Core Races

General Discussion

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Silver Crusade

Gyor wrote:

I thought about Elf Cyborg, but that's feels to Shadowrunish.

And that's... bad?

It may not be an elf, but I know the character I want to play will either be cybered up (if that's an option) or be an Android, so I'm fully embracing that sort of thing as a player :-P The only problem being that I'm probably going to have to be the GM of my group, whom I will be dragging kicking and screaming if I have to!

I think this would be the perfect time to make a Cuthalin based race, (not mindflayers) as the core race. A race of people looking for their lost god who when for a walk and never came back and now they search the stars looking for this narcoleptic being to bring him home. hey this is space anything could happen...

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Rahod wrote:
I think this would be the perfect time to make a Cuthalin based race, (not mindflayers) as the core race. A race of people looking for their lost god who when for a walk and never came back and now they search the stars looking for this narcoleptic being to bring him home. hey this is space anything could happen...

*signs posted around Absalom Station*


Cute cuddly deity by name of Winslow.

Last seen near Akiton.

Please come home!

Please contact with leads!

What would this "Cuthlalin based race" look like?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Dragon78 wrote:
What would this "Cuthlalin based race" look like?

Something like this?

Ok so they look like Mindflayers.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Dragon78 wrote:
Ok so they look like Mindflayers.

But, they're totally into kidneys.

Actually, I have no idea what Rahod has in mind.

I can definitely see physic races being more common as that fits sci-fi a bit more.
Definitely want to see tieflings and other outsider types.
Curious how drow would fit in space.

Will there be like whole planets perhaps taken over by some races? That could certainly be a whole subterranean drow planet.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Scott Henry wrote:
Curious how drow would fit in space.


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They wear there sunglasses at night;)

Scarab Sages

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Drow as Reavers, living in the black between worlds. They've traded the Underdark for the Outerdark.

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BLOB RACE BLOB RACE BLOB RACE! Bring back Dralasites/Plasmoids.

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Doktor Archeville wrote:
BLOB RACE BLOB RACE BLOB RACE! Bring back Dralasites/Plasmoids.

Until then you can have this.

Liberty's Edge

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What about this?

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Gark the Goblin wrote:
What about this?

Oh my god. *Rofls*

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What about formians and shobti(or whatever those four armed giants) as core?

...What? It could work xD

Liberty's Edge

I wonder if they would just mash triaxians, vercites, humans, akitonians (or w/e they're called), and elves together to reduce complications. Then have racial archetypes for characters who display traits primarily of one species. There's a lot cooler stuff out there than just slight variations on the human form.

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As someone who enjoys keeping bees, I would like to see a race of bee-people, or a race that evolved from bees.

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Space Butler wrote:
As someone who enjoys keeping bees, I would like to see a race of bee-people, or a race that evolved from bees.


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I've always felt that Pathfinder had the wrong core races. The elves had largely passed on to other worlds or were left behind to guard xenophobic cities in the woods. This means half-elves just don't happen. Dwarves love humans, but can't really be bothered to leave their underground fortifications. Halflings are mostly slaves. Gnomes go gray and die around humans. Half-orcs are products of unpleasantness and mostly stay and live among orcs.

So...yeah. Play a human!

I've always felt it was weird that the "core" races were each made to be such corner cases that they felt like they were more meant to be a footnote in some local sourcebook. (Except they're not because...Tolkien!)

Starfinder fixes all that. Anything could have happened in the thousands of years between here and there. New races could have showed up. Old marginal races could have come back into the world/had a civil rights movement/been able to escape graying to death with implanted cybertech fun modulators/become the result of gene-engineering rather than horrible things.

AND there can be new stuff too. Win win.

Liberty's Edge

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You are kind of misrepresenting Golarion species (e.g. elves have returned to Golarion after going to other worlds, and gnomes go gray and die around boring humans only), but you're right - those races were included for backwards compatibility and to attract fans of the Tolkien tradition, not because the world designers particularly wanted them. I believe Erik Mona was one of those pushing for an all-human world, but it's been years since I read that anecdote.

