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Organized Play Member. 461 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters.


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Technology Manager

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Rysky wrote:
William Ellis wrote:
Xanga... now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.



Hello new person ^w^

*offers hug*

This is clearly a trap......

Technology Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Readerbreeder wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
Cort: I wave my hands and donuts happen.
Is that the Developer's capstone ability?

Pretty much yeah. There's a reason we're not everyone's favorite prestige class.

Technology Manager

Are you seeing the slowdown on another access point (i.e. work vs home, home wifi vs cell phone, etc).

Technology Manager

Everything is checking out with the servers on our side, might just be a hiccup somewhere in the chain between us and you, but ping the thread if you keep seeing the problem.

Technology Manager

Hey Kevin,

Can you let me know the browsers (including version) and medium folks are seeing the issue with? (e.g. desktop, pad, phone, etc)

Are you seeing the same issue if you click on the link?

Technology Manager

OK, I'm able to access both using lastest version of Chrome. You are accessing via phone or desktop?

Lets do this. Browse this site:

Particularly look at the "version" box on the upper left. If that shows anything other than TLS v1.2 that's probably your problem. We had to eliminate earlier encryptions because they were no longer secure.

Let me know what you see.

Technology Manager

Hey Uthraed,

I'm having some difficulty replicating your issue. Can I have you try a few things?

1) Try using a different browser, if you see the same issue let me know.
2) Go to the Messageboards link at the top of the page and click the "My Campaigns" tab there, instead of from your profile, are you seeing the same redirect?
3) Post the URLs you are trying to hit that are redirecting, so I can be sure I'm using the same path you are when testing.


Technology Manager

That was odd, I've moved Gino Melone to character number 25 and left GM-Baby as is. I've also updated your reporting.

Technology Manager

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The return to thread vs forum after sign in issue is in our backlog, waiting it's turn :).

Technology Manager

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Hey Nynphaiel,

I'm having trouble replicating your results, are you still experiencing this issue?

Technology Manager

Bug is still active, use the workaround posted above and you should be good!

Technology Manager

Hey andreww,

I've verified and restored the character to Core status. I've also updated the reporting so they are no longer showing errors.

Technology Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, we're looking into this.....

Technology Manager

Hey Hagagaga,

The bounce message is claiming you are being rejected because the subject line of your email is empty. This is a fairly common filtering method used to avoid spam. Can you try again and make sure you have content in your email's subject line?

Technology Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote:
Paul Watson wrote:
Plus what other colour could you wear for an international proletariat socialist revolution? And it hides the inevitable bloodstains.
Coagulated blood is dark brown. I never understood that redcap nonsense.

Marketing, and a lot of preservatives.

Technology Manager

Hey Piper,

Official way to report the issue is up through your Venture officers, but this works too.

I've verified the character has only played Core and reverted it back to Core standing, I also updated the reporting so you're receiving credit normally now.

Reporting GM credit for a Core character on an RPG game is probably what converted you. It's a bit of a corner case and I could make a case either way as to whether it should. I'll link up with Tonya when she's back in town and let her decide on what *should* happen and we'll update the code to match her decision, but for now probably best not do that :).

Technology Manager

Hey DesertTreeclimber,

Which version of Chrome and what platform (i.e. Windows 10 on a computer, iOS on an iPad, Android version x on a phone, etc) were you using? We haven't been experiencing issues internally, but I'd like to try to repo your experience and see if we can't figure out what's going on for you.

Technology Manager

Should be showing now guys.

Technology Manager

OK, back at the office and kind-of awake! I've verified your character's Core-only history and performed the required rituals to reset her to Core status. I also updated the reporting so you're not showing warnings anymore. You should be good to go!

Technology Manager

At the madness of PaizoCon right now, but I'll repair the character once I'm back in the office.

Technology Manager

Yup, received it, all should be well now.

Technology Manager

Hey PrisonerSix,

I assume you are making an Adventure Card Game character? Can you tell me which class and name you are selecting and I'll see if I can repo the issue internally.

