My posting usually drops off on weekends.
• I will be using a mix of Roll20 and imagination for combat, but all rolls and role-playing will be done in the gameplay thread of this campaign. This means some combat will be on maps, and others will be more speaking aloud.
• Roleplaying will be focused on more than combat, but not exclusievly.
• The number one deciding factor that will boost your chances of selection is if you have a very real character, one that oozes personality, backstory, and motivation. At times, I have chosen lopsided parties of characters I enjoyed and worked with the chosen players to balance the party after selection.
• An Alias does not need to be created to be considered for selection, but your character's stats and backstory must be complete.
• On principle, I do not go over submissions until the deadline to keep myself from favoring earlier submissions. Asking questions is fine to help fine tune, but I will not check your submission for mistakes prior to the deadline.

Guide to Getting Selected:

• Keep Min-maxing to a minimum-moderate level, please. I understand the joy of a powerful character, but I like to see reasons behind character decisions. Relevant background reasons, not "its the most effective."
• If your character sheet is difficult to reach or read, that is a bad thing.
• Do not post more than one submission.
• I will give greater consideration to characters with great personality, backstory, and motivations. Please do not hand me a block of stats or a generic backstory.
• At times, I have chosen lopsided parties of characters I enjoyed and worked with the chosen players to balance the party after selection.
These are actual things that have come up during past recruitments I've run.

Recruitment ends on November 8th.

interested. have been waiting for you to post the actual topic.

Can we chose a drawback for a third trait?

What do you think of the idea of playing a half-drow? The other part would either be human (making the character a half-elf) or elf (making the character count as elf, but likely be ostracized from the community of his unwilling mother). I always like to have a strong tie-in to the AP, and what better way to do that than a troubled past?

Your rules are a lot more restrictive on feats than a lot others I have seen. Would you consider others on a case by case basis? For example I really like Defic Obeince as it fits in a wide variety of concepts and I've also become a fan of some of the divine fighting techniques. In fact one of the concepts I'm considering is a gnome ninja utilizing Desna's Shooting Star (listed as Way of the Shooting star in the preceding link due d20pfsrd not using Golarion specific names). Would you allow that?

@ oyzar
An extra trait for a drawback is acceptable.

Clarification on the feat restriction, essentially any officially published material by Paizo is fine. The specific books were mainly to say no third party.

I'm going to think about the partial drow aspect.

Gonna work on a character this week! Whoop whoop!
Think my halfling Weapon master with his Slingstaff might be a bit too similar to what Oyzar wants to do. So will work on something else.

Do you have any issues with ratfolk?

Sovereign Court

Oooh! I have a character that I made for two different S.D. recruitments who's not managed to get selected, so maybe third time's the charm!

Cherry Razarin is a street-smart tiefling hustling to make ends meet in Riddleport by tending bar and cracking wise. I'll quickly update the profile; she would be coming in as a level 1 unchained rogue.

I'm dotting for a kineticist who is ever the optimistic gambler! Will have character later on today.

I am going to have a Calistrian guard, a Slayer who was once someone who sold themselves in another fashion before simply selling their sword arm. It shall be a semi-harrowing story, and I look forward to telling it.

I'm interested but I have two other submissions that are waiting to see if they get selected. Hopefully I'll get a answer soon, if they don't get in I'll comeback here to make a full flesh character. If they do, then I'll withdraw my interest. I don't want to over stretch myself on too many pbp at the same time.


I'm curious as to whether Path of War is allowed for awesome stuff for martial characters. Because hitting with your sword is nice, but hitting with sword techniques is cooler. Path of War

I'm very interested in running the alternative Paladin seen here.

If your wondering how a Paladin ends up in Riddleport, I already have that covered in my backstory plan. Also, the Fools for Friends is the trait that they'll take, for certain. If there's any weak, squishy characters that would like a friend, the Path of War paladin is that friend, friends.

