We can haz Starfinder Society Organized Play?

General Discussion

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Well....I for one want it! Man, I guess I'm gonna have to start coming up with character ideas and names. I am so damn excited!

If they do get an "SFS", we might finally to play Androids and Ratfolk without boons.

By the way, I advise you all start getting ready to reserve your Mal Reynolds Names on Paizo asap. LOL

Here here! I hope all the animal head races are legal as playable races as evidence of other kinds of worlds than the standard model we have come to expect. I can also envision the genie/elemental blooded races as the product of alien worlds as well.

Dark Archive

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There are no current plans to have an organized play campaign at this time.

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Leg o' Lamb wrote:
There are no current plans to have an organized play campaign at this time.

I know, I'm posting this anticipation of the riot I'm going to throw if I don't get SFS

Sovereign Court

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
There are no current plans to have an organized play campaign at this time.

I'm sure Paizo will make it a thing if it's viable and enough people want it.

Dark Archive

The plan is to eventually get to it. When? Unknown.

Liberty's Edge

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I think they are simply testing the waters first. This type of game may not normally visit the same 'fanbase' as Pathfinder does. Keep in mind there are a lot of gamers who only do Scifi and there a lot who only do Fantasy. Some don't like Crossing the 'streams'. The fact that they have also gone for the Fantasy approach here ' ie Science Fantasy' leads me to believe that it may end up a lot like Dragonstar (a really great game and setting.. check it out if you can find it).

Sovereign Court

There's also the whole debate about most sci-fi really just being fantasy.

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Okay so here is what we now know about a possible SFS Organized Play:

They want to do it, it's just gonna be hard to pull off so they can't say yes or no that it will happen.

thecursor wrote:

Okay so here is what we now know about a possible SFS Organized Play:

They want to do it, it's just gonna be hard to pull off so they can't say yes or no that it will happen.

I'm all in favor of an SFS OP, as long as it's a separate campaign from PFS. Trying to incorporate Starfinder into current PFS play would be waaay to jarring and profoundly alter the feel of PFS in... polarizing ways.

That being said, I could get behind a multi-table convention special featuring a meeting of PFS and SFS, kinda like a DC/Marvel special. But not regular scenarios, or even single-table specials.

Very interested in seeing how this unfolds!

Shadow Lodge

I'm 100% behind you OP, but please, update your memes! It's been over a decade.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Muser wrote:
I'm 100% behind you OP, but please, update your memes! It's been over a decade.

I enjoyed the meme, anyway...


Shadow Lodge RPG Superstar 2015

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Amanda Plageman wrote:
thecursor wrote:

Okay so here is what we now know about a possible SFS Organized Play:

They want to do it, it's just gonna be hard to pull off so they can't say yes or no that it will happen.

I'm all in favor of an SFS OP, as long as it's a separate campaign from PFS. Trying to incorporate Starfinder into current PFS play would be waaay to jarring and profoundly alter the feel of PFS in... polarizing ways.

That being said, I could get behind a multi-table convention special featuring a meeting of PFS and SFS, kinda like a DC/Marvel special. But not regular scenarios, or even single-table specials.

Very interested in seeing how this unfolds!

From what was said during the Starfinder panel, it seems that they would be completely rules and societally incompatible in a backwards sort of way. You could use PF rules stuff in SF, but there appear to be some things going on in SF that would make going back in time (in game) to PF era impossible.


I am totally in favor of SFS. If you build it I will play.

I read an Enworld article that says that they want organized play but they are not sure how to go about doing it. Here's hoping whatever issues they have they can resolve soon after Starfinder launches.


Agreed. I suspect part of the problem is that they would likely want a new team of people overseeing it so that it wouldn't cause a decrease in quality for PFS.

Silver Crusade

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My greatest wish for Starfinder Society is that Drendle Dreng is still inexplicably around giving missions.

Also, can haz is immortal.

Silver Crusade

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Eliandra Giltessan wrote:

My greatest wish for Starfinder Society is that Drendle Dreng is still inexplicably around giving missions.

Also, can haz is immortal.

Robo-Drang! He got an upgrade, and lived thousands of years, but he's still always looking sick, like he's about to fall over and die any day now.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Kreighton Shaine will still be around. He's so absent-minded he'll forget to die.


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In the future the Decemvirate will install agents with cybernetic lojack systems, and an internal raise dead device that automatically charges your prestige account.

Dark Archive

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Is there going to be a red shirt faction?

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Sentient AI quest givers anyone?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Glorious Pugwampitry wrote:
Is there going to be a red shirt faction?

Do you mean "the Starfinder Society" faction?

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I hope no SFS play.

That requires a cumbersome, overwrought rule book that deals with every situation because you need consistent play styles. You also need something like WBL to ensure gear levels are consistent. That results in special gear that is sometimes less fun (because easier to price a specific Buff item than powerful zany random stuff that hearkens back to earlier editions of D&D).

Also, the developers have said they're trying to have every monster in the Starfinder Monster Book be a playable race. That kind of thing becomes a massive problem if you need to ensure that every monster is somehow equal.

I'm hoping for a more playful, free-wheeling system that (I believe) is not compatible with something like SFS.

If organized play does happen, I pray that the system is developed first, with a sky-is-the-limit attitude; THEN they figure out if and how organized play could work with the system.

DebugAMP wrote:
Kreighton Shaine will still be around. He's so absent-minded he'll forget to die.

Ironically it turns out he remembers perfectly what happened to Absalom.

djones wrote:
DebugAMP wrote:
Kreighton Shaine will still be around. He's so absent-minded he'll forget to die.
Ironically it turns out he remembers perfectly what happened to Absalom.

But he won't tell you because it's part of an experiment he's been monitoring for the past two hundred years.

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