Let's guess what will be in Strange Aeons.

Strange Aeons

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Scythia wrote:
  • Even death may die.
  • Yes. A death found nailed to a wall? :D

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Fingers crossed on Flumphs.

    Silver Crusade

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    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    I personally can't wait to build a character who can eff the ineffable.

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
    Espagnoll wrote:
    Chambers and Bierce should be at least mentioned in the AP's metaplot since they predate Lovecraft.

    Considering that the King in Yellow seems to be involved, and it looks like we're even going to Carcosa, I think that's a given.

    Dark Archive

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    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
    Davia D wrote:
    Fingers crossed on Flumphs.

    Sorry, Davia, I already asked Daigle about this one - he confirmed then that there were no plans on including flumphs. Not saying that they're won't be, as plans can change, but I think we're out of luck.

    Which is a shame, given their new role in Pathfinder. They would have been ideal for this AP.

    Zaister wrote:
    Espagnoll wrote:
    Chambers and Bierce should be at least mentioned in the AP's metaplot since they predate Lovecraft.
    Considering that the King in Yellow seems to be involved, and it looks like we're even going to Carcosa, I think that's a given.

    Hopefully the Unspeakable One's name actually becomes dangerous to speak.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Misroi wrote:
    Davia D wrote:
    Fingers crossed on Flumphs.

    Sorry, Davia, I already asked Daigle about this one - he confirmed then that there were no plans on including flumphs. Not saying that they're won't be, as plans can change, but I think we're out of luck.

    Which is a shame, given their new role in Pathfinder. They would have been ideal for this AP.

    Aw. I guess not horror-y enough, but a bit disappointing.

    Maybe in the future. The eventual Dominion of the Black AP?

    Or just a whole Flump-centric ap ^^

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm not sure what to expect, it's quite a conflict of interest.

    Seeing as Lovecraft is a heavy inspiration, yet this is a Paizo product.

    Lovecraft was very racist, most noteably making a HUGE deal out of interracial marriage.

    Meanwhile Paizo has always been deep into the progressive mindset.

    I'm curious.

    Though really, the lovecraft quote seen above "Never explain anything." explains a great deal about his concerns as a writer. He was considered a hack in his own time, because his primary concern was getting words onto pages, without actually saying anything.

    I'm hoping Paizo can do better than him.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Soilent wrote:

    I'm not sure what to expect, it's quite a conflict of interest.

    Seeing as Lovecraft is a heavy inspiration, yet this is a Paizo product.

    Lovecraft was very racist, most noteably making a HUGE deal out of interracial marriage.

    Meanwhile Paizo has always been deep into the progressive mindset.

    I'm curious.

    Though really, the lovecraft quote seen above "Never explain anything." explains a great deal about his concerns as a writer. He was considered a hack in his own time, because his primary concern was getting words onto pages, without actually saying anything.

    I'm hoping Paizo can do better than him.

    Nearly everyone who's used Lovecraft as inspiration in the modern age has avoided at least the more troublesome racist aspects. Paizo certainly has so far, to the best of my knowledge. I can't imagine that will change.

    There may be some things that could be racist by analogy - if you take Deep Ones interbreeding with humans as an allegory for interracial marriage, then it's a problem. Of course, Paizo already has that in both Deep Ones and the Skum.

    Paizo Employee Developer

    8 people marked this as a favorite.

    As the developer of this Adventure Path, I'm just gonna chime in here and say that Lovecraft's racism is not something that I intend on having a presence in this AP. Also, considering that much of this AP deals with creations of Robert Chambers and Ambrose Bierce (Hastur, Carcosa), as well as James Jacobs (Xhamen-Dor), I don't see it as a thing coming up during this campaign.

    Liberty's Edge

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Soilent wrote:

    I'm not sure what to expect, it's quite a conflict of interest.

    Seeing as Lovecraft is a heavy inspiration, yet this is a Paizo product.

    Lovecraft was very racist, most noteably making a HUGE deal out of interracial marriage.

    Meanwhile Paizo has always been deep into the progressive mindset.

    I'm curious.

    Though really, the lovecraft quote seen above "Never explain anything." explains a great deal about his concerns as a writer. He was considered a hack in his own time, because his primary concern was getting words onto pages, without actually saying anything.

    I'm hoping Paizo can do better than him.

    Lovecraft was a great writer and he was a racist

    You can enjoy his work while not being racist

    I dont know for sure what it would have, but i know for sure that:

    - it will expand Ustalav (i hope they made a better job than in Rule of Fear)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    The Raven Black wrote:
    Soilent wrote:

    I'm not sure what to expect, it's quite a conflict of interest.

