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Right now, there are no pre-gen sheets. It's between this sticky post and the previous pre-gen pages from the prior PFSACG guide.
Yup. I know this. My question is if 1) the community team is responsible for the as-yet-non-existant pre-gen sheets and/or 2) the new character sheets for the class decks that have been released (or are mid-release). Looking below, the answer appears to be both.
The character sheet blanks, deck lists and extras are under the community team which is why I usually ask Chris about it.
This was the bit I was tryin' to find out. I shall stop asking about them here.

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Yeah, I asked about the character/deck sheets for the Oracle and the Alchemist is now officially out so we need those as well.
I'm less worried about the pre-gen stuff since we have a source for those.
Though it's gettin' on Damiel o'clock.
I really shouldn't be the one who whines about these. I never play pregens.

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I was playing the Tier 3 Amiri pregen a pickup Card Guild scenario at PAX East this weekend. I noticed a slightly odd thing about her deck in Tier 3: She has Magic Chainmail as one of her armors, but doesn't yet have Heavy Armor Proficiency. I was wondering if it would make sense to substitute that with one of the other armors in the deck.

Tanis O'Connor Adventure Card Game Designer |

I was playing the Tier 3 Amiri pregen a pickup Card Guild scenario at PAX East this weekend. I noticed a slightly odd thing about her deck in Tier 3: She has Magic Chainmail as one of her armors, but doesn't yet have Heavy Armor Proficiency. I was wondering if it would make sense to substitute that with one of the other armors in the deck.
Good eye! It shall be replaced anon.Magic Chain Mail has become Magic Padded Armor, for added comfort.
Alchemist also added.

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Alchemist also added.
Point of interest: Wouldn't it be better to give Tier 1 Damiel two Cures (since the deck includes two) and Brilliance since he can't play spells with the Attack trait? Lightning Touch is a dead card for him. (Similarly, Tier 5 Damiel can't use Paralyze [unless he's a Mindchemist], so he might be better off with a Cure or some other non-Attack spell as well.)

Tanis O'Connor Adventure Card Game Designer |

Tanis O'Connor wrote:Alchemist also added.Yay!
Point of interest: Wouldn't it be better to give Tier 1 Damiel two Cures (since the deck includes two) and Brilliance since he can't play spells with the Attack trait? Lightning Touch is a dead card for him. (Similarly, Tier 5 Damiel can't use Paralyze [unless he's a Mindchemist], so he might be better off with a Cure or some other non-Attack spell as well.)
He can still use the spells. Not all choices are optimal.

elcoderdude |

James McKendrew wrote:Point of interest: Wouldn't it be better to give Tier 1 Damiel two Cures (since the deck includes two) and Brilliance since he can't play spells with the Attack trait? Lightning Touch is a dead card for him. (Similarly, Tier 5 Damiel can't use Paralyze [unless he's a Mindchemist], so he might be better off with a Cure or some other non-Attack spell as well.)He can still use the spells. Not all choices are optimal.
This doesn't make sense. When playing the regular game, you can end up with cards in your deck you never chose, but when playing Organized Play, every card in your deck is a card you chose. No one playing CD Damiel as a Tier 1 character would choose an Attack spell.
How can Tier 1 CD Damiel use an Attack spell?
I haven't seen the Alchemist roles, so I can't comment on Tier 5.
EDIT: ninja'd

Tanis O'Connor Adventure Card Game Designer |

Tanis, what is "use" in this context? He can discard the card for damage, sure, but he can't play the spell at all (even just to banish it and to roll 3d4 for his Combat check) due to his power.
It means I misunderstood your concerns. I'll modify the deck list.
Lightning Touch->Cure

cosined |

In the meantime, I present some get-psyched music.
Mike Doughty! So under appreciated! His post-Soul Coughing stuff, while different, should not be overlooked!

Tanis O'Connor Adventure Card Game Designer |

Tanis O'Connor wrote:In the meantime, I present some get-psyched music.Mike Doughty! So under appreciated! His post-Soul Coughing stuff, while different, should not be overlooked!
Agree completely, though I still love SC best. I was at a Flula Borg show last weekend and the house music was SC's El Oso album. I was the only one singing along.

