![]() Sidewinder hit it squarely. That, and I just got my laptop back from the shop yesterday, and trying to manage things over mobile wasn't going so hot. @Oyzar, if the OP wants Dreamscarred material, I'm fine with it. I've never looked at it much, but general boards consensus seems okay with the material. ![]()
![]() Cainbar Stonehammer wrote: I'm pretty sure I still get hit for the damage but wanted to make sure. If so I'm at 5/12 hp. Sorry for the dice not being spoilered typing on my phone and that was super hard getting formatting correct and so my post got cut short You do, and no worries! The phone is awful, though it seems the people lucky enough to be able to get Wayfinder have a pretty good time of it. However, @Reuben, before you post: They're all dead but Happs, any way I swing the order. Cainbar killed Loudmouth before Vorrs shot him, so then Vorrs could shoot the other one, which was either lanced by Ricean or, if Cainbar (who seems to be missing initiative, or I'm overlooking it somewhere...) bashes first, Ricean would then have charged at the one going for Reuben. That just leaves Happs. And stronger bad guys for the next encounter. ![]()
![]() @Sverlisk - It'll be bluff. @Cainbar - It's entirely me not thinking, and feeling guilty for taking so long. I did the same thing in my chain-flail dwarf. Fighter'd it up for the feats, went trippy, even had Throwing enchanted on it and would Enlarge to boot. ...of course this was about the time "Wrecking Ball" was popular, so you can only imagine how thrilled my friends were with me. ![]()
![]() GM:
3d20 ⇒ (8, 1, 14) = 23
1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 1d20 ⇒ 5 1d20 ⇒ 1 Happs is apparently pretty hapless... The thunderous sound of hooves roared around the stables as Ricean and his steed charged into battle; the unfortunate archer caught in his path was gored through the chest, the impact sending his corpse flying through the air to land in a heap several yards further. His neighbor was more keen-sighted, and moved from Ricean's way, breaking into a run towards the newly-appeared Reuben. After taking an arrow to the shoulder, the most outspoken of the bandits follows his partner, the two of them moving together in an effort to take the Dwarf. Loudmouth was the first to close the gap.
Enraged, Happs leaped from the table, only to catch his foot upon his chair and fall flat to the ground; entangled with the splinters, he found himself unable to swiftly rise. Terrible neighing and echoing cracks of wood emanated from the stables, and horses and ox panicked at the sounds of combat. OOC: Everyone's up again. Cainbar, you get the readied attack from last round, plus your round.
Cainbar is between two bandits, being flanked by both.
![]() DM Stylz wrote: You cannot mic and match u-barb + barb. It is one or the other. Hope that makes sense. It is like PFS and core vs non-core. Oh, I know, same as I couldn't mix rogue and slayer, or alchemist and investigator. But several GMs, myself in campaigns included, will limit selection to, say, uMonk and uRogue only, but Summoner and Barb can pick either. Just making sure it was an option on all, so I can get dat Urban Barb rocking! ![]()
![]() Sverlisk Sssskirssk wrote:
Opening a big door, or closing this gate, might be more than a non-action, but a normal door (such that Oleg would have) should be part of a move, since we all know it takes nothing to door. ![]()
![]() Reuben Garess wrote:
Yeah, I also can't draw. I was hesitant enough to just scan it, but when I tried your method, it was so unclear and just plain ugly that I figured the description alone would be preferable! ![]()
![]() Awesome, I think I'll do both! The game obviously in the future, but if I can get something down quickly here (and at lvl 1, shouldn't be hard), I'd love to take @ContentiousGM up on that offer! I do have a question though.
