[Rogue Genius Games] Massive 51% Off Sale and a chance at Free pdfs!

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sethvir wrote:

Again for what it's worth, I have a Google Drive folder that has Excel files in it with the Mosaic Mage spell lists available here:

Mosaic Mage Spell Lists.

While they are probably not perfect, they should hit about 98% correctly.

Thanks this is going to be a big help for trying to set up a part of my campaign where the magical traditions are completely different.

Silver Griffin wrote:
Sethvir wrote:

Again for what it's worth, I have a Google Drive folder that has Excel files in it with the Mosaic Mage spell lists available here:

Mosaic Mage Spell Lists.

While they are probably not perfect, they should hit about 98% correctly.

Thanks this is going to be a big help for trying to set up a part of my campaign where the magical traditions are completely different.

You are quite welcome. I've also added now to the same location, 5 more sheets that include both Paizo and the 3PP data that I have in a database.

This is from 239 completed sources, 132 of which are Paizo the rest are other 3PP, and 26 partially done sources.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Sethvir wrote:

You are quite welcome. I've also added now to the same location, 5 more sheets that include both Paizo and the 3PP data that I have in a database.

This is from 239 completed sources, 132 of which are Paizo the rest are other 3PP, and 26 partially done sources.

Thanks again. Having the spells from the rogue genius lists & 1001 spells is a big help.

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Multiclassing feats, and mythic class features for hybrid and occult classes. Variant multiclass rules for occult classes.
More Talented classes.
More domain channeling feats.
Something to make Godlings work in conjunction with Mythic rules.
Hybrid archetypes for all classes.
Inquisitors' Inquisitions.

Silver Griffin wrote:
Sethvir wrote:

You are quite welcome. I've also added now to the same location, 5 more sheets that include both Paizo and the 3PP data that I have in a database.

This is from 239 completed sources, 132 of which are Paizo the rest are other 3PP, and 26 partially done sources.

Thanks again. Having the spells from the rogue genius lists & 1001 spells is a big help.

I have almost everything from RGG so I think virtually every spell is in the list. 1001 spells is only about 1/5th complete as I think I only have the first 200 or so spells in the database. Between that and Kobold Press' Deep Magic, they are incredibly dense with spells, so they definitely take longer.

I really love the talented series, so I'd love to see more of that, like a talented inquisitor. That could be pretty awesome.

I'd also love to see more mythic expansion of hybrid and occult class features. Or archetype class features.

Then again, what I'd really love to see is the missing rogue master-strike from the Mythic Options: Core Mythic Class Features.

The Arcane/Archer/Divine/Martial Archetypes updated (maybe a Mental Exemplar added).

More Rune Magic, continuation of the Talented line of books. Mythic Updates. More Horrifically Overpowered feats.

Wishlist (would love to see, someday): Godling updated, Apprentice Level characters & Favored Class Options updated to the current books (Paizo & RGG).

Got my response e-mail today! Thanks, Owen, both for the sale and the opportunity to make requests!

Readerbreeder wrote:
On a side note, how long should we expect to wait for a response if we have e-mailed you about our feedback? I only ask because I e-mailed you on Monday and I haven't received a response yet *sniff*... :)

I just sent it out!

Seriously, if anyone hasn't heard from me by the Monday after you send in your free pdf request, drop me a line. Realistically, juggling my in-office developer job at Paizo, my developer position with Green Ronin, my freelance writing, and my duties as publisher for Rogue Genius means I'll almost always be playing catch-up on these over the weekend.

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Kelly P wrote:
Then again, what I'd really love to see is the missing rogue master-strike from the Mythic Options: Core Mythic Class Features.

Wow, that has been on my to-do list for something close to 2 years.

Okay, no time like the present:

Mythic Master Strike (Ex): A character with mythic master strike may expend a point of mythic power when using master strike to gain one of the following benefits: select two master strike options (sleep, paralysis, slain) and force the target to make a separate save against each; apply a single master strike option to a target she has already used master strike against in the past 24 hours; apply one master strike option against a target normally immune to sneak attacks.
A character must be at least mythic tier 5 to select this mythic class feature.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would like to see something that expands on Astronomy/Astrology (or are they the same thing in a fantasy campaign) like a lot of supplements do for alchemy or herbalism. There are lots of stories where characters get warnings from portents in the skies or things can only be done when certain stars align.