Technology Manager

I can't revert the character without the full character number unfortunately.

Technology Manager

I've reverted the folks in session 53 back to Core, except 5956-33 and 5941-8 who don't appear to exist in the database. Attempting to revert characters before they exist creates a hole in space-time and turns me into a Dr. Who villain, so lets avoid that.

Technology Manager

GM Andrew wrote:

Thanks for the response!

-52: It seems that the two Thornkeep games were reported as Standard, but they were certainly Core. Probably a reporting problem there. I know who reported it and can probably talk the reporter about converting that back, although I'm not sure that'll covert my character back to Core or not?

-53: Probably my mistake. XD

I honestly wouldn't care so much (as the chronicle is always more important) if not that GMs online were scared to report characters that were converted somehow to those that weren't (in fear of switching other characters) and started reporting to a different character number so that it's on my account (which I feel is a big no-no). The paragraph explaining that characters don't get converted is actually a huge boon (I though it worked that way, but without official word, there's no convincing).

Again, Thanks!

Please work with the GM to update the reporting and help them to understand why miss-reporting can cause negative impact to the characters. If reporting a session will cause a Core character to convert to RPG we have a warning displayed before you submit the report. Please help educate the GMs you know to look for that warning and always take care when reporting Core sessions to use the correct scenario. Reverting the scenario will not revert the characters, that has to be done by us manually here at Paizo.

And yes, just to confirm. Having an RPG characters in an Core game will not impact the other characters or the session in any way. They just won't get credit. Not sure where that urban legend started. The way conversions happen is when GMs accidently report the wrong version of the scenario (RPG vs Core). Reverting that mistake does not revert the character (long list of reasons why but primary one is that it could be abused to allow a character to play RPG then get transitioned back to Core, by doing it manually here I can verify the history of the character in question and ensure nothing hinky is going on).

Technology Manager

Because you can transition a Core character to RPG by playing in an RPG game. This is a planned feature if you wish to move a character into mainstream play. You just are not allowed to go the other direction (for obvious reasons).

Used correctly it give players flexibility. Unfortunately we've had some problems with GM's reporting the wrong version of sessions and inadvertently transitioning characters against their will.

Technology Manager

I've reverted the affected characters, they are now Core once more.

Technology Manager

11 people marked this as a favorite.

William: Wait, we have blood sacrifices?

Gary: You should read the memos.

William: You all really need to update your job postings. That's a selling point, you shouldn't be hiding this.

Cort: "Blood Sacrifice" gets your ad auto removed from Craig's List.

Technology Manager

We'll look at it, thanks Penthau!

Technology Manager

Marc, if you go to your Event schedule you'll see a button in the right column that says "Open Event Trading". If you click that button you'll be taken to a page that lists all your proposed trades.

Click on the My Proposed Trades tab. Looking there now I see 9 trade proposals you currently have active, this matches the data I'm seeing in the database.

Technology Manager

Converting the sessions from RPG to Core will not auto-revert the characters, but once that's done I can go in and do it manually.

Technology Manager

I've removed your character from that session.

Technology Manager

Hey Yiroep,

First to clear up what has become something of an urban legend. Having an RPG character in a Core game does not convert the other characters (we verified, just in case there was a bug). All that happens is the RPG character does not receive credit.

So far every mystery conversion case I've investigated has been because the GM accidently reported the session using the RPG version of the scenario instead of the Core. It's not maliciously intended, and they generally convert it back when they realize, but at that point the damage has been done. If you find your character mysterious converted, just ping customer service or organized play and we can research and revert the character if appropriate.

Now, looking at your characters:

-50: This character has only played Core games, I've reverted them back to Core status.

-52: This character was played in 2 RPG games. Both on October 17th, 2015. Pathfinder Online: Thornkeep The Accursed Hall (RPG) and Pathfinder Online: Thornkeep - The Forgotten Laboratory (RPG). Playing a Core character in an RPG game converts them to RPG (otherwise folks could cherry pick non-Core items and bring them back to Core games). So this character is legitimately RPG

-53: Has no reported session. Are you sure you created the character as Core? As no sessions have been reported for the character I'm not sure how it would have been converted.

