Does this item render itself useless?


Can this item be crafted?

How much would it cost?

Would it even work, or would it render itself useless?

Ring of Continual Antimagic Field...

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Oh, found this old thread. That math is astronomical. Is the math for the use activated ring of antimagic correct?

Yes and no. (To your question about the price)

Antimagic Field
Spell level 6, Minimum caster level 11, and the duration is given in 10 min/level.

The price of creating a use-activated/continuous spell-replicating item according to the Magic item Creation Guidelines is:

Spell level x Caster level x 2000gp

and an additional multiplier is given depending on what duration the spell has.

PRD wrote:
If a continuous item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the duration of the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. If the spell has a 24-hour duration or greater, divide the cost in half.

So. 6x11x2000x1.5=198,000 gp


Now, if you wanted an Use-activated ring, you wouldn't add the 1.5 multiplier from the duration. The price would then be 132,000 gp instead.

But I think a Continuous item is more fitting for an Antimagic ring, rather than an Use-activated.

Thanks for the clarification.

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A continuous (or even use-activated) antimagic ring sounds like something that should be more of an artifact, IMO.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Some items just shouldn't exist. IMHO this is one of them. Its potential benefits far outpace a few hundred grand. And whatever the price, this is an automatic "you lose" button to an NPC wizard of any stripe.

A DM should use his discretion on this, and instead substitute an iconic item like a sphere of annihilation.

Agreed. But how useful is a continuous item which would probably hurt YOU more than the enemy? I mean, sure, give it to your monk so he can charge the enemy wizard, but all magic items of the wielder would also be negated. How useful is a PC who is immune to magic, but can't benefit from any magic effects herself?

Bar Bar Jinks wrote:
Ring of Continual Antimagic Field

Category: Items that should not exist.

Same as Ring of continual / use-activated True Strike.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Oh! Now I think I understand the original question.

All magic items cease to function within an anti-magic field. So as soon as the field begins to function, the item creating the effect ceases to function. Sort of a catch 22.

I would weigh in that not only shouldn't such an item be possible to create, even if it did work, it would immediately stop working. So, at the end of the day, such an item simply *couldn't* exist.

Wheldrake wrote:

Oh! Now I think I understand the original question.

All magic items cease to function within an anti-magic field. So as soon as the field begins to function, the item creating the effect ceases to function. Sort of a catch 22.

I would weigh in that not only shouldn't such an item be possible to create, even if it did work, it would immediately stop working. So, at the end of the day, such an item simply *couldn't* exist.

Yeah! That's what I'm saying. Does it really render itself useless? The spell itself is weird, because you are using a spell to create an area dampened against magic... Huh? It makes me feel like there should be a new class of character called the "anti-magic user." Anti-magic is the new counterpoint to magic. Anti-magic users are the bane of all casters, divine or arcane, and their abilities absorb magic and turn it into anti-magical power!!!

Scarab Sages

Bar Bar Jinks wrote:
It makes me feel like there should be a new class of character called the "anti-magic user." Anti-magic is the new counterpoint to magic. Anti-magic users are the bane of all casters, divine or arcane, and their abilities absorb magic and turn it into anti-magical power!!!

The arcanist could be fluffed that way with minor changes given their magic item eating and counterspelling.

The spell itself is a magical effect, but it doesn't cancel out itself, so there is no reason to believe that an item that created the spell would cancel itself out either.

Certainly a x/per day item would work, as that is exactly casting the spell. One might imagine that a continuous item wouldn't work, since it would need to create the spell effect continuously, which it couldn't do in the field, but there is really no rules justification for that.

If there wasn't a paradox of it cancelling itself out, you can give it to any martial character and they will kill any caster. Oh no, their magic items don't function. You know what else doesn't function? Spells. Guess who's better with a sword?

I agree with Guru, the item should not exist for balance reasons, or if it does exist it should be an artifact with major plot points.

CampinCarl9127 wrote:

If there wasn't a paradox of it cancelling itself out, you can give it to any martial character and they will kill any caster. Oh no, their magic items don't function. You know what else doesn't function? Spells. Guess who's better with a sword?

I agree with Guru, the item should not exist for balance reasons, or if it does exist it should be an artifact with major plot points.

Whether it should exist, or what price it should have, is a different question than whether it would theoretically cancel itself out.

