Interest Check for Gestalt Kingmaker (Looking for group and GM)


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I would love to play in a Gestalt Kingmaker game. But I so rarely seen them run. I was not really looking for anything to specific beyond that. But a lvl 1 starting gestalt would be totally fun for a Kingmaker Campaign. I always felt Gestalt makes for more flushed out characters, so I am not looking to Munchkin up the game, just develop something interesting. Like my idea was a Paladin//Sorcerer.

I would love to play a bard//warlord for this, though I'll completely understand if path of war isn't allowed. If it's not I'll just have to come up with something else.

TheGodd*mnGM wrote:
I would love to play in a Gestalt Kingmaker game. But I so rarely seen them run. I was not really looking for anything to specific beyond that. But a lvl 1 starting gestalt would be totally fun for a Kingmaker Campaign. I always felt Gestalt makes for more flushed out characters, so I am not looking to Munchkin up the game, just develop something interesting. Like my idea was a Paladin//Sorcerer.

Eh, what the hell, I'll do it. I picked up another, similar interest check a while ago, and akin to my reasoning on two Serpent's Skulls, if I'm doing one a second wouldn't be harder.

And, like I did with the other one, I'm putting you in charge. GDGM, decide what point buy, options, all that crunch you want. You can even pick the players you want to run with. No more than 4 though please, preferably 3 depending on interest. And we'll be using the UC Kingdom Building rules, as they're more fleshed out than the AP version. Otherwise, whatever you want. Kingmaker is sandboxy enough that balance isn't as much an issue.

For that matter, are you even interested in the AP, or just the sandbox?

Also, give me at least a week after my SS start, so say 21-Feb, even later if you want, but no sooner. The longer you wait, the more I'll have finished from the other, and the happier you'll make me.

I'm interested in this and would love to submit a character when you decide on specifics.

I... have some ideas for characters... XD The last Kingmaker game I was in fizzled after, like, one fight. *Coughs* Doing something people would stick with would be nice.

Ok at work so cannot post a lost. But thank you so much man.

When I get home I will post the crunch information

I like the idea of the so the building of a kingdom along with the sandboxness.

Well, I'm new to the site and terribly inexperienced at actually playing the game in general (more of a "reading the fiction" sort, though I have read much of the PRD on this site, so I have a decent grasp of the mechanics), but if y'all are willing to help a n00b figure this PBP thing out, I'd love to give it a shot.

TheGodd*mnGM wrote:

Ok at work so cannot post a lost. But thank you so much man.

When I get home I will post the crunch information

I like the idea of the so the building of a kingdom along with the sandboxness.

The reason I'm asking is I could extend the start another week and modify it fairly extensively. I have a half-dozen partially formed kingdom running campaigns sitting in this binder behind me. If you want the AP as written, that's fine, but if you're more interested in the logistics of building and maintaining an empire, with some combat thrown in, I can pull one of those out, too. I'd want a bit more control at inception than otherwise, but I'll still allow whatever system you'd personally want to use.

It's all up to you on this one; though now that I'm thinking about it I'll probably flesh one out and post an interest check soonish if you want the standard AP.

Sure... yes, yes... I want to do a magical girl.

A kineticist/paladin (chosen one).

It'll be a bit MAD, but fun.

Okay, let's see... Ideas are...

Paladin/Sorcerer (original poster, pretty much guaranteed a spot)

Sounds like one way or another, the martial aspect will be fine, so I'll shelve Fes for now. XD Hmm, what to play...

I wish to make it clear that I am far too busy and have no interest in making a Dragonriding Sorcerer.

...I totally want to make a Dragonriding Sorcerer.

would love to play in this

Here we go back on the PC.

I have GMed a person playing a Dragonrider, they are fun ^.^

Honestly Barrister I like the idea of forging their own kingdom and exploring the unexplored. So if you have a cool Custom Campaign I don't mind it i people want too.

We seem to have a lot of 'Face' characters

Have an idea for an bastardborn character, conveniently exiled from Brevoy on a fools venture when his family no longer had any use for him after his (younger brother) trueborn son was old enough to be certain that a 'backup'wasn't required. The idea of a TWF ranger/warpriest seems like it would be fun to play with this.

Dotting to keep an eye on this. I'm waiting on Barrister's Serpent's skull games, and really hoping I get into the gestalt version.

If the character I've got set for serpent's skull doesn't get in though, then perhaps I'll rework his crunch and background as needed and toss him in the running for this game.

He's a Barbarian-Witch, using invulnerable rager and scarred witchdoctor archetypes respectively. Kind of a buff-n-smash type character, and definitely not a party face, so he hopefully doesn't step on too many toes just yet.

