Wonderstell |

is one of the lesser known Equipment traits, and it opens up so many hilarious builds if you use it!
I once played a goblin garden designer whose weapon of choice was garden gnomes. And I'll tell you that this stackable bonus to attack is pretty damn sweet.
Pick profession: Woodcutter, Athlete or Guard, and the bonus goes straight to your every attack.

Wonderstell |

Bruising Intellect.
Clever Wordplay.
Student of Philosophy.
All these are very good for the everyday wizard who wants to outshine the rogue in social situations.
Benefit(s): You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack and damage rolls against undead creatures.
I've found that this trait should stack with the ranger spell "Instant Enemy", which comes in handy at later levels. And since Undead is a very common enemy, this trait is relevant throughout your whole adventuring career.
This one is just great for flavor
And have you ever thought about making a seducing assassin?
Benefit: You are immune to one specific nonmagical poison. If you ingest a dose of that poison (even if it is a contact, inhaled, or injury poison), it remains in your system for 24 hours; any creature that bites you during that time is subject to the poison’s effects.

Thaliak |
I like Forbidden Knowledge, which lets you roll Knowledge (history) or Knowledge (religion) in place of any Knowledge (planes) check.

CommandoDude |

Reactionary: +2 to Initiative
Yeah it's kind of boring to constantly see this trait on most characters, but that just speaks to how good going first usually is.
As mentioned, Fate's Favored: +1 to any luck bonus.
Luck bonuses are rare, but usually not all that powerful, there are a number of good items and class abilities that seriously synergize with this though.
Eyes and Ears of the City: +1 perception and class skill get.
For any class that doesn't get Perception as a class skill, this is an instant +4 to perception at a STEAL. Need only worship Abadar. Clerics unfortunately miss out (Abadar is not a particularly great god for domains).

Icy Turbo |

I absolutely love utilizing traits that open up new class skill options for a character. Surprisingly Sorcerers do not have Diplomacy as a Class Skill, but with Friend in Every Town, not only do I get a bonus to Knowledge Local, I get to use that naturally high charisma at an even higher bonus for Diplomacy!

Wonderstell |

I wonder , is there an opposite to clever wordplay?
Something that allows you to use your CHA instead of INT on a INT based skill.
Benefit: You may use your Charisma modifier when making Knowledge (planes) checks instead of your Intelligence modifier.
The only one I know of, and only for planes.
I guess they really like wizards?

Nox Aeterna |

Nox Aeterna wrote:I wonder , is there an opposite to clever wordplay?
Something that allows you to use your CHA instead of INT on a INT based skill.
** spoiler omitted **
The only one I know of, and only for planes.
I guess they really like wizards?
Ic heh.
Well , when it comes to wizards there is no surprise :P.

Elf Wizard |

Nox Aeterna wrote:I wonder , is there an opposite to clever wordplay?
Something that allows you to use your CHA instead of INT on a INT based skill.
** spoiler omitted **
The only one I know of, and only for planes.
I guess they really like wizards?
Everyone likes us... if they know what's good for them!