Path of War is very nice, but it also pretty much invalidates all but the most optimized paizo martials. It would also require everyone to read an incredibly massive amount of material, since you would have to read through the maneuvers in addition to the classes to understand it. As an example, the above paladin would also require you to go through the maneuver lists for Golden Lion, Iron Tortoise and Silver Crane, essentially three full spell-lists. I would not recommend allowing it unless you want a very 3pp heavy game. Their archtypes are usually just as gamechanging as their base classes. That said, if it is allowed I'll probably play a hidden blade, their rogue archtype. It would work wonderfully for an half-drow elf.

DM Default wrote:

Clarification on the feat restriction, essentially any officially published material by Paizo is fine. The specific books were mainly to say no third party.

emphasis mine.

This was also in the first post:

• Third Party Pathfinder material and 3.5 material will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Be forewarned, don't go too crazy with this. Also, link the material you are asking if you can use.

I do think Path of War is over the limit of what would be considered "too crazy" though, which is why I argued against it above.

I have a few questions that I normally ask before I get started on a character so I know what I can and cannot plan on.

Is leadership an option?

How do you feel about romance popping up in the game? Either between players or PCs and NPCs. This would still need to be tasteful which is why I used the 'romance' word.

Assuming you have no issue with the romance thing, would there be any issue with any orientations?

What are the taboo subjects for you?

Are you wanting this game to be very serious or fairly light hearted?

Are there any classes that really would not fit in the location?

Working on this character for submission

EDIT: Just have equipment and combat information to plug in. Will also add more detail to personal important NPCS, and flesh out backstory.

Sovereign Court

Ok! I've brought Cherry Razarin to level 1 with the concomitant 2 traits, 20 point buy, and average starting gold. She's built as a sneaky rogue who can do the locks, traps, and intrusion thing. She also has Profession (innkeeper), because that's as close as I could find to bartending in the list of "common profession skills." She's a cheeky young woman who's just trying to make ends meet and has a wisecrack or two for most patrons and a soft side that she rarely gets to show while living on the hard side of the streets of Riddleport. She's looking for work and ready to go!

"Listen, chum, if you want to tell me all of your problems, you're gonna have to order more drinks, 'cause it looks like you have a lot of them." - Cherry

I might have missed it but what is the point buy?

Sovereign Court

Deaths Adorable Apprentice wrote:
I might have missed it but what is the point buy?

20 point, it's under "Abilities" in the spoilered section on creation in the original post.

Definitely interested, just gotta settle on an idea.

Thank you Jesse Heining! I did miss it then. To be fair I rather sleep deprived.


oyzar wrote:
Path of War is very nice, but it also pretty much invalidates all but the most optimized paizo martials. It would also require everyone to read an incredibly massive amount of material, since you would have to read through the maneuvers in addition to the classes to understand it. As an example, the above paladin would also require you to go through the maneuver lists for Golden Lion, Iron Tortoise and Silver Crane, essentially three full spell-lists. I would not recommend allowing it unless you want a very 3pp heavy game. Their archtypes are usually just as gamechanging as their base classes.

Good points! The list of Path of War may seem daunting at first, what with its high number of maneuvers, but I beg to differ.

Level 5, a Paladin, a normal, ordinary fellow, gains the ability to cast 1 spell a day. Do you know how many level 1 spells that paladin knows? He has access to at least 80 spells. I don't know about you, but reading over 80 different spells to pick the 1 spell you can cast a day is a bit much. You have to make that 1 spell count, because that's it. Don't think it's that much? Here's the archives. I counted at least 80 different spells, and that's only Pathfinder stuff, no third party spells.

Now, if you were to look at the Path of War spell lists, as they say, there is a total of 14 maneuvers, and 4 stances. Level 1 Paladin knows 3 maneuvers, and 1 stance. He's picking 3 maneuvers out of a whopping 14, and 1 stance out of 4 available to him. 14 maneuvers that say exactly what they do is a lot less to read over, in my opinion.

Now, Path of War martials ARE more powerful than normal martials. Because Path of War wanted to bring martials up to a spellcaster's power. Which is sorta what 4th edition did, and the wizards were very upset. Path of War allows the fighter, just some guy in armor and holding a weapon, to be as cool as the wizard at every level. Sounds blasphemous, I know, being very accustomed to poking fun at martial characters in-character.

