Netflix The Punisher


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I dunno if I’m really into the idea. “Sure, he murders a bunch of people and is fine with torturing people, but he spares this one criminal in the first episode so you know he’s technically a good guy.”

I liked the Ennis version. That made no bones about what a sick and awful person he was.

Not killing Danny is really the telling part. I know there are a number of writers would have absolutely had him kill Donny in that first episode.

Not saying if it’s bad or not but I’m generally unsure. I’ll have to watch more.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Check mark off of the possible psychopath list then.

Might be a good idea to skip this thread if it forces you to put people on a list.

I just finished the third episode. This series so far looks to be a lot better than either Defenders or Iron Fist, probably because IF really is sort of a poor fit for the Netflix corner of the MCU (or "MCU")

I will say, especially after the backstory in ep 3, the Punisher is not really someone I find to be sympathetic. Relatable yes, but not a hero. So folks concerned about that shouldn't worry too much.

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Orville Redenbacher wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Check mark off of the possible psychopath list then.
Might be a good idea to skip this thread if it forces you to put people on a list.

LMAO What about the nice person who deserves free candy list? (which is the polar opposite of punishers list btw.)

I think it's the best Netflix show so far, only faults the fighting scenes aren't that interesting compared to Daredevil, and too bloody for my taste.

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Well to be fair, guns and explosions kill quicker than fists and blunt instruments...

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Slight spoilerV
finished episode 7. I will tell you bullet proof glass for that design of window super expensive. Was it worth it? I think so.

Sovereign Court

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Ok, episode 12 end is just....ok....just....omg.

I don't know what you mean but I don't want spoilers so i'm not gonna think about it.

Sovereign Court

Knoq Nixoy wrote:
too bloody for my taste.

Even I, Zzorn, agrees with you! it's like the technicians over-pressurized the ketchup pump or something...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Frank works with what he has, and in the absence of superpowers or insane ninja skills like the other shows, he gets the job done with old fashioned caveman level violence.

Silver Crusade

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Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Frank works with what he has, and in the absence of superpowers or insane ninja skills like the other shows, he gets the job done with old fashioned caveman level violence.

When all you have is a hammer...

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Finished it. JJ remains my favorite. This one didn't feel so much like a super hero series more so an action/tragedy. Some scenes were hard to watch (I would be looking at you scene where frank shoved thumbs in persons eyes least I would be looking aside from well you get the idea)

So dude is jigsaw now right?

Rysky wrote:
Mark Thomas 66 wrote:
Frank works with what he has, and in the absence of superpowers or insane ninja skills like the other shows, he gets the job done with old fashioned caveman level violence.
When all you have is a hammer...

silly Rysky Thor is the one with the hammer... well he was anyways.

Yeah soon as I googled the actor Jigsaw came up. Never knew much about ol Jiggy. Way to go frank not killin the guy and instead making a (semi)super villian.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Which ironically reinforces the whole rooftop convo with Daredevil about half measures only making things worse.

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I mean doing that to a trained killers face who is so obsessed with his looks how could you not end up with a super villain?

(way he got that face is another really hard scene to watch I shudder to think about it.)

It could have been worse, his name could have been Jimmy G Saw. That is a kid doomed to grow up to be a super villain named Jigsaw.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

I'd wager that...

..that since Frank basically retired again,
even getting some well-earned and well-written closure as a character,
potential Punisher season 2 would probably be Russo destroying ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING MEANINGFUL LEFT IN FRANK'S LIFE. And since I'm pretty sure Karen's gotta go to either jail or morgue in Daredevi season 3, that would leave Frank pretty much alone again, with only punishin' left in life.

Sovereign Court

Finished it and boy did 13 episodes feel like a long time to tell that story....

I really liked the Billy Russo character, both the writing and the actor portrayal. As expected, Jon Berthnal was great as castle.

Getting tired of the netflix mcu formula of secret hideout that the main character tells all their friends about and keeps using after enemies learns about it...

Overall a jumble of themes that dont really take you anywhere. I was hoping Punisher would snap this streak of mediocre offerings from marvel/netflix. I'd only recommend to die hard MCU fans.

I was impressed by how many clear shots of the Manhattan skyline without Stark Tower they managed to have.

