Phil Minchin's page

Contributor. Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 8 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Full Name

Philip Minchin


Wordnerd 5/Advocate of Play 4/Systems Tinker 3


Melbourne and Geelong, Australia


English; varying amounts of French, Italian, and Japanese; rusty written Ancient Greek & Old Norse


Freelance writer & editor; Games & play consultant

Homepage URL

About Phil Minchin

I've worked in publishing, human rights campaigning and governance, and library IT. I now consult around games and play for libraries and other institutions, advocating for proper cultural support and recognition for the full range of playful art forms.

One of the ways I do this is through International Games Day @ your library (in 2016, Saturday November 19). I was the catalyst for the name change from National to International; I brought the event to Australia and grew it from 1 library in 2011 to 6 in 2012, 25 in 2013, around 100 in 2014, and around 150 in 2015.

I also co-ran the event globally in 2013 and 2014, though I've had to step back a bit in 2015.

As part of my efforts for IGD@yl, in 2012 I invented and ran the Global Gossip Game, taking it to the six inhabited continents that first year and all seven continents in 2013.

If you're interesting in knowing more, check my site.

As a Pathfinder player, these days I mainly play at cons and snatched games through Meetup.

As an author, as at August 2015, I've contributed to the following published Paizo books (I'll add additional works as they receive official author credits):

I also contributed to the Dark Deeds in Freeport adventure from Open Design and the early days of

The very first project I ever had published was a Freeport-themed piratical cartomancy system for Green Ronin's Walk the Plank card game. (It was unpaid and written at my initiative, but they liked it enough that they very kindly host it themselves.) I'm still quite proud of it - it actually produces plausible-sounding readings - so if you're interested in seeing some unusual design work, check it out; it also features a short story set in the City of Adventure if you're interested in reading my fiction.

If you've read any of the above, let me know what you think! I'm always glad to hear people's thoughts on my work.