Sovereign Court

...buuuuut to do that you must also learn how stances and maneuvers work, what "initiating" entails, how you decide what you can pick, what the various styles are and who has access to which ones. With spells there's massive overhead that is largely already well-known because spellcasters are a standard fixture of PF, 3.5 and 3.0. Path of War uses an additional system that requires learning the entire system, not just the manuevers in isolation. If you used Book of Nine Swords it is the clear copy of that, but that was a very late 3.5 book that was not widely adopted.

Now I say this as a DM who has a player in a Kingmaker game using Path of War, but it is notable that the level of added complexity is more than just adding a dozen and a half "melee spells." :)

Also keep in mind that it'll make any other martials in the game feel very underwhelmed since it is more powerful than normal martials. So if someone plays a Path of War martial, it would take some fun out of any but the most optimised martials joining this game.

Just my two cents. :)



This is true, there'd be no need for regular martials. But even a summoner can replace a fighter entirely too. Just what happens, I suppose. But we'll see!

Here is the first Draft of my character,

Kaza the Telekineticist:

Str 10
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 8
Wis 14
Cha 10

HP 12
AC 16 T 13 FF 12
Init +3

Fort +5
Ref +5
Will +2

Speed 30'

Kinetic Blast: +3 to hit (+4 with Point Blank); 1d6+4 (5 w/point blank)' x2 crit

Skills: Perception r1 +7, Profession (Gambler) r1 +6, Sense Motive r1 +7, Sleight of Hand r1 +7

Feats | Traits: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot | Optimistic Gambler, Wary

Class Features: Elemental Focus (Aether); Burn (1/rnd; 6/day); Gather Power (1/2/3)

Kinetic Blasts: Telekinetic

Infusions: Extended Range

Utility Wild Talents: Basic Telekinesis

Gear: Studded Leather Armor, Traveller's Clothes, 5 gp.

I will get his backstory up either later on tonight or tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

Hello hello! As I mentioned in the Interest Thread, I'm looking to do some kind of full caster (very unusual for me!). Right now I'm thinking possibly a Witch, and possibly with the Havoker archetype. But I've nowhere near made up my mind!

Archpaladin Zousha here getting my character, Orendel, ready to go! He should be ready by the end of the night!

Woo! People are forming up! :D

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah! Clone!

I'm thinking maybe an elf or half-elf Eldritch Archer.

By the way, is there a Player Guide? I can't seem to find one in Products.

Ouachitonian wrote:

I'm thinking maybe an elf or half-elf Eldritch Archer.

By the way, is there a Player Guide? I can't seem to find one in Products.

Second Darkness was an oddball AP in that its PG was not a free PDF product. You can probably order a physical copy. Not sure if you can actually purchase the PDF form from Paizo (I have the hardcopy).

Basically everything starts in Riddleport, with the PCs going to a notorious slum tavern where there's a gambling contest being held, either because you know someone there, or you're looking for work, or you're fresh off some boat and don't know the city very well.

EDIT: They do sell the PDF for seven bucks.

Cherry Razarin wrote:
Ouachitonian wrote:

I'm thinking maybe an elf or half-elf Eldritch Archer.

By the way, is there a Player Guide? I can't seem to find one in Products.

Second Darkness was an oddball AP in that its PG was not a free PDF product. You can probably order a physical copy. Not sure if you can actually purchase the PDF form from Paizo (I have the hardcopy).

Basically everything starts in Riddleport, with the PCs going to a notorious slum tavern where there's a gambling contest being held, either because you know someone there, or you're looking for work, or you're fresh off some boat and don't know the city very well.

EDIT: They do sell the PDF for seven bucks.

Many thanks.

Grand Lodge


Wrexley came to Rippleport to escape his past, he never watned to talk about it so he didn't. He wanted to gamble, he wanted to drink and he wanted to meet some new women to show off his big new toy too.

Wrexley escaped from a prison in the Mana Wastes a year before, he stole a gun from the guard he killed when he broke free. He didn't want to have to kill the man but there was really no other choice, one the deed was done he scooped a pistol some black powder and ran.