I'll be back after serpent's skull selections are made to update!

Always wanted to try Kingmaker (or really any AP since I haven't played one that hasn't fizzled out fast). Count me in.

Can't say what I want to do yet, too many possibilities without creation rules in place, let alone an actual recruitment.

Ideas I've been tossing around for gestalt:
Mesmerist/Swashbuckler, Brawler/Investigator, Inquisitor/Hunter, Cavalier/Cleric

All of those sound good Dave. Sidewinder that sounds good, but remember they did Errata the Witch's Scarred Witchdoctor archetype to be based off INT not Con anymore.

With all the face potential I might have to step to something other than Cha based.

I am leaning toward the AP, but we could take a vote.

TheGodd*mnGM wrote:

All of those sound good Dave. Sidewinder that sounds good, but remember they did Errata the Witch's Scarred Witchdoctor archetype to be based off INT not Con anymore.

With all the face potential I might have to step to something other than Cha based.

I am leaning toward the AP, but we could take a vote.

Let's keep this one on the AP. I'll make an interest check for my homebrew; that way we can start this one sooner, and everyone knows what they're getting right away.


25 Point Buy, Level 1
2 Traits, One must be from the Kingmaker Campaign traits (IF we use kingmaker). 1 drawback
Races: Paizo core, Featured, and Uncommon races. No races with a +1 CR adjustment (So no Drow Noble or Svirfneblin). Races from the More Races tab can be discussed but none above 20 RP
Classes: Core Classes, Base, Alternate, Hybrid, and Unchain classes
Players start with 150 GP, No Rich Parents or Chosen One trait permitted.

Crunch is posted, I may have to change my plans to something else. Thinking Unchained Monk//Hunter because we do have a lot of Cha focus lol and we do need a little wilderness action.

TheGodd*mnGM wrote:

All of those sound good Dave. Sidewinder that sounds good, but remember they did Errata the Witch's Scarred Witchdoctor archetype to be based off INT not Con anymore.

With all the face potential I might have to step to something other than Cha based.

I am leaning toward the AP, but we could take a vote.

There honestly can't be too much charisma in kingmaker. Most of the roles can be based of charisma. And we get to talk nice to each other ;). It really isn't all that hard to cover all the needed mechanical things even if all are based on charisma.

Will you allow the warlord from path of war? You didn't mention if you would consider third party.

I would vote for the AP as well.

TheGodd*mnGM wrote:
Sidewinder that sounds good, but remember they did Errata the Witch's Scarred Witchdoctor archetype to be based off INT not Con anymore.

I'm aware. Barrister is (at least tentatively) allowing the errata to be ignored in his serpent's skull game, for the sake of having a cool character concept without mechanical terribadness, so my hope was that he would allow it for this game as well if I don't get my character into that game.

That being said, you're the one that posted the crunch and made the initial recruitment post. If you'd rather not allow the pre-errata version I can respect that, and I'll bow out with no hard feelings.

I'm still hoping he gets taken for Serpent's Skull in the first place anyway! :P

I have no problem with it to be honest. He asked me to do the crunch and I want with basic concept of he is cool so am i.

Alright as for 3rd Party, I like Dreamscarred but as its Barrister who is running it run it by him. Honestly I might like to use Factotum, as they can do a bit of everything!

@GM Barrister: Can I play warlord (in conjunction with bard) from path of war? I feel like a warlord would fit perfectly for kingmaker.

Gestalt characters are often more MAD than normal characters. For this reason I feel like 20 point buy is a bit low. Things have to be re-balanced anyway. Though the wish to limit things is understandable I guess.

Its 25, and what would you recommend then?

Oups, you are right. Somehow I got the race point limitation for races confused with the point buy.

Would like to apply with a Gunslinger(Musketmaster)//Inquisitor. Nothing on this profile yet but am working on it. He would try to be the arm of the law/sheriff of the kingdom.

Doesn't seem like anything is happening here

Game won't be starting until after the weekend of the 14th. GM barrister, who so graciously offered to run the game, has two runs of serpents skull which will be making selections the 13th. He posted further up in the thread that this game won't be started until the selection process for those two games have been completed.

Don't lose hope yet!

I'd be up to join. It depends on if I get accepted into a different game or not. I'll know by tomorrow.

I'm down, feeling a cleric itch oddly enough for this.

Sidewinder hit it squarely. That, and I just got my laptop back from the shop yesterday, and trying to manage things over mobile wasn't going so hot.