Technology Manager

Basically what skizzerz said, we have also rarely had an issue with folks presenting an old security encryption because of a proxy server. If you find you're having issues, contact customer support and we should be able to get it straightened out.

Technology Manager

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
cort: Don't break the developers until they've had a chance to wear down.
But then they'll be out of warranty!

I buy them off a truck in an alley, I'm pretty much assuming the warranty is void.

Technology Manager

Hey coach,

The issue is appearing because there is another account sharing the same avatar name - "coach". That's why you seem to be the only one encountering the issue. So the system is working as intended for avatar images, what we actually have to figure out is how the avatar name data got into that state.

Technology Manager

Hey Craig,

Probably just someone keying in the wrong PFS ID. What Event number/session number was your character incorrectly reported into? And which of your characters was incorrectly reported? Once I have that, I can go ahead and remove your character from the session.

Technology Manager

OK, we're able to repo. For now download it from your My Downloads page, that should work normally. I'll get the product page based link fix into our backlog.

Technology Manager

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Hey CanisDirus,

I'm looking at why the sessions in your person listing are being demure, but for now if you go to Pathfinder Society then click the "Join the Pathfinder Society and Create Your Character Now!" link you'll be in the Org Play section for your account. Click the "Sessions" tab and you can see your GM and Player sessions without any issues.

That should allow you to see the data until we figure out what's up with the same listing on your person page.

Technology Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey CanisDirus,

Yeah, there's something weird going on with your session list. I'll try to get some time away from con prep to drill down into the db and figure out why your data is being naughty. :)

Technology Manager

Hrm, OK, we're looking at this internally to see if we can repo. Thanks for the heads up guys!

Technology Manager

Hey derpdidruid, can you private message me with the character number affected as well as your PFSID? I'll take a look.

Technology Manager

Steerpike7 wrote:
Been getting all 404 file not found errors since this morning. Variety of devices, operating systems, browsers. Any update on that issue? It was mentioned above but hasn't been addressed.

Steerpike7 - What are you getting a 404 trying to access? Pages on the site or PDF downloads? If so, which downloads? Our system does purge personalized downloads eventually, so if you're trying to use a link from multiple hours ago there is a chance it was removed but so long as you access it within a couple of hours of personalizing you should be fine.

Technology Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Technology Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have his on my list of things to look at. We're hyperfocused on the HumbleBundle issues right now but it's in our backlog now.

Technology Manager

Nate Z wrote:

To all those who are complaining about not being able to download their books: I haven't even gotten my code yet, so conder yourself lucky. :P

Speaking of, I'm yet to get any kind of notification about how to claim the books or where to ship my Beginner Box or pay for the BB's shipping. Should I contact Humble Bundle or is that handled on Paizo's end?

When you enter the code on the Paizo website the PDFs will automagically be added to your My Downloads section of the website. If you purchased the physical Beginner Box you will be prompted for shipping and shipping payment information right there on the page.

Technology Manager

Thank you! The occasional all nighter is just part of the job and knowing you guys are able to create so many amazing worlds out of the materials we produce make it more than worth it.

Technology Manager

Cleared out the batch, we'll check the laser on Monday. Infrastructure work we did might have disabled it.

Technology Manager

If it's saying can't connect to the server host, cut/paste it into a different browser. We're having a weird DNS caching problem with Chrome right now (there was a bad entry, long since fixed, but Chrome is having issues letting it go).

Technology Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Things should be better now, needed to tweak some things in the new infrastructure. Just as an interesting FYI, over 1 terabyte of data generated in bit less than 12 hours. If printed (both sides) on standard paper, the stack would be 10 miles high.

And then fall over and destroy the servers, so we're not going to do that *here*.....

Full Name

Venture Captain Kuro Poe




Arcane Duelist 13




Borderlining small.



