
Houstonian's page

Organized Play Member. 83 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 24 Organized Play characters.


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There is a Database! But to be clear, it's not through Paizo.Com. I use the website below to catalogue the minis that I have, and helpfully it has pictures of each mini itself, too: so you make sure you counted the correct Damiel. Or, in my case, both correct Damiels!!

Here's the weblink to Miniature Trading.

If the site seems confusing, and it can sometimes be, you can email me at matthew.tobin77584@yahoo.com and maybe I can help out. I'm not an owner or have any other association with the website, just someone who found it amazingly useful (so that I wouldn't keep buying the same minis!).

Note: You do not have to actually trade anyone for a mini. I haven't, just used the cataloguing part of it. There is also a section for DnD minis, too.

Best wishes!

I was looking for the deck lists (and card information), for the newer Class Decks and Character Decks and didn't find them online. I have several of the newer decks (Magus, Pathfinder Tales, etc.), but usually print out such lists to keep in my box when I play.

Is there a timetable when such lists are usually released? I apologize if this question has been answered in a previous post, but didn't see it after searching. Thank you in advance!

Also, since I cannot attend GenCon or PaizoCon, if you could specify more of a date than "after GenCon", that would be much appreciated.

OK, I found the answer to this: A Location deck is still a deck even if no cards are in it.

OK, I was looking at the Scenario instructions again and realized why I thought we removed ("banished") them, though part of it was a habit:

It would seem that Characters would have something of a difficult time if they're having to move and sit in Locations When Permanently Closed. Is it improbable that a Character would start turn at one Location and, clockwise and counterclockwise, the Locations be closed? I've never experienced a situation when a Character must move to a Location When Permanently Closed. In our games, I can't think of a situation where a Character popped over to a closed Location. Sometimes if a Character happens to be at a closed Location where there is a goody, they'll remain, but even that happened just once.

Thank you kindly!

OK, I was wondering about what was said concerning movement, too. We had Lini with Ally P Droogami ("Promo"). After her first exploration, she recharged the card, which see:

Droogami Power 2 wrote:
Discard this card on your turn to move to another Location; you may immediately explore that Location.

This wasn't entirely necessary, but the player was new and wanted to try out all sorts of features of the game and Class Deck Druid.

Please note:

Lini Power 3 wrote:
When you play an Ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.

I think I understand now. I was trying to draw a diagram after you responded, but that caused me more confusion than it was worth, but I feel that I'm understanding it now! We were moving the minis at the beginning of each player's turn, this is wrong? All Characters rotate only at the beginning of the first player's turn, excepting if they move clockwise/"forward" as their sole move. Then, Locations When Permanently Closed remain in the same spot. (In our games, we'd usually put such Location cards off to the side/"banished" unless some goody was to be had. This is an unacceptable practice.)

So this is what we ought to be doing?

(You mentioned something odd, which is not relevant to my question, but we didn't think using Characters not in a Class Deck is an acceptable practice for Guild play?)

Thank you. I allowed someone else to use my re-roll once, but at the time we were using a Playmat and didn't know that the player could use that as a re-roll, so that was variance, but luckily not any illegal action taken for personal gain! :o (Also, the personal gain would affect another player and not myself.)

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
First, in that thread, they say they haven't gotten around to posting the pre-gen characters that were previously in the guide. Hopefully soon.

I know that what I'm asking constitutes variance, but for a local Event that involves less than five players, would it be OK for such an Event to use the pregen information in previous edition Guild Guide?

If so, could someone make at least the pregen information available (preferably in PDF format)?

I hope that what I'm asking doesn't get myself or an individual providing such information into trouble. I'm not attempting entrapment for personal gain. :_-(

I tried to look this situation up, but didn't see anything. If you have a link to the answer, please just provide that!

Scenario 2-3B wrote:

During this Scenario:

When setting up the scenario, arrange the locations in a circle in
the order listed and put the scenario card next to one character’s
deck. At the start of each of that character’s turns, move each
character token one space counterclockwise.
Instead of your move step, you may choose to move one space
clockwise; you may not otherwise move during your move step.
At the end of your turn, if you are at a location occupied by
another character, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may
not be reduced.

