About Devon PrissaultMale human Swashbuckler
Str 13 (+1), Dex 20 (+5), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 10, Cha 18 (+4)
Gear:swashbuckler's rapier, mithril chain shirt, cape of daring deeds, ring of resilience
493 gp Background:
Devon grew up in and around the docks of Magnimar, the son of a merchant family that made just enough money that he didn't really learn the value of hard work. Instead, he learned that money came through risk, and the fickle winds of fate determined the outcome rather than some stodgy adherence to routine and effort. His friends all had similar tastes and expectations of life, though they never really had his brazen willingness to risk it all. So when he started hearing more and more stories of Riddleport and the possible fortunes the pirate town had in store, they begged off. Still, that was not going to be enough to dissuade Devon from making his mark on Riddleport. Far from being warned away by the dangers, he saw the opportunities and ever-confident in his own abilities, he found a scheme that would get him there, and make his first bit of coin in the process. Once there, the sky would be the limit! Regardless of that shadow lurking above the town... * * * As it turned out, that shadow was more than a meteorological curiosity although it wouldn't affect Devon's life for some time. His fortunes initially plummeted once he arrived at Riddleport, falling in debt with some crime bosses initially. He scraped and scrimped and eventually got out of hock, just in time to risk everything again at a gaming house's big re-opening celebration. The Gold Goblin, under the new ownership of Saul Vankaskerkin, had its own share of ups and downs, and its grand reopening was almost undone by a pair of robbers. However, Devon and a few other patrons stepped in and thwarted the robbery, which landed them all jobs at the Goblin. Suddenly a part owner of a gaming hall, Devon found a new purpose -- not so much being a responsible business owner but by becoming mired in the plots and maneuvers by the various crime bosses of Riddleport. He and the others who saved the Goblin that day, Marek, Krogun, and Faenor, became fast friends as they weathered the attacks and tried to turn a bit of a profit at the gaming hall. Then, they learned that they were being used by Saul. And they learned that Saul was being used by something worse. From out of a dark faerie tale, the evil underground cousins of elves -- the Drow -- were not just a myth, but a real threat. In the caverns beneath the Gold Goblin, they discovered that Saul's real business partner was a radical Drow who was busy working on something that had to do with the Cyphergate and that strange shadow in the sky. Their fight took them topside, as the four battled the skilled and nimble Drow woman. She retreated to the ancient Thassilonian ruin, the massive runed arch that stretched across Riddleport's harbor and called the Cyphergate by the mages who studied it. They climbed up on the arch in pursuit and finally Devon's blade cut through her defenses and slew her. But they had little time to revel in their triumph, because a meteor streaked down from the sky and struck a small island just off the shore of Riddleport. The impact created a tidal wave that crashed into the harbor, causing a great amount of devastation. But even as the waterlogged city struggled to recover, the crime bosses set their eyes on the island that was struck -- the meteor would no doubt be full of starmetals. Devon and his companions took part in the race to Devil's Elbow. There, they fought against a few of the other crime bosses, some strange creatures that had hitched a ride on the meteor, and surprisingly, another group of Drow. In confronting the dark elves there on the island, Devon and his friends learned a sinister fact: Somehow, the Drow had figured out the means to draw stars from the sky, and they planned to use it. Devon wasn't used to considering himself a hero, even though he really couldn't help himself whenever a pretty face needed rescuing. Mostly, he saw himself an opportunist, someone who trusted in luck and a bit of his own skill and braggadocio to get him through whatever trouble he found himself in. This, though, was different. He was now aware of a terrible secret the elves sought to keep from the rest of the surface world -- that their evil cousins existed, and what's worse, that some had plans to destroy the surface world by calling down more meteors to bring about a second darkness. He hoped he had enough luck to see him through. Devon's next stop was Celwynvian, an elven community that forbade outsiders from visiting. However, he and his companions had some valuable information and was allowed in. As it turned out, the city was actually a battlefield, wherein a contingent of elves fought to repel a Drow incursion. Of course, Devon and his friends lent their assistance, eventually turning the tide. Unfortunately, the Drow retreat was not a true victory. Whatever they were doing in the ruined city, they completed their work and fled through an elven gate back into their subterranean home. With little information to stop the next meteor, the elves and Devon's friends came upon a crazy plan. They would disguise themselves as Drow and sneak into their realm, to search for the means to stop their apocalyptic scheme. The plan required a powerful spell that would use freshly-killed Drow corpses as their disguises. Devon drew the short straw and had to wear the body of a Drow female. He didn't notice until several days wearing the form that it had a small tattoo of the runic sigil of Noticula just below her hair line. He didn't think much of it, nor did he worry that the demon lord to which the sigil belonged would be paying attention to his actions. Unfortunately, Devon's luck ran out. He was killed deep underground, alone, in a desperate bid to give his friends time to complete their mission. Unfortunately, they, too, died in the cold dark and before long, a meteor struck the heart of the elven nation of Kyonin, destroying it. One more disaster to strike a world riven with catastrophes. Devon, first level:
Male Human Swashbuckler CG Medium humanoid (human) Init +3; Perception +4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFENSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (armor +3, Dex +3, Dodge +1) hp 12 (1d10+2) Fort +1 , Ref +5, Will +0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OFFENSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Spd 30 ft. Melee: Rapier +5 (1d6+1 18-20/2) Ranged: Light Crossbow +4 (1d8 19-20/x2) Combat Options: deeds, panache ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Str 13 (+1)), Dex 17 (+3), Con 13 (+1)[ooc][/ooc], Int 12 (+1), Wis 10, Cha 14 (+2)
10 gp