Thomas Seitz wrote:
Well to be fair, guns and explosions kill quicker than fists and blunt instruments...

Didn't be mention something about one shot once kill in daredevil?

Cause checking the fight scenes it seems more like ten shots one kill...

Oh well. It was very good and entertaining. I recognize that it's bloody but that didn't really bother me... That's not a good thing...

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Nope still can't think about the eye thing without shuddering.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Nope still can't think about the eye thing without shuddering.

I actually just giggled at that... The people I were watching it with were cringing pretty badly though.

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You goblins just aren't right.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

I'm confused: how can you tell the difference between the bullets/knives that are dangerous and the kind that just stagger you a round or so and fail to go through thin materials?

So, all in all a decent show but a bit too little punishing. Better than IF, JJ or the Defenders, not as good as LC, and they are all vastly inferior to AC. Overlong, though.

What is AC?

I didn't read through ALL the comments. But for some of the first ones. People clearly don't understand the Punisher. The whole concept is he lost his family to the Mob. So when you have the training and experience that Frank Castle has, AND you lost everything that you had. You have one goal in mind. To hunt down and destroy the ones that took your reasoning for living away.

One of the best things about the Punisher is he always kicks but but always get his but kicked. Remember because he has nothing else to lose he then can have the mindset of "do anything necessary to complete the mission"

Also he typically only kills the bad guy. Sometimes there are casualties of war. No one should ever claim him as a hero. Vigilante or anti-hero is a more accurate assessment.

Now as for a build:
In a home campaign I would allow a monk to me non-lawful. Never liked the idea of them being lawful

So a mix between monk/gunslinger/alchemist. Alchemist just for the guns. I am not 100% familiar with a-lot of the archetypes.

As for the show. It was rather slow and Jon Jon Bernthal was decent. But I prefer Thomas Jane.

Sovereign Court

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Micheal Smith wrote:

As for the show. It was rather slow and Jon Jon Bernthal was decent. But I prefer Thomas Jane.

Really? I thought the Thomas Jane Punisher was the weakest adaption. They tried very hard to turn Punisher from anti- to hero. Didn't work for me at all. I would say that Ray Stevenson's Punisher was the truest to material. Basically, 90% of his humanity is gone and he is simply an empty vessel of vengeance. Though the most fun adaption was Dolph Lundgren (surprise, enemy ninjas!). I think the Berthnal adaption was a mix of all the previous adaptions with a modern facelift to account for more recent wars and PTSD.

I don't think most folks miss the point of the Punisher. I think the Punisher has a very narrow dimension, which makes it very difficult to write in an interesting way. Punisher lacks mass appeal, which explains why every adaption seems to be met with a resounding meh.

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wraithstrike wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

I'm confused: how can you tell the difference between the bullets/knives that are dangerous and the kind that just stagger you a round or so and fail to go through thin materials?

So, all in all a decent show but a bit too little punishing. Better than IF, JJ or the Defenders, not as good as LC, and they are all vastly inferior to AC. Overlong, though.

What is AC?

Agent Carter

Silver Crusade

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Pan wrote:
Though the most fun adaption was Dolph Lundgren

How in the flying f$!~ did I not know of this?

Sovereign Court

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

I'm confused: how can you tell the difference between the bullets/knives that are dangerous and the kind that just stagger you a round or so and fail to go through thin materials?

So, all in all a decent show but a bit too little punishing. Better than IF, JJ or the Defenders, not as good as LC, and they are all vastly inferior to AC. Overlong, though.

What is AC?
Agent Carter

That's not a Netflix show.

Hama wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

I'm confused: how can you tell the difference between the bullets/knives that are dangerous and the kind that just stagger you a round or so and fail to go through thin materials?

So, all in all a decent show but a bit too little punishing. Better than IF, JJ or the Defenders, not as good as LC, and they are all vastly inferior to AC. Overlong, though.

What is AC?
Agent Carter
That's not a Netflix show.

I never said it was. I was just comparing it to other Marvel shows.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Pan wrote:
Micheal Smith wrote:

As for the show. It was rather slow and Jon Jon Bernthal was decent. But I prefer Thomas Jane.

