Errata / Nerfs that you ignore in your home games

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Paizo loooooves their nerf bat. They take things away all the time, but that doesn't prevent the original versions of things from existing.

What nerfs do you ignore?

I ignore the lines in Slashing Grace that prevent it from being used in Spell Combat.

I use the original version of Divine Protection and Crane Wing.

That's not to say I don't like some of the nerfs, SLAs to access Prestige classes was pretty dumb imo.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Did you hear about the Fencing Grace reprint? :/

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Halfling Slingstaff not counting as a sling for Warslinger racial trait, etc.

Oracles not using CHA for Spiritual Weapon, etc. spells.

Kalindlara wrote:
Did you hear about the Fencing Grace reprint? :/

I did.......

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SLAs for prestige class access was no bueno, happy to see that DIAF.

To answer your question, Scarred Witch Doctor, Con caster all the way babay.

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All of them.

If I have a problem with the power level of something, I fix it myself. If I'm not sure how something works/interacts, I decide. It's a holdover from starting gaming before you could get answers from anyone else, but I'm glad I learned to take care of things myself.

For me, it's case by case.

For example, I allow the Ninja-buckler in my campaign to Two-Hand his Katana while using Slashing Grace. There are some pretty significant damage dealers in the party, and this helps him keep feeling relevant in combat.

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Not allowing some deeds in signature deed, not allowing some deeds in amateur <class> feats.

Let's be honest, show of hands... Who is her from the hurt by the death of Dex to Damage? It's okay, this is a safe place.

Gambit wrote:

SLAs for prestige class access was no bueno, happy to see that DIAF.

To answer your question, Scarred Witch Doctor, Con caster all the way babay.

I never got a chance to try it :(

I really wanted a Level 4 Tiefling Mystic Theurge or a level 3 Aasimar Eldritch Knight.

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The Mortonator wrote:
Let's be honest, show of hands... Who is her from the hurt by the death of Dex to Damage? It's okay, this is a safe place.

I'm not, but then again, I am part of the 3pp master race and allow Deadly Agility.

I am tempted to do away with the nerfs on Feral Combat Training and the Monk Master of Many Styles.

The rule I hate the most is old and not an erratum at all: the size limit on Trip, Reposition, and Bull Rush: a stupid rule for stupid stupidheads. It is redundant with other game mechanics, and it goes against the whole idea of heroic fantasy.

I noticed that it seems to be just about impossible to grow more than 2 sizes bigger. I don't get that. Why should a Druid be able to Wild Shape into a Fire Elemental but not a Tryrannosaurus?

Silver Crusade

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None, whose got time to read errataka

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If no one notices it's broken, it isn't broken.

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I explicitly ignore the repudiation of the original Juju oracle.

Others come and go at different points.

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Paizo "FAQ/Errata" only sees minimal attention at my table, ever since crane wing.

After that, looked through, realized most of it was not things I agreed with and chucked 99.999% of it.

So I have OG crane wing, OG MoMS, Spell-likes for prestige classing and of course OG Scarred Witch Doctors. Been enjoying it.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Scarred witch doctor 1.0 is something I'd probably go with, if it came up.

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Yeah, I like how it is in the book. :-)

Scarab Sages

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Scott Wilhelm wrote:
I am tempted to do away with the nerfs on Feral Combat Training and the Monk Master of Many Styles.

Master of Many Styles errata was a buff. You just need to house rule wildcard feats to ignore prerequisites and it's perfect.

Shadow Lodge

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There's errata?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

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I think TOZ above is making a valid point even though it's likely a joke...I don't have the time to wade through an endless grammar and punctuation changelog to find the few bits of actual errata. So generally I only find out about such things when they are specifically mentioned on the boards.

It would be nice if there were a concise list of how things now differ in meaningful ways from the first printings of books.

Kalindlara wrote:
Did you hear about the Fencing Grace reprint? :/

No. What did they do to it?

Already mentioned I'm fine with original Scarred Witch Doctor and Feral Combat Training. As already stated the change to MoMS is an improvement but I would allow feats down the chain to also be considered style feats for the purpose of bonus feats.