He boarded a boat on the Eastern coast of the Wastes, from there he sailed north and took a Caravan further north to Riddleport. Now Wrexley just wants a drink, and to put his tired little feet up.


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Wrexley Hardsole
Male halfling gunslinger (pistolero) 1 ( Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 9, 51)
CN Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +3; Senses Perception +8
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +3; +2 vs. fear, +2 trait bonus against fear while you have a firearm drawn
Speed 20 ft.
Melee handaxe +1 (1d4-1/×3)
Ranged pistol +5 (1d6/×4)
Special Attacks deeds (gunslinger's dodge, quick clear, up close and deadly +1d6), grit (2)
Str 9, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB -1; CMD 12
Feats GunsmithingUC, Point-Blank Shot
Traits armed grit, optimistic gambler
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+4 to jump), Climb +0, Craft (alchemy) +4, Knowledge (engineering) +4, Knowledge
(local) +4, Perception +8, Survival +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb, +2 Perception
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ gunsmith
Other Gear studded leather, alchemical cartridge (flare) UC, alchemical cartridge (paper) UC (4), black
powderUC (20), handaxe, pellets UC (20), pistol UC, bandolier UE, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel,
gunsmith's kit UC, hemp rope (50 ft.), masterwork backpack APG, mess kit UE, pot, powder horn UC, trail
rations (5), waterskin, 12 gp, 6 sp, 3 cp
Special Abilities
Deeds Use Grit to perform special abilities with your firearms.
Fearless +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by
halfling luck.
Grit (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on firearm crit/killing blow.
Gunsmith At 1st level, a gunslinger gains one of the following firearms of her choice: blunderbuss,
musket, or pistol. Her starting weapon is battered, and only she knows how to use it properly. All other
creatures treat her gun as if it had the broken condit
Gunsmithing You can use a gunsmithing kit to craft/repair firearms and ammo.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.


I've submitted this character a few times and even managed to participate in a short-lived pbp. Here's a short vignette showing Devon's personality and "living on the edge" style.

"Here you go, Smeed," Devon said as he threw down a small sack of coins. There was a hint of satisfaction in his voice, but he kept his cool. Getting out from under the debt of Lymas Smeed had been a long time in coming, and he had no desire to drag out this exchange.

The loanshark undid the strings and dumped the contents on the table. He did not look happy, despite the large number of coins that formed the pile. "Coppers? Really?" he sneered.

Devon straightened his shoulders and cleared his voice. "There's plenty of silver in there. And quite a few gold as well. Go ahead and count it; it's all there."

"My time is worth so much more than counting these bleeding coppers. You've just cost yourself another ten gold by insulting me like this."

"You have got to be kidding me! It's not like most of these flea-infested sailors gamble with anything better than coppers," the rakish human gestured at the glinting pile.

Smeed gave him a look of contempt. "Not my problem. You needed funding for the big score? You live under my terms. And my terms mean no flipping coppers!"

Devon looked at him dubiously. Smeed seemed to have forgotten to mention that when the original deal was done. He winced inwardly, making sure it didn't register on his face. The deal was supposed to set him up for a long time. Devon had needed the coin to grease a few palms so that the big concave lens made at the Sandpoint Glassworks got to the Cyphermages. It was a beautiful piece that he had hidden in the bottom of a wine barrel. From the Publican House to the Cypher Lodge, a nice bit of smuggling that would have paid off Smeed's loan three times over. If only he hadn't made that tiny wager with Arnando Rolf...

Devon felt his fingers ache for the feel of the hilt of his rapier, but he resisted. It was absolutely not worth it. Instead, he reached into his boot cuff and pulls out a small number of coins. He slaps them down on the table. "Five gold. Best I can do; best you'll get from me. We're done here."

