Tyinyk |

The two times I made an investigator, I asked if I could take Craft (Macguyver).
One DM said no.
The other said yes, at a -5 penalty.
So, whenever I wanted to Macguyver something with that character, I just rolled craft(Macguyver).
Sure, it doesn't get through every game, but really, there's no reason to play Macguyver every game.

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Squiggit wrote:Arbane the Terrible wrote:Well, not just 20s, they have to roll two 20s in a row and even then aren't really guaranteed to pierce the fighter's DR either.
How do you go about doing that as a Fighter, given a finite number of hit points and the annoying tendency of enemies to roll 20s?First, 20s are an auto hit regardless of crit or not.
Second, not all fighters acquire DR
The base fighter gets DR 5. The average foot soldier in pathfinder apparently uses a great sword and has 15 strength. Unless they roll minimum damage, they're getting through that on the auto-hit, whether they confirm or not.

Lemmy Z |

Lemmy Z wrote:Tyinyk wrote:That's a pretty unreasonable desire to have there. I could get wanting to do that at level 20, but wanting to cut a mountain in half with a single swing of your sword at level 13? Is it not enough that you can singlehandedly slaughter armies at level 20?What do you think level 13 is? A 13th level character could bet the crap out of Hercules!
Seriously, take a look at the bestiaries and see what fits CR 13. It's things like adult dragons, wish-granting demons, angelical archers and vicious undead. Things that could lay waste to a whole city.
Why are casters allowed to have all sorts of level-appropriate abilities, but 13th level martials are expected to be "level 1, but with slightly higher bonuses"?
But that's what 13th level is.
Unless you're a wizard.
Or a caster in general... Or a creature from the bestiary.
Anything other than a spell-less martial class, really.

Rub-Eta |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I want more tentacles!
Honestly, I just spent like 2 hours trying to find a way for my Bloodrager to grow tentacles. There's multiple ways to gain claws, wings and horns, but no tentacles could I find. 2 levels in Alchemist isn't viable for this (and they're permanent "always on", which isn't really what I'm looking for).

Tyinyk |

So, 0-10 damage from 5% of the soldiers. Depending on the size of the army, that can be as few as about two soldiers, or as many as twenty soldiers hitting you every round. Much larger than that and we're talking legions.
(I'm assuming the smallest number of troops to classify as an army if 40 guys, and the highest is the aforementioned 2,000 guys.)
Assuming average damage, we're looking at 10-100 damage a round, after DR. Now, depending on our fighter, we're looking at as few as four attacks per round, to as many as seven. (I think, I'll admit I haven't looked into many high-level fighting styles.) Now, these are just average guys, so the level 20 fighter will have no issue hitting or killing them with a single attack.
Even our worst fighter kills the first army in five rounds, and 50 damage will be nothing. The bare minimum requirement for slaughtering an army, but he squeeks in. Of course, For the largest army, it'll take him 500 rounds, which is a whopping 5,000 damage, which WILL kill the worst fighter.
Unless any of these fighters just uses their 20 levels worth of gold to buy an item giving them fast healing 10.

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So, 0-10 damage from 5% of the soldiers. Depending on the size of the army, that can be as few as about two soldiers, or as many as twenty soldiers hitting you every round. Much larger than that and we're talking legions.
(I'm assuming the smallest number of troops to classify as an army if 40 guys, and the highest is the aforementioned 2,000 guys.)Assuming average damage, we're looking at 10-100 damage a round, after DR. Now, depending on our fighter, we're looking at as few as four attacks per round, to as many as seven. (I think, I'll admit I haven't looked into many high-level fighting styles.) Now, these are just average guys, so the level 20 fighter will have no issue hitting or killing them with a single attack.
Even our worst fighter kills the first army in five rounds, and 50 damage will be nothing. The bare minimum requirement for slaughtering an army, but he squeeks in. Of course, For the largest army, it'll take him 500 rounds, which is a whopping 5,000 damage, which WILL kill the worst fighter.
Unless any of these fighters just uses their 20 levels worth of gold to buy an item giving them fast healing 10.
40 to 2,000 troops isn't an army. Using roman terminology, a legion is 5,000 troops and the army was multiple legions. At the Battle of Hastings, the English had somewhere between 5,000 and 13,000 men and the French had between 7,000 and 13,000.

