Dragon78 |
I agree, dragons are some of few creatures from bestiaries that I feel need more fluff. Though I would prefer that fluff to be in a Golarion specific book such as the revisited line or something similar.
The only creatures I feel need more fluff then they get other then true dragons(and a few others) are the 0HD races. But those have the best chance of getting something for them fluffwise down the line.
Kalindlara Contributor |
I'm wonder why they Chained Spirit from CotCT never made it into a Bestiary?
Unlike many other creatures, the chained spirit is as much plot device as monster. It's part of Scarwall in a way that creatures like the danse macabre simply aren't.
That's not to say that they can't... just that it's probably a factor. ^_^
Juda de Kerioth |
the thing is, for bestiary 6, that paizo staff check The Witcher 3 games, and took some of the monsters there (they are based in real slavic mitholgy in their majority), such an awesome lore for each of them.
But the most relevant for me
Leshen (kind of Treant but evil as hell and a deadly encounter)
botchling (an unborn cursed by the despite of his parents who aborted him, then he eats pregnants fetus to at last, grown as a kind of aberration undead humanoid to kill those who aborting him or... you can breake the curse to transform him into a guardian fey)
diverse species for griffins, hypogriffins and mantichore and chimera (i never liked the american aguile portrait version in b1)
Cole Deschain |
We have Oni, Kami, Wayangs, Samsarans, Vanaras, Tengu, a lot of DE-flavor-appropriate undead, Imperial Dragons, Fu Creatures, Kirins, Baku, Tanuki, Taotieh, Terracotta Soldiers, Jiang-Shi, Yuki-Onna, Fachen, Ningyo, the certain knowledge that the DE have things like Hobgoblins and Elves to contend with....
Not sure what you're specifically looking for, beyond maybe reprinting all of them in the same book and adding some more creatures who aren't Japanese in mythological origin?
JiCi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
We could use another book, not a booklet, about the Dragon Emires though, with expanded lore, archetypes, new racial options, magic items, etc. Tian Xia is starting to get as big as the Inner Seas recently.
I don't see as much as getting a Tian Xia Bestiary. Like the others said, the Bestiaries are getting more Eastern monsters.
JiCi |
Berselius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
A revised list.
Angel, Kherub (CR 17): These powerful four-winged angels are steeped in the occult bearing not only mastery of psychic magic but also possession of three phantom-like animal aspects in addition to their own humanoid body.
Angel, Seraph (CR 18): These angels of fire and righteousness possess auras of golden heavenly flame capable of scorching even the Devils of Hell. They love nothing more than to rain fiery death upon armies of fiends.
Angel, Azrael (CR 19): Often referred to by mortal civilizations as "angels of death". Their duty is to guide, guard, and advocate for the souls of particularly pious mortals and aid the psychopomps in destroying any fiend or undead that seeks to steal or pervert the souls of the righteous.
Azata, Ariel (CR 11): These azata have an affinity with wood of the forests, the beasts of nature, and the stone of the Earth. They possess an aura of purity which removes blight and bile alike from their surroundings.
Azata, Tharsis (CR 12): These aquatic azata seek to aid the good-aligned inhabitants of underwater settlements as well as safeguard and protect coastal communities. Many a castaway sailor has been saved by these beautiful aquatic celestials.
Archon, Blade (CR 16: Bearing armor and wings of steel and wielding two shinning longswords, these majestic Archons can surround themselves with a blade barrier-like aura that cuts only evil-aligned foes to ribbons.
Archon, Evangelizer (CR 18): These espousers of the god's wisdom and grace possess an ability similar to the Deimauiggas of Hell in that they can permanently shift a creatures alignment one step towards lawful good.
Archon, Monarch (CR 20): Surpassing even the Star Archons in power and grace, greater fiends tremble when a Monarch Archon unseats itself from it's flying heavenly throne and lesser fiends cry out in terror as when they unsheathe their vorpal greatswords.