Devon ignored Smeed's curses and threats as he stood and pushed away from the table. He hustled out of the seedy tavern and avoided the eyes of what had to be his hired goons. Stepping out into the light of the street, he pushed his way through the crowd, hoping to put some distance between Smeed's men and himself. Cutting down alleys and working his way through Riddleport, he took several twists and turns before allowing him to think he got away. He figured -- well, hoped, really -- that Smeed only wanted to rough him up and not give him the snickersnak, but he wanted to avoid that entirely. Especially since he had held out on him, and kept a few gold in reserve.

He reached a small plaza where a shiny new gambling hall stood. Well, new-ish. Probably just renovated, but it looked promising. Catching a glimpse of a couple of Smeed's men out of the corner of his eye, the decision was made. He put on a broad smile, strode up to the front of the hall and produced a gold coin.

"Evening, gentlemen. Where do I sign up?"

Okay so here's Xiulan, the character I made for second darkness. There is one concession I would like to ask for, and that's for a re-texture of one feature. I took card caster magus, and I would like to have my character use Ofuda (mentioned in the Onmyogi spiritualist) as a type of card I could use to throw. It wouldn't be masterwork unless I went through the same process as making a Harrow Deck.

I also wanted to make scrolls, but I didn't know your opinion on those.

Xiulan history:

Xiulan is the illegitimate daughter of a Minkaian man and a Varisian woman. Once a tutor to the imperial family of Minkai, he had gone out in search of one of the missing imperial families. It led him to Varisia, where he lost the trail. While he was there, he had an affair with a beautiful harrow fortune teller who had helped him on his search. She was with child, and delivered Xiulan to him before vanishing into the night and never being seen again.

Though she spent much of her life under her father's tutelage when they returned to Minkai, she has decided to travel into her mother's homeland to learn more about the other half of her heritage.

She took what she had known of her mother's craft and blended it with a flair of Tian's spiritualism. She creates her own cards, more specifically Ofuda, a spiritual talisman that she uses as a weapon and to channel her spells.

Xiulan appearance&personality:

A good representation here, but it's not my art.

Xiulan is an ivory-skinned woman of Minkaian and Varisian descent, with beautiful black hair and golden eyes. She is delicate and yet has a look of strength in her gaze. She wears fine leather armor over a mixture of minkaian clothing and varisian accouterments. She has a trio of scrollcases slung on her back, and two deck holders on her hip, one normal sized and the other longer but thinner. She wears calf-length boots with sturdy high heels. Her hair is done up in a bun with two jade hairpins holding it in place.

Xiulan appears to be serious almost all the time, but that's only because of her exotic features as a bad case of 'resting bad guy' face. She is cold to people she's not come to like, but once she warms up, she can be a very friendly, if private, person. This has a lot to do with her father's influence while she was growing up. She cares about appearances, which is part of the reason she is very uncomfortable in Riddleport. However, the city is as much a part of Varisia as is Magnimar or Kaer Maga, so she is intent on spending at least a few months here to research the blot.

She hasn't really gotten used to Varisian cuisine, and will regard almost everything warily. She doesn't like being rushed, and will balk before giving in to any pressuring. She prefers to be talked into something more gently. She considers it the proper way of doing things.

Xiulan stats:

Female human (Tian-Min) magus (card caster) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 9)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +1
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. charm and compulsion)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +0 (1d3 nonlethal)
Ranged harrow card +4 (1d4) or
. . ofuda/card +3 (1d4)
Special Attacks arcane pool (+1, 5 points), spell combat
Magus (Card Caster) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—color spray (DC 15), snowball (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, ray of frost
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Deadly Dealer, Point-Blank Shot, Scribe Scroll
Traits child of two peoples, magical lineage, researching the blot
Skills Craft (calligraphy) +6, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Linguistics +5, Perception +1, Sleight of Hand +4, Spellcraft +8, Swim +4, Use Magic Device +4
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Dtang, Dwarven, Elven, Minkaian, Tien, Varisian
SQ deadly dealer, oppressive expectations
Other Gear leather armor, harrow card, ofuda/card, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, cards[UE], flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), ink, inkpen, magus starting spellbook, mess kit[UE], parchment (30), scroll case, scroll case, scroll case, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, stack of ofuda (54) (worth 1 gp, 0.1 lb), 108 gp, 8 sp
Special Abilities
Arcane Pool +1 (5/day) (Su) Infuse own power into a held weapon, granting enhancement bonus or selected item powers.
Deadly Dealer Arcane Strike: throw cards as if they were darts. Card destroyed when thrown.
Deadly Dealer (Su) May deal lethal damage as long as you have 1 point in Arc. Pool.
Oppressive Expectations When you fail a skill check -2 with that skill until you succeed or fail a different skill.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Spell Combat (Ex) Use a weapon with one hand at -2 and cast a spell with the other.