Bandw2 |

seriously, did no one look at my badass tiers? ;-;
I think they're pretty good at making extraordinary abilities.
Prereq: BT 10, Bluff 10 ranks
Description: The badass can work an idea into someone with just the right words. The badass can effect someone as the spell suggestion with a caster level equal to their badass tier. You must succeed at telling a far-fetched lie, if successful the target is affected. this is a mundane effect and can affect anything that can understand you. if you fail the DC by less than 5 the target has no idea that you were trying to suggest something and you may do it again.
This can only be gained by a 10th level character and they have to be a no casting class.
Respect from Nature
Prereq: Wild Empathy
Description: The badass gains a level of respect from animals, they can sense his strength without a single display. Animals will not attack or otherwise impede the badass unless attacked first.
you can get this at your first BT if you have wild empathy, it's just thematic.
Prereq: BT 6
Description: The badass can push himself in ways normal people could not. The badass can take any movement action as a swift action, if you choose to do so you become fatigued for 2 rounds, this fatigue does not take effect until after the end of the badass’s turn. This action cannot be used while fatigued. The badass may take this talent a second time at BT 10, when the badass does so, surge no longer fatigues you.

Cam James |

Tyinyk wrote:Is it not enough that you can singlehandedly slaughter armies at level 20?How do you go about doing that as a Fighter, given a finite number of hit points and the annoying tendency of enemies to roll 20s?
So, 0-10 damage from 5% of the soldiers. Depending on the size of the army, that can be as few as about two soldiers, or as many as twenty soldiers hitting you every round. Much larger than that and we're talking legions.
(I'm assuming the smallest number of troops to classify as an army if 40 guys, and the highest is the aforementioned 2,000 guys.)
Well.. you dont really survive to lvl 20 by forgetting to leave the healing potions at home...
As for how he could go about fighting an army, I have two things to add. The first is how many guys could attack you at once. Shooting a lone character who is surrounded by your allies is a baaaaaad idea. This isnt accurately represented in pathfinder but most people dont like the idea of of being known as "The guy who shot his ally" when you miss, so significantly less ranged shots. As for melee, the absolute most amount of people that can attack you at a time is 8, and that is if they are all pressed chest to chest with the guy who is slaughtering dozens of your allies. (Or the rank and file have reach weapons, but then you have troubles with reach for the closest enemies, or they can have 2 weapons, swapping as they get closer but then you have issues with using actions to draw weapons and not attack. You get the gist :/)An effect that usually happens in these situations (based off of ancient warfare and exceptional individuals) is either everyone rushes in to attack all at once (usually in waves) trying to overwhelm him or most people stand a distance apart waiting for someone else to initiate the fight (especially after seeing 10 of your buddies die).
As for how a pathfinder Fighter could do this efficiently, a fighter with the Great Cleave and Lunge Feats could do MASSIVE damage to an army really quickly, killing a half dozen to a dozen or more enemies in a turn (less when he rolls a
Still, it would be fun and iconic for the lone fighter standing amidst the sea of enemies and swinging his glave is large strokes cleaving countless foes before him :)

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 |

a far a the Roland comments i have nothing against wanting a PC that can do amazing things cutting a mountain in half i think is even outside of the 20th level wizard really however they can't wish a mountain to be cut in half unless the dm is really leaneant. The scale ot just to large not maybe with mythic or mythic whatever that book that band keeps mentioning it could be done but that is not really what im looking for is a character that can do a great feat more so a character with interesting unique abilities that can't be made in pathfinder. something you could base a class or at least an archetype or feat chain on.
I feel that just a higher powered character is really not what i had in mind.

