![]() Thewms wrote:
I like all of the ideas for Epsilon! (Especially the evolved form!). Not sure about the one for Ya'akov; if you get rid of the beard, give him a lighter skin-tone, and add some wings, then I can see it in the face at least. Never thought about a "fused" one before. I like the concept though! ![]()
![]() *Blech* I really hate it when my panic-induced typing's allow/cause people to draw up terrible assumptions... First off, the Chthonic Steel thing is character backstory because this was not my choice; the Katana is a relic/treasure from a previous campaign when my current character was at the time an NPC ninja-in-training (It's a long story, and I'm not going to take the time to explain further). I was planning on taking advantage of it's main material. Second, a minor correction; the skills/feats don't revolve around the gear itself, they revolve around the concept I created for this character which invovles the use of dual-wielding, sneak-attacks with a high critical threat range; basically a close-range, in-your-face-with-pain, ninja. Wakizashi's just happen to fit that bill very well. The Glassteel thing, well, that's mainly for backstory. At any rate, I had a chat with my GM, and after that long discussion we have agreed that at the very least, I can get the Katana back during/after the crash. If I lose the Wakizashi's, he's going to give me permission to change the Chosen Child trait. Many thanks to Solidchaos085, ryric, Heretek, and Cavall for the ideas that inspired that conversation. ![]()
![]() Heretek wrote:
I HAVE asked these questions. All of them. This GM is not the most forthcoming with information though. When I asked if I can reacquire my gear he responded "You can try; it depends on what happens when the ship crashes." I'm just frustrated that I have spent the last month going into every detail of this character I can imagine (which is a MAJOR feat with my schedule), and then my GM comes in with this pirate ship crap. A month's worth of planning for gear, skills, and feats (much of which revolves around her gear), and now I have to possibly redo it all a week before we start! (Particularly irritating since I discussed ALL the details of my character with the GM as I came up with them!) Sorry; that was my rant for the day. That being said, I like a lot of the ideas that were mentioned earlier (Particularly Cavall's comments), so I think I'll rework her equipment and skills in a way that doesn't mess me up if I lose the gear. Worst case, I have her craft the Wakizashi's herself later, I suppose. ![]()
![]() 'Sani wrote: The problem is that if is the Skulls and Shackles opening, you don't know you are about to get taken, and are unconscious when they search you. So unless you have those wakizashis hidden on your body in such a way that they are completely useless in combat at all times for reasons... they will probably find them. What I was thinking was that I'd have them in wrist sheaths ("The sheath can hold one forearm-length item": Wakizashi's are between 1-2 ft. long, so it can work), while wearing a Dilettante's Clothing, and a Pocketed scarf. At level 1 she has a +9 total bonus to sleight of hand checks. With those items that goes up to +17 (circumstance bonuses stack). If I take the additional traits feat, and add Expert Smuggler to her traits, then the enemy is denied the +4 to perception while frisking. My question is does my ninja still get to roll her sleight of hand check while unconscious (if that does happen), or does she just get her basic bonuses? ![]()
![]() Hmmm, let's try out my first character: Ya'akov Moriancumer. Level 20, NG Summoner by the end of his fifth campaign.