What we did:

Each Character chose a separate Location and put his mini/token on that Location deck. At the end of each Character's turn, each mini would rotate to the next Location. We both observed that at the end of a Character's turn, they risk being dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced. However, since we were teaching the game to new players, we ran out of time and no two Characters/minis were ever at the same Location.

My assumption is Location When Permanently Closed is removed from the circle, but another player assumed that the closed Location remains in the circle. Which is correct?

Please correct if this is wrong. Usually we play with the Playmat, too, so it hasn't come up often.

If one Player is wearing his Paizo shirt, can he delegate his re-roll to another Player not wearing a Paizo shirt?

If so, do the Character have to be at the same location?

I've always counted Power Feats starting with Hand Size, so that would be Power Feat 3 for me, but it seems that another Character at your Location would take one damage (instead of possible greater damager for failing a check to defeat a bane with the Monster type), and then Oloch has a chance to fight it. That could be quite useful against difficult Henchmen and Villains. I like it!

I would like a mini for Goblin Runt Ak. Everyone who has seen the card (and comic) thinks he is pitiably cute!

Thanks for these posts for tips about getting new people interested. That might be a lot easier for me to do at the convention I'm going to do. There was a concern that playing a long, tough scenario might be a "less than the best" introduction.

I have read this post several times, and each time has been remarkably helpful. Thank you each for sharing these questions, comments, and responses.

Skyler Malik: so far what we've been doing in the Greater Houston Area is ask that someone with a lot of different Class Decks to please come to organized play PACG events. I have quite a few and several other longtime players have quite a few also. The situation does arise where someone with experience has to play a Character they might not prefer. Luckily for me, few people know about Damiel and Alchemists, so I can always sneak him in unnoticed, hehe, and play him just about always!

Usually for events that I'm involved with I put a message similar to: "Everyone is welcome and Class Decks will be made available in the interest of easier play." That's because other people like to put that you must bring your own Class Deck, but I want to include as many newcomers, passersby, and drop-ins as possible! They might decide that they enjoy playing a particular Character/Class and thereafter buy a Class Deck.

This is wonderful news since I bring my large PACG Play Mat everywhere I go and even use it when I play at home by myself. My Paizo T-shirts came in this mail this week and I wore one on Friday night! Luckily I didn't need to re-roll anything. ;-P

What was the decision about the PACG Carrying Case? I use Toploaders for my Character cards, and hope they will fit in the one I preordered.

I was playing Feiya wrong, but even so the promo Dreamseeker's Staff was incredibly useful!

I feel very dumb now. I remember reading that insert with Class Deck Alchemist about "Invokes," but usually use that card as a divider/placeholder between my active deck and the Allies I'm not using. I thought it just said the same old thing as the Fighter, Bard, etc.

EDIT: And I feel especially dumb since I set aside the Rise of the Runelords Rulebook and keep a color print-out of Wrath of the Righteous Rulebook as its rules.

OK, I am finding that out now. I hadn't read the Wrath of the Righteous Rulebook, just Messageboard posts that might've predated its release. For some reason I thought Class Witch was introduced in Seasons of the Shackles, not the other.

I was trying to find out anything I could about cohorts. I had only read two of the Rulebooks in detail, and apparently not the one I ought. I was playing Class Deck Witch, which was new for me, and was really confused on why Feiya didn't have "Arcane" or "Divine" as a trait. Since I was playing Rise of the Runelords, I didn't think to look at another base set's rulebook. I thought that only applied to organized PACG play, not traditional play.

It seems that the intent of having a Cohort was that it was an Ally so connected to a (player) Character that the Character would try to protect it. However, everything I've seen so far was that the Cohort be sacrificed, often immediately, heroically, or casually. "Life is wretched and then you die," as some say.

Thematically, I can understand why most other Allies are discarded, buried, or banished. They might continue on lives outside the notice of (player) Characters. But is that the intention of Cohorts? Meant to be discarded out of hand, both figuratively and literally?

It seems an awful waste, especially at the very beginning of play. Maybe it's to shock Characters into using Cure or Potion of Healing soon or right away. But I guess I'd like to understand what purpose Cohorts are meant to serve, if any. I could be too philosophical about it all. Should Characters have little love for their Cohorts?

Remember that Sorcerers and Bards can recharge many things with the Arcane trait.

