Wonderstell |

here ya go! Special Materials
When worked like steel, it becomes a wonderful material from which to create armor, and is occasionally used for other items as well. Most mithral armors are one category lighter than normal for purposes of movement and other limitations. Heavy armors are treated as medium, and medium armors are treated as light, but light armors are still treated as light. This decrease does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armor. A character wearing mithral full plate must be proficient in wearing heavy armor to avoid adding the armor's check penalty to all his attack rolls and skill checks that involve moving. Spell failure chances for armors and shields made from mithral are decreased by 10%, maximum Dexterity bonuses are increased by 2, and armor check penalties are decreased by 3 (to a minimum of 0).
Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of mithral. (A longsword can be a mithral weapon, while a quarterstaff cannot.) Mithral weapons count as silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
An item made from darkleaf cloth weighs half as much as the same item made from normal cured leather, furs, or hides. Items not primarily constructed of leather, fur, or hide are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of darkleaf cloth. As such padded, leather, studded leather, and hide armor can be made out of darkleaf cloth (although other types of armor made of leather or hide might be possible). Because darkleaf cloth remains flexible, it cannot be used to construct rigid items such as shields or metal armors. Armors fashioned from darkleaf cloth are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.
They both got an additional cost, and one item can only be created with one special material.
Edit: Ninja:d! So close tho!

Ya'akov |

Ya'akov wrote:Could Kikko Armor be made from Darkleaf? (Eastern Armor)Pretty sure it'd need to be mithral.
"Kikko armor consists of hexagonal plates made from iron and sewn to cloth. The plates may be hidden by a layer of cloth or left exposed."
I'm thinking that the cloth part could be Darkleaf, and now maybe the Metal part could be Mithral. Is that allowed at all, or would my DM have to decide that?

Ya'akov |

That is not allowed. Items made of special materials may have ONE special material, and you only get that one bonus. If they're crafted of multiple materials, only the most-used material counts (as determined by your GM).
Thanks. All questions answered now.
Now I just need to know what is the best armor a Hunter can get w/out losing his dex bonus. (Mine has +5 to Dex).

Ya'akov |

Mithral Celestial Plate. +7 Dex bonus, +9 base AC?
OH! medium or light armor. Um, Mithral Breastplate is +6 Armor, +5 Max Dex. Pretty much the standard armor for most adventurers who don't go Heavy.
Celestial Plate still counts as Medium armor, so that is an option when I get more gold.
Mitral Breastplate, on the other hand, I can afford right now. Thanks!

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Just note that while a Mithral Breastplate counts as light armor for encumbrance, it's still medium armor for proficiency and enchantment purposes. You can't have a Brawling Mithral Breastplate, and if you don't have Medium Armor proficiency, you'll need the Armor Expert Trait to avoid taking a -1 ACP penalty to attack rolls.

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The REAL curious question is Studded Leather - Darkleaf, mithral, both?
Darkleaf Cloth: ... An item made from darkleaf cloth weighs half as much as the same item made from normal cured leather, furs, or hides. Items not primarily constructed of leather, fur, or hide are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of darkleaf cloth. As such padded, leather, studded leather, and hide armor can be made out of darkleaf cloth (although other types of armor made of leather or hide might be possible)...
PRD states that, at the very least, studded leather can be made of darkleaf cloth.
Maximum Dex Bonus: This number is the maximum Dexterity bonus to AC that this type of armor allows. Dexterity bonuses in excess of this number are reduced to this number for the purposes of determining the wearer's AC. Heavier armors limit mobility, reducing the wearer's ability to dodge blows. This restriction doesn't affect any other Dexterity-related abilities. A dash indicates the armor does not affect a character's maximum Dexterity bonus.
I must ashamedly admit I did not realize this until only recently that an armor's max dex only applies to AC. Which makes sense given that there are already armor check penalties... just fyi.

lemeres |

Just note that while a Mithral Breastplate counts as light armor for encumbrance, it's still medium armor for proficiency and enchantment purposes. You can't have a Brawling Mithral Breastplate, and if you don't have Medium Armor proficiency, you'll need the Armor Expert Trait to avoid taking a -1 ACP penalty to attack rolls.
Or 0 if you grab the armor expert trait.
Getting mithral medium armor for any class that can work with at least light armor is relatively easy with that. Bard, magi, sohei monks, brawlers, swashbucklers. etc. etc.

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Imbicatus wrote:Just note that while a Mithral Breastplate counts as light armor for encumbrance, it's still medium armor for proficiency and enchantment purposes. You can't have a Brawling Mithral Breastplate, and if you don't have Medium Armor proficiency, you'll need the Armor Expert Trait to avoid taking a -1 ACP penalty to attack rolls.Or 0 if you grab the armor expert trait.
Getting mithral medium armor for any class that can work with at least light armor is relatively easy with that. Bard, magi, sohei monks, brawlers, swashbucklers. etc. etc.
Did you read my post?