Space Butler's page
39 posts. Alias of CaptMadJaq.
TriOmegaZero wrote: I suppose I could submit Cull, but a Core Rogue? Sounds painful. Come on, do it! I'd totally do it.
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As someone who enjoys keeping bees, I would like to see a race of bee-people, or a race that evolved from bees.
how do you get rid of it?
Why am I getting random avatar pictures of smurfs?
The Ultimate Intrigue book has rules for magical girl characters? How funny! My book isn't arriving till next week, but this sounds like a bunch of silly fun. I'don't run an adventure.
I'd like to nominate a character for this.
We just tried the M<ass Combat rules in the Ultimate Campaign book for the first time and a couple of questions came up.
1. How does the damage modifier work? With an army going reckless for -4Dv and a +4 OM, damage would be (New OM + 1d20 roll)) - opponent's DV = Damage. Do we add the damage modifier at the end? What is it?
2. Which phases can armies use their boons, and special abilities?
Imbicatus wrote: You should look at a specific PFS scenario for inspiration on this. It was epic.
** spoiler omitted **
That sounds like what I'm wanting. Maybe recreating the wheel isn't needed.
You're right! It's called Iron Kingdoms! I only know it by name and reputation.
Having a giant machination about the size of a van, or a house is likely just not something available without a mountain of homebrewed rules. The mechaarmor is pretty nifty, I'll admit that. But driving a giant golem to fight gigantic monsters is exciting and fairly epic.
chbgraphicarts wrote: Probably BESM d20, if you can get your hands on a copy.
It's not balanced in the slightest, but it's fun for a silly game.
I was thinking for Pathfinder. It seemed pretty epic to pilot around in a giant golem. Something like the first boss fight in God of War 2.
Any ideas for giant pieces of armor, or heroes piloting giant golems? Was just teasing with an idea for a mythic game. I'm sure someone has asked this before.
rknop wrote: I'm very happy for campaign mode. I'm kinda sad they didn't do a Campaign Mode for Emerald Spire, but, whatever.
I'm afraid I don't follow what you mean. The Emerald Spire is a super dungeon, a little like other dungeon crawl adventures I've played.
kinevon wrote: Note that the module includes a bunch of side quests that work well in campaign mode, but don't work very well in PFS mode. There is a list of the quests, and where they can be found, in the early part of the book.
Also note that, when played in campaign mode, there is a fourth chronicle available, but it is only available if it, and the other three chronicles, are all applied to the same PFS PC.
Note that, with the new mode, credit for DD can be earned/applied for either Standard or Core PFS, but all the players & GM would get credit in the same mode of PFS.
Yes, you are right. There are quests like that, and they seem a little weak. That said, anything more might be overkill.
Steven Schopmeyer wrote: Not a problem. My party goes to face the dragon tomorrow night, in our tenth session. It has been a blast. :)
If you have any further questions, please do post them and we will help you as best we can.
I know that the PFS adventures have side goals and quests provided to PCs depending on their factions. It would be interesting to incorporate something like that when its time to run the module. Any ideas on of this would be appropriate, or even work?
Steven Schopmeyer wrote: If you are playing the module for PFS credit, you must use the most recent update to create characters.
Do note that you can either play the sanctioned content with PFS legal characters, or play the entire module as a home game with no restrictions. This alternative is called Campaign Mode.
Dragon's Demand chronicle pg1 wrote: Alternatively, you may play the entirety of The Dragon’s Demand, afterward receiving credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character. In this case, GMs running the module are not bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of hero points, etc.) when running the campaign or the sanctioned portion of the adventure. Pathfinder Society characters and characters playing through this alternative format may not play in the same adventure.
Thanks for telling me that, now I know what to look for.
Sebastian Hirsch wrote: The old versions are no longer available.
And it is worth mentioning, that only select portions of that module are available in PFS, you will have to fill in the blanks with other scenarios/modules.