Really? I thought the Thomas Jane Punisher was the weakest adaption. They tried very hard to turn Punisher from anti- to hero. Didn't work for me at all. I would say that Ray Stevenson's Punisher was the truest to material. Basically, 90% of his humanity is gone and he is simply an empty vessel of vengeance. Though the most fun adaption was Dolph Lundgren (surprise, enemy ninjas!). I think the Berthnal adaption was a mix of all the previous adaptions with a modern facelift to account for more recent wars and PTSD.

I don't think most folks miss the point of the Punisher. I think the Punisher has a very narrow dimension, which makes it very difficult to write in an interesting way. Punisher lacks mass appeal, which explains why every adaption seems to be met with a resounding meh.

I'll agree that it wasn't a very faithful adaptation, but I personally love Jane's Punisher movie.

I can't say the same for the other two. The only parts of the Ray Stevenson Punisher I liked were so-bad-they're-good, like the meth-head parkour guy getting blown up by a mid-90's video game explosion.

I like this version but it's not the best Punisher I've seen. Mostly because I think it can and will get better.

Sovereign Court

Which one is the best you've seen?

Micheal Smith wrote:

I didn't read through ALL the comments. But for some of the first ones. People clearly don't understand the Punisher. The whole concept is he lost his family to the Mob. So when you have the training and experience that Frank Castle has, AND you lost everything that you had. You have one goal in mind. To hunt down and destroy the ones that took your reasoning for living away.

One of the best things about the Punisher is he always kicks but but always get his but kicked. Remember because he has nothing else to lose he then can have the mindset of "do anything necessary to complete the mission"

Also he typically only kills the bad guy. Sometimes there are casualties of war. No one should ever claim him as a hero. Vigilante or anti-hero is a more accurate assessment.

Now as for a build:
In a home campaign I would allow a monk to me non-lawful. Never liked the idea of them being lawful

So a mix between monk/gunslinger/alchemist. Alchemist just for the guns. I am not 100% familiar with a-lot of the archetypes.

As for the show. It was rather slow and Jon Jon Bernthal was decent. But I prefer Thomas Jane.

It seems like this Frank Castle actually is a hero. From what I hear, other ones wouldn't take the risks he does for the innocent.

If I were to build him, I would probably use Starfinder rules, but sticking with Pathfinder...

I would do a Savage Technologist Barbarian followed by four levels of fighter, and a dip in Brawler. Brawler also conveniently explains all the tricks has with Martial Flexibility like spontaneously disarming or using improvised weapons. I would also give him the feat Martial Versatility as that explains his specialty being with all guns. Barroom brawler would give him the extra martial flexibility uses he'd need, and I'd just assume this would be a guns everywhere campaign. His specialized rage explains why he can shoot people and punch them, which justifies his screaming rage when he kills people.

Dark Archive

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Rysky wrote:
Pan wrote:
Though the most fun adaption was Dolph Lundgren
How in the flying f&%& did I not know of this?

It's either good or so bad it's good. I don't know which, but it's my favorite Punisher movie.

I enjoy Dolph's, but it wasn't a good Punisher adaptation. More faithful than most comic movies of the era though.

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Dolphs "greatest" movie will remain he-man and the masters of the universe.

I'm looking forward to his next film, with Stallone and Jordan.

Hama wrote:
Which one is the best you've seen?

The one inside my mind. :p :)

Sovereign Court

That doesn't count.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Rysky wrote:
Pan wrote:
Though the most fun adaption was Dolph Lundgren
How in the flying f&!% did I not know of this?

Yup....crazy Punisher

Hama wrote:
That doesn't count.

Really? I thought it did...

Scarab Sages

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Finally finished watching this last night. It was pretty decent, although I think there was a lot of extra plot they could have done without. I was a bit disappointed in the ending, however. Didn't seem very Punisher-ish.

Sovereign Court

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They needed an ending like that after the multiple bloodbaths.

I dont know if they needed a "sucks what happened to you... despite your homicidal rampage we are giving you a fresh start!" ending.

Dark Archive

I really liked the series

it really makes you wonder about what you would do in the same life situation

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I enjoyed the show, probably more so than Defenders. I thought there should have been more guns though. When I think of the Punisher I think of lots and lots of guns.

Sovereign Court

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Who needs guns when you have two thumbs? :P

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