kyrt-ryder |

Cam James |

@Me and Klara Meison. We are getting a bit off topic, so I will only answer a few, and as a reminder to everyone else as well as us;
Keeping in entirely fantasy is there any character concepts that pathfinder has yet to have the rules and options to create it in other words can you think of a character that is not easily made by what Paizo has put out thus far? maybe something from a book or from history w/e
i'm not really trying to say that all concepts people will think of already exist with some rules play i just want to see some new ideas for character concepts... As far as doing anime stuff that's really outside the DnD genre i feel like but i'm not opposed to someone putting out an ANIME style rule book (it would probably be third party i would imagine)
KM->Which it shouldn't be. If my friend Johny the Uncreative Sod who couldn't put an ikea chair together with a team of engineers wants to play a McGyver character, what does he do?
Look. Some things can be done that way, but others cannot :(
A weak human playing a strong barbarian character works just fine.
A stupid human (Sorry, VERY politically incorrect and rude :( but I need simplicity for arguments sake) can play a really smart wizard, and that wizard is very smart, however that wizards actual knowledge is still limited to what the player knows and what the GM tells the character.
It is easy to pretend to be strong, and it is easy to pretend to be very smart, however you cannot pretend to know many things and have that translate into actual knowledge.
Its the same idea with creativity. You can definitely create a creative or artistic character if you, yourself dont have a single creative or musical bone in your body. (Example: Your character finds a cupboard full of chemicals. He uses them to create a bomb. Full stop.) I have no idea how to create a bomb. But my character does. I just assume it uses chemicals :p
Another way to do this is skill checks. Roll a d20 for a Craft: Alchemy check. Success means you figured out how to create a moltov coctail. It does 1d4 fire damage.
KM-> If my other friend Sally the Rocket Engineer wants her character to make a rocket-propelled grenade and provides a detailed explanation of how that could be achieved with the materials her character has on hand(with 40 pages of calculations that prove that yes, it is in fact rather easy to do, they just need to follow this 3567 step manual), what do I make her roll so that it's not metagaming?
He rolls a skill check. GM sets the difficulty, if you fail, then that means it was possible, but your character couldnt figure it out. If you are asking how to seperate Player Knowledge from Character knowledge then this isnt really the right thread.
CJ-> coding (creating rules) how combat works is more achieveable then trying to code social interactions (beyond a d20 skill check).
Oops, That was supposed to include environmental interactions but even then it doesnt really get my point across :P
CJ->Besides, how would you even write rules for a concept that by its very nature functions outside the rules and is entirely situational based?
KM->How should I know? I am not a game designer. Combat is entirely situational based, and we have rules for that. My point is, pathfinder does not handle crafting things well, if at all. Stop pretending like it does, this game system isn't the second coming of Jesus, it has flaws.
Combat is also largely abstract. Roll a die. You swing. You hit. You miss.
The vast majority of combat like movement, positioning, footing, directional swing, environment and whatnot is ignored, or, if it does effect anything it simply adds a modifier to the abstract rolls.
The same thing with most social interactions (Bluff check for instance) and most skill checks (craft included).
But I do agree that the crafting system is flawed! See my later posts where I was bemoaning the time it takes to craft something. I have LOTS of problems with crafting :D pity as the concept of a Dwarf Crafter is one of my favorites :(
CJ-> Anyways, point is mundane crafting (like mundane healing) is expected to be slow and painful, thats why we have Magic!
MK-> So give me a magical blacksmith then, smartass. If I want to recreate that scene from Lord of the Rings where they reforge the sword and not waste three months on it, what class do I have to be? If I want my very own Forging Scene, what do I do? If my character's concept calls for them to become this and forge this or create this to defeat this or that.
At least I got called Smart I guess :p (Tongue firmly in cheek)
Soo... Are you hoping to be able to forge artifacts? Or create new artifacts?
Creating a McGyver and creating a Crafter/Forger are very different (versatility vs Specialization)
Hmmm. To start with crafting high level equipment you ideally want a high level spellcaster (I always hated how the dainty wizard could create better stuff then the Strong, Hardy Blacksmith >:( so probably a wizard. Next you want things that can reduce the time to craft stuff, OR boost your Craft skill to retardedly high levels.
Then you need gold. Stupid amounts of gold :p
Dwarf Wizard FCB, Arcane Builder, Forgemaster Cleric, Crafters Fortune, Bardic Inspire Competence, Engineers Workgloves... To name a few. With these (and more) you might even be able to get to the point where you can have a forge scene and not have it take too long.
MK-> am I supposed to use a different role-playing system, because this one just isn't up to the task of handling my incredibly unique(ha, you wish) character concept?
The problem isnt that the concept is too unique, the problem is that the concept is too Generic, too vague, and probably too Versatile.
If you are hoping to create the Swiss Army Superpower where 1 character can do just about everything, then ya, you might run into problems, especially since this system rewards specialization.
But there are things that will help with this. Again I refer to the human Improvisation feats so that no matter what you are faced with you can still do the skill checks with a bonus.
Use anything as a weapon, and however I want too? Improvised weapons.
Do any kind of skill? (including random craft checks to improvise whatever) Improvisation feats.
Know all the things? Mindchemist, Archivist,
Want to constantly have creative ideas? Investigator and its inspiration.
The problem with McGyver is that it tries to take any situation you are in and turn it to your advantage, usually with a long and overly complicated plan. And the problem with that problem is that it is all planning and taking advantage with what is around you :P Either a wizard or a fighter can do that, its not class dependant, or even race, or (somewhat)feat dependent.
But this is getting a fair bit off topic, so lets get back on, aye?