Then they'd likely enjoy it more, as Steven Schopmeyer called , Campaign Mode.
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Our gaming group is considering creating PFS characters for Dragon's Demand module. It isn't a brand new module, so I'm wondering which version of the PFS should be used. As I go over 6, the Sky Key, the factions were changed along with allowed races.
Do I use current PFS 6 or an earlier version for Dragons Demand?
(And are the earlier versions available?)
My mic doubled as as a camera, leaving you all seeing my ugly mug.
And I would appreciatell it if you sent me a pm, I will then share my email.
Ask away. I am new to running online, so let it rip.
For those still interested, say aye!
After a week I gave up, and now I have posts. I owe you all an apology, I'm so sorry I your responses!
utsutsu wrote: I wasn't sure if you meant average wealth by class at 1st, or max wealth.
Need any help recruiting?
I put a post out and it hasn't brought a single hit in yet.
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Hello adventurers! Thanks for checking out this thread.
This thread is for the recruitment of a 'Wrath of the Righteous' game to be played on Roll20.net. The game will be played on Tuesday evenings from 8-8:30 to around midnight CST. We are looking for 4-5 more players.
Point Buy:
Starting Level: 1
Allowed Races:
-The Core Races(Even half-elf: Drow)
-Aasimars and tieflings: I would like a percentile roll. There's a chart in the 'blood' books for some additional fluff I'd like to use for fun.
Disallowed Classes:
-I hate saying no to any class, but whatever you build will need to pose a fighting chance. This adventure path does focus on paladins.
Traits: 4 - 5
-1 Race Trait
-1 Social Trait
-1 Religious or Faith Trait (optional)
-1 Your choice
-1 Campaign Trait
Starting Wealth:
-Starts at first level.
-If you want to play an evil character that's fine as long as long as your PC strives to switch to from the dark side and become good. Rules for redemption are in the Wrath of the Righteous players guide.
-Basically, the hero.
A brief history and background is appreciated, and reading the player's guide is important. Also, picking out what mythic
Interest in this game started here:http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rj0i?Experienced-player-looking-for-a-wee knight
Also, just so you know, my resume of running Pathfinder is very short. It begins and ends with one module: The Worldwound Incursion. I ran this for my group and it went well. I'm looking for players that are not serious, enjoy goofing off and don't mind their adventuring party acting a touch more like Monty Python than the Fellowship of the Ring. You know, for those situations when running away is more than necessary.
Put me down as interested as well. I haven't seen the book or read it either but it sounds a little like that Sword Art Online anime, but with moving walls, or something.
killjaiden wrote: i'm very new to pathfinder. I would like to have a game on Monday or Tuesday in the evening. I would like to be a PC but i'll try to GM. Also i want to play with muter player so if you hit on PC or NPC at the tavern will i would not have any fun with that. i'm fine with silliness and fun just not some of the weird stuff i have seen.
Hope to heir from you soon
I saw a couple of your posts on the forums, and a couple of other forum goers and myself decided to play an adventure path (Wrath of the Righteous) on Tuesdays over roll20.net. It's a touch impromptu, but check it out.
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rj0i?Experienced-player-looking-for-a-weeknigh t
utsutsu wrote: Oh yeah, starting wealth? Under resources; starting level.
utsutsu wrote: I'm definitely open to either, but I'd go for WotR.
And given what you say, I would likely go paladin, but either an archery build or maybe a reach/control build. May end up being multiclassed.
And we can do 20 points as a point buy for that too.
utsutsu wrote:
And yeah.. does good mean only good, or does it mean non-evil? I'm fine either way. Typically I don't mind neutral characters as long as no one is making a character to purposely disrupt the party..i.e. I'm technically CN but I'll play like I'm CE.
WotR needs PCs that are heroic have the intention of doing 'good' things. However, in the Players Guide for the AP are rules for playing evil characters on the path of redemption towards changing their alignments.
