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Nope just timing out :)

Will keep trying :)

Silver Crusade System Administrator

Ah. well timing out is probably a different problem than what I was thinking. A lot of people are finding they can suddnely download a few items and so they are taking advantage.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Personalization is working fine. Looks like you've moved the bottleneck to the download server(s).

For about 10 minutes it was working instantly with almost any pdf except instead of sending me to a download page, it was sending me to the chrome "This webpage is not available" page. Now when I try it is back to personalising.

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Well, of course as I send that message Ultimate campaign starts downloading. Good job guys! :D

Lissa Guillet wrote:

Might also help to completely close your browser. They sometimes cache dns entries so they don't have to go looking for them later. Especially browsers that have speed as a selling point.

Yeah, usually what I do, 1) log out, 2) clear cache, 3 Exit browser, 4) restart browser... also the download page in a different tab.

And if that doen't seem to work, 1) software update time, 2) Virus and Malwares Scans, 3) disk cleaning, 4) optimization/defragmentation, 5) etc...


I can't believe I managed to misspell "diagnostic" earlier, keep forgetting that g, then again, I also have it as a lapsus.

The Hugs of Death continues... Thanks for all the work that you guys have done today! I've managed to grab the digital Beginner's Box and Core Rulebook, so I'm set to actually learn the basics of the game. I'm perfectly content waiting a bit to get the rest of my books.

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I have found that after not being able to get past personalizing for the past couple of days, I can now get downloads to work. However it isn't very intuitive.

If I use Internet Explorer, it just sits at personalizing and doesn't progress.

Using Chrome, clicking on the link will redirect to the remote3 link, but times out. BUT, if I copy the link that times out in Chrome and paste it into the address bar in Internet Explorer, it will eventually give me the option to download the file.

It is slow, and somewhat cumbersome, but it seems to be working for the moment at least.

Apexo wrote:

Nope just timing out :)

Will keep trying :)

Hello, newbie from humble bundle here :3 I wanted to let you know my Chrome was doing similar. I just used Internet Explorer and it worked, so if all else fails maybe that will help?

I'm getting remote3 errors currently. Everything I click goes right to the download page then...nada.

After reading this thread (Yes all of it!), let me throw in my two shiny as those pennies are.

1) Everyone comparing this bundle to other book bundles is forgetting how popular this is compared to all the others. Even planning for worst case I;d never plan on 300,000 if my largest estimate was 50,000. But it's cool, becuase it's a freaking PDF and will be there in a week or two (Or a year and a half when I finish school >.<), so I can wait.

2)Everyone comparing this to other HB in general...are you forgetting the first Origin bundle? With few expections everything HAD to be redeemed on Origin, which meant downloading it, redeeming games and...guess what? It crashed, spectacularly! Unless you switched to beta, clicked things in a specific way, hopped on one foot while sacrificing your neighbors yapping poodle it might work, in a week...and if your neighbor didn't have a yapping poodle, you were SOL.

3)Being a new user, and snooping around I EASILY found the PDR and while waiting for the dust to settle (And homeworking...cause school) I have been able to skim over things there and get an understanding of the system.

4)Being an unemployed student, most my gaming PDFs have had me singing "Yar Har and fiddle ti dee" I;m sure between various flash drives, hard drives, and link to google drive given by friends I probably have some not very legal copies of Pathfinder (As well as others), so it's nice to own legal copies, even if it takes me a little while to get them.

5)Having been a supporter of HB since day one (and being one of a small group who tried to help other users in the community during and after the Origin snafu) there is one lesson I have learned....A loud, vocal chunk of HB users have the patience of a flying monkey with ADHD on crack with an IV of caffeine. If they can't have it five seconds ago before they thought about wanting it then it's broken and stupid and they want a refund. They are quick to use big words like "sue" and talk like they are lawyers when they didn't even take time to read AND comprehend any TOS.

Some of us, this isn't our first rodeo, and we have the logical capacity to figure out this might take awhile. Thankfully you guys are more on the ball about there being a problem, and fixing it then EA was.

Paizo, thank you for this bundle. It is amazing and so are you!

Technology Manager

Chrome has some interesting ways of interpreting things, we're looking into it (and a few other CSS issues that seem unique to it). For now, make sure you're version is current and switch to another browser if it seems to be persistent.

Technology Manager

Yes, the beefed up infrastructure seems to be making things a lot better, the load is still exceptionally festive but we're making progress.

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It takes a while but FIREFOX WORKS FOR ME!!!

