About Ozak DaggertoothThis is the Gestalt version of the character for IRON GODS. For the non-gestalt Giantslayer version, go HERE. Character Plan:
This character is intended to be built as a Slayer/Inquisitor all the way to level 20 with no dips in any other classes. The build will focus on TWF with an orc double axe and Intimidation via dazzling display. HP: 13 (1d10+3 CON)
With Power Attack
With Deadly Aim
Movement: 20 feet Racial Abilities:
+2 to One Ability Score: Half-orc characters gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. (chose STR)
Medium: Half-orcs are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Normal Speed: Half-orcs have a base speed of 30 feet. Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Intimidating: Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature. Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race. Toothy: Some half-orcs' tusks are large and sharp, granting a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage. This racial trait replaces orc ferocity. Weapon Familiarity: Half-orcs are proficient with greataxes and falchions and treat any weapon with the word "orc" in its name as a martial weapon. Languages: Half-orcs begin play speaking Common and Orc. Half-orcs with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Gnoll, and Goblin. Traits:
2 traits + 1 campaign trait
Robot Slayer (Campaign): The strange steel automatons that plague the wilds of Numeria are a blight upon the world! You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls against robots and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by robots. Scrapper (Race: Half-Orc): A childhood spent scrabbling for every possession and scrap of food has made you fierce and wary. You receive a +1 trait bonus on all Intimidate checks made to demoralize opponents and a +1 trait bonus on all Perception checks to avoid being surprised. Fate's Favored (Faith): The fates watch over you. Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1. Feats:
Campaign Bonus Feats: Combat Expertise Deadly Aim Dodge Point-Blank Shot Power Attack Weapon Finesse 1st. Level: Weapon Focus (Orc Double Axe) Slayer Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A slayer is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Studied Target (Ex): A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. Track (Ex): A slayer adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks. Inquisitor Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An inquisitor is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, longbow, repeating crossbow, shortbow, and the favored weapon of her deity. She is also proficient with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Spells: An inquisitor casts divine spells drawn from the inquisitor spell list. Domain: Heresy Inquisition
Righteous Infiltration (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff and Intimidate checks. Judgment (Su): Starting at 1st level, an inquisitor can pronounce judgment upon her foes as a swift action. Starting when the judgment is made, the inquisitor receives a bonus or special ability based on the type of judgment made. At 1st level, an inquisitor can use this ability once per day. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the inquisitor can use this ability one additional time per day. * Destruction: The inquisitor is filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all weapon damage rolls. * Healing: The inquisitor is surrounded by a healing light, gaining fast healing 1. This causes the inquisitor to heal 1 point of damage each round as long as the inquisitor is alive and the judgment lasts. * Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, granting a +1 sacred bonus on all attack rolls. * Piercing: This judgment grants a +1 sacred bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks made to overcome a target's spell resistance. * Protection: The inquisitor is surrounded by a protective aura, granting a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class. * Purity: The inquisitor is protected from the vile taint of her foes, gaining a +1 sacred bonus on all saving throws. * Resiliency: This judgment makes the inquisitor resistant to harm, granting DR 1/magic. * Resistance: The inquisitor is shielded by a flickering aura, gaining 2 points of energy resistance against one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) chosen when the judgment is declared. * Smiting: This judgment bathes the inquisitor's weapons in a divine light. The inquisitor's weapons count as magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. Monster Lore (Ex): The inquisitor adds her Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to her Intelligence modifier, when making skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures. Stern Gaze (Ex): Inquisitors are skilled at sensing deception and intimidating their foes. An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1). Inquisitor Spellcasting:
Spells Per Day: 1st level: 2
0 Create Water
1 Divine Favor
(ranks listed first, class skills denoted by *)
Total Ranks = 7 Armor Check Penalty: -5 STR (+5)
DEX (+3)
INT (+1)
WIS (+3)
CHA (-2)
Background Skills
DEX (+3)
INT (+1)
WIS (+3)
CHA (-2)
Build Notes:
Overall Plan for Feats and Slayer Talents
Level 1 Feat: Weapon Focus (Orc Double Axe) (intimidate +13) Bonus Feats: Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Dodge, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse Level 2 Slayer Talent Ranger Combat Style: Two Weapon Fighting (intimidate +15) Level 3 Feat Dazzling Display (intimidate +16) Level 4 Slayer Talent Rogue Talent: Combat Trick: Intimidating Prowess (intimidate +22) Level 5 Feat Double Bane (intimidate +23) Level 6 Slayer Talent Ranger Combat Style: Improved Two Weapon Fighting (intimidate +26) Level 7 Feat Shatter Defenses (intimidate +27) Level 8 Slayer Talent ? (possibly fast stealth or slowing strike or surprise attack) (intimidate +30) Level 9 Feat ? (possibly Orc Weapon Expertise (defender) or Cornugon smash) (intimidate +31) Level 10 Slayer Talent Ranger Combat Style: Two Weapon Rend (intimidate +34) Level 11 Feat ? (possibly Hurtful or Combat Reflexes) (intimidate +35) Level 12 Slayer Talent ? (possibly Evasion or Opportunist) (intimidate +38) Level 13 Feat ? (intimidate +39) Level 14 Slayer Talent ? (intimidate +42) Level 15 Feat ? (intimidate +43) Feats I'd like to fit in:
Gear by Value:
_45 gp Four-Mirror Armor _60 gp Orc Double Axe __5 gp 5 x Chakra __5 gp Iron Holy Symbol __1 gp 50' rope __1 gp flint & steel __1 gp Grappling Hook __8 gp Mule _15 gp 15 days Orc Trail Rations 141 __5 sp Bedroll
45 sp _18 cp 6 x clay jug
30 cp 4 gp and 2 sp left over.
Gear by Weight:
Carried: 45.0 lbs Four-Mirror Armor 15.0 lbs Orc Double Axe _5.0 lbs 5 x Chakra _1.0 lbs Iron Holy Symbol _1.0 lbs 2 Bags of Powder _2.0 lbs Marbles _1.0 lbs Flask _0.0 lbs Chalk _1.0 lbs Whetstone _0.0 lbs Bandolier _0.0 lbs flint & steel Total: 71 lbs.
On Gertrude (Mule):
Total: 92.5
Ozak Daggertooth is a hulking half-orc, who stands 6'5" in height (almost 2 meters) and weighs around 270 pounds. His skin is a pale grey that is a common coloration among the orcs of the Ice Steppes to the north. He has long straight hair, intense blue-grey eyes, and scars on his face that mark him as belonging to a Gorumite warrior cult. His hair is either black or grey depending on the season (like the orcs of the north, Ozak's hair turns pale in winter). He has long tusks jutting upwards from the sides of his mouth, and the tusks themselves have been engraved with shallow scrimshaw-like carvings depicting sinuous dragons coiling around them. He wears armor made of thick leather plates stitched together; the plates are coloured maroon and black, and seem to have bite marks around the edges. Typically he hefts a large orcish double axe over one shoulder; the blade is worn and notched but it looks to be of good metal, and strange crude runes adorn it, while the haft is wrapped with lengths of white scaly leather. Otherwise he wears warm clothing fashioned of caribou skin with furred fringes, and he has a long tattered grey woolen cloak. Personality:
Like his father before him, deep down Ozak feels lost and without purpose. Rejected by this orc tribe, and likewise rejected by the humans of his father's demesne, Ozak feels that he has lost his place in the world, and is currently adrift, simply taking whatever work comes his way. He considers that he wouldn't mind being rich or powerful, but hasn't really thought about how to achieve that. At the moment he considers his best prospect to be a that of a soldier in a large army marching in a land war, and his acceptance of the Swordlords' charter is in part motivated by the idea that he might be able to provoke a war between Brevoy and one of the River Kingdoms.