I was doing this wrong for a long, long time. I would use "general use" skills as "optimal use" skills, until my organized play PACG Guild lead set me straight. So newbies are not the only ones that get this mistaken.

I don't think support card are mentioned in Rise of the Runelords Base Set Rulebook, which is what I'm most familiar with. I just began Skull & Shackles and am so confused about boats as supports that I keep reading and re-reading Skull & Shackles Base Set Rulebook. I don't read it "constantly" since I have things to do, but this is the third day in a row and I still don't grasp the concept.

EDIT: Since people and Animals can only be Allies as a Loot type, then Cohorts serve as Allies only.

I am still looking up cohorts, to see if they are a "16th" card at the beginning of a hand, but remember that sometimes suicide is the only answer for some people. I've had to have Seoni commit a heroic suicide (I think that is Japanese harakiri, I might be wrong) quite a few times if a Scenario was too difficult. I usually just say what my character is atheist and wouldn't care if she lived or died.

Or discarding them to use for certain rods and staves. That is mainly what I used Spells for, or a one-time use before banishing them. It was better to discard them with a staff, or "use them as a hit point to soak up damage."

ryric: I think a Cohorts might be Ally.

That was why I was using d4 and any spell's roll. Example: "Display this card. While this card is displayed, for your combat check, you may use your Arcane skill [1d4] + 1d6+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 2d6+2. This counts as playing a spell. At the end of your turn, or when you would discard this card when playing it, if you do not have the Arcane skill [Feiya doesn't],banish this card...."

It made many spells seem particularly useless until I saw that for some of her B-Basic rods and staves I needed to "discard a spell." I figured that must be the reason she had most spells in her Class Deck.

I guess this gets off-topic, and it seems I read the answer to this somewhere, that Cohorts either are or aren't a beginning hand "16th" card for Class Witch. I'll try to look it up. Since Cohorts aren't mentioned in Rise of the Runelords Base Set Rulebook, which is the Base Set we were using, I figured cohorts must be relative to another Base Set.

EDIT: To regain the discarded spells for rods and staves, she would use her Spell Cure.

Theyron Stormrune: Your answer was what I needed to hear. I was misunderstanding the theme. Theme is very important to me, and my Guild lead was good at expressing it. For example, that Valeros could use a "scroll" Spell of Acid Arrow, despite not having Spells on his initial Cards List.

If you're not proficient with Wrath of the Righteous Base Set Rulebook, roll 1d4 for your Arcane or Divine check.

I still don't understand the ship. What purpose does it serve? If I'm not to think about the ship's position it seems superfluous. It "solves a problem that doesn't exist."

I was wondering about this from when I attempted to play Seasons of the Runelords Scenario # 2-1B with my nephews using Witch Feiya. I don't know anything about cohorts, so I assumed that you roll 1d4 since she had no Arcane nor Divine skill.

I guess I ought to study Wrath of the Righteous Rulebook to see what "Cohorts" are.

Yes. I sent this thread and the link to the YouTube video to my Guild lead and he saw that we'd been doing it incorrectly. I also see what you say about the home games and app vs. Organized Play and deckbuilding differences.

I've also found out that we have a stand-in PACG Venture Official in my area who I can pose questions to.

It was a misunderstanding of how to upgrade decks. Thanks for letting me know about the new Guide, too.

I see that we've been doing it wrong, and this video cleared up a lot. My Guild lead plays smartphone app "Pathfinder Adventures" and even though that is not intended for organized play, it has a fairly good demonstration on upgrading the deck.

By "9, 10", I meant page nine and page ten of the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide, Version 3.0. I attempt to cut down on excessive words (such as "the") as much as possible since I'm already too "wordy" as it is. So I use "Guild Guide" or sometimes merely "Guide" with the page numbers I'm referencing.

I think I had actually installed your app a few weeks ago, but at the time I wasn't familiar with PACG Guild play. I really like it! It is really cool how you can indicate which cards are in play.

I appreciate this answer, and it made me look up something else I think we might've been doing wrong. Guild Guild 9, 10 and Wrath of the Righteous Rulebook 18 (the most recent rules) seem to allow Players to choose deck upgrades of the same type, but we've been doing it as one available type of deck upgrade.