Personally I dislike the ruling that brass knuckles don't count as unarmed attacks for the purposes of scaling damage for monks and style feats that are only valid for unarmed. I understand the argument for it but in terms game balance I feel like that ruling is worth ignoring.

The clarification that Sacred Fists don't flurry at full BAB. Warpriests burn through resources quickly enough as it is, I don't see why a Sacred Fist should only be effective when they nova.

I don't much care one way or another on Paizo's flip flops on the SLA early entry issue but I've told my players that for PrCs I'm willing to consider early entry revisions if they're interested.

A slight tangent to the topic but I also allow unchained ninjas.

I change things as I think I need to, or if I just don't like how they function in my game. Which is saying something, if you knew how rules goofy I can get.

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Kalindlara wrote:
Scarred witch doctor 1.0 is something I'd probably go with, if it came up.

Oh, yeah! I thought it was much cooler, made a lot more sense for orcs, and was really interesting.

That said,

Kalindlara wrote:
if it came up.

... is pretty much the reason for my ambivalence, at present. Rarely do those things come up at our "table" (which is more like "the chair and couch; the other front of the car; or anywhere else we can squeeze in playing, often without dice, when we can"). I do suppose that Crane Wing (which was the first thing that got my wife excited about an "all martial class") also falls into the "Nope." category for us.

Of course, we've slowly started to take the "let's just do a fairly sensible interpretation" instead of hard RAW as time goes on, soooo... there's that. Plus my inability not to meddle with systems... uh, yeah.

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Scarred Witch Doctor hurts so bad because it made the class more broken with the errata and solved nothing. A barbarian/witch/EK was fun and not easy to play, but now you can just go full caster and only get benefits with no drawbacks.

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I think it's easier to count the ones I don't...

Grand Lodge

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ryric wrote:
I think TOZ above is making a valid point even though it's likely a joke...

Oh it is. But to be honest, the only reason I pay any attention to errata is organized play.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
ryric wrote:
I think TOZ above is making a valid point even though it's likely a joke...
Oh it is. But to be honest, the only reason I pay any attention to errata is organized play.

Funnily enough the ACG errata is what made me decide to never play PFS again.

I admit I was already on the fence due to the 1-2 competent people + various useless idiots problem, but the Errata tipped it for me.

For TOZ:

You were fun TOZ and ran a good game, I just really dislike the direction that the recent spate of Errata is headed in.

If you peeked at TOZ's Spoiler and were not TOZ.:


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I let fist weapons do unarmed strike damage.

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I don't have much choice but to use the errata. Most players at my table use Hero Lab now, so I automatically get the errata as the game updates.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Toblakai wrote:

I don't have much choice but to use the errata. Most players at my table use Hero Lab now, so I automatically get the errata as the game updates.

This is my other big issue. It's also why I like official solutions to stuff...

Grand Lodge

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Covent wrote:

Funnily enough the ACG errata is what made me decide to never play PFS again.

** spoiler omitted **

The ACG was the final straw that made me cancel my RPG sub.

There really is no higher praise than that. :) I play PFS with my Roll20 crew because those of the people I find fun to have around. Gamedays are a necessary task but not where I go to have a fun time. The occasional high mark is a pleasant surprise.

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Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Did you hear about the Fencing Grace reprint? :/
No. What did they do to it?

What. The. Hell? It was a good feat and safely in a softcover!

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Covent wrote:

Funnily enough the ACG errata is what made me decide to never play PFS again.

** spoiler omitted **

The ACG was the final straw that made me cancel my RPG sub.

** spoiler omitted **

For me it was unchained. After unchained never buying a Paizo book again unless I have read through it and decided I wanted it.

Except CoCT Hardcover...

Do Want!

Gonna finish Carrion Crown somewhere in September-October area so it is perfectly timed to slide in as my groups next AP.

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I've never bothered with them.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Did you hear about the Fencing Grace reprint? :/
No. What did they do to it?

Added the same stuff they did to Slashing Grace, about being unable to do anything with your other hand.

Grand Lodge

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Covent wrote:
Gonna finish Carrion Crown somewhere in September-October area so it is perfectly timed to slide in as my groups next AP.

