Lizardfolk Stalker

Bar Bar Jinks's page

8 posts. Alias of Hoary and Wizened.


Okay, thank you, good to know.

I just want to make sure this works.

If my character is an elf and takes Reactionary and Warrior of Old, that provides a total of +4 on initiative roles, correct? If you add in the feat Improved Initiative that is a sweet bit of initiative bonus. :)

Kind of what I figured, but wanted to check other people's rules-fu.


Simple question, is throwing a net onto an opponent an acceptable "attack" at the end of a charge?

If so, is the opposed strength check to control the trailing rope made immediately after a successful hit?

Wheldrake wrote:

Oh! Now I think I understand the original question.

All magic items cease to function within an anti-magic field. So as soon as the field begins to function, the item creating the effect ceases to function. Sort of a catch 22.

I would weigh in that not only shouldn't such an item be possible to create, even if it did work, it would immediately stop working. So, at the end of the day, such an item simply *couldn't* exist.

Yeah! That's what I'm saying. Does it really render itself useless? The spell itself is weird, because you are using a spell to create an area dampened against magic... Huh? It makes me feel like there should be a new class of character called the "anti-magic user." Anti-magic is the new counterpoint to magic. Anti-magic users are the bane of all casters, divine or arcane, and their abilities absorb magic and turn it into anti-magical power!!!

Thanks for the clarification.

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Oh, found this old thread. That math is astronomical. Is the math for the use activated ring of antimagic correct?

Can this item be crafted?

How much would it cost?

Would it even work, or would it render itself useless?

Ring of Continual Antimagic Field...