In Pathfinder though you have Knowledge - Geography for astronomy & Profession - Astrologer for astrology. Neither really lets you do anything in particular with the rules as written. The most I have ever seen is feats for if you were born under a certain constellations.

Considering how common a trope it is in fiction I want to be able to do as much with this skill as was done with Harrow cards. So far I have been using the harrow rules for fortunetelling for astrology readings. I'm sure you can come up with something that makes it work a bit better & with it's own quirks. Heck I'm guessing a lot of professions might be more interesting if they did something. Doesn't have to be a lot but people need to see how they might be useful as well as flavorful.

Owen KC Stephens wrote:

Wow, that has been on my to-do list for something close to 2 years.

Okay, no time like the present:

Mythic Master Strike (Ex): A character with mythic master strike may expend a point of mythic power when using master strike to gain one of the following benefits: select two master strike options (sleep, paralysis, slain) and force the target to make a separate save against each; apply a single master strike option to a target she has already used master strike against in the past 24 hours; apply one master strike option against a target normally immune to sneak attacks.
A character must be at least mythic tier 5 to select this mythic class feature.

Thank you! That might be how long I've been waiting for it! I think my mythic rogue just got a little better.

Luthorne wrote:
In particular, some I would be interested in seeing would be Acid Magic (just not enough ways to melt people's faces)

Have you seen the Genius Guide to Earth Magic? We make an earth = acid connection.

Owen KC Stephens wrote:
Luthorne wrote:
In particular, some I would be interested in seeing would be Acid Magic (just not enough ways to melt people's faces)
Have you seen the Genius Guide to Earth Magic? We make an earth = acid connection.

Yeah, but you've only got...acid salt, caustic weapon, lye field, and wall of caustics out of...twenty-one spells there. Right now, in Paizo material, there's around twenty-ish acid spells, several of which are actually multi-elemental (such as detonate, draconic reservoir, dragon's breath, elemental assessor, elemental aura, energy hack, and hellmouth lash), and forty-ish earth spells (of which only elemental speech is a generic elemental spell, I believe), while cold is also in the forties, electricity is barely in the thirties, and fire is up in the seventies.

Admittedly, to some extent it's understandable, especially since many of the more esoteric dangers of acids and bases are more likely to fall under the poison descriptor instead, or just not thought of as being spells that should have the acid descriptor...such as creating extremely flammable gases, or gases that are extremely deadly, cleaning, creating explosives, serving as a battery, preserving things, or even just creating sour things...whereas fire/heat and cold/ice are more adaptable to a wider range of concepts. Acid is inherently a chemical concept in the first place, so there's likely less inspiration in general, particularly from fantasy sources. That's not to say I still don't want more acid-related spells, having spells for eating through solid objects, scouring things clean, summoning up souped up acid rain, possibly even creating a pool of acid that happens to give off flammable gases for a potential combination attack, maybe even ones designed to blind or disfigure the target...

...anyways, I'm 100% rambling now, sorry! I have indeed seen them, in fact I took advantage of your sale to snag all the Genius Guide to X Magics that I didn't have yet. (But not the domain stuff, I don't generally play clerics.)

Liberty's Edge

Let's see what I enjoyed first :

- The Talented line. I want them all to exist. And maybe a revision of the earliest ones so that picking talents through the classes becomes more balanced/easier.

- The Gruesome line. I greatly enjoyed the Dragons and plan on getting what was already published asap. So anything new in this line will be greatly appreciated.

Ideas for new products :

- Guidelines to creating balanced feats, story feats and traits, and talents/edges for those who want to adapt their own homebrewed classes to the talented system.

- Talents for Variant Multiclassing. This idea comes from my interest for the VMC system coupled with the talents for the Talented Barbarian that made it easy (and balanced) to create a quasi Rage Prophet.

Grand Lodge

I bought the Feat compilation and like it a lot. As for a new idea, what about a compilation of traits and their sources? That way we don't have to track them down the hard way, looking through tons of documents.

I second Grimdog73's idea of a Trait compilation (in addition to the magic item compilation I suggested before). Especially if these compilations become living documents in PDF form that include future releases that pertain to them (which could admittedly include a bump in the price for the extra work).