Special Abilities

Meridian Arcane Strikes, Rallying Squawks, Blistering Invective.




Hei Feng, Sometimes begs to Pazuzu.




Auran, Ancient Osiriani, Taldane, Tengu, Tien.


Venture Captain, Goka

Strength 10
Dexterity 19
Constitution 16
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 16

About Kuro Poe

Kuro Poe Portrait
Master Kuro Poe Portrait

"We Tengu absorb bad luck - caw! Stick with me and you'll go far as the crow flies!"

In the plum-wine bars of Goka, adventurers speak of a Legend. Some believe him to be one of Hei Feng's Riders of the Storm, wielding the power of the hurricane in one claw, and the ability to shout down thunderclaps.
Others believe this myth is the spawn of the Rat Mother, whose tongue corrupts the most loyal soldiers, and whose tricks can unmake an empire. He descends in shadows, and leaves gnawing fear and black insults rotting at the hearts of lords and common folk alike.
The Samurai name him talon-dance, and his quick movements have shamed and dishonoured many warriors into defeat and ritual seppuku. Young Samurai beg to join his elite dojo, to which he laughs raucously and replies: 'When the stars dim and the night sky is as black is my feathers, only then shall I teach you the way of the sword.' This day has not yet come.
The Pathfinder Society, who are better than most at discerning when rumours have been founded by a certain hopelessly self-centred Tengu duelist, name this myth Kuro Poe. They hired him recently.

1: Weapon Finesse: Curveblade, B: Arcane Strike ✓
2: B: Combat Casting ✓
3: Weapon Focus: Curveblade ✓
5: Dazzling Display ✓
6: B: Disruptive ✓
7: Skill Focus: Intimidate ✓
9: Shatter Defenses ✓
10: B: Spellbreaker, Medium Armour Proficiency ✓
11: Tengu Wings ✓
13: Critical Focus
14: B: Penetrating Strike
15: Dispelling Critical
16: B: Heavy Armour Proficiency
17: Combat Expertise
18: B: Greater Penetrating Strike
19: Quicken Spell

-'Shimmerquill' +1 Adamantine, Keen, Agile, Arcane-bonded Curveblade (12,080) ✓
-'Silverdown' +3 Mithril Chain Shirt (10,100) ✓
-'Pazuzu's Navel' Belt of Physical Might +4DEX, +4CON (40,000) ✓
-'Hei Feng's Raincoat' +5 Cloak of Resistance (25,000) ✓
-'Tap Shoes' Boots of Springing and Stepping (5,500gp) ✓

Prestige Expenditure:
-10pp Master rank : Lantern Lodge
-8pp Negative level removals
-4pp Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism Ioun (+1 initiative)
Cracked Dark Blue Rhomboid (+1 perception, sense motive)
Cracked Mulberry Pentacle (+1 bluff, diplomacy)
Cracked Vermilion Rhomboid (+1 acrobatics, swim)

Adventure History:
(1) First Steps Trilogy *
(2) City of Strangers, part II
Quest for Perfection, part I
Quest for Perfection, part II
(3) Quest for Perfection, part III
Blood Under Absalom
Ruby Phoenix, part I
(4) Ruby Phoenix, part II
Ruby Phoenix, part III
God's Market Gamble
(5) Wonders of the Weave part I *
Wonders of the Weave part II *
Jester's Fraud *
(6) Immortal Conundrum
Haunting of Hinojai
Fortune's Blight
(7) Mantis's Prey
Red Harvest *
Sarkorian Prophecy
(8) Echo of the Everwar I
Golden Serpent *
Rats of Round Mountain I
(9) Rats for Round Mountain II
Green Market *
Refuge of Time
(10) Cultist's Kiss
Race for the Runecarved Key *
Portal of the Sacred Rune
(11) Echoes of the Everwar pt.2
Echoes of the Everwar pt.3
The Faithless Dead
(12) Eyes of the Ten part 1
Eyes of the Ten part 2
(13) Eyes of the Ten part 3
Eyes of the Ten part 4