I will note though that if it is absolutely broken, then the problem exists with or without that particular item, and the game winning solution for martials is to invest in UMD and put all their wealth into scrolls of anti-magic aura.

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An anti-magic grenade, though, would be pretty cool. Sounds like a Nexian artifact.

CampinCarl9127 wrote:

If there wasn't a paradox of it cancelling itself out, you can give it to any martial character and they will kill any caster. Oh no, their magic items don't function. You know what else doesn't function? Spells. Guess who's better with a sword?

I agree with Guru, the item should not exist for balance reasons, or if it does exist it should be an artifact with major plot points.

If only the Fighter had (Ex) Flight and hadn't just nuked his saves so he can fail all the saves against all the spells that still work against an enemy in an Antimagic Field. Antimagic Field is trap option for the most part. It sounds like it should be really good at being you know anti-magic, but it actually makes you weaker against magic.

What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?

This bad boy hits everybody like a Tarrasque -one of the best ways to induce Player Rage is to nullify their inventory. It's why I loved Mordenkainen's Disjunction as much as Rust Monsters in 3.5.

Except Monk, really... the rest of the party will now go crazy because suddenly they are fallible mortals again. It also unlocks a lot of craziness. Just because it nullifies magic doesn't mean it nullifies physics.

Is Alchemy ruled as a practical thing or does the system spin it as something like its own Arcane tree?

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CampinCarl9127 wrote:
What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?


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If you/the GM allows the item to exist, there wouldn't be a problem with it deactivating itself.

Obviously, you must simply take care to arrange the structural matrix in such a way as the spell energy is directed away from the generation field. It's simple abjuration, at it's core, though the margin for error is quite small.


Still probably a really strong item though, and more artifact-level. But at that price point... hard to say.

Consider comparing a potential item's cost to the Equalizer Shield and Spellbreaker.

i would make it an alchemical processes that is magical so the casting of anti-magic zone on a ring would change the nature of what the ring is made out of. it would have to be a continuous thing since like some have pointed out that if it was use activated it would just short its self out. but if you make the processes alchemical in nature that could account for that really high price and that gold ring would no longer be gold just golden.

how are you wanting the anti-magic ring to be used is it an area of effect or does the ring make it so the person can not make magic/make magic against him be dud.

well that's enough my creative spark has died.

Bar Bar Jinks wrote:
Would it even work, or would it render itself useless?

This is one of the benefits of a build-it-from-scratch system like HERO. There's a Power Advantage called Hole in the Middle that would increase the cost of the item, but prevent it from affecting itself or any of the wielder's other magic items*; the field would not operate in the wielder's own square.

*Well, any whose utility didn't depend on their magic extending outward beyond the wielder's own space. Personal buff/defense items would work but wands of ranged attack spells would be useless.

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If the party pulls an Anti-Magic Field item, let them.
It's not a win button.
Have the BBEG who it's probably meant for bind outsiders.
Bound outsiders don't leave in AMF.
Use Polymorph Any Object to make lava into a lovely stone floor.
When AMF hits, the effect is suppressed.
The floor is now literally lava.

Naturally the BBEG is already standing on the furniture, they know how the game works.

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?

The spell fails to conjure a snowball within the AMF.

There are a hundred ways to attack the guy in an antimagic field way over there, but if he's on top of you and you are also inside the field, your options are terrible.

CampinCarl9127 wrote:
What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?

I would cast telekinesis to throw boulders at him.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?
I would cast telekinesis to throw boulders at him.

Now there's a good one! As long as you grab projectiles from outside the AMF you can definitely whip them at him.

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Assuming it is continuous:

1) Ring is created.
1a) Ring immediately activates upon creation.
1b) Anti-Magic Field is created.
2) AMF suppresses ring effect.
2a) AMF dissolves.
3) Lack of AMF causes ring to reactivate.
3b) Proceed to step 1b.

This results in, basically, a constantly shuttering AMF; a strobe-like AMF. It is both on and off. It is Shcrodinger's Anti-Magic Field.