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Having just gotten The Genius Guide to Simple Class Templates for Monsters I really want to second the earlier suggestions to continue this line with the SGG classes for a sequel. Other third party ones like Dreamscarred's Psionics and Path of War sets of classes would be great too. And eventually Occult classes.

Personally, I would like to see more unique developments for rune and shadow magic, along with The Raven Black Variant Multi-classing feats. You've given me most of the goodies however, so I'm rather happy as is.

I just got the Runic Might books, and I love them! More of that! More stuff for the base and hybrid classes would also be awesome.

There's so much else that I don't even know where to begin looking...

Also: Happy birthday! And kudos on this sale!

Thanks again Rogue Genius for the sale! Picked up a bunch of stuff I've had on my wishlist.

I'm still waiting excitedly for all the RGG Hybrid Classes and any further support for all the beloved RGG classes (feats, archetypes, talented options, whatever!) Or even RGG support for any 3PP classes that strike your fancy!

Well since it was payday today, I added a half dozen new items to my list of RGG materials. I think there are only a handful I don't have to date, mostly mythic material, which I don't use.

I would also like to express my opinion on something,and maybe it's because of experience so far with SGG/RGG products. is the clean look they had carried. I'm not quite so in love with the backgrounds and edge spacing in the last few releases, Anachronistic Adventures, Compiled Feat Reference, and the last few Four Horseman layouts. Content is all good.

Although if a distinguishing look for Four Horseman product line is what you are after I can certainly appreciate that, I'm just not quite as enthralled with the layouts. The Aboleths layout while it had a similar type of layout, there was just something striking about it and the art and the content that I liked more.

Again just my two cents. As long as the material itself fills niches in the game and my needs, the purchases will continue regardless.

Thanks as always Owen for listening.

I'd love to see a compilation of the Sinful Feats, as well as the as-yet untouched ones dealt with. It would be interesting to see what you can come up with for feats based around Sloth!

And more of the Gruesome templates would be great too.

Among what I got during the sale, I picked up the Mythic Horrifically Overpowered feats book, and I really like it. The feats feel as powerful as mythic really ought to (in my opinion).

I already had both the original and more ones, all are full of fun ideas.

What I would enjoy seeing is material to integrate Godlings (I also have the whole set) and Mythic, as the two can fill thematically similar approaches.

Hey Owen.

Some of the thing I'd like to see are:

Continue the great work on the Monster Menagerie line. I like my monsters.

Its been a while for the One Night Stands.

I'd like to see a Shadowmancer (in the same vain as the other two Shadow classes) and a Chronomancer (to tie in with the other two Time classes)

While I'm on the Time Thief/Warden, maybe an adventure that showcases them?

And maybe some more riven spells fore the Rivenmage.

Dragonborn3 wrote:

So i'm reading this and Guide to Dream Magic and have one thing to say.

Dear Rogue Genius Games,

A bloodline with Shadow Evocation at first level? A nightmare specialist? How can you make such cool options? What gives you the right?


I think, technically, it's the Open Game License. :D

But I appreciate the kind words!

Voadam wrote:

Annals of the Archfiends but with OGL info based existing ones like from the OGL portions of Green Ronin's Book of Fiends or the various lords in Frog Gods' Tome of Horrors Complete. Or more new ones.

Alternately a Gruesome Guide to Fiends would be great, an in depth big collection like the dragons one. Themed to various existing demon lords would be great.

A Gruesome Fiends book is much more likely, especially since I'm looking at a compiled Gruesome Grimoire for some time next year!

Firstly, once again, thanks for the sale. It makes it impossible to resist grabbing all the RGG things off my wishlist. :)

Secondly, my would-like-to-see list from RGG:

1) Psychic stuff. I would love to see a Genius Guide to the Psychically Gifted: psychic archetypes, rogue/investigator/slayer talents, ninja tricks, alchemist discoveries, etc. for the non-psychic Paizo and RGG classes (or other 3PP's classes). New ways the existing classes could learn/unlock a little psychic talent to do their roles differently/better. Perhaps a psychic edition of Loot for Less?

2) More talents & tricks for the unchained rogue & ninja, say a Genius Guide Unchained: Rogues and Ninjas? A nice listing of which talents and tricks from Talented Rogue and Power of the Ninja that are fine as is, along with updated/new options. (Maybe even rebuilding the GG: Shadow Assassin into an archetype?)