We have Scooby Doo and the Carrion Crown this Sunday. :D

What did I run for you? My mystical venture captain vision finds no records.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Covent wrote:
Gonna finish Carrion Crown somewhere in September-October area so it is perfectly timed to slide in as my groups next AP.

We have Scooby Doo and the Carrion Crown this Sunday. :D

What did I run for you? My mystical venture captain vision finds no records.

The intro pathfinder society module.

I was a lvl 1 half-elf battle cleric and shared the table with a rather nice occultist arcanist (Pre-nerf).

The one where you go to the pathfinder's bar and the lecture you about having alchemist's fire.

It was fun.

I forget the name.

It was my second module the first was "On Sharrowsmith's trail" which honestly was also sort of fun, just had the same kind of differing levels of optimization issues. The Arcanist was there as well and he carried us through most of the combats. Eagles + Color spray FTW!

Just finished Book 2 of CC gonna try to power through book 3 by mid april and then keep that up at 1 book per 4-5 weeks.

That plus a 6 week work trip will be right up till September.

Grand Lodge

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Ah, The Wounded Wisp. Good times.

On-topic, I still have a 1st printing of the CRB because Paladins should do double damage on all smite attacks versus demons and dragons.

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I wish it was easier to acquire/view first printings. I find It incredibly bothersome to find pre-errata rules.

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Scarred Witch Doctor is probably the stand-out errata that I'd outright ignore in home games. Such a fantastic archetype as-written.

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Kalindlara wrote:
Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Did you hear about the Fencing Grace reprint? :/
No. What did they do to it?
Added the same stuff they did to Slashing Grace, about being unable to do anything with your other hand.

No using a dagger? No using a buckler, even? Sucks!

I didn't realize they did corrections to player companion material at all. I wonder why Archives of Nethys and d20pfsrd don't show it yet.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Kalindlara wrote:
Did you hear about the Fencing Grace reprint? :/
No. What did they do to it?
Added the same stuff they did to Slashing Grace, about being unable to do anything with your other hand.

No using a dagger? No using a buckler, even? Sucks!

I didn't realize they did corrections to player companion material at all. I wonder why Archives of Nethys and d20pfsrd don't show it yet.

They don't correct Companion material. This reprint is the only way they really had, and they took it.

Also, you can still use a buckler - they corrected that somewhere for Slashing Grace, and it works the same way here. (It doesn't actually "use" the hand.)

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I was going to post as a free action but I am currently nauseated.

I've always been conflicted about Paizo's stance on companion material. On the one hand I've always thought it's really done to have "let's abandon half our product line" as a company policy, especially with a large number of player companion material that's really bad, really good or outright doesn't work.

On the other hand this thread and the other errata thread make a good case for why Paizo maybe should stay away. Poor Fencing Grace.

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Scared Witch Doctor.

Crane Wing.

I have weird love-hate thing with the PDT. They all come across as super nice and helpful but i rarely agree with the rules changes they put out as FAQs or Errata. Some part of me keeps feeling they do it to correct balance for PFS to the detriment of home games who will be far more divided over the changes.

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Torbyne wrote:

Scared Witch Doctor.

Crane Wing.

I have weird love-hate thing with the PDT. They all come across as super nice and helpful but i rarely agree with the rules changes they put out as FAQs or Errata. Some part of me keeps feeling they do it to correct balance for PFS to the detriment of home games who will be far more divided over the changes.

I wish I could find it, but there was a post by a designer (I think in a thread about kineticists) that basically said that they're intentionally conservative with a lot of design choices and errata because they know home games can just houserule things better if they want to.

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Torbyne wrote:
Some part of me keeps feeling they do it to correct balance for PFS to the detriment of home games who will be far more divided over the changes.

Maybe because Paizo admitted(but denied later) that's what they did when they decided to nerf Crane Wing.

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Torbyne wrote:
I have weird love-hate thing with the PDT. They all come across as super nice and helpful but i rarely agree with the rules changes they put out as FAQs or Errata. Some part of me keeps feeling they do it to correct balance for PFS to the detriment of home games who will be far more divided over the changes.

This one. I love and respect the PDT, but, uh, disagree without th them, on occasion. They are great folks to talk with online, though! (I've never met them in real life, but I'm pretty sure they're great there, too!)

EDIT: ninjas and slow phone.

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