Here is the example, which after reading the relevant sections I'm beginning to think is incorrect:

Alex and Pat are unsuccessful in completing Scenario # 2-1B. Nonetheless, they are eligible for deck upgrades. Draw pile includes one Ally B, two Item B, one Item 1, and two Weapon B. Pat chooses the Item 1, currently Valeros only has Item B Basic. Because of Pat's choice, Alex now cannot choose any Item upgrades at all. Reluctantly he chooses a Weapon B, even though happy with all Damiel's Weapons; he still wants some sort of deck upgrade.

This was incorrect? Alex could choose Item 1, and Pat could possibly choose Item B deck upgrades?

Not sure if this is related to the original message, but there isn't enough art with Damiel in it. :_(

This is another technical and specific question that pertains to organized PACG Guild play.

Last evening, Pat and Alex play Scenario # 2-1E with Valeros and Damiel. After completing it successfully, they see that draw pile of cards includes two Blessings B (because the Villain got away twice), and various Items and Weapons. Alex says that Damiel cannot use Allies due to present Cards List, and is pleased with his Armor, Items, and Weapons. Alex wants a Blessing for Damiel. Pat says Valeros is happy with his Allies, Armor, Items, and Weapons, too, but wants a Blessing.

Reward for completing Scenario # 2-1E is a Bonus deck upgrade, and that to the draw pile each Character may add Armor, Blessing, or Item. Pat didn't know about the bonus deck upgrade part because she hadn't printed it out from online, but Alex thinks that there is one based on Reward wording, though he failed to bring the print-out. Alex decides to look for his print-out up the next day at home and email the information to Pat. Regardless, Pat picks a random Blessing B from the Base Set box. Alex writes down a list of all cards in the draw pile, including Pat's Blessing B, but pends Damiel's Reward.

Q1. Are Rewards "separate and identifiable" from deck upgrades?

My answer: "I believe so, yes. This is because they are distinct in sections of Guild Guide."

Draw pile now includes 3 Blessings. Pat has chosen a Blessing B as the deck upgrade for Valeros, but doesn't has Reward rules confusion ("bonus deck upgrade"). Alex hasn't yet drawn a random card of any kind.

Q2. May she choose Blessing B again, as bonus deck upgrade?

My answer: "I believe so, yes. This is because 'Cards Don't Memorize': One card cannot know what any other card is doing."

Q3. May Alex also choose the third Blessing B, or possible a fourth Blessing (if drawn), as a deck upgrade or bonus deck upgrade?

My answer: "Alex may choose one Blessing B, but not two. This is because Pat already chose one Blessing."

Please let me know what you think. My area doesn't have a "separate and identifiable" (sorry, couldn't help it) PACG Venture Official.

It looks good, but where is Alchemist Damiel from the Class Deck? The other Characters are good, but he is more important.

I'm not sure that I'm allowed to say what automatic deck shuffler I use other than it's on Amazon for less than $10.00, especially since the name is so general. All of my cards are sleeved. In my Base Sets I use the official PACG card protectors and my Class Decks are in more recognizable UltraPro card protectors with different colored backs. Even though the surfaces of my sleeved cards differ, the device picks them up handily. But I more intending to gloat about how attractive my shuffler is now that my best friend covered it with Pathfinder art.

Thank you! I guess my helpers (who for recordkeeping I term "Mercenaries") are your "dummies." ("Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" --Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi.)

I did it once with Alchemist Damiel # 1004, and even then didn't refer to him with my usual "Mercenary" trait. At the time it seemed like a great idea, after doing it I felt it was probably variance to an unjust gain, or defraudation. I've since stopped, especially now with your feedback.

Thanks for the help. It makes a lot of sense, too.

I was asked to refer these questions to a larger audience. I've attempted to find them elsewhere, but they might be very technical or specific.

This mainly regards solo organized PACG Guild play.

This is the example:

Alchemist Damiel # 1004 successfully completes Scenario # 2-1D. Later on, Sorceress Seoni # 1011 attempts Scenario # 2-1D. She tries with different companions, Lem, Tarlin, Wu Shen, etc. But each attempt ends in defeat. Finally, she decides to use Alchemist Damiel # 1004, who happens to be souped up (Skills, Powers, and Cards List upgrades). Together, they successfully complete Scenario # 2-1D.