Tanis O'Connor Adventure Card Game Designer |

Tanis O'Connor wrote:Inquisitor added.Yay!
First question: Is a Potion of Wisdom supposed to be a Potion of Vision? (I'd be willing to believe I failed to notice a new card in my Inquisitor deck...)
Well, since I did this *at* PaizoCon, I'll take a single error. Yes, PoVision.

drgnmstr44 |
This is a nice list. I've had people show up to play that don't have a deck and never played and as the Venture Agent for my game store, I try to have all the decks available to use. So I have two requests.
1: rename the thread to Pre-Gen list for Card Guild Organized play so it's generic enough to cover all of them.
2: Add ALL of the pre-gens for the class decks. Right now they are spread out over multiple places, including this thread. It would be extremely helpful if they were all centralized into one location. This Sticky Thread seems best.

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2: Add ALL of the pre-gens for the class decks. Right now they are spread out over multiple places, including this thread. It would be extremely helpful if they were all centralized into one location. This Sticky Thread seems best.
As far as I am aware, the other location pre-gens are in is in the Adventure Card Game Guild Guide to Organized Play document. I expect that is the ideal place for pre-gens. However, it isn't updated as often as new Class Decks come out, so I saw this post as a stop-gap until new pregens get incorporated into the Guide.
Now, it may be that in the future, there are enough Class Decks that putting all the pregens (at all 3 tiers) makes the Guide rather bloated, and they will want to spin off into a separate document. But in any case, I would think that a PDF, updated as Paizo's staff schedule allows, makes the best primary resource, accompanied by a thread like this one that lists new pre-gens until they make it into the PDF.

lorddax |
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Pregenerated Char Tiers Gallery
I can take this down if it breaks any rules. Just tossed this together in Sketch from my old PDF

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All of these pregens are based on class decks. Are there any that can be created using the box sets? This makes more sense to me because people new to the game tend not to but decks, and it prevents GMs from having to buy more decks, when they could just build some from the base set.
I guess I'm a bit confused. There are pre-gens characters in the rulebooks for the base sets.
As for class decks, these are the pre-gens that are available according the guild guidebook. And this forum is for the organized play which requires class decks to play.
So what pre-gens are you looking for?

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We are in the process of trying to get more people in our lodge interested in the game. I don't feel the need to go buy 2 to 5 more class decks so people can try out organized play when the base sets should be just as good. One of the point of pregens are for new players to use to learn the game, and the people running the game shouldn't have to buy more class decks to accommodate that, I guess thats my point.
Therefore I was hoping the base sets of each season could have pregens created (or the ones in guide of each box set be legalized as pregens), so more people can try the game.

Houstonian |

Skyler Malik: so far what we've been doing in the Greater Houston Area is ask that someone with a lot of different Class Decks to please come to organized play PACG events. I have quite a few and several other longtime players have quite a few also. The situation does arise where someone with experience has to play a Character they might not prefer. Luckily for me, few people know about Damiel and Alchemists, so I can always sneak him in unnoticed, hehe, and play him just about always!
Usually for events that I'm involved with I put a message similar to: "Everyone is welcome and Class Decks will be made available in the interest of easier play." That's because other people like to put that you must bring your own Class Deck, but I want to include as many newcomers, passersby, and drop-ins as possible! They might decide that they enjoy playing a particular Character/Class and thereafter buy a Class Deck.