Started out as an Aasimar with human and elf parents. His brother was killed when they were little, but came back as Ya'akov's eidolon, who took on the name Epsilon. He was a quadruped, and his most common form was that of a large black wolf with wings. Ya'akov became half-celestial halfway through his adventure, and thanks to a GM ruling Epsilon gained the Celestial creature template. Ya'akov has a major affinity towards angels, and often summons them to aid him in battle. Epsilon has electrical attacks, including a lightning breath weapon. Ya'akov has been known to ride Epsilon into battle while wielding his +5 Holy, Keen, and Impact Katana named "Awakening: Oath of Brothers". The pair usually goes into battle together, sharing the damage they take between each other to augment their survivability. Ya'akov has a very dignified, but open personality. He despises demons, devils, and abyssals, and will only work with them if there is a greater evil to deal with, otherwise he will destroy them on sight. He also tends to face-palm often when his companions do something stupid, and has even burned down a brothel before (after a party member went in there to "gather information" in the middle of an infiltration mission during a siege. He was not caught). His most common spell is his empowered, quickened Snowball, which he uses on a regular basis in battle, and to send a message to people who annoy him severely. Epsilon is much more ecstatic than Ya'akov, and has a tremendous appetite. It became a running gag that Ya'akov's greatest challenge in life was filling the void that was Epsilon's stomach. He has been known to use his electrical bite to bite people's ankles if they get on his nerves. *Bzzzzt!* He can be a very amusing character, but in battle he is a terror to the enemy. His claws do vicious rend damage and inflict bleeding wounds. Before very major battles, Ya'akov often changes Epsilon's evolutions around with spells in such a way that Epsilon resembles a Dragon instead of a wolf. Let's see someone find a picture for these guys! ![]()
![]() SheepishEidolon wrote:
At that rate you could eventually turn him into a demi-lich; essentially you'd be just a floating head. You could tweak it a little to fit. ![]()
![]() Corrik wrote:
Asides from magic gear, the only thing that comes to mind is an "Instant Fortress" cube. Just have her hide in there. ![]()
![]() I checked with my GM; it's not skull&shackles exactly, its a version of something called "Spelljammer". Something about "sailing ships in space". (So much for swimming away).
If it is skull&shackle's, then my backup plan may not work either; all I want is to sneak in with, at best, my wakizashi's, at worst a Kunai. Do pirates still have to use perception checks to find my gear? Because I'm thinking of switching some stuff out and hiding the Wakizashi's on my person (which if I understand correctly could work; they ARE light weapons) and using things like a pocketed scarf. I was also wanting to come in dressed in a tear-away monks robe with her ninja gear underneath. Any other ideas in that regard, or would I be better off doing something else? If I do change her traits, I'd change them to Reactionary and Fate's Favored (The second one will be fun if I can get a "Stone of Good Luck/Luckstone"). ![]()
![]() Solidchaos085 wrote:
The thing is, I know that the first or second day of the campaign will involve a shipwreck, so we'll be escaping. I'm just concerned that something will happen that will result in me not being able to get the swords back. (Like the ship exploding or something). ![]()
![]() As for sneak attack:
The wording from this feat seems to imply it can be done more than once in a turn. Also:
This leads me to believe it applies to each attack, not just the first one. This is different from things such as the feat, "Vital Strike". As for the off-hand damage, I think it does only half your STR modifier in addition to the weapons base damage. The feat "Double Slice" changes that, if I recall. ![]()
![]() So, I am beginning play as a level 1 ninja with 2,000+gp in items thanks to the Chosen Child and Signature Moves traits. Most of my characters gp is in three weapons; two Glassteel Wakizashi's, and a Cthonic Steel Katana. I have spent the last month preparing this character and her gear. Then last week the GM informed us that we would be starting play for the coming campaign as captives on a pirate ship... and that they will have taken all of our gear before the adventure has even started!!! What the heck do I do to resolve this? Is there a way to resolve this in-game using skills or something? ![]()
![]() http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/iron- rope This comes to mind for the rope; you could use that as a base. I'm not sure I understand what you are going for with the mask. But if I am reading that correctly, then you would need it to have "True Seeing". There's this mask (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/m-p/mask -holy-mask-of-the-living-god) that you could use as a base, though this one boosts healing and intimidate. I do not know how to calculate the prices for those. ![]()
![]() Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Fine with me. I'd like to see the finished results when you're done, if you don't mind. ![]()
