
Apexo's page

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It takes a while but FIREFOX WORKS FOR ME!!!

...I'm so overtired now lol

Nope just timing out :)

Will keep trying :)

Over Caffeinated Capn Yesterday wrote:

I don't drink hot drinks...does Coke count?

Not working for me yet but I'm going to stay up til I can download them all else I wont be able to sleep lol

Cort Odekirk wrote:
Apexo wrote:
Propogates? *blank look*...if I keep refreshing the page will that work? (sorry it's late and I'm blonde :p)
No, it's something that happens in the infrastructure of the internet. Basically give it 15 minutes or so and you should be good.

Ohhh okay thank you :)

Propogates? *blank look*...if I keep refreshing the page will that work? (sorry it's late and I'm blonde :p)

In Chrome does it just send a file to 'Downloads' like a normal download once it starts?

Silly question probably but that's what I'm using to determine if it works, keeping an eye on if the little number pops up :p

Joana wrote:

There is a point after which a PDF needs to be repersonalized. I don't know exactly how long that window is, however. (According to Captain Yesterday, it's at least "overnight.")

I clicked on Personalize a few hours ago and then walked away from the computer. When I logged back into My Downloads, it looked just like it did before I clicked "Personalize" -- only this time, when I clicked on the title of the PDF, it started the downloading process. The personalization had apparently gone through in the meantime.

Thanks for the info, I'll try leaving it overnight and see what happens :)

Could anyone just quickly confirm for me that 1 click on the link to personalise is ALL it needs. Currently I'm getting randomly logged out and every time when I go back on My Downloads it doesn't say 'personalising....' it's just as if I never clicked it.

Does this mean I have to click again or is it okay to leave and try again tomorrow (or any other time) and then it will be done and download?

Just got the HB and this is my first RP'ing game :(