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We are in the process of trying to get more people in our lodge interested in the game. I don't feel the need to go buy 2 to 5 more class decks so people can try out organized play when the base sets should be just as good. One of the point of pregens are for new players to use to learn the game, and the people running the game shouldn't have to buy more class decks to accommodate that, I guess thats my point.
Therefore I was hoping the base sets of each season could have pregens created (or the ones in guide of each box set be legalized as pregens), so more people can try the game.
I understand what you're saying (now). If you're just trying to get people interested in the game, you can simply play the characters in the base set and the add-on deck. You can play the adventure path that comes with the set or the season adventures. If so, you can use the pre-gens in the rulebook that comes with the base set.
If you're trying to get people to play the organized play, then the issue is that:
1) If you're trying to build characters using the base set, then they aren't legal to play in OP.
2) Are you trying to build decks for other characters in a class deck that is currently being used? Again, that's not legal for OP.
3) You won't find pre-gens for class deck characters using the base set cards. It isn't OP legal so there won't be an effort to do this.
All that being said, if you're not reporting the sessions for organized play, you can do whatever you wish.

Keith Richmond Lone Shark Games |
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Well, I'd _love_ to pregen every character :) But if the policy is only iconics then there may be no pregens for the Goblins deck. It's possible that's even a reasonable stance to take - the goblins require a little more care for organized play so perhaps should not be newbie given.
Mind you, I'd also be happy to have all 4 We Be Goblins characters pregenned, nothing else because Season of the Goblin exists.

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Any chance on getting pregen for the gunslinger deck? I've got a new player that just picked up that deck and would like to play with it but we're several chapters into both wrath and runelords and he'd be quite handicapped if he chose the make your own character option at this point. He's been borrowing a deck and playing a pregen, but he'd like to play his own deck now.