    Seeing as Lovecraft is a heavy inspiration, yet this is a Paizo product.

    Lovecraft was very racist, most noteably making a HUGE deal out of interracial marriage.

    Meanwhile Paizo has always been deep into the progressive mindset.

    I'm curious.

    Though really, the lovecraft quote seen above "Never explain anything." explains a great deal about his concerns as a writer. He was considered a hack in his own time, because his primary concern was getting words onto pages, without actually saying anything.

    I'm hoping Paizo can do better than him.

    Lovecraft was a great writer and he was a racist

    You can enjoy his work while not being racist

    I'm not a huge fan of his writing and am certainly not a fan of racism. I should point out the other charge against Lovecraft, that his main concern was getting words onto pages, is rather unfair. he was writing during the depression when pulp writers were paid (as writers often are still to this day) by the word, and at a mere pittance. "Being concerned with putting words on the page" was the man trying to feed himself and pay his bills. As a full time writer myself, I well understand his motivations. Now, whether his work is art or groundbreaking or whatnot....that's a fair discussion to have

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    Ah the inevitable Lovecraft was a racist therefore anyone who enjoys his writing must be racist. (OK well if you enjoy Horror at Red Hook maybe)

    The notion that Paizo has a conflict of interest (i.e. a company with evident progressive direction) mining Lovecraft (and others) for inspiration for a game is spurious. I don't think the good folks over at Chaosium are continually worrying about the yellow peril or miscegenation either.

    Looking forward to the AP and all of its Lovecraftian tentacles.

    Dark Archive

    9 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

    Agreed, Wyrd. Lovecraft's views on race are abhorrent, even more so than the alien creatures he imagined. However, the contributions he made to weird fiction cannot be understated. It's like throwing out the contributions Shakespeare made to English literature due to the sexist problems of The Taming of the Shrew, or the uncomfortable parallels between colonialism and The Tempest. Are those subjects present in the text? Absolutely. Does that mean there's nothing there worth reading? Of course not.

    Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Reading through my subscriber PDF of Horror Adventures, I'm wondering if the the party will find some expensive urns at some point...

    I am testing the waters for what to do after my group is done with the current game and a concern has come up about the content of Strange Aeons.

    Knowing only what was on the main blurb for the campaign as a whole, one of them wondered if there were going to be firearms/an earth visit in any stage of the game since Call of Cthulu is often in an early-modern setting and they seem to want neither thing.

    Is there any word on either of those concerns for sure?

    Silver Crusade Contributor

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It won't visit Real Earth the way a certain other Path does, if that worries you. However, you might want to take a good look at the background image for the cover of Book 6.

    Strange Aeons:
    Black Stars Beckon takes place in Hastur's home realm/true form, Carcosa, suspected to be a patchwork city of other realms it has absorbed. Given the other works of the real-world author, it appears they've taken some cues from real-world Paris.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    If that is the only thing I have to worry about, then I think I can safely say that it won't be a concern.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Muser wrote:
    Many things immediately obvious from the AP premise(Yithian connection) and from reading scenario names(Hastur) and posts on the boards may have become red herrings by now.

    The Red Herrings are a sekrit abolethian counterintelligence SEAL team of gillmen.

    Adam Daigle wrote:
    Muser wrote:

    They're in the cover of the first adventure to boot.

    Hoping for a bhole, personally.

    A bhole in the first adventure? I'll see what I can do. ;)

    Wait. You mean there's actually... a bhole in One? {rolls vs. Will damage for self-inflicted pun}

    Simeon wrote:

    What's this, then? "Cthulhu Fhtagn"? People called Cthulhu they go the dreaming?!?!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So, now that the sanity system has been fleshed out and released have thoughts changed and it has been added into the path? If not, how hard do you think it would be to incorporate into it? Because honestly if it's Lovecraftian in nature, and we have a Paizo designed sanity system then I(and most of my players) feel it should be included.

    One of the magic items found will be a Deck of Many Things.

    It is cursed. No matter what card you draw, you will draw the Death card.

    And thus even Death can die. ;)

    Tangent101 wrote:

    One of the magic items found will be a Deck of Many Things.

    It is cursed. No matter what card you draw, you will draw the Death card.

    And thus even Death can die. ;)

    And here I'm actually designing a Deck of the Dark Tapestry >_>

    I wonder if we'll get any information on how the Great Old Ones, the Outer Gods and the Dominion of the Black relate to each other.

    Secrets of eldritch knowledge from beyond this thin veil, which many mistakenly call "reality," will soon begin to be revealed!

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