1 - Male, 2 - Female: 1d2 ⇒ 2

Well, that settles that. I know what I'm playing now. I'll try to have something up tomorrow.

You make one cross-country road trip to pick up some fundraising doughnuts and the thread blows up while you're gone....


@ GM Mowque
No issues with Ratfolk. Some of my best friends are Ratfolk.

@ Crayfish Hora
As the others have mentioned, and in doing my own research, I am very hesitant in allowing the use of the Path of War. Given the time, I feel I could learn the system and such, but the main issue is one of the last mentioned where some other character may feel underpowered if in the same group.

That said, I am going to disallow the use of the Knight Disciple for now. However, I would not be opposed to making a modification to a core class and switching out a class feature for some kind of maneuver learning instead. For instance (and this is just a rushed example), as a fighter starting out at the 4th level, you may take a maneuver instead of you bonus feat or something like that.

@ Deaths Adorable Apprentice
Leadership is not an option, though if you wanted an npc helper, I would allow that if there's a decent reason you have them, they aren't just there to hold your stuff, and you have to maintain a daily wage in order to keep them around, which limits your spending money for yourself. Oh, and don't forget they can die.

Romance between any mix of characters and npc's is fine, but players should discuss first what they're comfortable roleplaying before moves are made.

Every character in this game is straight.
I'm pulling your leg, straight, bi, trans, do the whole rainbow if you want.

For taboo subjects, it varies and we'll get into this when players are selected, but personally for me, let's stay away from sexual abuse and things of that nature.

I want this game to be fun, while trying to maintain realism which also keeps tension up. There should be a mix of serious moments and fun moments, but I don't want a character who refuses to be nothing but comedic humor and I also don't want the a$&#*~# who attacks the party members for just having a good time [at least without proper reason].

You can be anything you want. The only thing stopping you is how well you can convince me this is a great character to have in-game.

@ Ouachitonian
You can find most pertinent details online and by googling. I'll post a link if I find something that may serve as a good reference.

Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Carcaster Magus]

Hi Default, here's my submission for the game: Krayn La'Jal, Human Bloodrager. Suggestions and criticism are welcome :)

Thank you for the answers. I completely understand about the leadership thing. I just like to ask. I will get started after work.

Haven't done equipment yet, but I have a build and a vaguish outline of her past. So, please allow me to present Elania Tirel, the Beautiful, Brash, Brutal Brawler. :)

Stats first draft:

Elaina Tirel
Human (Snowborn) fighter 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +0
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 16 (1d10+6)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness
Traits looking for work, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +3, Intimidate +5, Perform (dance) +5, Perform (sing) +6, Stealth +3
Languages Common
Other Gear 175 gp
Special Abilities
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.


-Half-elven mother, Tiefling father, stat-wise she's human
-Grew up being bullied
-Started fighting back after mother's death
-Has been kicked from every job she's had.


The sound of ripping fabric echoed through the tavern as Elaina stumbled backward. The clatter of tables and chairs being knocked over was thunderous in the stunned silence that followed. Then came the wolf-whistles and howls of delight. The young woman's tunic was now missing half the front, leaving the pale-white skin of her belly and the wrappings binding her chest exposed.

It took Elaina a moment to realize what was going on. She'd been apologizing, she knew, but the rest of it was fast fading as her icy-blue eyes fixed on the smug, middle-aged madam who ran the place, and now had the missing piece of Elaina's tunic in her hands. The two thugs that always hovered by her ogled her with stupid, lustful looks. The withering hag didn't have the strength to push her hard enough to daze. No it was Tweedle-dum on the left. He had the stupider expression of the two and she was certain he'd copped a feel.