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I will work at getting the pregens into the character sheet downloads in the coming weeks. In the meantime, here's the pregen info as last printed in Guide 2.1.
BARD class deck: LEM
Tier 1
Feats: None
Weapon Light Crossbow (B)
Spell Arcane Armor (B)
Spell Cure (B)
Spell Inflict (B)
Spell Lightning Touch (B)
Item Bracers of Protection (B)
Item Codex (B)
Ally Dilettante (B)
Ally Fox (B)
Ally Troubadour (B)
Blessing Blessing of Milani (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Tier 3
Skill Feats: Intelligence +1; Charisma +1
Power Feats: second power +1,+2
Card Feats: Ally 4; Blessing 6
Weapon Dagger +1 (1)
Spell Charm Person (B)
Spell Cure (B)
Spell Lightning Touch (B)
Spell Paralyze (2)
Item Ruby of Charisma (1)
Item Spyglass (1)
Ally Old Salt (B)
Ally Retainer (B)
Ally Raconteur (1)
Ally Cook (2)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (B)
Blessing Blessing of Milani (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of Abadar (1)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (1)
Blessing Blessing of Gozreh (2)
Tier 5
Role: Arcane Tinkerer
Skill Feats: Intelligence +1; Charisma +1, +2, +3
Power Feats: Hand Size 7; second power +1,+2; “Add 2 to your check to recharge a spell that has the Arcane trait;” “You may recharge a spell that has the Arcane trait to draw a card.”
Card Feats: Spell 5; Ally 4, 5; Blessing 6
Weapon Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 (2)
Spell Cure (B)
Spell Lightning Bolt (2)
Spell Incendiary Cloud (3)
Spell Scrying (3)
Spell Holy Feast (4)
Item Ruby of Charisma (1)
Item Headband of Alluring Charisma (4)
Ally Social Climber (1)
Ally Cook (2)
Ally Duelist (3)
Ally Valet (3)
Ally Wayfarer (4)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (B)
Blessing Blessing of Milani (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of Abadar(1)
Blessing Blessing of Gozreh (2)
Blessing Blessing of Norgorber (3)
CLERIC class deck: KYRA
Tier 1
Feats: None
Weapon Longsword (B)
Weapon Longsword (B)
Spell Cure (B)
Spell Fireblade (B)
Spell Inflict (B)
Armor Chain Mail (B)
Armor Wooden Armor (B)
Item Holy Water (B)
Ally Sage (B)
Blessing Blessing of Cayden Cailean (B)
Blessing Blessing of Pharasma (B)
Blessing Blessing of Sarenrae (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Tier 3
Skill Feats: Strength +1, +2
Power Feats: Weapons; first power +2
Card Feats: Weapon 3; Ally 2
Weapon Scimitar (B)
Weapon Scimitar (1)
Weapon Flaming Scimitar +1 (2)
Spell Cure (B)
Spell Augury (1)
Spell Protect (2)
Armor Magic Half-Plate (B)
Armor Magic Shield (B)
Item Conch Shell (1)
Ally Smith (B)
Ally Wanderer (B)
Blessing Blessing of Cayden Cailean (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of Gorum (1)
Blessing Blessing of Gorum (1)
Blessing Blessing of Milani (2)
Blessing Blessing of Sivanah (2)
Tier 5
Role: Fireflower
Skill Feats: Strength +1, +2; Wisdom +1, +2
Power Feats: Hand Size 6; Weapons; first power +2; second power 4; “You automatically succeed at your check to acquire a weapon.”
Card Feats: Weapon 3; Spell 4; Armor 3; Ally 2
Weapon Scimitar (B)
Weapon Scimitar (1)
Weapon Flaming Scimitar +1 (2)
Spell Cure (B)
Spell Augury (1)
Spell Major Cure (3)
Spell Righteousness (4)
Armor Magic Half-Plate (B)
Armor Deathbane Shield (2)
Armor Chainmail of Cold Resistance (3)
Item Belt of Giant Strength (3)
Ally Cook (2)
Ally Evangelist (3)
Blessing Blessing of Pharasma (B)
Blessing Blessing of Gorum (1)
Blessing Blessing of Gorum (1)
Blessing Blessing of Abadar (3)
Blessing Blessing of Gozreh (3)
Blessing Blessing of Besmara (4)
Tier 1
Feats: None
Weapon Glaive (B)
Weapon Greatclub (B)
Weapon Longspear (B)
Weapon Longsword (B)
Weapon Mace (B)
Armor Chain Mail (B)
Armor Leather Armor (B)
Item Crowbar (B)
Item Signal Whistle (B)
Ally Master-at-Arms (B)
Ally Night Watch (B)
Ally Quartermaster (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Tier 3
Skill Feats: Strength +1; Dexterity +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 5; second power +1
Card Feats: Ally 4; Weapon 6
Weapon Greatclub (B)
Weapon Spiked Chain +1 (B)
Weapon Lucerne Hammer (1)
Weapon Shock Glaive +1 (1)
Weapon Heavy Pick +1 (2)
Weapon Scythe +1 (2)
Armor Chain Mail (B)
Armor Elven Breastplate (1)
Item Topaz of Strength (B)
