Deep Space FaWtL

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Tacticslion wrote:


Lack... of... Farscape... withering...

C'moooonnnnnnn, Netflix, this is, like, the future! Gimme somethin' good to watch! XD

Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage were all very good.

Sharoth wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:


Lack... of... Farscape... withering...

C'moooonnnnnnn, Netflix, this is, like, the future! Gimme somethin' good to watch! XD

Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage were all very good.

But they're not deep space things... :(

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Is a Sith meditation sphere deep space-y enough?

And, on a side note, my meditation sphere is so 'dark side' it's got Kaiburr-crystal-powered force pike accent lighting. Totally fun to crash through enemy ships.

Man, do I want this game...

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Perhaps you should whet your appetite with Iron Gods.

captain yesterday wrote:
Perhaps you should whet your appetite with Iron Gods.

... Rise of the Runelords is next for us, actually...

... I'm trapped between "Golarion idea" RotR and "Gravity Falls idea" RotR, which we could hypothetically blend both, but each of them will dilute the other...

... though I'm super aboard the hype-train for IG, CotCT, RoW, SA, WotR, JR (one of the reasons we're taking on RotR), and Shattered Star (another reason we're taking on RotR). Oh! Also, SD, as I might actually get to be a player in that one!

(It looks like I'm going to GM or co-GM most of the others.)

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Tacticslion wrote:





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You're a bad person and should feel bad.

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Tacticslion wrote:
You're a bad person and should feel bad.

shut up and favorite my post.

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"No." and, "You get one."

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Lock S-foils in attack position; prepare to engage the enemy.

Spending time on FTL: Faster than Light for now. Such a good game.

I'm also thinking about either of the first two Mass Effect games, either of the Knights of the Old Republic games, or Civ V: Beyond Earth... or maybe X-Com: Enemy Unknown.

Or maybe just Valkyria Chronicles. No, that doesn't fit. Still a phenomenal game...

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Steam has a sale right now on all Lucasfilm classic Star Wars games.
I picked up Tie Fighter Wars Special Edition, and seriously thinking about getting KotOR as well.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I liked the Pod Racer game they had for the old N64.

Still have t seen Rogue One: am very daggum hype!

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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticsalien wrote:
Still have t seen Rogue One: am very daggum hype!

Most people online I've listened/spoke to really enjoyed it, especially how much it raises the stakes for A New Hope. On the off-hand, my brother and his wife hated it... but he hated Fury Road too and drinks really crappy beer.

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Rogue One is one of the best Star Wars movies made. Definitely worth a watch or three.

MERRY DEEP SPACE CHRISTMAS EVE and (just in case I pass you in the quiet depths of space) MERRY DEEP SPACE CHRISTMAS~!

God bless you all, and I hope your holidays are awesome!

Man, I want this so bad*.

* "Bad" as in "very much."

Haven't read it, but supposedly related.

Here is some... cool (if slightly risque, due to the clothing on the second person) art.

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Tacticsalien wrote:
Here is some... cool (if slightly risque, due to the clothing on the second person) art.

That's the astreids from the It Came from the Stars Campaign Guide.

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I think you'd said in the other thread, but I'd forgotten by now...

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A week! That's all, and then they start poking things, or whatever they do.


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1 person marked this as a favorite.


Soooooooooooo hype/jelly~!

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Starship Captain Yesterday wrote:

Did yours finally ship?

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So sweet!!

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I don't get the Envoy or Solarion grief.

Starship stuff looks fun.

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First impression, if I had to describe Solarion to someone that plays Pathfinder I'd say it's a Kinetic Oracle.

It's obviously more complicated than that, but there's definitely some similarities there.

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As I had hoped, it's going to be awesomely easy to have a heavily Futurama and Guardians Of The Galaxy influenced game with Starfinder.

I don't have a single complaint.

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Ysoki have cheek pouches!!

I mentioned it elsewhere but it bears repeating, everywhere.

As a swift action they can "transfer" a single item from their pouch to their hands or use a move action to "disgorge" the entire contents of the pouches in an adjacent square.

I don't see how I couldn't make a Ysoki Soldier that stores grenades or other weapons in his cheek pouches.

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Shirren have blindsense (vibration) out to 30 feet. Their antennae detect vibrations in the air, so good luck sneaking past invisibly.

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I want to make a Borderland-inspired Starfinder game...

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One of the 8th level envoy improvisations is called Situational Awareness.

Thus spawning a thousand thread derailments about whether Sterling Archer is an Envoy or Operative.

With most of them caused by me

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{chugs glass of whiskey} Do you want rants? Because that's how you get rants.

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My first character, a male Xenoseeker Shirren Solarion with a Solar sword, of course, i have definite plans for skittering across ceilings or walls and jumping down to decapitate people.

My wife has made a Shirren Ace Pilot Star Shaman Mystic that's super flirtatious with her mating arms and derives pleasure from the simplest of decisions (Stopping by a McAsmodeus for lunch "Would you like fries with your McMoloch?" "yes! reaches out arm, playfully ...with cheese").

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Hyped this exists!

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My favorite player race from Alien Archives is Wrikreechee.

So far.

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I have changed my mind, my new favorite race is from the Temple Of The Twelve Alien Archives.

Ferran, from a high gravity world that disappeared into a black hole with the moon base all that's left.

Basically yellow radioactive (resistant) pinball dwarves. (they do extra melee damage if they move ten feet first).

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So, overall I'm extremely impressed with Starfinder.

It is everything I ever wanted in a space rpg, and more.

Even if the family bumped me down to Chief engineer.

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Tacticslion wrote:

Spending time on FTL: Faster than Light for now. Such a good game.

I'm also thinking about either of the first two Mass Effect games, either of the Knights of the Old Republic games, or Civ V: Beyond Earth... or maybe X-Com: Enemy Unknown.

Or maybe just Valkyria Chronicles. No, that doesn't fit. Still a phenomenal game...

FTL is awesome. I can't suggest XCOM - Enemy Unkown enough. Same thing with the two KOTOR games. Freehold DM loves the Mass Effect series.

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FTL was the company that made Dungeon Master back in the day...


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