Anyway, James Sutter loves weird alien races, so we can expect to get a lot more mileage out of each race's stat block than we would in Pathfinder. I can't wait to see the city stats for Absalom Station!

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Gark the Goblin wrote:
... and gnomes go gray and die around boring humans only), but you're right - those races were included for backwards compatibility and to attract fans of the Tolkien tradition...

To be fair/accurate, Tolkein never had gnomes.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure Gollum was a kender, not a gnome.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Gollum was a kender, not a gnome.

Tom Bombadil on the other hand, was not a kender.

Liberty's Edge

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Gilfalas wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
... and gnomes go gray and die around boring humans only), but you're right - those races were included for backwards compatibility and to attract fans of the Tolkien tradition...
To be fair/accurate, Tolkein never had gnomes.

Actually, in some of his early writings he referred to the Noldor elves (i.e. the 'high elves' from LotR) as 'gnomes'.

This was something of a linguistic joke as Noldor translates to 'the Wise' and the 'gno' root in gnomes appears similar to Greek 'gnosis' ('knowledge')... though in fact 'gnome' likely means 'ground dweller' from completely different etymological roots.

In any case, Tolkien dropped the term when he found that it was causing people to picture the race incorrectly.

As to Gollum... halfling. Specifically, an early member of the Stoor branch of hobbitkind.

Sovereign Court

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Mantis people and space kobolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, based on the promo art I saw on Facebook just now...Kasathas, and Androids will be keeping Ratfolk company...

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Dragon78 wrote:
They wear there sunglasses at night;)

With a full tank of gas.....

CBDunkerson wrote:

As to Gollum... halfling. Specifically, an early member of the Stoor branch of hobbitkind.

Amphibious halflings? Basically kender. Kender that have learned to cross running water.

Also, technically, Tolkien only ever presented the Stoor-Smeagol link as a very probable theory, not an official, canon fact.

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CBDunkerson wrote:
As to Gollum... halfling. Specifically, an early member of the Stoor branch of hobbitkind.

Mutated Halfling but yeah. :) The One Ring seriously messed with his biology.

So with the addition of Kashatas to the Androids, Lashunta, and Ratfolk we had confirmed previously I'm see in a lot of + Dex and + Int, hoing we see some variation in further reveals, or some stat changes to these guys.

Silver Crusade

And now here I sit not sure what race I am most excited about seeing: The four armed Kasatha with their traditional veils replaced by a mask of some sort, alien ratfolk and their mechanical inclination, or the Androids and how they may have developed over the span of time between Pathfinder and Starfinder. I shall have to wait for more info...

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Phylotus wrote:
Gyor wrote:

I thought about Elf Cyborg, but that's feels to Shadowrunish.

And that's... bad?

It may not be an elf, but I know the character I want to play will either be cybered up (if that's an option) or be an Android, so I'm fully embracing that sort of thing as a player :-P The only problem being that I'm probably going to have to be the GM of my group, whom I will be dragging kicking and screaming if I have to!

100% chances that cybernetics are an option.

I don't remember the Lashunta being official confirmed but I would be surprised if they weren't core. I am surprised they are including the Kasatha because they are a more powerful race.

jedi8187 wrote:
So with the addition of Kashatas to the Androids, Lashunta, and Ratfolk we had confirmed previously I'm see in a lot of + Dex and + Int, hoing we see some variation in further reveals, or some stat changes to these guys.

Yeah, I definitely think we'll be seeing some rebalancing of these races, and if kasatha are going in from the start, I imagine we'll be having some better rules for multiple arms and weaponry in on the ground floor, which sounds cool.

Let's see, right now we have (going by Pathfinder stats)...

Android: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
Human: +2 to any ability score
Kasatha: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom
Lashunta (Female): +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution
Lashunta (Male): +2 Strength, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom
Ratfolk: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength

Then again, who knows, maybe in Starfinder every race gets a +2 to any ability score...