Character Creation & Leveling wrote: Any core, base or advanced class by paizo. What about the Unchained versions? ![]()
![]() GM:
5d20 ⇒ (14, 12, 9, 19, 8) = 62
4d20 ⇒ (16, 19, 2, 20) = 57 1d20 ⇒ 20 3d20 ⇒ (7, 5, 14) = 26 2d20 ⇒ (13, 18) = 31 1d20 ⇒ 19 Good lord; I'm sorry the RNG chooses to like me now. Happs grinned as the man started his spiel, sitting with him at the table and motioning his men to join. The mooks, to their credit, started as one to do as ordered, but three took pause, held back by the eldest looking among them. "Boss, sumthin' ain't right here." The nameless henchman gestured about the post, happenstance directing a hand to Vorrs's location. "Look around, somethin's up. Boss, you-" A cry of alarm sounds from one of the bandits, as he spots Voors behind a barrel, and a second shouts, "Oy, look, a Dwarf!" The four thugs quickly took up their arms, one producing a bow aimed for Cainbar. Happs sat dumbfounded, staring at Sverlisk for a few moments, before the reality of his situation snaps him to attention. "Oleg!! I'll kill you for this treachery!" OOC: Okay so now I can't scan. I promise my game will improve in about a week, and I hope you can bear with me until then.
Let's look at the map:
Sverlisk, you're on the fire's side of the left table. Ricean, you were behind the bottom-left of the stables; your charge'll bring you around and clearly gut a bandit clean through, and I'll show the actions once everyone else has gone, so no worries! Vorrs, I've got you 3 squares up on the wallto the left of the door, getting partial cover behind some assorted containers you hauled up there. Cainbar, I put you on the left of the door, as that's the most visible spot and you seem pretty protective of Reuben. And Reuben, you're on the right on top, with not-quite-clear line of sight to the goings on, but they've also not spotted you yet. There is no clear "surprise round" here, except against Happs, who reacts slowly and skips the first round. He is seated across the table from Sverlisk. The ranged bandit is standing right on A1, one melee is where the wagon (which is gone) would have it's top-left wheel, another is at the bottom-right wheel, and the fourth is in the square adjacent to the door of the stable. Since we don't have a good map or tokens, positioning is less vital, and as with most PbP, turn order is somewhat irrelevant. Go ahead and let me know what you do, and then when everyone has acted, I'll give the actions of the bandits and PCs in a narrative-fashion. Always assume the PCs go first, if I don't give you actions of NPCs before asking for yours. ![]()
![]() TheGodd*mnGM wrote:
Let's keep this one on the AP. I'll make an interest check for my homebrew; that way we can start this one sooner, and everyone knows what they're getting right away. ![]()
![]() TheGodd*mnGM wrote:
The reason I'm asking is I could extend the start another week and modify it fairly extensively. I have a half-dozen partially formed kingdom running campaigns sitting in this binder behind me. If you want the AP as written, that's fine, but if you're more interested in the logistics of building and maintaining an empire, with some combat thrown in, I can pull one of those out, too. I'd want a bit more control at inception than otherwise, but I'll still allow whatever system you'd personally want to use. It's all up to you on this one; though now that I'm thinking about it I'll probably flesh one out and post an interest check soonish if you want the standard AP. ![]()
![]() TheGodd*mnGM wrote: I would love to play in a Gestalt Kingmaker game. But I so rarely seen them run. I was not really looking for anything to specific beyond that. But a lvl 1 starting gestalt would be totally fun for a Kingmaker Campaign. I always felt Gestalt makes for more flushed out characters, so I am not looking to Munchkin up the game, just develop something interesting. Like my idea was a Paladin//Sorcerer. Eh, what the hell, I'll do it. I picked up another, similar interest check a while ago, and akin to my reasoning on two Serpent's Skulls, if I'm doing one a second wouldn't be harder. And, like I did with the other one, I'm putting you in charge. GDGM, decide