Vidmaster7 |

if you want mcgyver (i don't see how this is fantasy :P) you need the inspiration system from white-wolfs adventure it also works well for batman (always haveing the right tool) it let you spend inspiration to alter the story so say your falling from a cliff spend some inspiration and look theres a branch you can grab a hold of or alternativly spend a ton of inspiration and you happen to land on a pillow factory with skylights.
the other way would be to concieve of every possible scenario that could pop up then make a plan for it.. good luck.... (also wizards have to think that way for them to be a true swiss army superpower. btw)
sooo anyways fantasy (since pathfinder is a fantasy setting its kind of unfair to expect to make character from outside its genre)

Vidmaster7 |

i was just thinking start it off subtle and then improve its range and other numerical values with more start it off as like say 30 ft range have it do the same weapon damage then maybe add effect and increased range have a knock back and probably be able to do aoe attacks etc. seems like alot for oen feat
just seems like i would want to have a variety of options with it

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Kaladin from the stormlight chronicles. The psychic magus lets you have the changeable weapon, but the magic is all wrong.
Ashlion is actually built with this in mind. He took improved familiar in order to have a sentient and communicating familiar and whenever he manifests his psychic weapons the familiar disappears.
Granted the magic doesn't really work the same way but I think its close, particularly if you take a few fluff liberties. (I know he doesnt technically qualify for DD but the GM and I agreed!)

Klara Meison |

A fighter who can attack foes at long range by making cutting winds with his sword.
Have you heard about Path of War? It does that.
@Me and Klara Meison. We are getting a bit off topic, so I will only answer a few, and as a reminder to everyone else as well as us;
Vidmaster7 wrote:** spoiler omitted **...Keeping in entirely fantasy is there any character concepts that pathfinder has yet to have the rules and options to create it in other words can you think of a character that is not easily made by what Paizo has put out thus far? maybe something from a book or from history w/e
i'm not really trying to say that all concepts people will think of already exist with some rules play i just want to see some new ideas for character concepts... As far as doing anime stuff that's really outside the DnD genre i feel like but i'm not opposed to someone putting out an ANIME style rule book (it would probably be third party i would imagine)
> To start with crafting high level equipment you ideally want a high level spellcaster (I always hated how the dainty wizard could create better stuff then the Strong, Hardy Blacksmith >:(
So we agree then. Concept of an Ultimate Blacksmith who isn't a lv 20 wizard isn't feasible to create in Pathfinder. There is this but it still heavilly favors wizards, since a non-magical person would need to make those spellcraft checks at a hefty penalty.