Agathion, Serpental (CR 14): Possessing occult power and mastery over psychic magic, these serpent-like Agathions strive to counter forces that wage wars to dominate the minds of mortals.
Agathion, Artiodactal (CR 16): Rivaling the Cornugons of Hell in terms of strength and ferocity, these bison-like Agathions serve as lieutenants and commanders in the armies of Nirvana, striking down fiends while inspiring their subordinates.
Agathion, Ceratonal (CR 18): Generals without peer and combatants without fear, these rhino-like Agathion lead entire armies of celestials into battle against the fiends of the multiverse. Lesser fiends panic and cower before these holy armored goliaths.
Agathion, Loxonal (CR 19): Eclipsed in power only by the Draconals, these elephant-like Agathion are the lords of entire celestial fortresses and cities on the plane of Nirvana.
Coming up next up, some baddies for adventures to slay. :D
Berselius |
I agree, dragons are some of few creatures from bestiaries that I feel need more fluff. Though I would prefer that fluff to be in a Golarion specific book such as the revisited line or something similar.
The only creatures I feel need more fluff then they get other then true dragons(and a few others) are the 0HD races. But those have the best chance of getting something for them fluffwise down the line.
I know right? I'd like to know about many other prominent dragons (chromatic, metallic, primal, imperial, outer, etc etc) in the world of Golarion! Hell, how notable Dragons on worlds OTHER THAN Golarion? Some good-aligned Metallics on Castrovel or some vile Chromatics on Akiton?
Who are the servants of these Dragons? What are their planes, schemes, and overall goals (if any)? Also, we need a great deal more about Dragons in general! Take the diets of various Dragons for instance! Are beautiful maidens really the favorite dining fare of Red Dragons? Do Silvers enjoy humanoid food far more than any other sort of food (and can they live off of it indefinitely)?
Then there are other questions. Like, how long does the shapechange of some metallic dragons actually last? What are attractive qualities some dragon breeds tend to see in prospective mates (Dragon or otherwise)?
Berselius |
botchling (an unborn cursed by the despite of his parents who aborted him, then he eats pregnants fetus to at last, grown as a kind of aberration undead humanoid to kill those who aborting him or... you can breake the curse to transform him into a guardian fey)
Uh, that might, er, "RUFFLE SOME FEATHERS" dude. It might be wiser for Paizo not to venture down that road.
Dragon78 |
Too be honest I would like to not see the chromatic dragons and metallic dragons on Castrovel. Instead I would like to see crystal, brine, occult, cloud, dream, etc. or maybe something else entirely.
Actually Red Dragons like to collect young good looking people(usually woman) as part of there treasure.
Actually it would be cool to see a unique species of dragon from each of the other planets.
Like a green colored psychic powered dragon with antennae from Castrovel, a multi-limbed red colored ice breathing one from Akiton, A cloud breathing purple colored gravity controlling one from Bretheda, etc.
Berselius |
Too be honest I would like to not see the chromatic dragons and metallic dragons on Castrovel. Instead I would like to see crystal, brine, occult, cloud, dream, etc. or maybe something else entirely.
I wasn't trying to imply that I only wanted chromatics and metallics on other worlds. I was just using two examples. I honestly wouldn't mind to see any other breeds on Castrovel as well as anywhere else in Golarion's solar system.
Kobold Catgirl |
Kobold Cleaver wrote:Kobolds have plenty of weak spots. I don't argue with that. But they're clearly meant in Pathfinder to be descended from dragons, and they're clearly a very lawful race. I don't see how you can argue otherwise.Point taken ;)
The "hobgoblin-like" version of the kobold that I'm asking is is basically a Medium kobold that acts as a soldier and regal figure. You can have a Lawful kobold society, but it needs a strictier leader ;)
Mechagamera wrote:Some of the entries in B5 were pretty low fluff, almost 3e MM low fluff....I hope that doesn't continue.The artworks are getting bigger, so... but at least it can be expanded in later booklets.
Ah, so you want a medium-sized kobold that reveres violence and suicidal courage. Gotcha.