what point buy, options, all that crunch you want. You can even pick the players you want to run with. No more than 4 though please, preferably 3 depending on interest. And we'll be using the UC Kingdom Building rules, as they're more fleshed out than the AP version. Otherwise, whatever you want. Kingmaker is sandboxy enough that balance isn't as much an issue. For that matter, are you even interested in the AP, or just the sandbox? Also, give me at least a week after my SS start, so say 21-Feb, even later if you want, but no sooner. The longer you wait, the more I'll have finished from the other, and the happier you'll make me. ![]()
![]() oyzar wrote: Martial Artist is a normal monk archtype that allows a non-lawful alignment. I simply want to play a normal unchained monk. Adapting the archtype would be a lot of work, but it also does a lot of feature-swaps that I'm not interested in. I see; I was reading it as general martial artist, not an archetype. Shoot me a PM and justify your character following rigorous martial discipline without being lawful, and I'll consider waiving the alignment restriction. I'll need this, as all I'm currently seeing is a way to gain mechanical power without a contributing background to justify it, and that isn't really my aim for this. Not saying no outright, just asking for a good reason to day yes. ![]()
![]() I'm fond of everyone's ideas so far, and it's certainly going to be a difficult decision. I'm without a PC for a few days, so if you have any questions related specifically to your character as presented so far, feel free to PM me; I can see and respond to them easier from my phone that way. If you have a general question about what I will or will not allow, please continue to post it here, since that would likely be useful to everyone. I'll get to them, just with less haste, until I get a real keyboard back. ![]()
![]() oyzar wrote: (...) However that idea kinda requires that you allow combat stamina in the first place, so can I use that? If you want to take the feat, sure. So it's bigger and more clear, anyone is welcome to the Stamina system provided the take the requisite feat. oyzar wrote: Secondly, I would kinda like to play a non-lawful monk for this, the chaos domain would be fun. That's not normally allowed, unless you let me bypass the restriction? I don't really want to play a martial artist monk, it has too much things I don't want. What kind of monk are you seeking to play that is not a martial artist? Amsheagar wrote:
No problems with either of those things. @Bane88 - You can wait until you're selected, that's fine. Sidewinder2k wrote: (...) EDIT: Actually what I'd REALLY like to play is a Barbarian-Scarred Witchdoctor, but the errata kills that plan right dead. So I don't suppose you want to just... I dunno... ignore... that? haha I don't remember things in terms of pre- and post-errata, I just go by what I can find. You wanna point me in the direction of the problem, so I can let you know how I feel on it? ![]()
![]() GM:
5d20 ⇒ (7, 4, 20, 18, 14) = 63
1d20 ⇒ 17 Happs smiles broadly at the emerging Nagaji, and waves to his comrades as he speaks, "And good day to you, sir! It would seem you took an early respite from your troubles, eh? What say you share some of your drink? My friends and I are parched from our travels, and could use refreshment." The four mooks nod at Happs, confused by the situation enough to pay little attention to their surroundings, and stand awkwardly nearby, unsure of what to do. ![]()
![]() Bene Gesserit wrote: Would you be ok with a Unchained Monk//Reincarnated Druid Aasimar (Scion of Humanity) that upon reaching level 5, could reincarnate as either a Native Outsider or a Humanoid? I'm not sure I understand the question. If you're asking if you could roll a uMonk-{Reincarnated} Druid, then yes. If you're asking if you can be an Aasimar with the Scion of Humanity alt. racial, then yes. If you're asking me what you'd be able to Reincarnate as should you die after you gain the class ability, I'd have to put a better chart together than the one presented in the spell, but it would no longer be an Aasimar regardless. If it came back as an Oread, it would be an Outsider (Native); if it came back as an Elf, it's a Humanoid. If you're asking if an Outsider (Native) can be reincarnated:
SRD wrote: This subtype is applied only to outsiders. These creatures have mortal ancestors or a strong connection to the Material Plane and can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be. (...) Yes, they can. You wouldn't even need Scion of Humanity, if that's the only reason you're taking it. ![]()
![]() Oyzar wrote: Would Master of the Many Styles be ok as an archtype? Yes, that's fine. The Genie wrote: Would you allow a blood arcanist to take the empyreal wildbloodline? (...) In short it allows the sorcerer to cast using Wis instead of Cha. Then no, I'm sorry. Gestalt is powerful enough; you roll a Wildblooded Sorcerer with that as you like, but making Arcanist Wis-based to couple with a divine caster exceeds the bounds of what I'm comfortable doing to manipulate the rules. ![]()
![]() Robert Henry wrote: (...) Would you mind if I take "Trap Finder"? officially a trait from mummy's mask It would fit the "educated investigator" type better than 'vagabond child' or 'criminal.' No. Or yes. I do not want you to take Trap Finder; that trait, unlike the other two, gives you the ability to disarm magic traps. That might be suitable for Mummy's Mask, I'm not sure, but adding an entire class feature for the cost of one trait is a bit much for me. If it's simply an issue of flavor, rename one of Vagabond Child/Criminal to fit your theme better; you could even call it "Trapfinder," so long as it solely gives you the +1 and Class to DD. ![]()
![]() The party makes their plans, with Svetlana offering words of encouragement and assistance, and Oleg reluctantly brings his personal supply of mead from their storage area; the large keg is 3/4 full with the dark, rich drink. Chiding Sverlisk to not waste too much of it (and being chided by his wife for his selfishness), Oleg brings the keg to the yard, and sets up a display of goods, along with the party's ox cart. Before an early bed, Svetlana provides another hearty meal, though neither she nor Oleg have much they wish to discuss. --- Rising well before dawn, Oleg rouses the group from their slumber in the guest quarters, Svetlana having served a simple breakfast of hard bread and jerky. Their bellies full, Oleg begs everyone to quickly assume their positions, and wait patiently for the bandits, who should be arriving in short order. He sets out his own wares, preparing the ruse for Sverlisk. "Remember, friend, our plan: I have told you I did not want you here, but you insisted on staying to 'meet your future customers,' and when they arrive, you are a merchant. I do not see this going well; may the Gods watch over us all." --- Almost exactly one hour after sunset, four men arrive on horseback, with two more horses bearing pack saddles being towed behind. They ride confidently through the front gates, pausing only when the front man raises a hand on noticing Sverlisk. Dismounting, the mooks walk their horses into the market yard, the leader dropping his hood to reveal a scarred and weathered face.
Checks: Reuben, Cainbar, and Vorrs: I'll need Stealth checks, and a Perception from Vorrs to notice them coming and hide in time if he isn't staying hunkered down. Ricean, give me a Handle Animal instead. Happs isn't making a Bluff, since you all know he's lying anyway. And yeah, I know the catapults are supposed to be catapults, but there's no quarry nearby, and not enough room to staff a crew to haul rocks up to them even when it was a border fort. So I made them ballista instead; that would only take two people per siege engine, and there is plenty of wood around. Idk, catapults just didn't make sense to me. ![]()
![]() If the plan's set, I can advance us to the norning. I see Sverlisk, under the guise of a merchant, trying to get them drunk. Reuben and Cainbar will hide and secure the entrance, Vorrs off to the side waiting to ambush, and our cavalier mounted and ready to charge next the stables. That about right? ![]()
![]() OOC:
So that's a no-go on the ballista repair; it will take weeks, as well as materials and currency the party doesn't yet have.