In his dreams he seems himself as a great warlord, and his mother taught him that this was the best thing a man could ever be. Likewise his mother also taught him that only the mightiest warriors ever mastered the orc double axe, so this is his ambition, and when his grandfather gave him his great-great-grandfather Kolthax Daggertooth's double axe, he felt as if it was his destiny to follow in his ancestor's footsteps, and he cherishes his double axe above all things. Ozak is easygoing and friendly towards strangers, though they tend not to take him too seriously as his somewhat simplistic language and sentiments make him seem foolish or stupid. But Ozak is anything but stupid, and when he becomes angry he suddenly gets everyone's attention. He is perceptive and cunning, and not easy to fool. But most of the time he masks this with a boisterous and even playful exterior. Ozak, like many Gorumites, does not consider battle a particularly bad thing, and he enjoys it, even to the point where he would be happy to get into fights with friends for fun, though he has long since figured out that most others don't feel this way. But for him, an act of violence against him doesn't mean that he becomes angry at the perpetrator. However, he does not approve of violence against "unworthy opponents" such as those who cannot defend themselves, and he is disgusted by those who pick on people smaller or weaker than them. However, Ozak becomes grim and intense when faced with what he sees as danger to his friends. While he will risk his own life without a thought, he becomes cold and calculating if the lives of his friends or those under his command are in danger, and can be utterly ruthless when he is respoonsible for the lives of others. Though Gorum's doctrine teaches that lives do not matter and acting simply to preseve the life of one's soldiers is weakness, after the battle of Harthost Ozak has felt that a commander has an obligation to make their deaths valuable and not waste men on fruitless endeavours. Background:
Flight From Issia
Anton Zelovsky was on the run. Once a powerful Count in service to Duke Lebeda, he had held wealth, power, and status. And now it was all ruin, his house burnt, his family dead, and he an outlaw. He was a fool to have trusted Count Vorkylas. His part in the plot against house Rogarvia had cost him everything; his once honorable liege Duke Lebeda had denounced him as a traitor before the royal court, after leading to believe that the plot had his support. Anton had been raised with the ideal that valor and strength in battle were what mattered, And his family had been firm and faithful followers of Gorum. Anton was known for his wild and reckless rage in battle, but never for any kind of political savvy. Too late he realized that he was ill equipped to be more than a pawn in the schemes of Brevic nobility. Anton fled along the coast of the Lake of Mists and Veils to Orlov, where he called upon the local lords to recognize his title and bargained with them for assitance in recovering his domain. But the Iobarian nobility considered him a buffoon with no prospects, and bounty hunters from Brevoy continued to seek him. After a few bloody incidents, Anton fled to Franax, and then on to Okormirr, each time with worse results. Soon he found himself in the wilderness north of Okormirr, marching out into the trackless wastes of the Ice Steppes. Anton was an accomplished hunter and did not fear for his chances on the Steppes, but his life seemed pointless and without meaning. So when he encountered an orcish war party he did not run; rather he threw himself upon them with wild abandon, expecting to die a glorious death. Among the Orcs
Chief Daggertooth was suitably impressed, and he noted the token of Gorum that Anton wore at his throat, one that matched his own, as the Daggertooth tribe revered Gorum above all others. "You cannot win," said the chief. "You are brave and strong, but against so many you must eventually fall. Why not come with us? Aid us against the Rhemoraz tribe, and you will live to fight an even greater battle than this. And help us attain victory, and you will be rewarded greatly!" Anton shrugged. One death was as good as another, but a greater battle than this? Yes, Gorum would be pleased. So Anton joined the Daggertooth tribe on their raid against the Rhemoraz tribe, the Daggertooths were victorious, carrying off much plunder and many slaves. So Anton became one of the Daggertooth tribe, and over time he grew in might and renown, until he became the chief's right-hand man. And when the Rhemoraz tribe ambushed chief Daggertooth it was Anton who came to his aid and pulled him from the Rhemoraz Orcs' trap. After this, chief Daggertooth offered Anton the hand of his eldest daughter in marriage. Knowing that to refuse would be a detahly insult, and missing his old family, Anton accepted. Ozak is Born