![]() (UPDATE: I recently went through and made a few changes to the template. As always, please let me know what you think, and especially let me know if you use it in a campaign; I would love to know how it works.) So in a recent campaign, my GM ruled that my Intelligent Katana (Named "Katrina"), who had the spell "Alter-self", could use it at-will on herself to become a little-girl that enjoyed riding on my shoulders and went into a quiet rage whenever undead creatures were near. This ruling was for role-play purposes only, so she could not turn into a humanoid and then wield her own weapons; she just used it to have fun and chat, essentially. It was so much fun that I wanted to create a custom template for Intelligent weapons that would allow the same thing, but with all that "rules language" that mine often lacked. So, here are the basics of what I have come up with; I'm looking for ideas on what to change and on what to add or take away. (Note: In the case of this template, I'm wanting to word it so the sword has some limited abilities while in its humanoid form. The idea is for the weapon to be able to defend itself with abilities based on the enchantments of the base weapon, but its full strength is ALWAYS while in the hands of a wielder) Background:
Some Magic weapons sometimes have intelligence of their own. Magically imbued with sentience, these items think and feel the same way characters do and can be both a boon and a hindrance to their wielders. While such weapons are rare, even rarer still are the weapons with not just minds, but bodies of their own. Created or endowed with the ability to change from weapon to person and vice-versa, these sentient blades are just as capable of walking alongside their wielders as they are slashing their enemies. Very few weapons such as this exist, and as such it is unclear how they are created, though it seems to require a tremendous amount of magic. Some deities may endow a favored weapon with such power that the blade becomes more than just a blade. This effect, while useful for cases where a blade must find a wielder, appears to cause tremendous stress to the mind of such items when they are created, sometimes to the point of temporary insanity. Such weapons may not realize what they are, let alone notice when they start walking around. In fact, such high levels of magic seem to make up their forms, that is often a wonder the beings can retain any sanity at all. In any case, while the weapon does gain some degree of power from their wielders while in humanoid form, the blade will always be at its true potential in the hands of a wielder. Therefore such weapons usually seek out wielders far more carefully than normal sentient ones. After all, they don't have to wait around for a wielder to find them, and therefore have more options available to them. Such Soulshaper Blades, as they often call themselves, may even befriend adventurers and travel with them to see if one of them is worthy or suitable of being its companion, keeping their true nature secret until they have made their decision, sometimes for weeks. An offer from such a weapon should never be taken lightly, as such weapons will often carry a form of a curse that activates upon the Soulshaping Weapon's new wielder accepting the offer with a handshake. Most Soulshaping Weapons curses are not serious, though any non-Evil aligned weapon will always warn a potential wielder beforehand if it is aware it has one. "Soulshaping Weapon" is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any intelligent magic weapon with an enchantment modifier of at least +1 and an ego score no higher than 15 (referred to hereafter as the base weapon). The weapon is still considered a construct, even while in its humanoid form. All other features regarding intelligent weapons and constructs still apply, except as noted below. Humbled By Change
Increased Tolerance
Alignment: Same as base Weapon; Due to their enhanced outlook on the world, many Soulshaping Weapons tend to become less radical or carefree, and as a result are more likely to shift towards a more Neutral alignment. This is not always the case, however. Unlike other intelligent items, Soulshaping Weapons are slightly more willing to work outside of their alignment, though only if the situation is not of serious consequence. Type: Construct with the Shapechanger subtype, with some minor differences as noted below, and Humanoid with the Shapechanger subtype while in humanoid form w/ differences as noted below. Weaknesses:
Abilities: The change into a Soulshaping Weapon always grants the weapon a slightly stronger mind. Increase the Soulshaping Weapon's INT, WIS, and CHA scores all by +2. While in Humanoid form, the Soulshaping Weapon gains STR and DEX equal to 10 plus its current wielders STR and DEX scores minus 10, and divided by 2 (For example, if the wielder has a STR score of 16, the Soulshaping Weapons STR score would be equal to 10+((16-10)/2) = 13). Without a wielder, they are equal to 10. Soulshaping Weapons do not have a CON score in either form. Increased STR and DEX scores increase the weapons Ego score by half the amount it does for mental scores, rounded down. Soulblade Form:
Reverting to Weapon Form: a Soulshaping Weapon can revert to its weapon form as a standard action. This action does not count towards its wielders actions, though he/she must still pick up/draw the weapon. Alternatively, the Soulshaping Weapon can grasp their wielders hand and revert to its blade form as a combined swift action (I.E. both the weapon and wielder use a swift action), after which it is considered wielded and ready. Once in its weapon form, all rules for intelligent weapons apply. Defense/Qualities:
Special Abilities:
At Will: Shapeshift, Humanoid form only. 3/Day: If the base weapon has the Corrosive, Corrosive Burst; Flaming, Flaming Burst; Frost, Icy Burst; Shock, Shocking Burst; or Defending weapon enchantments, it gains either Acid Arrow, Flame Strike, Chill Metal, Lightning Bolt, or Shield, respectively. 1/Day: If the weapon has the Holy or Unholy Enchantments, it gains Holy Smite, or Unholy Blight, respectively. [i]Special: Agony of Loss[i]
Afterthoughts: this template is meant to add new dynamics to the Pathfinder games. At the GM’s discretion, he/she may determine that some abilities listed here may not be acceptable for their campaign. GM’s are encouraged to alter this template to fit their campaign setting.