Nutcase Entertainment |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I think the obstacle there is that a Small species potentially getting a bonus to Strength probably seems counter-intuitive...
Not impossible, by any means, but certainly weird.
But it wouldn't be forced to have a penality to it either. Halfling's description would make you think they have -2 to Wis more than Str.
OK, Small creatures get a +1 to attack rolls, but they get penalities in so many other things that it kinda balance out in the end, the effective -2 Str is made by lower carrying capacity, lower weapon damage, be sent flying more easily, etc... There could be a limit like the Primitive Human thing.
Cole Deschain |
Cole Deschain wrote:Not impossible, by any means, but certainly weird.Bestiary 5 had a small race with a strength bonus.
And it was weird! ;)
Goblins, Kobolds, Gnomes, Halflings, all get hit with a strength penalty almost purely because they're small, and then along comes the Orang-Pendak to be micro-Sasquatches and they get amped right the heck up.
Yes, there are small creatures that have notable strength- a 100 pound black bear can really do a number on a much larger human, for example, or a Chimpanzee- but it really seems odd when set against the reasons given for the low strength of other Small species.
In any event, all of the canon species with a blanket "just add 2 somewhere"I can think of have been at least half-human. If it happens, it'll probably come down that pike.
Cole Deschain |
Cole Deschain wrote:And it was weird! ;)Completely disagree, I mean, it's an ape, they're strong animals for their size.
Weird in the context of the game's design thus far.
Simply not penalizing their strength would have made the Orang-Pendak "strong for its size," relative to other Small species.
Yes, as I myself stated, there are animals which massively out muscle humans pound for pound- but the design of the game's playable species thus far has attached a strength penalty to Small size. Literally all I'm saying.
JiCi |
JiCi wrote:Kobold Cleaver wrote:Kobolds have plenty of weak spots. I don't argue with that. But they're clearly meant in Pathfinder to be descended from dragons, and they're clearly a very lawful race. I don't see how you can argue otherwise.Point taken ;)
The "hobgoblin-like" version of the kobold that I'm asking is is basically a Medium kobold that acts as a soldier and regal figure. You can have a Lawful kobold society, but it needs a strictier leader ;)
Mechagamera wrote:Some of the entries in B5 were pretty low fluff, almost 3e MM low fluff....I hope that doesn't continue.The artworks are getting bigger, so... but at least it can be expanded in later booklets.Ah, so you want a medium-sized kobold that reveres violence and
suicidalcourage. Gotcha.:P
Yeah, sort of, basically a sub-species that is bigger, badder, meaner... and more adept at putting the regular kobolds in its place. I made this version a while back :P
JiCi |
I'll just recompile my suggestions:
- Kineticist variants for dragons and elementals
- Flower-based fey/plant hybrids
- Gemini
- Relic Golem
- Disembodied mesmerist eyes
- Psychic astral form
- Barbarian's rage physical embodiment
- Dragon-like humanoid PC race
- Vermin lord
- Halfling/dog centaur-like creature
- Gnome/cat centaur creature
- More Elementals
- Totems
- Shark-based Merfolks
- More Fishes
- Giant-sized Non-Predatory Birds
- Animated/Possessed weapons (melee, ranged, siege)
- Giant butterflies/moths
- More Colossi
- More Kaijus
- Outer Dragons
- More Manasaputras and sahkils
- Reprints; I'm not seeing any problem with these TBH.
- Dragon-related Non-Dragon-typed creatures; You know the Dragonblooded subtype that WotC added later on? How about that? The Drakkensteed, Huitzil and Phynxkin were decent.
- More Thriaes; The race could use:
* A mage-like species
* A worker species
* A drone species
(Ok, maybe I'm missing something, but the last two roles have been omitted from the colony, if it's supposed to mimic an actual beehive.)
- More Formians; Same thing here. Granted all 5 species got converted in B4, but again, like the Thriaes, they could be expanded. Dude, where's the winged species? Fiend Folio added the Armadon, the Observer and the Winged Warrior. Speaking of the Fiend Folio...