Bandw2 |

Bandw2 wrote:i did hence the wow thats retarded powerful comment.seriously, did no one look at my badass tiers? ;-;
I think they're pretty good at making extraordinary abilities.
** spoiler omitted **
those things aren't the same. one is a set of published feats made purposefully OP and the other is something I made that tries to give martials some utility. ;-;
the fact you confused the two upset me.
i was just thinking start it off subtle and then improve its range and other numerical values with more start it off as like say 30 ft range have it do the same weapon damage then maybe add effect and increased range have a knock back and probably be able to do aoe attacks etc. seems like alot for oen feat
just seems like i would want to have a variety of options with it
also, this is my issue with the martial caster disparity. Martials need to use feats to do this stuff, the caster just get's a spell.
also sure a fighter gets twice as many feats, the wizard get's untold amount of spells.
Seriously, we need to not keep feeding this feat chain bullshit

Vidmaster7 |

Vidmaster7 wrote:Bandw2 wrote:i did hence the wow thats retarded powerful comment.seriously, did no one look at my badass tiers? ;-;
I think they're pretty good at making extraordinary abilities.
** spoiler omitted **
those things aren't the same. one is a set of published feats made purposefully OP and the other is something I made that tries to give martials some utility. ;-;
the fact you confused the two upset me.
Vidmaster7 wrote:i was just thinking start it off subtle and then improve its range and other numerical values with more start it off as like say 30 ft range have it do the same weapon damage then maybe add effect and increased range have a knock back and probably be able to do aoe attacks etc. seems like alot for oen feat
just seems like i would want to have a variety of options with italso, this is my issue with the martial caster disparity. Martials need to use feats to do this stuff, the caster just get's a spell.
also sure a fighter gets twice as many feats, the wizard get's untold amount of spells.
Seriously, we need to not keep feeding this feat chain b#~+%$#*
aww now i feel bad i looked back over them and your right there is a big difference there my bad (thats what i get for skimming instead of consuming)
ok but spells are limited you have to know which one your going to need and you only have so many. while a feat would be much more usable on a wider scale and more often if not every time? besides I'm just trying to make something that fits in the form i'm given to work with. fighters get things with feats. for lower levels say 1-6 alot of the times you may not have the spell you need and you run out quickly now for higher level play they do have a ton of options and you would be hard pressed to actually run out but then you have to know what your doing really well cause now your dealing with resistances immuniities and spell resistance.the thing that bothers me about the martial/caster disparity is no one ever tries to suggest a fix or solution they just bring it up over and over and over like its suppose to make everything else irrelevant in its very existence. I have never seen definitive proof in a game i've ran that casters make martials obsolete in fact in most cases martials get more done in combat then casters.
also whats wrong with feat chains? one feat that makes your attack suddenly an air attack that can hit 200 feet away hit an area and deal a ton of damage with no prerequisites?
would you have a problem with feat chains if they were more spectacular as they went up? sure whirlwind attack may not be worth taking combat reflexes mobility and spring attack (although spring attack is worth having as is dodge the other two are iffy) so ill admit there are some bad ones but that doesn't mean that the concept in and of itself is flawed.
then there is the argument that c/m disparity is a feature not a problem in 1st edition it was more like wizards useless fighter the mean untill level 6 then fighter still the man wizard useful once per day. finally at 12 (which was pretty high level for 1st edition) the mages was terrifying and then got more so as it progressed they leveled exponentially at that point. it was made alot better in 3-3.5 and then in partial reaction to the m/c complaints in 3.5 4th edition came and now all classes are equal... the same... why have classes... pathfinder at least gave more abilities to martial's as they level they increased the wizards hp (probably the biggest buff) and gave them some doinky little abilities (i mean some of those 3+ per day abilities your better off with a crossbow) Its keeping the feel as you progress at least that playing a mage is an investment not only that but you have to be good at it you have to know what spells your going to need what ones not to use against what enemies its a very taxing but rewarding experience. fighter progress linearly the problem is if you straight buff the martials then you have to do so for the monsters too or now the fighter just runs up and kills whatever hes fighting 1st turn.
Im personally sick of every time something comes up i have to see the same argument over and over I get it you really have a problem with c/m disparity THERE is plenty of threads for that you don't have to hunt down every single post and put after it "but what about c/m disparity) everyone has heard about it by this point. If its a problem fix it.You have to acknowledge however that it is not a problem for everyone and you can't force everyone to play like you.
*steps off soap box*

