Pathfinder seems to be getting Pulpy.

Product Discussion

It just seems to me that between a lot of the Occult Adventures material and the Vigilante class that there is now a lot of material that has a very Pulpy feel. I am not saying that this is a bad thing, it is quite the opposite me. This is just my observation. Does anyone else feel similar?

Silver Crusade

You're just now noticing this?

Explain 'Pulpy' in this context, will you?

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Paizo is like the orange juice I like, it always has some pulp in it :)

I guess the Vigilante and its archetypes is what really drove the idea to me.

Silver Crusade

Intrigue was de facto "pulp" book, it would have been odd if it wasn't.

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Rub-Eta wrote:
Explain 'Pulpy' in this context, will you?

Having the flavor of the Pulps. The types of stories that were popular in the 1920' and 30's.

If you look in the inspirations section of the CRB you'll find a lot of pulp so this isn't much of a surprise. The Vigilante isn't even a new concept to the system, there's been a Vigilante in Golarion lore since Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Scarab Sages

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TO quote Martha Stewart: "It's a good thing."

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Between the Lovecraft and Sword & Planet love, this is kinda old news... the Pulp has always been strong with Paizo. As Wolfsnap says, it's a good thing.

It's always, or near enough always, been present in the material, but, yeah, the product lines have taken an obvious turn that direction. Lot of books to supplement those themes now. Seems it'd have to be an okay thing, at least. New and different stuff. Still plenty of fantasy-er fantasy to go around and more no doubt to come.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Pretty sure if you go back to Dungeon and Dragon, you'll find that Paizo has always been a pulp company.

I agree with others..the pulp has always been there. I just think its more obvious now that Paizo is exploring more novel ideas and not rehashing/creating more basic books.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Pathfinder is a pulp superhero game that masquerades as high fantasy for the lulz. The more you embrace the fact that you can have a party of a chainsaw-wielding Android barbarian, a magical girl dhampir and gnome Batman the easier it will be.

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Frankly, I suspect the book announced for next summer will be Pulp Adventures.

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Gleaming Terrier wrote:
Frankly, I suspect the book announced for next summer will be Pulp Adventures.

Or maybe Ultimate Pulp.

Liberty's Edge

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Gorbacz wrote:

Pathfinder is a pulp superhero game that masquerades as high fantasy for the lulz. The more you embrace the fact that you can have a party of a chainsaw-wielding Android barbarian, a magical girl dhampir and gnome Batman the easier it will be.

I'm Batgnome!

I try to run my games like classic pulp fantasy; intrigue, ancient secrets, terrifying encounters, and heroic action. Come to think of it, that's how pretty much everyone runs it. So yeah, it's pulpy.

Dark Archive

I think it's rather fun.

NenkotaMoon wrote:
I think it's rather fun.

Oh, absolutely.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder is and always has been pulp sword and sorcery. This hasn't really become any more true over the years, though it may have become more overt.


Dark Archive

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Why am I always the last to know these things.

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Gorbacz wrote:

Pathfinder is a pulp superhero game that masquerades as high fantasy for the lulz. The more you embrace the fact that you can have a party of a chainsaw-wielding Android barbarian, a magical girl dhampir and gnome Batman the easier it will be.

On those lines, we do have Big Slammu in the MN PFS lodge, a wereshark with his crocodile animal companion. The croc has Anthropomorphic Animal cast on it pretty much all day and wields a chainsaw.

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