Also, paladins in WotR are, well, the thing. PCs march into Worldwound on a crusade. Plus, there are things in the game that are focused on that class. And I thought it was important to let you know that.
And before I make a post requesting more players, what do we want to play?
shrodingerscat wrote: Both sound pretty cool. What character building guidelines would you put forth? Since you've both asked here are the guidelines I enjoy. Shoot me any questions you've got!
Point Buy:
-20 for Emerald Spire
-15 for Wrath of the Righteous
Starting Level: 1
Allowed Races:(I do reserve the right to tweak the tieflings and aasimars using their 'Blood' books)
-The Core Races(Even half-elf: Drow)
Disallowed Classes:
-I hate saying no to any class, but whatever you build will need to a fighting chance.
Classes of Focus:
Traits: 3 - 5
-1 Race Trait
-1 Social Trait
-1 Religious / Faith Trait (optional)
-1 Your choice
-1 Campaign Trait(WotR)
-Starts at first level.
-If you want to play an evil character that's fine as long as long as your PC strives to switch to from the dark side and become good. Rules for redemption are in the Wrath of the Righteous players guide.(Believe it or not it fits the Monomyth)
A brief history to why your character is an adventurer, and feel free to use the Ultimate Campaign background generator. It's fun!
Here, let me put it to you this way. The Emerald Spire is laid back and relaxed allowing PCs to sandbox and collect quests to complete. It's reminds me of video games, which might be the point since it's part of the Pathfinder Online.
Wrath of the Righteous is a little more complicated, uses Mythic Adventures and Ultimate Campaign books. Essentially PCs march into hell and slap the devil around.
I'm up for either actually, because I have already gone through the Worldwound Incursion already, and the Emerald Spire doesn't seem too story aggressive.
@shrodingercat: There are two games I'm considering: The Emerald Spire and Wrath of the Righteous. So, to answer your question, it's yes.
Still wanting players? I'm fairly new at running Pathfinder and if you'd like a relaxed player I can help. Also, regardless if I am playing I can help with maps.
utsutsu wrote: Space Butler wrote:
My wife games on Tuesday leaving me home alone bored for about 5 hours. I've been looking into starting something on roll20 anyway, and I'm in the same time zone. Maybe we can work something out.
edit: 8pm is perfect for me too! That's when the kids got to bed. Awesome! You looking to GM or play? I am pretty firmly looking to play, as I'm currently running 2 games and I think that's my max. GMing is fine by me, although my resume in running(Pathfinder) is pretty short. It begins with and ends with one module: Wrath of the Righteous; with the others in the adventure path to follow shortly. Before Pathfinder I was into White Wolf's Exalted.
Feel like getting mythic?
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My wife games on Tuesday leaving me home alone bored for about 5 hours. I've been looking into starting something on roll20 anyway, and I'm in the same time zone. Maybe we can work something out.
edit: 8pm is perfect for me too! That's when the kids got to bed.
I'm running Wrath of the Righteous to our table-top group and it's been a lot of fun.
a black bear wrote: From what I recall Ravenloft started as an adventure, so maybe we could get a feel of how collaboration would go by creating a nice-well rounded adventure and decide whether to go beyond the location where it happened into a region.
My opinion on all this is that the least lore (or world-mechanics and justification) we have to create, the better, so that we can focus on creating conflicts and plots (and encounters...) If we want to create the world first and then proceed to tell what happened there, before we start telling anything we will declare defeat because we realized Tolkien did an infinitely better job. Whereas for what happened, that's up to us.
We can also just pitch in ideas for themes and premises and brainstorm for a few days so as to get our minds running...
I will be happy to join, but I am sort of a crazy writer who does not write. Also, I like long sentences.
I'm pretty handy with Photoshop. And I have an adventure in my mind that's been growing. So, I can agree.
If you'd like to try collaborating on something, I'm game. Why not?