Ricean, you could fit behind the stables, under the walkway above, and charge out that corner. Svetlana nods at their offers, and following the company outside, she shouts at her husband, who had resumed his roof repairs. "Oleg, dear! Go to the stores and bring out your mead barrel. If these men deign to help us, we must allow them, whatever their plan." Cursing more, Oleg clambers down the ladder, once again tossing his tools before him. ![]()
![]() GM Barrister wrote:
No, you couldn't; I've added a text box underneath, and signed out and looked at it. Looks like it works now, even if it's not the prettiest! ![]()
![]() Cainbar Stonehammer wrote: Also dunno if others are having same problems, while I can access the map, I have no access to information on the map about the areas. You can't see the comment stuck next to the side of the image? Edit in case anyone is here before I get to the office: I do remember the page specifically mentioned that the ballista would be of no use in the fight. I'll check further in, but I believe you'll either have to upgrade the hex or spend several rolls (and thus more time) to repair them. Also, on the rolls, it doesn't matter the order; let your check and RP be independent of each other. I'm not going to penalize ranks in Diplo, as long as you try to convince. I meant more like, you come upon an unfriendly persom, you Diplo them to give you something, and instead of trying to convince them, you just roll and say "Gimme that." That wouldn't work no matter your mod; adding "please" might help! That sort of thing. ![]()
![]() OOC:
I apologize if this reads weird; I left my laptop at the office, and it's locked in until tomorrow. I'm glad I can post from my phone, but I also hate typing anything of length on it. I also don't have her stats I made, so:
Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10 3 is now Svetlana's bluff mod. Reasonable enough, and she and Oleg are not Commoners. Oleg shoves back from the table, spouting curses at the party as he leaves; you can hear his profanities even over the slamming of the front door. "That...is a most interesting plan, despite my husband's typical reaction. These two bottles of wine are nearly all of our spirits, however; our business is mostly trappers or the odd wandering adventurer, and I'm afraid that doesn't lend well to stocking alcohol." "As far as the bandits...the first time they came, they numbered in the dozens. There were two of note; a rather dull, cloaked man, and a..." Svetlana pauses as she grows distant, and shivers visibly, "A terrifying woman with two hatchets. She was clearly their leader, though only the man has returned since. At last visit, there were six others with him. Armor, you asked? They were lightly carried, and many had clothing on atop whatever they wore, so it must have been light." Holding up a finger and asking for pause, she leaves the kitchen, returning shortly with her own charter, passing it to Reuben. "As you can see, my husband and I received this land on a grant. Originally, this was a border fort, but the years of disuse brought it nearly to ruin. The ballista have not been operating since we took over; Oleg sliced deeply into his thigh trying to restring one, and they have sat ever since. We were chartered to convert this into a trade post, not a fortress." PC DCs: Sense Motive DC 10 - She has more booze, and is a terrible liar even with my Bluff bonus...damn Svetlana. Seperate Sense Motive DC Arbitrary - She was terrified the first time the bandits arrived, and may have details incorrect, though she is not deliberately lying. Diplomacy - I recommend some of this if you want her to give more booze...and not hate you in the process. This is also as good a time as any to mention: Diplo and certain bluff checks are more biased on RP than a roll. If you give me a great argument, the roll is essentially meaningless; likewise you can have a +20 in it, and not post any effort at trying, and you'll probably fail. These two skills in particular, even at RL tables, are perfect IC moments, and idk 'bout y'all, but I like Roleplaying Games. Feinting obviously discounted from that. ![]()
![]() Howdy. I'll get to all the questions, and give one of those "applicant break down" posts tomorrow; I left my laptop at the office tonight, and phones are a pain in the rear. Oyzar specifically, I don't know yet. Genie: I'll say "yes" for now, but don't get too set in the next 24 hours. I remember looking hard at wildblooded to make an argument on it working with...what's it called, dual blooded?...but I do want to check Empyreal specifically. ![]()