Item Staff of Minor Healing (1)
Ally Master-at-Arms (B)
Ally Soldier (1)
Ally Merchant (2)
Ally Rogue Ape (2)
Blessing Blessing of Cayden Cailean (B)
Blessing Blessing of Gorum (B)
Blessing Blessing of Abadar (1)
Tier 5
Role: Daredevil
Skill Feats: Strength +1, +2; Dexterity +1; Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 5; second power +1, +2; “When another character at your location is dealt damage, you may reduce that damage by 1;” “When another character at your location encounters a monster, you may bury a card. That character evades the monster; you encounter it instead.”
Card Feats: Weapon 6; Armor 3; Ally 4, 5
Weapon Lucerne Hammer (1)
Weapon Shock Glaive +1 (1)
Weapon Scythe +1 (2)
Weapon Warhammer +2 (2)
Weapon Longsword +2 (3)
Weapon Greatclub +3 (4)
Armor Elven Breastplate (1)
Armor Magic Full Plate (3)
Armor Lesser Bolstering Armor (4)
Item Hat of Glamour (2)
Item Belt of Giant Strength (3)
Ally Master-at-Arms (B)
Ally Squire (1)
Ally Rogue Ape (2)
Ally Evangelist (3)
Ally Clockwork Librarian (4)
Blessing Blessing of Gorum (B)
Blessing Blessing of Gozreh (2)
Blessing Blessing of Achaekek (3)
RANGER class deck: HARSK
Tier 1
Feats: None
Weapon Dagger (B)
Weapon Light Crossbow (B)
Weapon Longbow (B)
Weapon Longsword (B)
Weapon Quarterstaff (B)
Armor Leather Armor (B)
Item Amulet of Life (B)
Item Caltrops (B)
Item Conch Shell (B)
Ally Crow (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Tier 3
Skill Feats: Dexterity +1; Wisdom +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 6, third power +1
Card Feats: Armor 2; Ally 2
Weapon Dagger (B)
Weapon Light Crossbow (B)
Weapon Longbow (B)
Weapon Returning Throwing Axe +1 (1)
Weapon Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 (2)
Armor Magic Leather Armor (B)
Armor Fortified Leather Armor (1)
Item Emerald of Dexterity (B)
Item Spyglass (B)
Item Archer’s Bracers (1)
Ally Snow Leopard (B)
Ally Archer (2)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (B)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of Gorum (1)
Blessing Blessing of Milani (1)
Tier 5
Role: Arbalist
Skill Feats: Dexterity +1, +2; Constitution +1; Wisdom +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 6; “When you would discard a weapon that has the Ranged trait for its power, you may recharge it or put it on top of your deck instead;” feat in second power; third power +1; “At the start of your turn, if you have no weapons in your hand, you may draw 1 card.”
Card Feats: Armor 2; Item 4; Ally 2, 3
Weapon Light Crossbow (B)
Weapon Longbow (B)
Weapon Returning Throwing Axe +1 (1)
Weapon Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 (2)
Weapon Giantbane Dagger +1 (4)
Armor Fortified Leather Armor (1)
Armor Arrow Catching Studded Leather (2)
Item Spyglass (B)
Item Archer’s Bracers (1)
Item Masterwork Tools (1)
Item Belt of Incredible Dexterity (3)
Ally Archer (2)
Ally Giant Badger (3)
Ally Monkey (3)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (B)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (B)
Blessing Blessing of Milani (1)
Blessing Blessing of Abadar (3)
Blessing Blessing of Achaekek (4)
ROGUE class deck: MERISIEL
Tier 1
Feats: None
Weapon Dagger (B)
Weapon Dart (B)
Armor Buckler (B)
Item Amulet of Life (B)
Item Caltrops (B)
Item Potion of Energy Resistance (B)
Item Sage’s Journal (B)
Item Thieves’ Tools (B)
Ally Burglar (B)
Ally Carver (B)
Ally Troubadour (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Tier 3
Skill Feats: Dexterity +1; Intelligence +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 6; Weapons
Card Feats: Item 6; Ally 4
Weapon Dart (B)
Weapon Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 (1)
Armor Elven Chain Shirt (1)
Item Amulet of Life (B)
Item Emerald of Dexterity (B)
Item Ivory Dice (B)
Item Masterwork Tools (B)
Item Spyglass (1)
Item Cloak of Elvenkind (2)
Ally Archer (B)
Ally Carver (B)
Ally Old Salt (B)
Ally Raconteur (1)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (B)
Blessing Blessing of Milani (B)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (1)
Blessing Blessing of Gozreh (2)
Tier 5
Role: Forger
Skill Feats: Dexterity +1, +2; Intelligence +1; Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 6; Weapons; second power +1; “When you would discard a weapon, you may perform the action with a blessing instead;” “When you would fail your check to acquire an item, you may discard a card to ignore the result and reroll the dice. You must use the second result.”
