Curse of The Crimson Throne seeks replacement GM


Solid regular group firmly entrenched in 2nd book of Adventure Path is seeking a replacement GM. If you're interested check out our progress and play-style Here


Speaking as someone who lost an AP GM (Carrion Crown) this year then picked up those same duties for an AP I had no previous involvement in from another GM (Kingmaker), I hope you find someone. Crimson Throne is an AP I have always liked the look of, but have never had the opportunity to delve too deep into--one hell of a set of authors though.

As a side note, you might consider seeing if anyone in the Sticky AP recruitment thread might be interested. I would, but my time is currently too short to really give it my all.

Best wishes,

PS EDIT: That, and man you people write a lot! ;)

Ever flirtatiously friendly,

Thankies GGG

Good luck to you!

Oh, I love Curse of the Crimson Throne. I have a group of tabletop players who were getting lined up to play it... when they decided they'd rather have me run Wrath of the Righteous instead. Ah well.

I'd consider offering to help out, but you've got quite a lot of posts to try to digest and get a feel for where you are. Anyone willing to put together a summary to help that out?

Um, we're going after the plague doctors in book 2... sorry if that doesn't help much.

I guess I'd be interested in getting a few perspectives to get a better snapshot of where the campaign is right now:

I've noticed clashing between Wednesday and Cressida Kroft with a skim but I haven't yet spotted any other relationships with the powers that be in the city. How has that been going? How do PCs feel about the city?

How do each of the PCs view what's going on? What do the players think is going on?

Do you have anything on a future agenda? Ambitions, aspirations, or just plans on what to do next? Is anybody anticipating anything in the near future?

I don't want to put a big burden on you all to detail everything of import, but if I were taking over a tabletop game, we'd be able to have conversations about how the campaign is going and where everyone wants it to go that would make it easier to fill another GM's shoes.

Okies, I'll link back here for the others.

Hello, I'm the player for Terri Riverrun. To be honest, those relationships never had a chance to form really since about half the quests Cressida gives the party got cut. I have read through the AP a few times and I'm also running a game on the boards here, so I know when stuff gets changed or left out, though I'm pretty good about not metagaming. He'd also done something similar in the Runelords game he was running that I am currently GMing for the moment.

So that said, she doesn't have a relationship with Cressida beyond she's a woman that is tasking us with helping Korvosa. Terri loves the people of Korvosa, but does not care for the way Korvosan culture is almost lock-stepped with Cheliax's. Terri is of the belief that the queen, despite what she says, does not have the city's interest in mind and is playing with others' lives to further her own selfish goals. She's close friends with Trinia and friends with Mrs. Solado, Grau's sister.

I can't really answer the question of what I think is going on because I know the plot, but like I said, I'm pretty good at not metagaming. As a player, I'll keep growing Terri as a priestess. I think it'd be interesting to see what kind of a relationship grows between her and Victor, as well as how her relationship with Wednesday will develop. Honestly, if Victor opens up, even a little, I can see her falling for him. In character, Terri's worried about Wednesday. She sees him as suicidal and broken over something, though she doesn't know what. There's a budding friendship with Tolenn, Amira, and Cassandra, she's also the one with the most explosive temper out of the four women, and she does care deeply about her companions. Victor is the newest member and also the one she sees as the biggest mystery. She knows that, like Wednesday, he doesn't get along with the guard, but she thinks there's more to it than that.

I hope this helps some, and sorry if I rambled a little there.

Amira sees the city as a living thing and she acts as it's agent and protector. As such the wellbeing of the city comes first. The city was here before any monarch and will be long after the current one is dead.

If a person seeks to do what is good for the city and it's people, they have her support. She very much respects Tolenn and her devotion and drive, sort of likes Wednesday but has a pretty low tolerance for the self loathing he keeps heaping on. Victor's dark sarcasm and caustic wit amuse her, and she likes Terri, especially the way she alternates between being "the cute one" and the one nobody wants to mess with. Cassandra is her absolute BFF and partner having spent many a night running rooftops, getting into trouble and having a good time.Sort of if Harley & Ivy were actually the good guys.