Liberty's Edge

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Also, technically, Tolkien only ever presented the Stoor-Smeagol link as a very probable theory, not an official, canon fact.

Gandalf only ever presented it as a very probable theory. Tolkien made no bones about it;

"About this time Deagol the Stoor finds the One Ring, and is murdered by Smeagol." -RotK, Appendices, The Tale of Years

"Between 2463 and the beginning of Gandalf’s special enquiries concerning the Ring (nearly 500 years later) they [the Stoors] appear indeed to have died out altogether (except of course for Smeagol); or to have fled from the shadow of Dol Guldur." - Unfinished Tales, Part 3, Note 9

"It is likely enough that, in the recessive and decadent Stoor country of Wilderland, the women-folk (as is often to be observed in such conditions) tended to preserve better the physical and mental character of the past, and so became of special importance. But it is not (I think) to be supposed that any fundamental change in their marriage customs had taken place, or any sort of matriarchal or polyandrous society developed (even though this might explain the absence of any reference to Smeagol-Gollum's father.)" - Letters #213

Dragon78 wrote:
I don't remember the Lashunta being official confirmed but I would be surprised if they weren't core. I am surprised they are including the Kasatha because they are a more powerful race.

I don't know if they have straight out said "Lashunta are a core race", but they have been name dropped multiple times at this point in reference to the game. So I think they are going to be one.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
The intro blurb on the Starfinder Landing Page wrote:
Play alien races both new and familiar as you explore the mysteries of a weird galaxy. Will you be an android assassin fulfilling corporate contracts, or a plucky ratfolk mechanic? A spellhacking lashunta technomancer, or an [sic] rakish human pilot?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Woohoo, kasatha! My favourite race that nobody allows you to play as :D

CorvusMask wrote:
Woohoo, kasatha! My favourite race that nobody allows you to play as :D

I'd allow you, though I have my own rules on it: No multiweapon fighting for the same reason that humans don't get 4 off-hand Unarmed Strikes for having a head, two fists, and two feet.

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CBDunkerson wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Also, technically, Tolkien only ever presented the Stoor-Smeagol link as a very probable theory, not an official, canon fact.

Gandalf only ever presented it as a very probable theory. Tolkien made no bones about it;

"About this time Deagol the Stoor finds the One Ring, and is murdered by Smeagol." -RotK, Appendices, The Tale of Years

"Between 2463 and the beginning of Gandalf’s special enquiries concerning the Ring (nearly 500 years later) they [the Stoors] appear indeed to have died out altogether (except of course for Smeagol); or to have fled from the shadow of Dol Guldur." - Unfinished Tales, Part 3, Note 9

"It is likely enough that, in the recessive and decadent Stoor country of Wilderland, the women-folk (as is often to be observed in such conditions) tended to preserve better the physical and mental character of the past, and so became of special importance. But it is not (I think) to be supposed that any fundamental change in their marriage customs had taken place, or any sort of matriarchal or polyandrous society developed (even though this might explain the absence of any reference to Smeagol-Gollum's father.)" - Letters #213

Aren't Smeagol and his brother listed on one of the Hobbit family trees in the back of the Silmarillion?

Liberty's Edge

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Darius Darrenbar wrote:
Mantis people and space kobolds

Do the mantis people look like this?

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IonutRO wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Woohoo, kasatha! My favourite race that nobody allows you to play as :D
I'd allow you, though I have my own rules on it: No multiweapon fighting for the same reason that humans don't get 4 off-hand Unarmed Strikes for having a head, two fists, and two feet.

They do, its called flurry of blows. It just takes special training because coordination isn't practiced with other limbs as much as it is with your arms and hands. So needless to say, if those other limbs WERE arms and hands, it would come just as naturally.

Also, I thought the Lombax idea was pretty awesome.

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I just want Half-Orcs to exist still. And be hot. Especially the guys.