Alaryth |

On Caster/Martial disparity, I believe it is real, but far from universal. PF can be played on many styles, on some of them the disparity is very real and a huge problem. On others, it is nearly non existent. On my table, I have seen it, but only on really high level (16+). When some people says that on their table it exists from level one I can believe it, but that is very far my own experience.
And a disparity like that is never a good thing. "I suck now for being great later" or viceversa, is not a good design idea. Every character must be viable always on their own area of expertise. That is something different to saying that all characters will be similar; ideally, each characters will be using their own mechanics but the utility for the group will be there.
On topic; I miss a tinker class, something based on pure creation of objects. Alchemist or Occultist have some common points to the idea, but not really there. I hope there will be something like that on Starfinder that could be imported to Pathfinder.

kyrt-ryder |
Any feat should scale in power and utility of its own accord. Justifying that is difficult when most feats are locked behind chains.
Modifying feat's functionality is reasonable though.
For example, Air Cut would be a simple Attack (NOT Attack Action) with a range of 10 feet per BAB. Unlimited use, even in the same round (up to Attacks Per Round.)
The expansion could be Burst Cut. A standard action Air Cut which deals 1d6 per level in the user's choice of a burst within Air Cut's range or a cone or line from their position. 5 feet/bab burst or cone, 10 feet/bab line.

master_marshmallow |

Any feat should scale in power and utility of its own accord. Justifying that is difficult when most feats are locked behind chains.
Modifying feat's functionality is reasonable though.
For example, Air Cut would be a simple Attack (NOT Attack Action) with a range of 10 feet per BAB. Unlimited use, even in the same round (up to Attacks Per Round.)
The expansion could be Burst Cut. A standard action Air Cut which deals 1d6 per level in the user's choice of a burst within Air Cut's range or a cone or line from their position. 5 feet/bab burst or cone, 10 feet/bab line.
I'd love to see a Pathfinder Unchained 2 that included scaling feat trees in place of regular feats.
Perhaps rewrite some combat rules so (much like the combat stamina system) different full BAB classes would get access to a sort of combat style like rangers for free, but separate from the feats that the class already gets.
In any case, the martial/caster thing has totally derailed the thread.

Bandw2 |

Bandw2 wrote:Vidmaster7 wrote:Bandw2 wrote:i did hence the wow thats retarded powerful comment.seriously, did no one look at my badass tiers? ;-;
I think they're pretty good at making extraordinary abilities.
** spoiler omitted **
those things aren't the same. one is a set of published feats made purposefully OP and the other is something I made that tries to give martials some utility. ;-;
the fact you confused the two upset me.
Vidmaster7 wrote:i was just thinking start it off subtle and then improve its range and other numerical values with more start it off as like say 30 ft range have it do the same weapon damage then maybe add effect and increased range have a knock back and probably be able to do aoe attacks etc. seems like alot for oen feat
just seems like i would want to have a variety of options with italso, this is my issue with the martial caster disparity. Martials need to use feats to do this stuff, the caster just get's a spell.
also sure a fighter gets twice as many feats, the wizard get's untold amount of spells.
Seriously, we need to not keep feeding this feat chain b#~+%$#*
aww now i feel bad i looked back over them and your right there is a big difference there my bad (thats what i get for skimming instead of consuming)
ok but spells are limited you have to know which one your going to need and you only have so many. while a feat would be much more usable on a wider scale and more often if not every time? besides I'm just trying to make something that fits in the form i'm given to work with. fighters get things with feats. for lower levels say 1-6 alot of the times you may not have the spell you need and you run out quickly now for higher level play they do have a ton of options and you would be hard pressed to actually run out but then you have to know what your doing really well cause now...
I raise you scrolls and the fact that fly is a spell, while Acrobatic is a feat(look at that jumppuns in utility). If you think that that is the correct level of power disparity between feats and spells, then I don't know where to go with this conversation.
ALSO, i've said this in other places I think. Martial caster disparity ISN'T about combat. It's the fact that mages can simply do things martials can't even try to do. The BBEG just teleported away, the mage can try to follow him (divination and teleport himself) the martial is stuck trying to spend weeks just catching up.
This is a spell and apparently undoable by martials without several feats investment.
as for suggested fixes... my badass tiers... anyway...
for the air sword slash thing, yeah the feat that let's me do that normally is called quick draw, so I can switch to my bow. Allowing me to make ranged attacks with my sword isn't a huge jump in power.
Feat chains are flawed because they're usually required to even make certain fighting styles work, and that's my issue, spells just work, they have no prereqs or anything. I could be focusing on illusion magic for 6 levels and then bam, level 7 I know fireball. How is this in anyway fair? like the difference between martials and casters is systemic and not a result of combat, it's the out of combat stuff and character building where it shines.
The reason I bring it up, is generally, when ever I see it, it devolves into "well the martial is great in combat" and that's never the point.
basically. I've been thinking about making a martial spheres of power version. Where abilities scale off of some sort of martial version of caster level. Abilities would scale with these powers just liek spells scale with caster level.
So getting two-weapon fighting simply get's better on it;s own, not requiring a feat chain...