Anton and Yakina had different influences on Ozak. Anton raised Ozak on stories of Brevoy, and the honour of the noble ideal. Anton taught Ozak to be unflinching in the face of danger. Anton was proud to show Ozak the martial skills he had learned under his own father, and often spoke of the beauty and wealth of Brevoy as well as the treachery of its aristocrats. Yakina venerated the heroes of the Daggertooth bloodline, including her father, believed by many to be the mightiest warrior among the Daggertooths, as well as Kolthax Daggertooth the Great; a double axe-wielding warrior and her great-grandfather. She taught Ozak that one must crush one's enemies utterly, and that the greatest destiny for any Orc was to be the Warlord of a tribe. Though the viewpoints of Anton and Yakina differed widely, the one thing they shared was a love of Gorum. Both devout Grumites, Anton and Yakina could not help but pass their devotion on to Ozak. Anton died in battle when Ozak was thirteen and was buried with full Gorumite honours (at least as far as the orcs were concerned); the reverence they gave to the ceremony further deepened Ozak's faith. Then, at the Stoneblade festival (a coming of age ceremony among orcs of the Daggertooth tribe), Ozak's blade struck nine sparks when striking the stone at the culmination of the festival. This was seen by all as a good omen, and Ozak entered the service of Gorum. Unwilling to forsake his fighting skills to the extent that a Cleric would, he instead became an Inquisitor. Mercenaries
After coming of age Ozak joined an orc mercenary band. After his ninth battle, Chief One-Eye gave Ozak his great-great-grandfather's worn but trusty double axe to carry in battle. Though still young, Ozak was known for carrying about him an aura of dread that made other orcs quake with fear. He seemed to know exactly how to strike fear into the heart of his enemy. Other orcs were pleased to travel with him, not only believing that he could pull his weight in a battle but also that he was somehow chosen by Gorum. Ozak served the company as their travelling priest. Ozak took it upon himself to make sure that the company's religious observances and offerings to Gorum were both suitable and earnest enough for the god. In particular, Ozak would find those who chose incorrect ways of honouring the god and hounded them into proper behaviour. The orcs terror of him was normally enough to ensure compliance. Ozak continued marching with the mercenary company until one day when his company bit off more than it could handle. Ozak's company contracted out to the city of Veka in their struggles against Orlendas and Myrnorosk. Betrayal and Revenge
At the time, Ozak's company was in the process of storming one of the town gates and suddenly found itself fighting on all sides. The battle became more and more bloody as the orcs got more and more desperate. Eventually Ozak found himself to be the only one of his company left alive, and he managed to slip out along the inside of the wall. He won his way free of the city and made his way to Veka's command tent, just in time to overhear a messenger report to the commander that Ozak's company had been wiped out by the dwarves. He overheard the commander say "Good... then we don't have to pay them." Full of rage at the commander's wanton disregard for Ozak's company, Ozak burst into the tent and cut down the commander while he was unawares, and then turned on his aides, killing one and wounding another before the guards were called. With the sun setting Ozak was able to run off into the night. Coming Home
Expecting to be welcomed, and praised for his actions in avenging orc deaths, instead the tribe's priest of Gorum censured Ozak, saying: "It is not for a soldier to question the will of his commanders. Those who serve the Lord in Iron do not fear death and die gladly in battle, knowing they die honorably. There is no merit at being angry over the deaths of your companions, nor was it your place to punish your leader." In addition, Chief Cromdarr further censured Ozak, saying: "I should kill you for offending our friends the Vekans, whose gold we often take. But you are the grandson of One-Eye, even if you are a half-breed. So I give you one day to go from here. If we see you again after that, we will give the Komar of Veka your head and collect the reward. Now go!" Banished from his tribe, Ozak wandered westwards, towards Brevoy, planning on seeing his father's old lands, and perhaps pressing his claim to them. If his mother's people gave him no inheritance, perhaps his father's would. But when he reached Issia he found that even though House Rogarvia had disappeared (Ozak assumed it was due to a plot similar to the one his father was involved in) the name Zelovsky was reviled as the name of a traitorous lineage, and Anton Zelovsky was seen as a coward who had fled justice. When Ozak claimed to be the son of Anton Zelovsky, he was faced with laughter or violence. Into Numeria
Just then, out of a gully appeared a strange metallic creature, with glowing eyes and pincers for hands. As it moved towards Ozak menacingly, Ozak knew this was the sign - a metal man! A true test from Our Lord In Iron. Ozak engaged the creature in battle and destroyed it. The next morning Ozak could see a strange light on the horizon. He headed for it, and soon found himself in the town of Torch. Contacts:
I will generate some Restov contacts later. Oaths:
"By Gorum's Rusty Codpiece!" Journal:
Hasn't done anything yet! Old Gestalt Character:
Bastard (Campaign): You take a –1 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks made when dealing with members of Brevic nobility but gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves as a result of your stubbornness and individuality. (The penalty aspect of this trait is removed if you ever manage to establish yourself as a true noble.)
Nevertheless, Brevoy itself seemed to be a land of wealth and opportunity compared to the Ice Steppes or the forests of Iobaria. Ozak slipped into the role of a Soldier of Fortune in Brevoy, and since Gorum was a popular god there his faith was seen as a welcome asset by many. Eventually Ozak found himself in Restov looking for work when word came about of a royal charter for explorers. |