1. Would, in this instance, using Damiel # 1004 be acceptable, so long as he didn't receive any deck upgrade and Reward for Scenario #2-1D?

2. Should Damiel # 1004 never be a non-reported companion/helper/mercenary with Seoni # 1011 (or any other Character)?

I've sort of done some solo playthroughs in different ways based on my understanding or misunderstanding of the rules. Although each of my Characters are registered for my ease of use, some are in play (Damiel, Seoni, Harsk, and soon Lini) while others now are merely helpers (Lem, Tarlin, Wu Shen, Zarlova, etc.). Damiel was the only cross-play Character, and after a single play have since suspended the practice pending review.

Locals in my area said they are not as restrictive as I was originally afraid, but my Guild lead and I discussed that while cheating in organized PACG Guild is possible, overall it strongly diminishes entertainment value. Basically: "So you can cheat, but why play the game?"

Comments, questions, and concerns are all appreciated!

Thank you for the tip, elcoderdude. I was afraid of causing clutter and then someone referring me back to an older post. :(

CanisDirus wrote:
I don't know if it got posted elsewhere, but the ACG reporting sheets HERE are pretty awesome, IMHO!

I agree. I print out one of these for each Character and use red ink for Skills, Powers, and Cards List upgrades, though pencil for deck composition. As she receives upgrades to her deck, I erase an existing "check" by that card and place a new "check" by her new card.

For ease of use, I also write the number from the Cards List by each Boon. For example, next to "Blessings" I might make a small 4. If a Character has three of the same card in her deck, I put a small "3" instead of a single "check."

This question relates to organized PACG Guild play, both solo and with other Players. I realize it is a "late" question, too.

1. With my friend, I play Scenario # 2-1C with Alchemist Damiel # 1004. (By "my friend" I'm not referring to Damiel.) At conclusion, deck upgrade choices are Ally B and Item B. At the time, in Damiel's Cards List he cannot have an Ally. He enjoys all his Items, and doesn't desire deck upgrade Item B. I'm right that Damiel can "skip" the deck upgrade and possibly replay Scenario # 2-1C later to see if he might obtain a desirable deck upgrade (and possibly Reward)?

2. Damiel # 1004 plays Scenario # 2-1E all alone and of the available deck upgrades the only one he cares about is Ally B. At the time, in Damiel's Cards List he cannot have an Ally. Regardless, Damiel chooses as his deck upgrade Ally B. Is this legal?

Not sure if this is the place to ask this, and I'm still looking at the Messageboards with search "multiple." This mainly regards solo organized PACG Guild play.

This is the example:

Alchemist Damiel # 1004 successfully completes Scenario # 2-1D. There are no interesting cards to upgrade his deck with, so for "Taking Reward?", he says "No."

Later on, Sorceress Seoni # 1011 attempts Scenario # 2-1D. She tries with different companions, Lem, Tarlin, Wu Shen, etc. But each attempt ends in defeat. Finally, she decides to use Alchemist Damiel # 1004, who happens to be souped up (Skills, Powers, and Cards List upgrades). Together, they successful complete Scenario # 2-1D.

1. Would, in this instance, using Damiel # 1004 be acceptable, so long as he didn't receive any deck upgrade and Reward?

2. Should Damiel # 1004 never be an unreported companion/helper/mercenary with Seoni # 1011?

3a. If it is acceptable to use Damiel # 1004 and the Reward was desirable, could he "Take Reward"?

3b. If Seoni # 1011 decides to "Take Reward," can, in this instance, Damiel # 1004 "Take Reward" if he previously had not done so?

Sorry for being so technical about it, but I've sort of done some solo playthroughs in different ways based on my understanding or misunderstanding of the rules. Each of my Characters are registered for my ease of use, however some are in play (Damiel) while others are now merely helpers (Lem, Tarlin, Wu Shen, etc.).

Locals in my area said they are not as restrictive as I was afraid, but my Guild lead and I discussed that while cheating in organized PACG Guild is possible, overall it strongly diminishes entertainment value. Basically: "So you can cheat, but why play the game?"

Comments, questions, and concerns are all appreciated!

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