DM Crispy's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master Bill Dunn

A group of heroes seeking revenge discover themselves in a quest to save Korvosa.

Loot Sheet

Current Adventuring Location Map
Vencarlo's Home
Pilts's Palace

Older Maps
Blood Pig Playing Field
Lavender Perfume Shop
Wererat Sewers
Rat Hunt in the Sewer

Chapter 3: Escape from Old Korvosa
Chapter 3 Harrowing
Chapter 3 Harrowing Roles
Chapter 3 Harrow Reading

Chapter 2: Seven Days to the Grave
Chapter 2 Harrow Reading

Chapter 1: Edge of Anarchy
Chapter 1 Harrow Reading

The throne of Korvosa is cursed. Rulers rarely live out a full lifespan, and the rule is rarely inherited by a direct heir. As events in the city play out, a small band of heroes must unite to save Korvosa.