Card Feats: Weapon 3; Item 6; Ally 4; Blessing 5
Weapon Deathbane Light Crossbow +1 (1)
Weapon Light Crossbow +1 (2)
Weapon Frost Longbow +1 (3)
Armor Magic Studded Leather Armor (3)
Item Emerald of Dexterity (B)
Item Masterwork Tools (B)
Item Spyglass (1)
Item Cloak of Elvenkind (2)
Item Belt of Incredible Dexterity (3)
Item Pole (3)
Ally Archer (B)
Ally Merchant (2)
Ally Black Arrow Ranger (3)
Ally Ataxian (4)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (B)
Blessing Blessing of Abadar (1)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (1)
Blessing Blessing of Gozreh (2)
Blessing Blessing of Norgorber (3)
SORCERER class deck: SEONI
Tier 1
Feats: None
Spell Arcane Armor (B)
Spell Black Spot (B)
Spell Confusion (B)
Item Bracers of Protection (B)
Item Caltrops (B)
Item Codex (B)
Ally Guide (B)
Ally Jinx Eater (B)
Ally Sage (B)
Ally Turtle (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of Pharasma (B)
Tier 3
Skill Feats: Charisma +1, +2
Power Feats: first power +1, +2
Card Feats: Spell 4, Blessing 6
Spell Arcane Armor (B)
Spell Mirror Image (B)
Spell Good Omen (1)
Spell Web (2)
Item Token of Remembrance (B)
Item Crown of Charisma (1)
Item Wand of Shield (1)
Ally Surgeon (B)
Ally Turtle (B)
Ally Menagerie Keeper (1)
Ally Apprentice (2)
Blessing Blessing of Pharasma (B)
Blessing Blessing of the Gods (B)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (1)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (1)
Blessing Blessing of Pharasma (1)
Blessing Blessing of Abadar (2)
Tier 5
Role: Dragon Initiate
Skill Feats: Charisma +1, +2, +3, +4
Power Feats: first power +1, +2, +5, +8
Card Feats: Spell 4, 5; Item 4; Blessing 6
Spell Arcane Armor (B)
Spell Frost Ray (1)
Spell Safe Harbor (2)
Spell Scrying (3)
Spell Teleport (4)
Item Wand of Shield (1)
Item Headband of Alluring Charisma (3)
Item Mist Horn (3)
Item Rabbit’s Foot (4)
Ally Surgeon (B)
Ally Incanter (1)
Ally Cat (3)
Ally Reveler (3)
Blessing Blessing of Pharasma (B)
Blessing Blessing of Erastil (1)
Blessing Blessing of Pharasma (1)
Blessing Blessing of Abadar (2)
Blessing Blessing of Sivanah (3)
Blessing Blessing of Lamashtu (4)
WIZARD class deck: EZREN
Tier 1
Feats: None
Weapon Quarterstaff (B)
Spell Arcane Armor (B)
Spell Detect Magic (B)
Spell Force Missile (B)
Spell Force Missile (B)
Spell Lightning Touch (B)
Spell Lightning Touch (B)
Spell Magic Weapon (B)
Spell Phantasmal Minion (B)
Item Blast Stone (B)
Item Bracers of Protection (B)
Item Eye Patch (B)
Ally Fox (B)
Ally Jinx Eater (B)
Ally Sage (B)
Tier 3
Skill Feats: Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: feat in first power; “When another character at your location attempts a combat check that has the Arcane trait, add 2 to it.”
Card Feats: Spell 9; Ally 4
Weapon Allying Dart +1 (1)
Spell Acid Arrow (B)
Spell Arcane Armor (B)
Spell Augury (B)
Spell Force Missile (B)
Spell Force Missile (B)
Spell Lightning Touch (B)
Spell Phantasmal Minion (B)
Spell Sphere of Fire (1)
Spell Web (2)
Item Token of Remembrance (B)
Item Sapphire of Intelligence (1)
Item Staff of Minor Healing (2)
Ally Jinx Eater (B)
Ally Sage (B)
Ally Toad (1)
Ally Apprentice (2)
Tier 5
Role: Transmogrifier
Skill Feats: Intelligence +1, +2; Wisdom +1; Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 7; feat in first power; “When another character at your location attempts a combat check that has the Arcane trait, add 2 to it;” “When another character acquires a boon, that character may banish it to draw 1 random non-Basic boon of that type from the box;” “Before you reset your hand, you may reveal a spell to treat your hand size as 3, 7, or 10 until the end of the turn.”
Card Feats: Spell 9, 10; Item 4; Ally 4
Weapon Light Crossbow +1 (2)
Spell Acid Arrow (B)
Spell Augury (B)
Spell Force Missile (B)
Spell Frost Ray (1)
Spell Sphere of Fire (1)
Spell Dehydrating Touch (2)
Spell Web (2)
Spell Dimension Leap (3)
Spell Scrying (3)
Spell Mist Horn (3)
Item Displacement (4)
Item Sapphire of Intelligence (B)
Item Staff of Minor Healing (2)
Item Staff of Heaven and Earth (4)
Ally Toad (1)
Ally Apprentice (2)
Ally Cat (3)
Ally Scribe (4)