As an Urban Druid Amira will stop at nothing to save the city from both the plage that threatens her citizens and the corruption that she is beginning to notice more and more.

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Speaking of cute, if you ever want her to turn into an incoherent, embarrassed mess, just bring this painting up.

A little bit of background. Terri and Trinia were both drunk when the painting was done by Salvadore Scream (Yep, that one.) It was commissioned by the Calistrian church and somehow, Trinia and Terri wound up posing for it. Wednesday likes to bring it up to tease her. Everyone but Victor has seen it.

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Hi there,

Resident paladin here!

Tolenn left korvosa 10 years ago to answer the call to be a holy warrior. Now returned, she see's it her duty to protect Korvosa from the forces of evil that now assail it.

She loves Wednesday Daud with all of her heart, just not the way he would wish it. She's grown fond of the newcomers Terri, Amira and Cassandra and Victor.

Thanks for considering taking up the mantle for us, Bill.

These comments are quite helpful. It's good to know the GM has been abridging things a bit.
Right now, I'm going through the gameplay thread seeing what encounters you've been having and missions you've been on. It's been a reasonably fun read. I like that there's been a lot of detail and interaction.

Thank you for considering taking over the GM duties Bill. I am the player for Victor Rivilon; the latest addition to this merry band. Victor has little respect for the law in Korvosa and the guardsman who try to uphold it, he believes that most them have been doing a poor job of keeping the peace and protecting the common folk, and while Victor is no revolutionist he could get there if pushed any further.

As his magical powers developed he did not fear them or dread them, he simply saw them as a part of himself that he needs to embrace and utilize to survive and they came especially useful when he started driving out what criminals he could from the streets he lived close to. These kinds of fights are what got him caught by the guard and pressed by Marshal Croft to join the group. While he has no love for Croft, he has no ill will for her either cause he sees that she is one of the few lawmen in Korvosa that actually care.

Seeing how he's the newest addition to the group, Victor's relationships with the other party members is still developing. Despite sharing an alignment and a hate for the guards Victor and Wednesday has had the most arguments but it has not been anything hostile or hate driven, it's mostly been disagreements about how things are done. He finds Cassandra somewhat strange but has not formed a firm a opinion on her yet...but he's very wary of her monkey familiar as he believes that it would run rampant if given the chance. Despite their differing ideals Victor respects Tolenn and appreciates the friendly manner she has shown him so far. He sees Amira as a very serious person, not that it bothers him but has not formed opinion on her beyond that. Terri and Victor has had the least interaction, but he has been on the receiving end of her temper once. I can see Victor reciprocating Terri's feelings for him should they ever bloom or even falling for her first if he got to know her better, still they both need to interact with each other more to at least begin forming an opinion of each other.

Victor's goal as of now is to continue helping Korvosa and it's common folk to the best of his ability. He has a lost childhood friend but with so much time passed he doubts she's still alive now.

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Hello! Cassandra's player here.

Cassandra is from a minor noble house that turned to trade to build wealth and power. Technically, she is Lady Cassandra but her house was stripped of titles after the king died due to suspicion of collusion. Or so the new jerk in charge says.

Cassandra isn't much of a merchant, though. She's in love with motion. Her ideal of awesome is running on rooftops and she's a parkour specialist. When it was discovered she had magical talent there was nothing for it but to go to the local wizard academy. There, she annoyed almost all her instructors but proved to be quite talented with engineering and specialized in teleportation magic.

Cassandra spent a good chunk of the campaign on another plane due to a teleporting mishap. Which is code for me being unable to play for a while.

She adores Amira, both as her best friend in the world, crime fighting partner, and occasional lover. She thinks Terri is cute as a button but oddly conservative considering who she serves. Tolen reminds Cass of what Amira's stuffy older sister would be like, if Amira had one. Wednesday is a pile of angst waiting for a suicide run. She's not sure about him yet and is worried he's going to get everyone killed. She's just met Victor. He seems a compensation magician and was smart enough to ask her for advice once she he's okay.