johnlocke90 |
Vidmaster7 wrote:Keeping in entirely fantasy is there any character concepts that pathfinder has yet to have the rules and options to create it in other words can you think of a character that is not easily made by what Paizo has put out thus far? maybe something from a book or from history w/e
Aragorn, Gandalf, Sam, Frodo, Gimli, Legolas.
D'artangan, Athos, Porthos
etc etc.
Pathfinder isn't a particularly good game system to replicate most fantasy fiction.
I could make any of those characters. People even have statted up the Lord of the Rings cast.

gamer-printer |

not sure about courtier maybe if you explained what he would do in a party id have a clearer picture.It's basically L5R-speak- a courtier is someone who works toward political objectives in the political arena without necessarily knowing how to, say, disarm a trap or backstab somebody in the literal sense... think Littlefinger or Varys from Song of Ice and Fire- absolute garbage in a straight-up fight, but insanely dangerous in their own right. Could maybe be a Vigilante archetype that gives up the Vigilante identity and broad weapon/armor proficiencies for increased and broader social talents.
Not exactly an L5R courtier, but I developed Way of the Samurai (PFRPG) which includes the Kuge (samurai archetype) was designed to close to the courtier with additional skills, skill points, bonuses to diplomacy use, and leadership at 7th level in exchange for a slower progression of challenge and resolve.
Plus there's the Bugyo prestige class.

Bob Bob Bob |
I would argue that Gandalf is quite difficult, because the magic in PF is so different than LOTR. I'm curious and I would like to see a build that does Gandalf right, without a ton of extra abilities that the original character didn't really have.
Gandalf is actually fairly easy. He's <insert outsider of choice here>. Build a custom one if you have to. But that's where he derives his power. Full BAB and a handful of spell-likes, and a higher level (well, HD) than the rest of the party. Oh, and an artifact. Probably one of the Devas? Maybe a Lillend?

Bandw2 |

I would argue that Gandalf is quite difficult, because the magic in PF is so different than LOTR. I'm curious and I would like to see a build that does Gandalf right, without a ton of extra abilities that the original character didn't really have.
I actually need a run down of his abilities to know if it's possible because he doesn't cast much and I haven't seen it in a while.

Starbuck_II |

a character who uses a battlesuit/mech/living armor/any class that focuses on armor at all.
Synthegist grants living armor.
A life draining martial character in heavy armor that will get back in health a certain amount of the damage it inflicts. It is the classic Shadowknight/Dark Knight class or abilities you see in so many other games. I would pay them to make a class like this.
There are weapon abilities.
And there are 3rd party like Psionics. Vitalist can do that.