...I'm so overtired now lol

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The thing I like about this thread is that I now have a better understanding of why my pdfs are watermarked. Before I just thought it was a vaguely annoying way of marring my otherwise perfectly pristine document.

This thread also makes me want to buy more Paizo stuff. Even though I don't like DMing and prefer to have all my source material in one big, cross linked place (a la internet reference sites).

Warvair wrote:

I'm a little surprised, but it seems Paizo never learned the lesson: If you don't prepare for the "hug o' death", you'll pay with PR.

For all you folks waiting to get your likely very, very cheap PDFs: try to be patient. Eventually either Paizo will put up a better solution, or the HB campaign will end, the crush will ease and their current personalization solution will be sufficient again (until the next crush). Of course, that means you may need to wait for 12+ days at this point. But hey, anticipation can be nice, no?

Here's how I see it. I saved a LOT of money on the PDFs. At the very worst I don't have my personal copies for this week, but sense I game every other week at the worst I'll have them next session.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:

Pray-zos go to our IT staff.

I hear accepted offerings like small batch bourbon go over well.

Pah, bourbon. Single malt Scotch from Islay is where the life is at.
Feh. I must be a filthy 'Murican because I much prefer bourbon over Scotch.

The only bourbon I enjoy is bourbon chicken.

Absolutely. I have had loving GMs let me have access to pdfs of most of this stuff, but I like having legit copies from the company that I can prove I paid for. I have already paid for most of this stuff hardback while supporting my FLGS. Now I can afford to acquire legit pdfs too.

Tabbymouse wrote:

I'm getting remote3 errors currently. Everything I click goes right to the download page then...nada.

After reading this thread (Yes all of it!), let me throw in my two shiny as those pennies are.

1) Everyone comparing this bundle to other book bundles is forgetting how popular this is compared to all the others. Even planning for worst case I;d never plan on 300,000 if my largest estimate was 50,000. But it's cool, becuase it's a freaking PDF and will be there in a week or two (Or a year and a half when I finish school >.<), so I can wait.

2)Everyone comparing this to other HB in general...are you forgetting the first Origin bundle? With few expections everything HAD to be redeemed on Origin, which meant downloading it, redeeming games and...guess what? It crashed, spectacularly! Unless you switched to beta, clicked things in a specific way, hopped on one foot while sacrificing your neighbors yapping poodle it might work, in a week...and if your neighbor didn't have a yapping poodle, you were SOL.

3)Being a new user, and snooping around I EASILY found the PDR and while waiting for the dust to settle (And homeworking...cause school) I have been able to skim over things there and get an understanding of the system.

4)Being an unemployed student, most my gaming PDFs have had me singing "Yar Har and fiddle ti dee" I;m sure between various flash drives, hard drives, and link to google drive given by friends I probably have some not very legal copies of Pathfinder (As well as others), so it's nice to own legal copies, even if it takes me a little while to get them.

5)Having been a supporter of HB since day one (and being one of a small group who tried to help other users in the community during and after the Origin snafu) there is one lesson I have learned....A loud, vocal chunk of HB users have the patience of a flying monkey with ADHD on crack with an IV of caffeine. If they can't have it five seconds ago before they thought about wanting it then it's broken and stupid...

Technology Manager

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:

Pray-zos go to our IT staff.

I hear accepted offerings like small batch bourbon go over well.

Pah, bourbon. Single malt Scotch from Islay is where the life is at.
Feh. I must be a filthy 'Murican because I much prefer bourbon over Scotch.
The only bourbon I enjoy is bourbon chicken.

Super hard to get into the bottle....

Tabbymouse wrote:

I'm getting remote3 errors currently. Everything I click goes right to the download page then...nada.

After reading this thread (Yes all of it!), let me throw in my two shiny as those pennies are.

1) Everyone comparing this bundle to other book bundles is forgetting how popular this is compared to all the others. Even planning for worst case I;d never plan on 300,000 if my largest estimate was 50,000. But it's cool, becuase it's a freaking PDF and will be there in a week or two (Or a year and a half when I finish school >.<), so I can wait.

2)Everyone comparing this to other HB in general...are you forgetting the first Origin bundle? With few expections everything HAD to be redeemed on Origin, which meant downloading it, redeeming games and...guess what? It crashed, spectacularly! Unless you switched to beta, clicked things in a specific way, hopped on one foot while sacrificing your neighbors yapping poodle it might work, in a week...and if your neighbor didn't have a yapping poodle, you were SOL.

3)Being a new user, and snooping around I EASILY found the PDR and while waiting for the dust to settle (And homeworking...cause school) I have been able to skim over things there and get an understanding of the system.