"Well now, it appears you really are sorry. A sorry piece of trash," the madam said in that gods-awful, nasally voice of hers before breaking out in the equally as irritating, haughty laughter as Elaina stood up and calmly moved a chair to the side.

"Now, maybe if you beg, I might forgive you."

Elaina exploded into action, charging the the stunned madam as her bodyguards took two seconds too long to realize what was happening.

A vicious left hook sent the madam's head snapping to the side as a few broken teeth came flying out of the older woman's mouth. Before the two thugs can act, Elaina kneed the one that'd shoved in the groin before slamming his head into the bar. The other thug was now moving and with a mighty heave sends the young woman flying into the crowd to knock tankards and bottles from hands and tables, spilling the precious booze all of the place. Shock quickly turned to anger and the brawl was on in full before Elaina had finished tumbling. over the tables.


As the sun set over the Arcadian Sea, Elaina whistled a merry ditty as she walked down the streets. She'd lost her job and a little dignity, but she'd managed to come out ahead in that regard since the bar brawl had let her slip away and nab some clothes to replace her worn outfit. Even better, she managed to clock her old boss a second time on the way out, although, thanks to a perfectly placed nail sticking out, the aftermath of that blow was a bit of a mixed blessing. The loss of the madam's dignity was satisfying, the sights that accompanied said loss, not so much.

"Ah well, she hated me before I was working for her anyway," she said as she began to look for another job before the bruises had finished showing up.

Liberty's Edge

@DM Default: Regarding campaign traits, they published three new ones in the Varisia sourcebook specifically meant for use with Second Darkness. Would you allow those to fill the campaign trait requirement for this game?

Edit: I ask because one of them is 100% perfect for the character I've settled on.

@DM Default: So basically you'll allow the martial training line of feats. It's basically what you said, just starting at 3rd, then 5th for 2nd lvl and so on up to maximum 6th level for 6 feats. If you allow that, maybe I'll make my character a half-elf (perhaps half-drow) bloodrager wielding an oversized bastard sword looking to pick up at least three feats into primal fury.

Still waiting on the answer about the half-drow question btw.

I don't have the alias corrected, but here are the stats for Beorn the Divine. TOTALLY NOT BRIAN BLESSED! A bard on the run who needs someplace to bestow his fantastic skills.


Full Name : Beorn the Divine

Race: Half-Orc

Classes/Levels Bard

Gender M

Size M

Age 18

Special Abilities : Darkvison 60 feet

Alignment: CG

Deity : Shelyn

Location :Kintargo

Languages :Common,Orc,Infernal

Occupation : BARD!

Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14 (+2)
Height: 6'2" Weight: Hair: Black Eyes: Grey
Favored Class: Bard(HP)
Hit Points: 11
Spd: 30
Init: +0
AC: 15(+3armor +2 Dex shield)/Touch 12/FF 13)
BAB: +0
CMB: +3
CMD: 13
Saves: Fort+2 Ref +4 Will +2

Longsword +3 1d8+3 19-20/x2 +1 for Arcane strike
Longsword 2-handed +3 1d8+4 19-20/x2 +1 For Arcane Strike
Sling +0 1d4+3 50 feet

Skills: 6/level
Diplomacy (1+2 Stat +3 Class) 6
Sense Motive (1 +3 Class) 4
Intimidate (1+2 stat +3 Class +2 Race) 8
Perception (1 +3 Class +1 Trait) 5
Linguistics (1+3 Class)4 Infernal
Know-Local (1+3 Class) 4

Background Skills 2/ Level
Perform(Sing) (1+2 Stat+3 Class+1 Trait)7
Perform(Act) (1+2 Stat+3 Class) 6