lorddax |

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Hmm. Looks like this ball got dropped just in front of the goal line. I will investigate. In the meantime, here's Gunslinger and Warpriest.
Tier 1 Lirianne
Skill Feats: none
Power Feats: none
Card Feats: none
Deck List:
Gunslinger 1 Weapon Arquebus
Gunslinger 1 Weapon Matchlock Hackbut
Gunslinger 1 Weapon Pistol
Gunslinger 1 Weapon Wheellock Pistol
Gunslinger 1 Armor Buckler
Gunslinger 1 Item Alchemist’s Fire
Gunslinger 1 Item Powder Horn
Gunslinger 1 Item Thieves’ Tools
Gunslinger 1 Ally Gunner Squire
Gunslinger 1 Ally Master Gunner
Gunslinger 1 Ally Quartermaster
Gunslinger 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Gunslinger 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Gunslinger 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Gunslinger 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Tier 3 Lirianne
Skill Feats: +1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence
Power Feats: "When you play a card that has the Firearm trait, if you would bury (☑ or discard) (☑ or recharge) it or shuffle it into your deck, you may keep it and perform the required action with another card instead."
Card Feats: +1 Item, +1 Blessing
Deck List:
Gunslinger 3 Weapon Blunderbuss
Gunslinger 3 Weapon Double-Barreled Musket
Gunslinger 3 Weapon Dragon Pistol +1
Gunslinger 3 Weapon Wheellock Pistol
Gunslinger 3 Armor Buckler Gun
Gunslinger 3 Item Emerald of Dexterity
Gunslinger 3 Item Powder Horn
Gunslinger 3 Item Spyglass
Gunslinger 3 Item Thieves’ Tools
Gunslinger 3 Ally Gunner Squire
Gunslinger 3 Ally Master Gunner
Gunslinger 3 Ally Rosie Cusswell
Gunslinger 3 Blessing Blessing of Achaekek
Gunslinger 3 Blessing Blessing of Alkenstar
Gunslinger 3 Blessing Blessing of Erastil
Gunslinger 3 Blessing Blessing of Milani
Gunslinger 3 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Tier 5 Lirianne the Mysterious Stranger
Skill Feats: +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom
Power Feats: "HAND SIZE ☑ 6 When you play a card that has the Firearm trait, if you would bury (☑ or discard) (☑ or recharge) it or shuffle it into your deck, you may keep it and perform the required action with another card instead. ☑ You may use your Ranged skill instead of your Diplomacy skill. ☑ At the end of your turn, you may move to a random open location; if you do, you may examine the top card of its location deck."
Card Feats: +1 Weapon, +1 Item, +1 Ally, +1 Blessing
Deck List:
Gunslinger 5 Weapon Blunderbuss
Gunslinger 5 Weapon Deadeye Pistol +1
Gunslinger 5 Weapon Double-Barreled Musket
Gunslinger 5 Weapon Dragon Pistol +1
Gunslinger 5 Weapon Navigator Musket +1
Gunslinger 5 Armor Venomous Buckler Gun
Gunslinger 5 Item Dragonbreath Shot
Gunslinger 5 Item Emerald of Dexterity
Gunslinger 5 Item Magic Spyglass
Gunslinger 5 Item Poisoned Bullets
Gunslinger 5 Ally Gunner Squire
Gunslinger 5 Ally Master Gunner
Gunslinger 5 Ally Old Salt
Gunslinger 5 Ally Surgeon
Gunslinger 5 Blessing Blessing of Abadar
Gunslinger 5 Blessing Blessing of Achaekek
Gunslinger 5 Blessing Blessing of Alkenstar