I'd propose that it act somewhat like the Blink spell, in that any instantaneous magic (including activated magic items) in the area has a 50% chance of being affected by the field, and a 50% chance of occurring while the ring is in it's off-state, and therefore ocurring normally. Any spellcasting has a 50% chance of failure (separate from ASF). Any continuous magic effects that would NOT re-activate automatically if they left an AMF are shut off. Any continuous magic effects that WOULD re-activate after leaving an AMF have a 50% chance of being active at any given time. Attacking with a magic weapon? You have a 50% chance of gaining the bonus. Using your Str while wearing a Str-boosting belt? 50% chance of gaining the enhancement bonus.

Any one action only requires a single roll to determine if magic items are on or off for that action; so don't have to roll for every single magic item that is affecting your action.

Something like that. Sounds like a nightmare.

CampinCarl9127 wrote:
Bob Bob Bob wrote:
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?

The spell fails to conjure a snowball within the AMF.

There are a hundred ways to attack the guy in an antimagic field way over there, but if he's on top of you and you are also inside the field, your options are terrible.

But they can't be on top of you, because they just turned off all non-Ex flight options. Because Antimagic Field is a trap.

Anzyr wrote:
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
Bob Bob Bob wrote:
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?

The spell fails to conjure a snowball within the AMF.

There are a hundred ways to attack the guy in an antimagic field way over there, but if he's on top of you and you are also inside the field, your options are terrible.

But they can't be on top of you, because they just turned off all non-Ex flight options. Because Antimagic Field is a trap.


What's confusing? You can't fly if you are in an antimagic field unless you have an Ex Flight option. And the mage is flying. So... you can't get near them.

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He's making a joke.

Anzyr wrote:
CampinCarl9127 wrote:

If there wasn't a paradox of it cancelling itself out, you can give it to any martial character and they will kill any caster. Oh no, their magic items don't function. You know what else doesn't function? Spells. Guess who's better with a sword?

I agree with Guru, the item should not exist for balance reasons, or if it does exist it should be an artifact with major plot points.

If only the Fighter had (Ex) Flight and hadn't just nuked his saves so he can fail all the saves against all the spells that still work against an enemy in an Antimagic Field. Antimagic Field is trap option for the most part. It sounds like it should be really good at being you know anti-magic, but it actually makes you weaker against magic.
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?

I assumed the second was responding to the first. Sorry if I got that wrong. Oh, and the telekinesis thing? Same problem as Snowball. Can't cast a spell in the antimagic field. Outside of it? Both work, because one is a real object and the other is an instantaneous conjuration spell (so they aren't stopped by antimagic field).

Sangerine wrote:

Use Polymorph Any Object to make lava into a lovely stone floor.
When AMF hits, the effect is suppressed.
The floor is now literally lava.

Naturally the BBEG is already standing on the furniture, they know how the game works.

I have this lovely visual of the completely insane lich standing in a banquet hall on an adamantine table.

"You can't get me, foolish heroes! The floor is lava!"
Commences cackling.
Heroes don't quite know how to proceed.

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
CampinCarl9127 wrote:

If there wasn't a paradox of it cancelling itself out, you can give it to any martial character and they will kill any caster. Oh no, their magic items don't function. You know what else doesn't function? Spells. Guess who's better with a sword?

I agree with Guru, the item should not exist for balance reasons, or if it does exist it should be an artifact with major plot points.

If only the Fighter had (Ex) Flight and hadn't just nuked his saves so he can fail all the saves against all the spells that still work against an enemy in an Antimagic Field. Antimagic Field is trap option for the most part. It sounds like it should be really good at being you know anti-magic, but it actually makes you weaker against magic.
CampinCarl9127 wrote:
What spells would you suggest to cast in an antimagic field?
I assumed the second was responding to the first. Sorry if I got that wrong. Oh, and the telekinesis thing? Same problem as Snowball. Can't cast a spell in the antimagic field. Outside of it? Both work, because one is a real object and the other is an instantaneous conjuration spell (so they aren't stopped by antimagic field).

Reading is tech. I said work against "an enemy in an antimagic field". Both of these suggestions work against an enemy in an antimagic field.

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
I assumed the second was responding to the first. Sorry if I got that wrong. Oh, and the telekinesis thing? Same problem as Snowball. Can't cast a spell in the antimagic field. Outside of it? Both work, because one is a real object and the other is an instantaneous conjuration spell (so they aren't stopped by antimagic field).