![]() TerminalArtiste wrote: So I've just come up with a fun character concept for a Barbarian, GM. I was wondering if you would be all right with me putting both the Jungle Rager & the Primal Hunter archetypes on a character? Not trying for something overpowered, I just thought it was a cool idea. If you're not, I would make him just the Jungle Rager. I would also use the Unchained Barbarian as the base, since I like their version of Rage better (less number adjustment = more fun for me). Primal Hunter wouldn't work, as it's modifications to Rage would essentially be the same as the uBarb's Rage, and I couldn't in good conscious let them stack. I see no problems with Jungle Rager, however. ![]()
![]() Reuben:
You're familiar with the rise of bandit activity; it's one of the reasons the groups were sent in. You've also caught wind of attacks on a trapper's post; it's possible they meant Oleg's, as it is the only establishment this far out of occupied lands. You are not in the least surprised to learn the government promised the family aid without sharing that bit with you. Oleg trudges in solemnly, slightly less grungy than a few minutes ago, and takes a seat at the head of the table. Svetlana dishes out ample bowls of stew for their guests, giving a slightly-less-generous portion to her husband, before taking a seat beside him. "Oleg, darling, these fine gentlemen don't seem to know about the bandits." Oleg snorts through his spoonful of stew, grimacing as he swallows, "Don't know about the bandits? I'm not surprised...it only figures they'd just send whatever scraggly lot stumbled upon their steps first..." Taking a hunk of bread, Oleg nods at his wife, and she continues, "We received word that an exploration company was en route to the Stolen Lands. They...led us to believe you would also help us with our bandit problem." She rises, and paces about the small room, "You see, three months ago, a large group of the brigands came here, demanding all of our wares. They...threatened things best not spoke of, and promised to burn our home to the ground if we did not meet their demands. Oleg nearly lost his hand trying to stand up to them...trying to protect me..." Svetlana goes distant for a moment, and Oleg looks up from his soup with worry, "They come at sunrise on the first day of the month; they're due for the fourth visit tomorrow morning." Svetlana rounds the table, looking pleadingly at the party, "My husband might never ask, but would you be willing to help us?" ![]()
![]() Awesome submissions so far everyone; I'll go over them all individually as I get the chance, and PM you with any specific qualms I might have. Quick looks show everything's good! @Redelia - The light of the Dawnflower shines on all who seek repentance from their evil ways, from the lowliest Goblin to the mightiest Dragon. All are welcome to be warmed by Sarenrae's magnificent light! So in other words, I don't have a problem with him, and won't reject the concept outright because of the goblin aspect (as I gather the others have). ![]()
![]() @Reuben - Yeah...if it hadn't been several months old, I would have pointed out that, with that interpretation, a Bard 1 with Stealth and a +1 Dex would have the same mod as a housefly with +0 Dex...this is why I go to StackExchange or even Reddit before I come here for answers. It's sad when Reddit is more sensible than a "real" forum. Okay cool! I just did yesterday (obviously given my comment there), but I'll look again today at him, and everyone else too, and make sure we're good to kill some bandits! ![]()
![]() oyzar wrote:
The latter. oyzar wrote: I don't suppose you'll allow me using any archtypes for unchained monk? They are normally not allowed. It strongly depends on which archetype and what abilities they modify on the normal version. Ask me specifically and I can let you know. oyzar wrote: Can I use subdomains for my druid side?(...)Edit: By looking at the Goliath Druid, I can see that it lists subdomains, so I guess I can only pick it if it's listed. (...) Hit the nail on the head. We're getting some good options here y'all. Keep 'em coming. Also, something that's just a pet peeve of mine: When making your character sheets, please use "Class-Class" to describe your gestalt, rather than "Class//Class." A Fighter//Wizard 4 is not the same as a Fighter-Wizard 4, in the way I've always viewed things. Likewise, if you multiclass in addition to your gestalting, you'd end up with something like "Fighter//Wizard 4/Fighter//Rogue 3," versus "Fighter-Wizard 4/Fighter-Rogue 3." They read completely differently. Conversations, use what you what, but please use the "-" method on your sheets for me. ![]()