- More 3.5 Fiend Folio monsters; Ok, a LOT of monsters that were in that book ended up in Panthfinder. While I I don't know which ones were open-licensed, I'm sure that more could be added.
- More Fleshwarps; B4 added these as drow freak experiments with other humanoids, so...
- Omnimental; Take all elemental energies and fuse them together :P No really, that was an actual monster, in MM3, I think.
- More Treants; Ok, big stretch here, but how about treants based on cacti, pin trees, palm trees and such? We could also get different aligned species as well.
- More Lycanthropes; Back in the days, we had werefoxes, wereravens, werebadgers/wolverines and wereserpents.
- More Behemoths; According to B3, there are supposed to be some based on a sandstorm, deep-sea water and a thundercloud.
Dragon78 |
We have outer dragons unless you mean outer planes based dragons.
I would also like more Kaiju, elementals, Formians, Lycanthropes, Thriae(at least one small size one), giant sized non-predatory birds, giant butterfly/moth, and animated/possessed weapons.
Ever since they introduced the Kaiju, I have lost interest in Behemoths. Though I would like to see the Leviathan.
Secret Wizard |
Milo v3 wrote:Cole Deschain wrote:And it was weird! ;)Completely disagree, I mean, it's an ape, they're strong animals for their size.Weird in the context of the game's design thus far.
Simply not penalizing their strength would have made the Orang-Pendak "strong for its size," relative to other Small species.
Yes, as I myself stated, there are animals which massively out muscle humans pound for pound- but the design of the game's playable species thus far has attached a strength penalty to Small size. Literally all I'm saying.
See, this simply isn't true.
A small creature with a +0 racial STR modifier is still WEAKER than a medium creature with a +0 racial STR modifier because smaller weapons carry a smaller hit dice, by 1 damage or more.
A small creature with a +2 STR modifier could deal AS MUCH damage as a medium creature.
I don't see how this breaks the system.
Cole Deschain |
I don't see how this breaks the system.
It's not about breaking the system, it's about the apparent underlying theory of design to date.
All I'm saying.
Mechanically, you can break anything with a little effort.
JiCi |
We have outer dragons unless you mean outer planes based dragons.
Oh, I see... Outer Planes, not Outer Space :P
Celestial, Abyssal, Axiomatic, Entropic and Concordant, for instance.
I would also like more Kaiju, elementals, Formians, Lycanthropes, Thriae (at least one small size one), giant sized non-predatory birds, giant butterfly/moth, and animated/possessed weapons.
Glad we agree ^_^
Ever since they introduced the Kaiju, I have lost interest in Behemoths. Though I would like to see the Leviathan.
Kaiju are giant monsters that walk the world to wreck havoc, while Behemoths are monsters created by gods for divine retribution. One type is a nature occurence, while the other is the product of a deity.
Secret Wizard |
Secret Wizard wrote:I don't see how this breaks the system.It's not about breaking the system, it's about the apparent underlying theory of design to date.
But it's not.
Wayang, Monkey Goblins, Wyrwood, Orang Penaks... All of them have a non negative Strength bonus and all it means is that they can be as competent as larger creatures but still suffer lower damage dice and worse combat maneuver abilities.
Dragon78 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I would like to see a group of dragons that represent the outer planes or alignments.
Holy(NG)- Can be found in any good aligned plane, has glowing white feather wings and holy based breath weapon.
Dark(NE)- Can be found in any evil aligned plane, is red and black in color and has a unholy based breath weapon.
Axiom(LN)- Dragon from the Axis, metallic in color but not a true metallic dragon.
Chaos(CN)- Dragon from the maelstrom, varies in color and other traits, has one feathered wing and one bat wing.
Quintessence(N)- Dragon from the positive energy plane, creature of life and balance, and positive energy based breath weapon.
Berselius |
They have not stated were Kaiju come from so you could easily replace a Behemoth with a Kaiju.