3) Continuations of the Talented series.

4) With the new Aethera kickstarter, the Legendary Planet AP/setting, and It Came from the Stars, would you consider a Genius Guide to Alien Races and/or an Alien Bestiary?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Owen - I know you inherited the albatross from another 3PP, but I confess I'd like to see some progress with Warlords of the Apocalypse. I'm aware there's Fall of Man (which I ought to investigate), but having a vested interest, I'm curious what will come of it. Thanks!

I wouldn't mind the Apprentice Level Characters PDF to get a sequel or two with the new classes in it. I really liked the idea.

Sovereign Court

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It was my pleasure to put up my review of "Genius Guide to Simple Monster Templates".

Please have a look.

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Owen KC Stephens wrote:
Bob_Loblaw wrote:
I would love to see you continue the 7 Deadly Sins feats that you started. I would love to see that continued with 7 Heavenly Virtues.

I DO keep meaning to finish the drafts for the feat to round out the collection that currently has Gluttony, Lust, and Pride. I'll try to prioritize those.

And Heavenly feats? Neat idea!


So the standard Heavenly Virtues are Faith, Hope, Charity, Fortitude, Justice, Temperance, and Prudence. If some of those don't work or need to be swapped w/ something else, then maybe Humility, Virtue, Knowledge, Patience, and Diligence could be alternatives.

That would be SO AWESOME!!!

[Edit]: By the way, have you made anything in the way of force magic? I'm looking for some new force-magic options.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just a quick "Thank You!" to Owen for holding this huge sale on all his RGG goods. While I feel a bit bad about his low profit margins from the sale ... the sale did compel me to say "Why Not?" and trigger a buy on a lot of Rogue Genius titles that I probably would not have purchased (or were low on my priority ladder). I bought a ton of them - and I'll still make one more purchase before the sale ends.

And I'm glad I did. Over the last few days I've gone over all my new RGG goodies and I'm kicking myself for never having played with these amazing game mechanics before. Oh hell, better late than never.

I've always considered RGG (and Owen's related SGG titles from earlier) to be amongst my most-liked PF 3PP publishers. But after absorbing all these new files (and getting a few play sessions in on some of them), I now have to elevate RGG up to my Top 3.


I went and picked up the following (so far).

- Monster Menagerie: A Council of Genies
- Mythic Options: The Missing Core Feats
- The Genius Guide to Gruesome Giants
- Monster Menagerie: The Construct Companion
- Campaign Options: The Feat Reference Document
- Monster Menagerie: Horrors of the Aboleth
- The Genius Guide to Expanded Favored Class Options
- The Genius Guide to Variant Multiclassing Rules

While I don't use everything from RGG I must say the quality has been consistently good across the product range and are typically well-thought out, balanced and add a bit of spice to the official material.

Owen KC Stephens wrote:
A Gruesome Fiends book is much more likely,

We shouldn't have to say this, but just in case....


Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
would you consider a Genius Guide to Alien Races and/or an Alien Bestiary?

Not only am I the author of one of the Legendary Planet adventures, but the Four Horsemen Blog celebrates the new Star Wars movie by offering thoughts on space races, space travel adventures, religion in space, hybrid technomagical equipment, and a Pathfinder take on a new base class.

But..why wait til December? Bookmark the page and go visit now! Every entry has a new, on-sale, Rogue Genius product by the firendliest evil outsiders : )

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Frerezar wrote:
Just popping in to say that I would love to see more advanced options like the one you did for Slayers and their lethalities. One for Swashbucklers and/or brawlers would be more than welcomed.

I have an Arcanist Options draft in, and both brawlers and swashbucklers are on my short list to do "soon."


I just have to have a realistic sense for what "soon" is.

Hurry up with that Arcanist Options draft...there are sooo few options and my Dimension Stepping, magic stealing fella can use a boost....

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I'd like to see an update to my favorite RGG Class - the Magister.

Add in the Psychic magic (not that we can't do that ourselves with about 10 seconds of thought), and update Bonds and "Magister" feats with material from the classes that have come out since that book was released, as well as maybe including similar things for RGG classes.

Lord Mhoram wrote:

I'd like to see an update to my favorite RGG Class - the Magister.

Add in the Psychic magic (not that we can't do that ourselves with about 10 seconds of thought), and update Bonds and "Magister" feats with material from the classes that have come out since that book was released, as well as maybe including similar things for RGG classes.