It feels weird quoting myself, but here we are. The italic portion is where I'm agreeing with you that the spells "work on an enemy in an antimagic field". The bolded portion is in reference to CampingCarl, who said Snowball wouldn't work because they meant "in an antimagic field" but then said telekinesis was a great idea when it has all the problems of Snowball (which are really just that you can't cast it while in an antimagic field).

Sorry, I was posting in a rush as I was heading out the door. Didn't read thoroughly.

Neither spell can be cast while inside am AMF. Both would work by throwing something into it.

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James Langley wrote:
Sangerine wrote:

Use Polymorph Any Object to make lava into a lovely stone floor.
When AMF hits, the effect is suppressed.
The floor is now literally lava.

Naturally the BBEG is already standing on the furniture, they know how the game works.

I have this lovely visual of the completely insane lich standing in a banquet hall on an adamantine table.

"You can't get me, foolish heroes! The floor is lava!"
Commences cackling.
Heroes don't quite know how to proceed.

Then the monk runs across the lava, because he can totally just do that.

Haha that's a cool feat. He will still take some damage, but totally possible.

Just wondering, wouldn't an adamantine table be worse to stand on than, say, a stone table? It's metal, so I assume it's fairly conductive and would at the very least scald your toes.

That lich is most definitely completely insane.

Since AC doesn't scale with level, the way BAB does, a 20th level fighter bereft of magic bonuses has about the same AC as a first level fighter with the Rich Parents trait. I don't think many fighters would want an AMF effect centered on them either. That's why I don't think this is an item that is too powerful to ever be allowed to exist... Nobody would want to use it.

That said, I also don't think it would be self-canceling, since it would cast, then effects would be suppressed. Basically, the ring's power is to cast the effect, after that suppressing the ring would only prevent it from being reactivated. Putting a pin into a grenade after it's detonated doesn't stop the damage from the explosion.

A high level fighter would be significantly hampered by being in an AMF.

A high level wizard would be a very smart commoner in an AMF.

CampinCarl9127 wrote:

A high level fighter would be significantly hampered by being in an AMF.

A high level wizard would be a very smart commoner in an AMF.

No, a high level Wizard would continue to be a high level Wizard in an Antimagic Field, because Aroden's Spellbane made them immune to it.

Hopefully they remembered to include Source Severence in their Aroden's Spellbane. nudge, nudge

If the fighter is wearing the ring, they'll be stuck in the field. The Wizard can move out of it and be fine. Part of being smart. :P

So basically a fighter has one ring that has a single spell that is canceled out by a single spell? What's stopping him from having a ring of spell bane vs spell bane? Nothing? He's got two ring slots.

People always play wizards as having memorized all the spells they need ahead of time by total coincidence, it's worse than Batman's utility belt.

Cavall wrote:

So basically a fighter has one ring that has a single spell that is canceled out by a single spell? What's stopping him from having a ring of spell bane vs spell bane? Nothing? He's got two ring slots.

People always play wizards as having memorized all the spells they need ahead of time by total coincidence, it's worse than Batman's utility belt.

Well, there is that whole 160,000gp cost thing on top of another 150,000gp item, as opposed to the wizard carrying around a single scroll or memorizing a casting of a very useful spell to counter an extremely dangerous effect. There is a little bit of a difference there.

Personally, I wouldn't even bother with the Spellbane. I would fly above the Fighter's head and spam Lantern Archons, which have an (Ex) ranged attack. It doesn't count as Schrodinger's wizard if I say a wizard would have a couple of frigging Summon Monster spells prepped, does it? With three SMV+ casts there are 3d4+3 archons (average 10). Then the fighter can have fun trying to punch through DR10/Evil with mundane arrows and no magical buffs while taking 20d6 damage per round from pew-pew lazer beams.

Anti-magic fields, if memory serves, don't affect anti-magic fields. Two fighters wearing this fabled ring will just stand in their own AMFs until they ran out. The field itself would just move with the caster. I think this is an easier way to imagine the concept, rather than some sort of flickering idea.

This means that for an always-on effect, this would be artifact-level, as there would be some nasty restrictions on trying to shut it down. Mage's Disjunction gives you at most a 20% chance to shut it down. And spells seem to exist within it by exception. If a 9th level spell is a 1 in 5 proposition ...

(Still, as noted, conjuring instantly a field of boulders over the wearer will do a nice job of injuring him or her.)

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