As for the city, Cassandra loves it. She knows every roof, every wall, and every drain pipe. The top of the city belongs to her (and sometimes Amira) in a way that nothing else does and she will defend it.

And maybe her family, too.

It looks like you guys covered Chapter 1 - Edge of Anarchy pretty thoroughly. And Chapter 2 - Seven Days to the Grave looks abridged mostly along the story lines the PCs have been following. You pursued the source of the plague directly enough that it looks like DM Crispy may have skipped over some potential adventuring that served more intermediate purposes. I think that probably also explains the rapidly gained 6th and 7th levels.

How do people feel about that pace? Would you want me to continue it if you accept me as the replacement GM, slow down a bit, or is it OK to push quicker through this chapter because it's so morbid?

I am also curious if there's a campaign ground rule about magic items and treasure. You don't look particularly geared up for 7th level PCs (I can't even find gear listed on Wednesday's character sheet). Do you feel the current levels of loot are working for you?

On pace: Personally, I like being able to explore characters and participate in role playing things out. The games I GM move more slowly through the material, but on the flip side, there's a lot more time to explore characters and their interactions. The problem with the fast pace and abridging the adventure so aggressively (off the top of my head, he cut at least four scenarios out,) is that it really hasn't given us time to actually explore our characters and the relationships between them. Wednesday and Tolenn were the only characters that have been in since the beginning. Terri, Cassandra, and Amira all joined at the beginning of the second chapter, and Victor only joined just before we began working on raiding the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. We've had time to get into our characters' heads, but not enough time to actually build the relationships between our characters out.

I know this is a morbid chapter, but to be honest, I would have loved being able to see how Terri would have reacted if this had been built up slowly, over time like a bad cough that won't go away, and I think Crispy missed that opportunity to really hit it home that this plague is seriously bad news. He did the same thing in his Runelords game, though that one is a little more understandable since that group of characters has had time to build those relationships.

TL;DR - Slow the pace some, give us a chance to have our characters get to know each other.


We are working on the last part of this chapter. We have three major encounters left, One against Rolth, another against a Nosferatu, and the finale vs. the Urgathoan Priestess that turns into a double header. After that, it's wrap up time and moving on to Book 3. so to be honest, unless you just cut the grunt encounters, there's not a lot of abridging you can do to speed things along.

On Treasure: See above for part of it. As far as I'm aware, there aren't any special rules, but we haven't really gotten a lot of treasure either. In general, APs tend to jip the players a bit on wealth and they tend to be behind the curve. That said, we are a six person party and that is going to affect things like wealth and combat power. Honestly, the biggest part of it is we don't have the funds to get really geared up, so most of us still have the same gear we started with.

I am honestly not a fan of skipping content unless it feels extremely redundant.

When it comes to treasure I'd vote for the party getting more while taking our number into account. So either traditional treasure for our level and more powerful enemies or standard enemies and less treasure.

Not a fan of skipping stuff either.

I also agree with having as much of the adventure as possible. If it isn't too much trouble for you I'm fine with traditional wealth/stronger opponents.

I very much like the idea of the characters interacting more, getting to know each other and exploring their back stories or expanding on relationships with npc's.

Sounds great! I'll get reviewing a bit more of the chapter 2 stuff, figure out what I can and need to adjust, and will probably be able to get something moving late this afternoon. (First, I have to go to the fabric/craft store so my wife can get stuff for her steampunk outfit for this weekend's con.)

That's great, Bill.

Thanks so much.

I'd mainly echo what the others said, tho not knowing the AP at all, I didn't notice the absense of any scenarios.

I'll echo what Spazmodeus said and say thank you! Thank you so very much!

I'm looking forward to getting this going again!

I assume you guys have found a GM?

hello i am very interested i am thinking of making a halfling character class cavalier riding pony or hog pleas tell me hen ready to start.

We did indeed.
Bill was gracious enough to take over.

Pactal, this was/is a long running campaign that lost its DM.
And now we have a new one :)

We aren't recuiting for new players. Good luck tho.

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