Bandw2 |

Bandw2 wrote:
a character who uses a battlesuit/mech/living armor/any class that focuses on armor at all.
Synthegist grants living armor.
here's the thing, I WANT to lug around my battlesuit.
also both the synth and that psionic class basically just make a new form, not armor. You can more easily pretend it's a transformation special move than a suit of armor.

swoosh |
Starbuck_II wrote:Bandw2 wrote:
a character who uses a battlesuit/mech/living armor/any class that focuses on armor at all.
Synthegist grants living armor.
here's the thing, I WANT to lug around my battlesuit.
also both the synth and that psionic class basically just make a new form, not armor. You can more easily pretend it's a transformation special move than a suit of armor.
Well you can pretend it's whatever you want, that's the beauty of refluffing, it still works really well for the battlesuit concept. Hell, for the aegis it literally is armor.

kyrt-ryder |
Mods are welcome to move this derail to its own thread (and I intend to flag it myself to bring it to their attention) but this is something I would like to explore further.
kyrt-ryder wrote:That's a pretty unreasonable desire to have there. I could get wanting to do that at level 20, but wanting to cut a mountain in half with a single swing of your sword at level 13? Is it not enough that you can singlehandedly slaughter armies at level 20?Cam James wrote:Ok. I am pretty sure I have answers for some of these. See if I can help :) (my luck, fuel to the fire, and I get burnt
-__-)kyrt-ryder wrote:Bandw2 wrote:kyrt-ryder wrote:A fighter or cavalier cutting a new pass into the mountains with one swing of his sword.you can do this fine... just roleplay your wizard character as a fighter.
When he casts fireball he actually moves so fast that he heats up his sword and does fire damage.
Doesn't count.
(Also doesn't work. The spell your looking for is disintegrate.)
"But Goku can punch a planet to pieces, so why cant I? And whaadya mean I cant do it at lvl 3?"
:P Lvl 20 cant do that, Mythic cant do that. You need to go a lot higher up to do things like that.Forget Goku, forget level 20 and forget Mythic.
I'm talking about an ordinary Fighter or Cavalier of 13 to 16th level. (Alternatively, a level 9-12 Fighter/Cavalier in the possession of a weapon intended for a lecel 17-20 warrior type)
I would be satisfied with PF if this could only be done starting around level 17.
While this is a strenuous feat for the warrior who first aquires the mountain cutting, I fully expect it to become a casual thing by level 20.

Bandw2 |

Bandw2 wrote:Well you can pretend it's whatever you want, that's the beauty of refluffing, it still works really well for the battlesuit concept. Hell, for the aegis it literally is armor.Starbuck_II wrote:Bandw2 wrote:
a character who uses a battlesuit/mech/living armor/any class that focuses on armor at all.
Synthegist grants living armor.
here's the thing, I WANT to lug around my battlesuit.
also both the synth and that psionic class basically just make a new form, not armor. You can more easily pretend it's a transformation special move than a suit of armor.
except it's not, the powers you can give it all seem to revolve around the idea of you making a monster, also it's simply NOT an extraordinary ability and thus doesn't function in antimagic fields or the like.

Starbuck_II |

swoosh wrote:except it's not, the powers you can give it all seem to revolve around the idea of you making a monster, also it's simply NOT an extraordinary ability and thus doesn't function in antimagic fields or the like.Bandw2 wrote:Well you can pretend it's whatever you want, that's the beauty of refluffing, it still works really well for the battlesuit concept. Hell, for the aegis it literally is armor.Starbuck_II wrote:Bandw2 wrote:
a character who uses a battlesuit/mech/living armor/any class that focuses on armor at all.
Synthegist grants living armor.
here's the thing, I WANT to lug around my battlesuit.
also both the synth and that psionic class basically just make a new form, not armor. You can more easily pretend it's a transformation special move than a suit of armor.
That is moving goalposts because no one said it had to function there.
Soulknife can do it. They can form magic armor/shields in anti/null magic areas with archetypes.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife/archetypes/dre amscarred-press/armored-blade