![]() Finished the details for how the special abilities work. Special Abilities:
At Will: Shapeshift, Humanoid form only. 3/Day: If the base weapon has the Corrosive, Corrosive Burst; Flaming, Flaming Burst; Frost, Icy Burst; Shock, Shocking Burst; or Defending weapon enchantments, it gains either Acid Arrow, Flame Strike, Chill Metal, Lightning Bolt, or Shield, respectively. 1/Day: If the weapon has the Holy or Unholy Enchantments, it gains Holy Smite, or Unholy Blight, respectively. Special: Agony of Loss
![]() So in a recent campaign, my GM ruled that my Intelligent Katana (Named "Katrina"), who had the spell "Alter-self", could use it at-will on herself to become a little-girl that enjoyed riding on my shoulders and went into a quiet rage whenever undead creatures were near. This ruling was for role-play purposes only, so she could not turn into a humanoid and then wield her own weapons; she just used it to have fun and chat, essentially. It was so much fun that I wanted to create a custom template for Intelligent weapons that would allow the same thing, but with all that "rules language" that mine often lacked. So, here are the basics of what I have come up with; I'm looking for ideas on what to change and on what to add or take away. (Note: In the case of this template, I'm wanting to word it so the sword has some limited abilities while in it's humanoid form. The idea is for the weapon to be able to defend itself with abilities based on the enchantments of the base weapon, but it's full strength is ALWAYS while in the hands of a wielder) Background: Some Magic weapons sometimes have intelligence of their own. Magically imbued with sentience, these items think and feel the same way characters do and can be both a boon and a hindrance to their wielders. While such weapons are rare, even rarer still are the weapons with not just minds, but bodies of their own. Created or endowed with the ability to change from weapon to person and vice-versa, these sentient blades are just as capable of walking alongside their wielders as they are slashing their enemies.