4)Being an unemployed student, most my gaming PDFs have had me singing "Yar Har and fiddle ti dee" I;m sure between various flash drives, hard drives, and link to google drive given by friends I probably have some not very legal copies of Pathfinder (As well as others), so it's nice to own legal copies, even if it takes me a little while to get them.

5)Having been a supporter of HB since day one (and being one of a small group who tried to help


G-Deuce wrote:
Absolutely. I have had loving GMs let me have access to pdfs of most of this stuff, but I like having legit copies from the company that I can prove I paid for. I have already paid for most of this stuff hardback while supporting my FLGS. Now I can afford to acquire legit pdfs too.

I know! A few books (both physical and PDF) are from a friend wanting to play something and sharing resources. Which, even though it's kinda a grey area, I prefer to my high school days when my friends would pool money, buy a core book to game, and pass it around every couple of days till everyone had a character...which sounds good untill you're the last person and it's covered in spilt soda, and crumbs, and cheeteos finger prints.

Cort Odekirk wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:

Pray-zos go to our IT staff.

I hear accepted offerings like small batch bourbon go over well.

Pah, bourbon. Single malt Scotch from Islay is where the life is at.
Feh. I must be a filthy 'Murican because I much prefer bourbon over Scotch.
The only bourbon I enjoy is bourbon chicken.
Super hard to get into the bottle....

Then perhaps you should get a larger bottle of bourbon.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I need to get back to Savannah some day.

Well some of you people must be beyond lucky as yet again I am sitting here all night and haven't been able to download a single damn thing, again. I have tried everything that has been mentioned. All I get is the personalizing message and that is all she writes. If I try the link after 15 or 20 minutes I have been logged out again. This is getting just stupid. I have a convention that I need to get some stuff downloaded for for next weekend let alone prep time for games. Come on people work this out.

Edit add: After 3 hours I got my first file. Now if I can get 3 more I will be ready for next week.

Cort Odekirk wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Liz Courts wrote:

Pray-zos go to our IT staff.

I hear accepted offerings like small batch bourbon go over well.

Pah, bourbon. Single malt Scotch from Islay is where the life is at.
Feh. I must be a filthy 'Murican because I much prefer bourbon over Scotch.
The only bourbon I enjoy is bourbon chicken.
Super hard to get into the bottle....

Dang it! wrong bird son!

Posted this in the welcome thread, but I figure it's worth copying here as well:

DM NOTY wrote:

To help welcome some of our new Humble Bundle friends to Paizo and Pathfinder, I've opened up a Play-By-Post game of Hell's Rebels over at THIS LINK RIGHT HERE.

I'm hoping this will be an opportunity to let people who are new to TTRPG or pathfinder get settled in, and in particular for people who don't yet have a gaming group to get a feel for an AP and then one day step into the GM-ing role for others.

Apart from that though, a hearty welcome to all those who are new to the forum :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
DrakePandor wrote:

I have found that after not being able to get past personalizing for the past couple of days, I can now get downloads to work. However it isn't very intuitive.

If I use Internet Explorer, it just sits at personalizing and doesn't progress.

Using Chrome, clicking on the link will redirect to the remote3 link, but times out. BUT, if I copy the link that times out in Chrome and paste it into the address bar in Internet Explorer, it will eventually give me the option to download the file.

It is slow, and somewhat cumbersome, but it seems to be working for the moment at least.

This worked flawlessly for me. Thanks!

Liz Courts wrote:

Offerings made, sacrifices committed.

The tech team has informed me that the new hardware is holding steady and is preparing for the assault.

Shouldn't a to do list look like:

  • Offering made.
  • Sacrifices commited.
  • Etc etc'ed.


Just a note for the IT team that I'm getting the Chrome remote3 timeout thing now. It wasn't doing it earlier in the day when I downloaded the Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide.

Pasting the link into IE worked for me, as well.

Technology Manager

Noted, clear your cache in Chrome, we thought that was fixed but we'll look at it again.

Chris Lambertz wrote:

Also cross-posted to the mega-thread.

I've got some more insight about the personalizer and process for folks from the team and an update on the hardware update. This should help give some insight:

Once you click to download, the page sends a request to the service to start personalizing your files. If you continue to click the link, it continues to send requests. The more requests, the more taxing it is on this application. The application takes requests dynamically and queues them up, and if it's overloaded, it's possible for requests to drop off. Our team suggests to not F5 and click the link quickly and repeatedly, because that exacerbates the issue.