@Oyzar, if the OP wants Dreamscarred material, I'm fine with it. I've never looked at it much, but general boards consensus seems okay with the material.

Given I treat them as psuedo first party they are fine with me.

I'll throw something together soon.

If anyone would be interested in something a bit more intimate, I've been interested for a while in running a 1-2 player Kingmaker that would also utilize gestalt, and possibly a bonus level or two to account for the lack of action economy. I don't want to poach players from GM Barrister though, so I'll wait until that recruitment is done.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm interested I'll try to get a character made in a day or two.

I'm very interested in this! I've wanted to play Kingmaker for so long, but only once was I able to get into a game, and it died pretty quickly.

Edit: Well, I'm gonna have to give this some thought, I was gonna go Inquisitor/Gunslinger, but I see Dimitri Moldona has already decided to submit the same. I'll have to look at options.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm going with divine commander inquisitor. He would be involved in the military or religion of the kingdom. Also I'm all for the custom kingdom.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I can change to cleric from divine commander if any wants me to.

I think I am going to go for bolt ace instead of musketmaster. Fits better with his Abadar devotion. He is a bit zealous in his ideas of bringing civilisation whether people like it or not (hence inquisitor) and fights to rid the world of monsters and chaos.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

What time of week would this be?

I'm really interested in Kingmaker and have been working on an alchemist/druid gnome that I think would be fun in a Kingmaker game. I'll flesh him out today when I get home.

Okay I've decided to go oni spawn spell breaker inquisitor cleric instead.

Ok, proposing Grath as my character for this.
The Crunch is in the character, and here is some short fluff below. It's really clunky, so I'll try to write up something more detailed soon.

Short fluff:

Grath doesn't remember his early childhood very well. He knows that he grew up somewhere in Brevoy in relative luxury, but at some point around the age of four, he was blamed for a crime so horrible that he had to flee to save his life.

On his own, and not really knowing where to go, Grath stumbled his way into Mivon and the River Kingdoms. There he was 'adopted' by an ageing farmer in need of additional farm help. The farmer always told stories of his ancient family lands, taken away from him in the "Stolen Lands", and leaving him farming on the relatively infertile Mivon land.

Grath has since grown into a young man with a particular affinity for the natural world, but an on-going grudge and mistrust of 'the fairer races'. He is undertaking the expedition into the Stolen land in the hope that he will be able to recover the stolen lands that belong to his adoptive father.

Would you allow a player to have a centaur character?

Alright, I think I will put together a mesmerist ninja to be a super-spy type. Not really sure about the status of this game, but making a level 1 character isn't too much work.

I've tried to get into multiple games recently and none of them have worked out. at the moment I don't feel like building out the same character again. However I when I do it will be a Cleric/Wizard gestalt. Which if allowed will progress into Mystic Theurge/Bard. If not he will just progress as a Wizard/Cleric

If this game happens, I would like to submit Ozak Daggertooth. Ozak is a double axe-wielding half-orc Slayer/Inquisitor of Gorum. In addition to smashing face with his axe he also scares the hell out of people, and has some half-decent skills. He wants to be a Warlord (i.e. General) but would be bored with most non-military aspects of running a Kingdom. He would make a good Enforcer also, but really wants to lead armies into battle.

I played in a few Kingmaker games that died and after the first couple I realized that having a CN "Vlad the Impaler" type would be good for the game overall as the "save the babies" overly good characters run into a lot of practical problems.

This iteration was made for an Iron Gods Gestalt game but could easily be rejiggered (as soon as character generation rules are up). He was originally intended for Kingmaker though.

I am also running Ozak as a single-class character in a Giantslayer game as a slayer.

BTW, I don't care for most optional rules but really like the Background Skills one from Pathfinder Unchained. I also like games with lots of traits.

Edit: I see chargen rules are up, so I will get at it.

@ GM Barrister, et al: How do favored class bonuses work in gestalt? Do you get two separate ones? Or only one? Also, will you be using the background skills rule from Unchained?

@ TheGodd*mnGM: In the Chargen rules it says "1 drawback." Does this mean that a drawback is required? or that they are allowed to gain an extra trait? And if they are required, do they still give a trait?

Okay, Ozak Daggertooth has been redone using the present rules, and is ready.

He has a fairly typical high STR build, though I held back from going to 20 there. His CHA is 7. Typically a lot of people submit high CHA characters for Kingmaker games and I don't want Ozak to compete with them.

Will item crafting be allowed? Ozak won't have a lot of feats to spare for crafting but might be able to fit one in; he is an inquisitor so he has a caster level.

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