An expanded magister is absolutely on my list of "Things I kind of want to get to" :)

Four Horsemen—Famine wrote:
Owen KC Stephens wrote:
A Gruesome Fiends book is much more likely,

We shouldn't have to say this, but just in case....


You didn't have to say it. :)

The Gruesome line so far only includes books I have done, and book you have done.

limsk wrote:
I went and picked up the following (so far).

Great list!

limsk wrote:
While I don't use everything from RGG I must say the quality has been consistently good across the product range and are typically well-thought out, balanced and add a bit of spice to the official material.


Crai wrote:

Just a quick "Thank You!" to Owen for holding this huge sale on all his RGG goods.

You're welcome!

Crai wrote:
While I feel a bit bad about his low profit margins from the sale ... the sale did compel me to say "Why Not?" and trigger a buy on a lot of Rogue Genius titles that I probably would not have purchased (or were low on my priority ladder). I bought a ton of them - and I'll still make one more purchase before the sale ends.

Don't feel bad. The vast majority of my business decisions are greed based. :D If I didn't think accepting a much lower profit margin per unit wasn't worth it to move lots more units, I wouldn't do it. But since these sales are rare (I don't think we've had a everything-on-sale sale in a year or more), and they tend not only to move a lot of backstock (which often has slower sales the rest of the year), they also often bring in some new dedicated customers who pick up new things of ours for many months (and sometimes many years) afterward.

Crai wrote:
And I'm glad I did. Over the last few days I've gone over all my new RGG goodies and I'm kicking myself for never having played with these amazing game mechanics before. Oh hell, better late than never.


Crai wrote:
I've always considered RGG (and Owen's related SGG titles from earlier) to be amongst my most-liked PF 3PP publishers. But after absorbing all these new files (and getting a few play sessions in on some of them), I now have to elevate RGG up to my Top 3.

That's high praise indeed. Thanks!

Ya'akov wrote:

They're on my list. :)

Ya'akov wrote:
[Edit]: By the way, have you made anything in the way of force magic? I'm looking for some new force-magic options.

There's no Genius Guide to Force Magic.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Urizen wrote:
Owen - I know you inherited the albatross from another 3PP, but I confess I'd like to see some progress with Warlords of the Apocalypse. I'm aware there's Fall of Man (which I ought to investigate), but having a vested interest, I'm curious what will come of it. Thanks!

I continue to work on Warlords, as time allows. It's a lot like building a house with one brick per day - it's inefficient, it's hard for anyone else to see progress, you're not sure how you'll manage arches and plumbing, and it takes forever. But I AM still working on it.

We have a cover and some chapter opener art from Eric Lofgren, and the class revisions that led to the Anachronistic Adventures book also benefit WotA, and there's a breakdown of what needs to be done by me, and what I can farm out. But I can't farm stuff out until the things I feel HAVE to be written by me are done, so there's a crawl towards a point when I could open up the design opportunities more.

I hope to have a section I can release into the world as a stand-alone rule subsystem after the holidays... but I can't be sure that'll happen.

Azten wrote:
I wouldn't mind the Apprentice Level Characters PDF to get a sequel or two with the new classes in it. I really liked the idea.

Getting a lot of my background books updated to include new classes is something I want to do, but it's hard to find and justify the time for what is likely a reduced benefit.

Anyone else strongly like the idea of apprentice levels for hybrid and genius and psychic classes?

Dark Archive

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Owen KC Stephens wrote:

There's no Genius Guide to Force Magic.


Get to work on that! I only have 90 SGG/RGG products, and I need to get that up to 100 to satisfy my OCD.

Well if you NEED 10 more products, I'll mention:

Do you guys have:

Gingerbread Kauji (in the Family category)
All four of our amazing Cardstock Miniatures pdfs? (in Accessories)
Any in interest in call of cthulhu (6 pdfs) or Savage worlds? (2 pdfs)
Any of our other 185 Pathfinder offerings (broken up by category) you don't have yet.

Check Our Full Catalog Here!

Hey folks, today is the LAST DAY to buy something at 51% off, as well as to give us feedback and earn yourself a free pdf!

Sovereign Court

Incidentally, I have always like playing minotaurs. Any kind of update to that would be amazing.

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