TLDR: Click the link once, give it about 10-15 minutes (this is an estimate), and try again. If you get signed out, don't worry! Your request in the queue does not expire if you get logged out while attempting to download.

My understanding is that hardware updates are still getting some finishing touches this afternoon.

In other words, I was right ;)

The Exchange

Although my DS3 link is not being overwhelmed, I have gotten a couple dozen files this evening, so it is clearing up nicely.

I still proclaim the faith in Big Iron, but this adventure has been as many a PFS scenario: The Boss Fight wounds everybody, but only kills the foolish or miserably unlucky.

Cort Odekirk wrote:
Noted, clear your cache in Chrome, we thought that was fixed but we'll look at it again.

I cleared the cache and tried again in Chrome but got the same result. It hangs up on "establishing secure connection," then times out.


Try using IE and/or Firefox. It worked the way Chris Lambertz wrote for me.

Not sure if another report is still useful to you guys, but just in case it is, I'm also still getting timeout errors in both Chrome and IE, after having cleared the cache in both browsers.

ETA: Alright, just tried downloading something by right-clicking the download link and selecting 'save target as'. I ended up having to retry that download a couple of times, but it looks like it just started. If you're still having trouble and want a new bit of technological voodoo to try, that seems to have worked for me.

Unfortunately, for me I am still getting remote3 errors in both Chrome and IE/Edge after clearing caches and rebooting. At one point the Chrome pages were auto refreshing every 30s or so but have stopped doing that.

No worries on my end, the files will still be there when I try again in another day or two. I don't need anything right at this moment but that bundle was too damn good to pass up.

edit - forgot a word

Just another data point: Edge is giving me remote3 timeouts too. I'll try Chrome and FF on my desktop (Linux) in a minute.

EDIT: Managed to start a download* on Linux FF largely I think by dint of the timeout being reeeaaaaally long. It waited on the connection a lot longer than Chrome and Edge on my W10 Surface and eventually gave me the download.

The actual download is crawling, but I can live with that.

So, it might be possible for users to increase their browser timeout settings to get those responses from remote3.

*Two now.

A question to the tech team: Is it possible to eliminate the kickout after time?
Because the window between personalisation and kickout is
a. not every time the same
b. you cant see either the window happening not its closing.
The good thing is if you hit the window you can get one of your pdf´s , the bad thing is it is not big enough to get more than one.
So every downloader has to sign in new every 15 min(about 15 min havent stopped the time) to get one download.
So even if you get one of your downloadfiles, you have to sign in new for the next.
If he misses the window ,he has to start new for the same donwload. So the kickout kills your effiency.
My opinion is ,it would be wise to cancel the kickout-timer until the biggest traffic spike is over.

I hope this idea could help you

"Personalizing... Click link again in 10 seconds to download"

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's copy protection. Paizo are quite capable of providing a direct download link, but company policy is to watermark every PDF downloaded so that if one is released into the wild they know whose copy it was.

This policy will not change.

Feel free to discuss the merits and flaws of this system, but start a new thread for it rather than discussing it in this one.

I'm getting past the Personalizing now after waiting for 15-30 minutes, however, sometimes when the download link is ready I get ERR_TIMED_OUT errors from
So I am unable to download the prepared digital book.

This only happens 50% of the time, and clicking the link "problems downloading this book" restarts the personalizing process.

Is there a configuration error on the download server or did the personalizing process just fail somewhere thinking it was done but wasn't?

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I've not read all the nearly 800 posts and hope my suggestions wasn't mentioned before, but did you guys think about creating a button / link to send the pdfs (or zip files) directly to a dropbox account?

It's annoying to hang out on your website, getting logouts, having to log in again, just to still not be able to download the file....

If I would have the option to send it to my dropbox, then I would use it. It doesnt matter how long the queue is or how long your system needs, because when the files are ready and get send to the dropbox, I get them automatically downloaded.

Maybe you could think about that?

Mission completed - I finished downloading all the PDFs (at least one version of each PDF in the Humble Bundle).

Thanks and kudos to the tech team who managed to stabilize the situation.

Two things helped me in the end:
- Internet Explorer instead of Chrome. I never expected to say that in my life :(
- I personalized in batches around 5-7 files, then I went to do something else (showering, eating, household, ...). When I came back 15-30 min later, I could download the batch, then personalize the next.

Mattiasjp wrote:

I'm getting past the Personalizing now after waiting for 15-30 minutes, however, sometimes when the download link is ready I get ERR_TIMED_OUT errors from

So I am unable to download the prepared digital book.

This only happens 50% of the time, and clicking the link "problems downloading this book" restarts the personalizing process.