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jimibones83 wrote:
IonutRO wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Woohoo, kasatha! My favourite race that nobody allows you to play as :D
I'd allow you, though I have my own rules on it: No multiweapon fighting for the same reason that humans don't get 4 off-hand Unarmed Strikes for having a head, two fists, and two feet.

They do, its called flurry of blows. It just takes special training because coordination isn't practiced with other limbs as much as it is with your arms and hands. So needless to say, if those other limbs WERE arms and hands, it would come just as naturally.

Also, I thought the Lombax idea was pretty awesome.

A flurry of blows isn't something that humans can do naturally, and the number of limbs you have does not affect how many attacks the flurry grants you because an unarmed strike can be performed with any viable body part. You could a floating head and still get the same amount of flurry blows as a 12 armed humanoids would, or you could be a dwarf whose flurry consists entirely of headbutts.

Also, the "humans don't get 4 off-hand Unarmed Strikes for having a head, two fists, and two feet" line was straight out of the mouth of one of the developers in a much much older thread. I forgot exactly who it was that said it, but it's stuck with me ever since. If anyone can find it that'd be great.

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That's the point. They cant do it naturally because they aren't as coordinated with their other limbs, but when they undergo special training to be coordinated with those limbs, the get extra attacks.

It's a good point about not needing to be humanoid though. A beholder monk would get the same amount of flurry attacks as an octopus monk of the same level.

Still, I can attack much faster with both hands than I can with just one, which probably means I'd be able to attack faster with four hands than I can with two.

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Samy wrote:
Grond wrote:
People are fine with humans in the future why not also Dwarves, Elves, Halflings etc?
...I can already put elves and dwarves in space, they have a metric ton of favored class bonuses, alternate racial traits, culture, EVERYTHING.

But Spacefinder is instituting a new bunch of classes instead of Pathfinder's Fighter/Rogue/Wizard, so existing Racial FCB will certainly not work as-is, same with Racial Weapons, and probably alot of other stuff will be "superfluous".

Samy wrote:
If you doubt me just look at the page counts in Inner Sea Races or Advanced Race Guide and compare how many pages elves get compared to samsarans.

Is there a reason you think there is more Samsarans than Elves/Dwarves, or any reason why such disparity is not in fact appropriate? Elves and Dwarves also inhabit multiple countries and indeed planets, while Samsarans are focused on one region, a region in fact which we know practically nothing about, beyond ISWG-style Dragon Empires Gazeteer treatment. Why would we not expect the page count disparity we see?

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IonutRO wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I really hope the red skin humans of Akiton get a name they call there race and no, not "human" or "the people of Akiton".

They are humans. Just like Shoanti, Garundi, Mwangi, Kellid, Ulfen, Vudrani, Tian, and any other ethnic group. I'd love more information about them, but whatever they're called, they are human.

That's what he's talking about. Garundi aren't just CALLED "human" or "the people of Garund", they've got a proper name to them.

So yeah... Akitoni/Akitonian would follow the convention for PLACE+ADJ_FORM that Garundi/Tien/Vudrani/etc all follow.

Bigger picture, is Akitoni Humans would plausibly have multiple sub-racial groups just like Golarion... Although honestly, I'm not exactly EXPECTING that to be actualized.

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Surprised nobody has mentioned Halflings, as historically tied to Humans, I would expect them to squeeze onto the last ship to Starfinder's station. They also are Small, which the existing list is lacking in (besides Ratfolk).

Ghoran plantfolk sound sci-fi enough for the setting... I also think Samsarans would be cool to have.

Advanced Lizardfolk might be cool, or just Nagaji...
(which IMHO are the Tien anti-Dwarves, being lawful, insular, martial, just with CHA-bonus instead of WIS)
Besides, who wouldn't love a reconstituted Galactic Nagajor Confedaracy with Naga Star-Lords?

Question is if Half-Elves or Half-Orcs will also be present, Half-Humans being staple "half way" identity...
Or if other Half-Human option will be revealed...

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