Feats:Arcane strike (Swift action +1 damage and treated as magic)
Traits:Diva in Training(+1 sing,+1 DC of language dependant spells by 1),Looking for Work( +1 trait bonus to Perception)
Special Abilities:+2 to intimidate,Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as a martial weapon.
Famous +1 Bluff/Intimidate in stellements/areas of less than 1000 people.Replaces Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Performance 6 Rounds Standard action
Distraction DC 13
Inspire Courage +1 Hit/Damage/Saves vs. fear and charm

spells per day Unlimited/2////
(12)0.Daze,Dancing Lights,Prestidigitation,Message
(13)1. Saving Finale,Hideous Laughter

Longsword (15 gp)
Studded Leather (25)
20 Sling stones (2)
Bard's Kit (41)
belt pouch
flint and steel
iron pot
mess kit
torches (10)
trail rations (5 days)

22 gp

Description: Beorn is a strapping young man with a thick head of black hair and,(to his dismay) a still sparse moustache and beard. His
orc heritage is displayed by somewhat pointed ears and teeth and ruddy complexion. He attempts to dress well but quite often has to
be satisfied with common clothing.

Background:Beorn(he insists on adding THE DIVINE as his stage name.) Was originally from Cheliax and was an abandoned child who was fathered by an orcish mercenary on
a prostitute while on leave. Cared for until he was old enough for the oprphanage, he was selected as part of a 'New futures for disadvantaged
children' project by a noblewoman's group and given an education by the generousity of Lady Emeradla, who was rather notorius for her love of keeping small pigs
in frocks as pet. As he grew older he discovered he has a great passion for the arts and longed to stand on the grand stages of Cheliax. However, his strong desire
to uphold justice(and annoy the corrupt) led him to lampooning several notable people who traffiked in slaves who very much dissaproved of his acts. Facing harsh and
painful criticism of his songs, Beorn managed to secure passage to Riddleport where he hopes his pursuers will not be bothered to find him and he can find new
stages to act upon.

@ Orannis
Could you link them please?

@ oyzar
Your comparison makes sense. But as I've said before the previous example is something that I threw together. No idea how balanced it is. I'm not sure I'd allow something where you get the equivalent of 6 feats by sixth level...

As for the Drow, I was still thinking on it and looking over the modules for possible complications. And there were some, the biggest one being that to the characters, drow are something of a blanket enemy meaning for most of the modules, if you see one you kill it. Adding a drow or partial drow character could be interesting, and I'll allow that as a submission with the heavy warning that your history and reasons for your character being in Riddleport. Your character has to also not be connected with anything that the current drow enemies are involved with, so you have to have a good reason why your character is not involved with that portion of Drow society and hasn't been slaughtered on the surface yet.

TLBYSR [Too long but you should read] I'll allow it, but it has to make sense and for the amount of work I have to put into altering certain portions of the game, I'm expecting one hell of a character.

Current Submissions
Orendel Kellon [Male Half-Elf Standard Bearer Order of the Dragon Cavelier]
Cherry Razarin [Female Tiefling Unchained Rogue]
Wrexley Hardsole [Male Halfling Pistolero Gunslinger]
Devon Prissault [Male Human Swashbuckler]
Xiulan [Female Human Carcaster Magus]
Elaina Tirel [Female Human Snowborn Fighter]
Beorn the Divine [Male Half-Orc Bard]

The 6th feat has a prerequisite of 13 bab. No way you are picking that up at 6th level. Just read the 6 feats I linked, it's a lot easier than me explaining it.

The drow in the campaign is the reason I want to play a half-drow. I don't expect you to alter things much. The character won't know his drown parent at all. You mentioned "let's stay away from sexual abuse". Does that go for our background as well? I obviously won't go in detail, but my character's mother wasn't a willing participant. My character will have plenty of reason to hate the drow...

As for not being killed, the character won't be completely dark, at least for the half-elf idea it would be possible that the drow part comes from the human heritage. It's also possible to cover up poibted ears.


1 - Male, 2 - Female: 1d2 ⇒ 2

A little Path of War is better than none at all, and the feats are for anyone of martial prowess. Though, now that that's decided, what about Pathfinder's sub system of magic casting, the Words of Power.

Words of Power

@DM: I think you missed my submission... right after your previous posting :)

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