Several people have reported the same thing. Try copy/pasting the address where the connection timed out into another browser. (Those of us who have used the workaround have used IE, but it's possible another one may work.)

When I downloaded the file that way, I noticed it seemed to be much slower than downloading from Paizo usually is. Maybe the process has just slowed down so much that Chrome is giving up on the connection before it can be established?

(Note: I know absolutely nothing about IT. I just follow the instructions of those who do. My uninformed hypothesis may well be worth less than the pixels that make it up.)

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I sympathize with you guys being an IT Manager myself. It's a good problem to have though. Means a lot of interest in the system. I'm patiently waiting and wanted to say thank you for getting on it so quickly. Shows you care about your customers.

At my current rate of download it will take me a year, YES A YEAR, to finish retrieving my 117 files. I have 1 of 117 and this is day three.

I realize that you are having heavy traffic issues but am I going to be able to even download any of the stuff I purchased at all? It's been several days and I keep checking periodically and it seems to be having issues at every hour of the day...

Is there somewhere else I can download this?


3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi folks,

I don't have time to see if this has already been suggested, but a (potentially? I think?) simple tweak that might help is to modify the "Personalising, click again in 10 seconds" message. Effectively, you're actively instructing people to "please repeatedly reset your personalisation for no gain to either you or us".

With the volume of traffic we're seeing, that's tens if not hundreds of thousands of personalisation processes being restarted. That's got to account for a good chunk of the server load, which of course compounds the problem and makes it more likely that other people will have the same problem - and it's all happening because people are literally just doing exactly what you've told them to do.

Especially with people who are unfamiliar with the service, people will re-click several times before they start searching forums. And yes, there's the text in red at the top of the screen - but that's pro-forma text, whereas the "click again in 10 seconds" is added "live" and therefore feels like more up-to-date instructions.

(The red text is also a little inaccurate in that you don't actually click the "10 seconds prompt". You could probably stand to reword that too - but it would be better not to be actively giving people incorrect instructions.)

Hopefully this text is just a simple html string inside the downloads page UI code that can be edited while the demand is spiking and changed back to normal when normal functionality resumes.

If so, I'd suggest something along the lines of:

Personalisation of your file has begun. Due to our Humble Bundle promotion wildly exceeding all expectations, personalisation is taking longer than the usual 10 seconds. Please read here for updates, and click again in <frequently updated time estimate based on actual observation of personalisation times>. Thanks for your patience!

Hope this helps! If I'm right, this one UI tweak will both make the system noticeably faster and the customers more patient in dealing with the (now shorter) delays.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Now it's not even personalizing the files any more.

It's probably too late for this promotion, but I recommend Paizo update the personalization process to work something like

1. Person selects their downloads from a list, instead of clicking each one. Person clicks "send" to submit the request.
2. Documents and personalization information get sent to the queue on machines that are set up to ONLY do personalization (and the confirmation checks that requires).
3. Files, as they are processed, are saved onto a third set of machines on the network, that only handle the download process and the associated mail confirmation process. As a batch gets done, the link to download the completed personalized files as a unit would be sent to the user.

This would keep personalizations and downloads from slowing down the site itself, and downloads & personalizations from slowing down each other (much - you'd still have some potential lag from the data transfer of personalized files to the download target machines taking bandwidth and processor use from the latter).

Liberty's Edge

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SteelValor wrote:
At my current rate of download it will take me a year, YES A YEAR, to finish retrieving my 117 files. I have 1 of 117 and this is day three.

Not to pick on you in particular, but this seems to be a common approach and I don't understand it.

Why would you want to download all 117 files right now? Wouldn't it make sense to download ONE file and read through it before downloading the next? Or if you don't plan to read them all immediately anyway then don't download anything right now. Wait until you have time free to go through things.

Basically, the only reason there is a massive backlog is because people are trying to download more material than they can possibly read / need to use right now. Wouldn't it make more sense for everyone to download one thing, read it, and then download the next? That would spread the traffic out over a longer period, but it would be at roughly 1/100th the current level and thus go much more smoothly for everyone.

In short, I understand that you are all frustrated... but not why you can't see that you are yourselves unnecessarily creating the problem that is annoying you. The files will always be there. You will be able to download them over and over again years into the future. So what reason is there to download more than you can possibly read right now?

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It would be nice if there was an indicator that the personalization was complete rather that just a statement that you should click in 10s. I have yet to be able to download anything though you all have surpassed 37k people at this point. Guess I can check in a couple weeks to see if I can download it.

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