Very few weapons such as this exist, and as such it is unclear how they are created, though it seems to require a tremendous amount of magic. Some deities may endow a favored weapon with such power that the blade becomes more than just a blade. This effect, while useful for cases where a blade must find a wielder, appears to cause tremendous stress to the mind of such items when they are created, sometimes to the point of temporary insanity. Such weapons may not realize what they are, let alone notice when they start walking around. In fact, such high levels of magic seem to make up their forms, that is often a wonder the beings can retain any sanity at all. In any case, while the weapon does gain some degree of power from their wielders while in humanoid form, the blade will always be at its true potential in the hands of a wielder. Therefore such weapons usually seek out wielders far more carefully than normal sentient ones. After all, they don't have to wait around for a wielder to find them, and therefore have more options available to them. Such Soulshaper Blades, as they often call themselves, may even befriend adventurers and travel with them to see if one of them is worthy or suitable of of being its companion, keeping their true nature secret until they have made their decision, sometimes for weeks. An offer from such a weapon should never be taken lightly, as such weapons will often carry a form of a curse that activates upon the Soulshaping Weapon's new wielder accepting the offer with a handshake. Most Soulshaping Weapons curses are not serious, though any non-Evil aligned weapon will always warn a potential wielder beforehand if it is aware it has one. "Soulshaping Weapon" is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any intelligent magic weapon with an enchantment modifier of at least +1 and an ego score no higher than 15 (referred to hereafter as the base weapon). The weapon is still considered a construct, even while in its humanoid form. All other features regarding intelligent weapons and constructs still apply, except as noted below. Humbled By Change
Increased Tolerance
Alignment: Same as base Weapon; Due to their enhanced outlook on the world, many Soulshaping Weapons tend to become less radical or carefree, and as a result are more likely to shift towards a more Neutral alignment. This is not always the case, however. Unlike other intelligent items, Soulshaping Weapons are slightly more willing to work outside of their alignment, though only if the situation is not of serious consequence. Type: Construct with the Shapechanger subtype, with some minor differences as noted below, and Humanoid with the Shapechanger subtype while in humanoid form w/ differences as noted below. Weaknesses:
Abilities: The change into a Soulshaping Weapon always grants the weapon a slightly stronger mind. Increase the Soulshaping Weapon's INT, WIS, and CHA scores all by +2. While in Humanoid form, the Soulshaping Weapon gains STR and DEX equal to 10 plus it's current wielders STR and DEX scores minus 10, and divided by 2 (For example, if the wielder has a STR score of 16, the Soulshaping Weapons STR score would be equal to 10+((16-10)/2) = 13). Without a wielder, they are equal to 10. Soulshaping Weapons do not have a CON score in either form. Increased STR and DEX scores increase the base weapons Ego score by half the amount it does for mental scores, rounded down. Soulblade Form:
When it first gains this template, the specific race they resemble is determined randomly (usually one of the core races), and remains fixed until it finds a wielder, after which it changes to match its wielder. The Soulshaping Weapon can revert to its weapon form at any time it wishes, but must do so at least once a week for at least 5 minutes. While in humanoid form, the Soulshaping Weapon gains a STR and DEX as listed above, but not a CON score. A Soulshaping Weapon can eat and drink while in its humanoid form, but does not need to, and does not gain any benefits from doing so. The humanoid form is always clothed in simple attire, and anything else it wears is absorbed into the weapon whenever it reverts back to its weapon form. Reverting to Weapon Form: a Soulshaping Weapon can revert to its weapon form as a standard action. This action does not count towards its wielders actions, though he/she must still pick up/draw the weapon. Alternatively, the Soulshaping Weapon can grasp their wielders hand and revert to its blade form as a combined swift action (I.E. both the weapon and wielder use a swift action), after which it is considered wielded and ready. Once in its weapon form, all rules for intelligent weapons apply. Defense/Qualities:
Speed: While in humanoid form, a Soulshaping Weapon has a base speed of 30 regardless of their form, and it gains Run as a bonus feat. Special Abilities:
At Will: Shapeshift, Humanoid form only. 3/Day: TBA 1/Day: TBA Special: Agony of Loss
![]() NobyShroom wrote:
I heard this both ways, and it comes up frequently for me because I use a Keen Katana (15-20 Critical threat range). I think the official rules is that your "rules lawyer" is right in this case, though the GM may rule otherwise. Be advised, if you are allowed to still hit on an unconfirmed, non natural 20, your enemies will be able to as well. ![]()
![]() VonDien wrote: In our Kingmaker campaign my Inquisitor came to possess a Instant Fortress, and when the time came for our group to have a show down with the lich giant Vordakin I DROPPED THE FORTRESS ON HIM! A crit was rolled, near max damage insued and that's how my inquisitor "Wizard of Oz'd" the lich! Sweet! I did that to a Vampire once; sent him flying like Team Rocket on a bad day. (It was funny, because that same Vampire kept coming back, and we kept 1-Hit-KO'ing him). ![]()
![]() Apocryphile wrote:
Ohhh, I kind of like this idea. And if I am successful in getting her the Half-Celestial template, then I could forgo the Paladin levels (since H/C's get the smite ability anyway). ![]()
![]() So, I just wanted to share this; this happened during our game Saturday. Our Kasatha Bloodrager, Nositelnev, introduced us to an old friend of his. He's always been one of the more quiet ones, at least until we get into combat, and then he just smashes anything that isn't a party member, or a tree. But then he introduced us to his friend, who is also his mount. His name is Gargaragaragara (Gar, for short). He is an awakened, Mighty, Giant Hamster with white Dragon scale barding. Uh, wait, What!? He also possess a spell-like ability, a GM'd "Skyward Teleport"; essentially teleports him anywhere that isn't on the ground. This mean that when he first shows up, he seems to fall out of the sky! The introduction goes something like this; "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Gar..." *Very swiftly mounts his hamster, points eastward Excitedly* "WE RIDE!!!!!" *Whoosh*. Hope someone got a laugh out of that. While we're on the subject, what's the funniest, yet most random thing you've seen in a campaign? ![]()
![]() I like the ideas, but the Summoner's sheet got a little too confusing for me. Mainly the Eidolons sheet; I tried using it, but it just got really confusing not having his hp and AC on the front page; it felt like the data was scattered across the pages. Beyond that, solid concepts, just not optimally organized for my tastes. ![]()
![]() I'm getting a lot of "monk/unarmed ninja" stuff; to be honest, I'm not sure that that would fit this characters style as much. (Granted, she WAS raised by Monks, Ninja's, and Samurai [which is why I was looking at Samurai]). I think what I'm looking for is something that would fit her personality more than her stats. Of all of Ya'akov's kids, she's one of the most level headed, and also one of the most fearless. Yet she also tends to exemplify meekness (specifically, the kind that is defined as "great power in restraint"). She values her blades, but also her family, and will go to great lengths to protect them. I don't know; anything come to mind with that that might fit with a Ninja? ![]()
![]() avr wrote:
I have no idea what TWF is... EDIT: OH! TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING! Got it. ![]()
![]() My Self wrote:
Basically, what I have already listed is locked in stone. Beyond that, it's fair game. And casters are not out of the equation, I'd just prefer to look at non-casting options first. ![]()
![]() Zonugal wrote:
What's funny is that I rolled twice: the first time they were just slightly lower, but my DM thought I cheated, so he had me re-roll with him watching. That was the result. Maniacal Laughter Ensues. MySelf, to answer your question, Valkyrie is currently NG. Crimeo, I want to multi-class because I haven't done it before, so Here I go! That being said, I do want the Ninja part to be something of her core focus, but would like to avoid any spell casters for the time being, but even then, I'm open to ideas. I would like to see something that compliments her ninja skills though. I do kind of like the swashbuckler idea, but I've never looked into the class that much before. I do want to eventually get her the Half-Celestial template (Her father is Half-Celestial already). What about Samurai? ![]()
![]() So I am getting ready for a "Spelljammer" campaign (I.E. Sailing ships in space; think "Treasure Planet"), and I am starting out as a level 1 human Ninja named Val Kiera, or "Valkyrie" for short, and she is the daughter of my first character. There is a good chance that she will end up becoming the captain of our ship in campaign, and in the event that that does happen, I am thinking of multi-classing her, but since I've always played a Summoner, I have never multi-classed before (it's usually a bad idea to do that with Summoners). So what would be a good idea for a ninja multiclass? When should I change her class? What classes should I avoid, etc. I have already made her a dual weapon fighter with two Wakizashi's, and thanks to her traits she's starting out with one masterwork Katana worth up to 900gp, and she also gets an additional 900gp in addition to her starting wealth. I rolled very good stats for her;