Actually, no, you can't. They are two entirely different monster subtypes. Also, it is sort of implied that Kaiju are akin to natural disasters while Behemoths are direct spawn of deities who want to punish a certain inhabited area for transgressions against the gods. Kaiju don't give a rat's behind about the gods or people in general.
Cole Deschain |
Dragon78 wrote:They have not stated were Kaiju come from so you could easily replace a Behemoth with a Kaiju.Actually, no, you can't.
Sure you can.
For the person whose city is being wrecked, the difference really is academic.
Kaiju/Behemoths/Spawn of Rovagug may have differing origins and motivations, but their role when used in the game is almost identical.
Berselius |
Berselius wrote:Dragon78 wrote:They have not stated were Kaiju come from so you could easily replace a Behemoth with a Kaiju.Actually, no, you can't.Sure you can.
For the person whose city is being wrecked, the difference really is academic.
Kaiju/Behemoths/Spawn of Rovagug may have differing origins and motivations, but their role when used in the game is almost identical.
Just because they do the same thing doesn't mean they ARE the same thing.
Cole Deschain |
Just because they do the same thing doesn't mean they ARE the same thing.
Just because they aren't the same thing doesn't mean you can't use them for the same thing.
Which is ultimately what monster choice boils down to.
Mechagamera |
I would say the main story difference between kaiju/Rovagug spawn and behemoths is that no one should be surprised when the behemoth shows up. There ought to have been a parade of oracles and clerics telling everyone to repent.
Sometimes you know that Godzilla is making a beeline to Tokyo, but sometimes he just comes out of the water. In fact, one could argue that the Tarrasque's original gig was to "randomly show up suddenly, eat a whole bunch of people, and disappear back into the earth."
MMCJawa |
Well the other big difference is that Kaiju are suppose to be CR 25+, whereas behemoths are are below that range. So Kaiju are suppose to be capstones for campaigns that use mythic, whereas behemoths function for more diverse campaigns.
At any rate James Jacob wrote all the kaiju IIRC, and wasn't happy about writing setting neutral fluff for unique beings. I suspect we won't ever see another Kaiju in a normal hardcover Bestiary again.
JiCi |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I can see his point but that will not stop me from asking for more Kaiju in the hardcover bestiaries.
Though I would be all for a 64 page kaiju bestiary with every kaiju mention in B4 and maybe then some.
The main problem is I can pinpoint is that the Kaijus are heavily influenced by Golarion's lore.
"Agmazar, the Star Titan of the vast jungle" is the only one that got statted, in Mystic Realms. All the rest remains to be added.
Cimurlian, the Great Bear of the frozen north
Ebeshra, the Winged Razor of the furthest clouds
Igroon, the Dragon Eater of the lost island
Mantraska, the World Talons of the rain forest
Shbloon, the Vortex Maw of the ocean deep
Lord Varklops, the Thrice-Headed Fiend of the dormant volcano
Queen Vorgozen, the Shapeless Feeder of the vast swamp
Yarthoon, the Moon Grub of the darkest nights
Yorak, the Horned Thunder of the great mountains
Zimivra, the Endless Coils of the trackless desert
Adding Agyra, Bezravnis and Mogaru to this list, we have 14 Kaijus... so far. A Pathfinder Campaign Setting booklet or a Player Companion has around 60 pages. A "good" material section should have the Kaiju's stats + lore (2 pages) and extra lore (2 pages), totalling 56 pages (14 x 4), out of 60-ish.
I would be all for a "Kaiju Revisited" booklet though ;)
JiCi |
A campaign setting book has 64 pages and we are starting to get some that are bigger so it could be done.
I feel like the bigger booklets are more exceptions than a trend. Sometimes, they need more pages, but not all the time.
Still, for a 64-page booklet, if 56 pages are taken for the Kaijus (4 pages each, as I stated), 8 pages remain for the Table of Content, Intro, Outro, items, ads and such.