![]() The road from The Tavern is easy; as the primary route from Rostland to the Stolen Lands, the passage is fairly maintained (though, knowing the politics as you do, it seems just as likely those who use the road maintain it themselves), and the party reaches Oleg's with little incident shortly before noon. A thirty-foot-wide gate stands open, allowing the party entrance through the wooden palisade. Those with an eye for security are quick to notice the four guard towers that stand in each corner, topped with ramshackle ballista; the state of disrepair of the siege weapons is obvious even at a distance. Maneuvering the cart into an open square, a handsome woman rushes to greet the party; a burly, stout man, sweaty from the heat of the day, slowly climbs off the roof of an open shed, tossing a hammer and some planks down before him. The woman smiles, welcoming the newcomers with open arms, "Thank Desna you've made it. Welcome to Oleg's! I'm Svetlana, and this filthy animal-" she says, gesturing towards the man, "-is my husband, Oleg. Please, let my husband tend to your animals; I've prepared a meal for you. Come, inside, let us eat, and we can discuss your plans for the bandits." Oleg grimaces as his wife ushers the party into their home, "Fine lot they sent us..." He grumbles as he unharnesses the ox cart, muttering to himself, "Damn woman. 'Let my husband tend to your animals,' she says. Fah! Filthy, muck-laden beast...and the horses aren't much better!" "I heard that!" Svetlana turns towards her husband as she holds open the door for the group, "Clean yourself up when you're done, and come in and eat, before I show you what a 'beast' I can be!" She leads the party to her dining room, where a hearty stew sits bubbling in a pot, with warm bread and butter at the table beside a few fresh bottles of wine. OOC: This would be the first the party has heard of any specific bandits; though the charter expressly mentions their duty to handle them, it would be unclear what Svetlana means. ![]()
![]() Yes, you have the charter, and you've been sent to Oleg's Trading Post, near the start of the Stolen Lands. I'll fast-forward to the morning now, and send you on your journey. Cainbar/Ricean - Feel free to snag the coins before you segue out; I'd hate to leave 50gp for some other group! And you're also welcome to give it to the staff, if you're feeling particularly "good," I just wanted to go ahead and move forward since we can start the intro without worrying about much else. Edit: I've got Oleg's map up, and the charter text, under the Campaign tab. Let me know if you can click the map link/area description I'm currently typing. Not sure I gave permissions properly. Edit edit: Until I figure out how to attach this to a proper document, I've instead put the room descriptions as a comment beside the image; click "Show More" to see it all, and let me know if you think this works. I would've preferred the text be underneath the image, like a typical map, but I'll have to play with Drawing more to get that to work. Final Edit: Don't ever click "Resolve" beside a comment, if the option is even available to you all. Took my descriptions away xD Truly final edit: Okay, they're recoverable, but look ugly. Not as bad as I'd thought! Ultimate out-of-time-to-edit-again final edit: The only way to make a map that you all can change, without allowing anyone who finds the page to make changes, is by giving you permission through a Google account. If you want to keep it all in one place (rather than going to Roll20), I'll need a gmail from y'all. I made one just for this; you're welcome to as well, or use what you've got, up to you. ![]()
![]() Generally yes, but I'll leave it up to the party. However, I looked into this argument a while ago, and since spell costs are part of the WBL factor, and since I tend to over-wealth the party anyway, I will say that if you take it, raw currency (coins, gems, trade goods) will be less-frequent in the loot as a whole. ![]()
![]() So as an example of how I like gameplay to run, I'm going to give you a check DC, with the result. Make a roll, and then continue on with your actions; feel free to preview the post and see if you beat the DC, and let that determine whether or not you react. In other words, RP onwards as though the "check" doesn't happen, unless you pass, in which case, reap the rewards! ![]()
![]() @Sverlisk - As far as map-making goes, part of what you're commissioned for it making maps, yes, though the appropriate skills only serve to bring you more money, and it's assumed you can get the job done without Prof: Cartographer or the like. But the blank hex is mostly for the kingdom building aspect; when you decide you want a Cathedral, or a farm, the hexes (rather than traditional squares) dictate where they go; there are also specifics for what can be adjacent to what, and bonuses/penalties from proximity, that sort of thing.