So, Ideas anyone? ![]()
![]() I'd also add that if the parents are concerned about the content, bring them to the first game (if possible) and then keep a journal of the games activities and results (i.e. encounters, creatures encountered, funny moments, etc.) and share that journal with them on a regular basis. That will not only keep the parents updated, but in most cases you will build trust with them over time. Also, on the subject of humor: have lots of it, and understand that kids will have different senses of humor than you. A little humor every once in a while will often help to keep them more focused in the long run, as it allows them to vent unspent energy, and will often keep them hoping for more. Try having a character ride into battle on a Giant Hamster for a mount, or something random like that, and then describe the enemies reaction to them. (I've actually done that before with 5 year-olds watching the game; they thought it was the funniest thing on Earth!) ![]()
![]() Letric wrote:
I couldn't get that first link to work; can you give me the name of the document? ![]()
![]() My Self wrote:
Ahh, I was wondering what that word was: disregard the first part of my notes then. ![]()
![]() Aelryinth wrote:
Celestial Plate still counts as Medium armor, so that is an option when I get more gold. Mitral Breastplate, on the other hand, I can afford right now. Thanks! ![]()
![]() GM Rednal wrote: That is not allowed. Items made of special materials may have ONE special material, and you only get that one bonus. If they're crafted of multiple materials, only the most-used material counts (as determined by your GM). Thanks. All questions answered now. Now I just need to know what is the best armor a Hunter can get w/out losing his dex bonus. (Mine has +5 to Dex). ![]()
![]() Heretek wrote:
"Kikko armor consists of hexagonal plates made from iron and sewn to cloth. The plates may be hidden by a layer of cloth or left exposed." I'm thinking that the cloth part could be Darkleaf, and now maybe the Metal part could be Mithral. Is that allowed at all, or would my DM have to decide that? ![]()
![]() Ciaran Barnes wrote:
If you can send me a private message, I'd like to see what you have come up with, if you wouldn't mind. As a writer, I've learned to condense and revise material, so I may be able to help. Maybe in the process, I can get some ideas for myself and this class as well. ![]()
![]() Avianfoo wrote:
The tricky part in this case is that one of the basic ideas of these guys (which I may not have clarified) is that it is the Symbiont that determines the host powers. THEY do the picking and choosing, based on their very in-depth (pun intended) understanding of their host. The most the host can do is desire a particular power/ability, and hope the Symbiont sees them as able to handle it. That being said, they do have a degree of control over how much they develop their powers, so perhaps the point system could be used to determine how many Class 1's they end up with. To answer your last question, since the Universal Abilities are abilities that ALL Megamorphs have, I was thinking those would be their Level 1 Abilities, with them having one already developing power which would be rolled randomly (possibly even decided by the DM), or maybe even having it so that their first power is the only one they get to decide. As for the "focus" of a Megamorph, that would definitely be the Combat Form. I'm starting to think that that would be unlocked at Level 5, and it would get stronger as the Megamorph Level's up over time. ![]()
![]() Ciaran Barnes wrote: Sounds like an infusion of sci-fi into fantasy, but thats not a bad thing. I don't have special insight on how to implement this mechanically, but I wanted to remind you that Pathfinder will usually not accurately give life to characters from literature. In literature, a character's capabilities are not confined by rules and they succeed any time the author says they do. In a game, we give everything a reasonable chance of failure or success based on the character or monster's level and how much of their mechanical resources are devoted to it. Your "monsters" seem to have a pretty spectacular range of talents, but you still need enemies that low-level PCs can face off against. I assume this campaign is to start bringing your story to life so you can do some improv and come up with some cool new story ideas? Don't force things to closely match the version that will appear in your fiction. You can always change the facts later. Believe me, I do understand that: that's one of the challenges I'm facing here; knowing what to include and what to exclude. And you hit the nail on the head in regards to my motivation for this involving improv and story ideas. That being said, if I were to burn Luke down to his most important aspects, they would be Fire, Water, Electricity, Hyper Reflexes, Teleportation, Psi, and Healing, in addition to his Sky Combat Form, with the Sky CF and Fire being his most commonly used ones. What could I do about creating or using an existing class to emulate this?