Gunslinger 5 Blessing Blessing of Erastil
Gunslinger 5 Blessing Blessing of Milani
Tier 1 Oloch
Skill Feats: none
Power Feats: none
Card Feats: none
Deck List:
Warpriest 1 Weapon Greatsword
Warpriest 1 Weapon Hammer
Warpriest 1 Weapon Longspear
Warpriest 1 Weapon Longsword
Warpriest 1 Spell Cure
Warpriest 1 Spell Magic Weapon
Warpriest 1 Spell Strength
Warpriest 1 Armor Bone Spikes
Warpriest 1 Armor Chain Mail
Warpriest 1 Item Mattock
Warpriest 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Warpriest 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Warpriest 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Warpriest 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Warpriest 1 Blessing Blessing of the Gods
Tier 3 Oloch
Skill Feats: +1 Strength, +1 Wisdom
Power Feats: "When you attempt a check, you may display any number of blessings and spells; for each card displayed, add 1 (□ 2) to your check. Before you reset your hand, recharge the displayed cards. (☑ You may reset your hand at the start of your turn.) ☑ You may recharge a blessing or a spell to add 1d4 (□+1) and the Magic trait to a check by a character at your location to defeat a monster."
Card Feats: +1 Spell, +1 Blessing
Deck List:
Warpriest 3 Weapon Acidic Greatsword +1
Warpriest 3 Weapon Bastard Sword
Warpriest 3 Weapon Cold Iron Greatsword
Warpriest 3 Weapon Greatsword
Warpriest 3 Spell Cure
Warpriest 3 Spell Divine Favor
Warpriest 3 Spell Strength
Warpriest 3 Spell Weapon of Awe
Warpriest 3 Armor Spiked Breastplate
Warpriest 3 Armor Spiked Helm
Warpriest 3 Item Belkzen Battle Standard
Warpriest 3 Blessing Blessing of Abadar
Warpriest 3 Blessing Blessing of Gorum
Warpriest 3 Blessing Blessing of Gozreh
Warpriest 3 Blessing Blessing of Kols
Warpriest 3 Blessing Blessing of Pharasma
Warpriest 3 Blessing Blessing of Sarenrae
Tier 5 Oloch, Gorum’s Champion
Skill Feats: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom
Power Feats: "HAND SIZE ☑ 5 When you attempt a check, you may display any number of blessings and spells; for each card displayed, add 1 (☑ 2) to your check. Before you reset your hand, recharge the displayed cards. (☑ You may reset your hand at the start of your turn.) ☑ You may recharge a blessing or a spell (☑ or reveal an armor) to add 1d4 (□+1) and the Magic trait to a check by a character at your location to defeat a monster."
Card Feats: +1 Weapon, +1 Spell, +2 Blessing
Deck List:
Warpriest 5 Weapon Acidic Greatsword +1
Warpriest 5 Weapon Cold Iron Greatsword
Warpriest 5 Weapon Dragonbane Greatsword +2
Warpriest 5 Weapon Greatsword
Warpriest 5 Weapon Shock Greatsword +2
Warpriest 5 Spell Cure
Warpriest 5 Spell Divine Fortune
Warpriest 5 Spell Strength
Warpriest 5 Spell Weapon of Awe
Warpriest 5 Armor Spiked Breastplate
Warpriest 5 Armor Spiked Plate
Warpriest 5 Item Belkzen Battle Standard
Warpriest 5 Blessing Blessing of Abadar
Warpriest 5 Blessing Blessing of Gorum
Warpriest 5 Blessing Blessing of Gozreh
Warpriest 5 Blessing Blessing of Kols
Warpriest 5 Blessing Blessing of Pharasma
Warpriest 5 Blessing Blessing of the Lord in Irons
Warpriest 5 Blessing Blessing of the Oathkeeper