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"Hey buddy. We both know you're dying after putting up a good fight, we're going to divy up all your stuff before you're even buried, and a total stranger suspiciously almost identical to you in class, feats, and skills will replace you. So, do you mind if I also use this item to use your last bit of lifeforce?"
sorryjzargo wrote: Seems like a lot of people are knowledgeable about how items should be priced. I have no idea how items should be priced, I just based my item's price off something the same level I found.
Edit: Ok, I have some idea, but I'm really bad at calculating it
I couldn't even find that, so I just eyeballed about what level I would want PCs to acquire the item. I still think I went a bit low.
Saw an item I reviewed. It was better than the other (which was ok but not wow), so I upvoted it :-)
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Kobold Cleaver wrote: sorryjzargo wrote: Seems like a lot of people are knowledgeable about how items should be priced. I have no idea how items should be priced, I just based my item's price off something the same level I found.
Edit: Ok, I have some idea, but I'm really bad at calculating it I couldn't even find that, so I just eyeballed about what level I would want PCs to acquire the item. I still think I went a bit low. Did you use your own eyeball, or a replacement eyeball that required you to gouge out one of your perfectly good ones?
A comment far above in this thread might just be about my item. Too bad that it was not a positive one. Doubly bad that I cannot explain right now why I went this way. Have to wait for the "Critique my item" thread ;-P
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: sorryjzargo wrote: Seems like a lot of people are knowledgeable about how items should be priced. I have no idea how items should be priced, I just based my item's price off something the same level I found.
Edit: Ok, I have some idea, but I'm really bad at calculating it I couldn't even find that, so I just eyeballed about what level I would want PCs to acquire the item. I still think I went a bit low. Did you use your own eyeball, or a replacement eyeball that required you to gouge out one of your perfectly good ones? Oooh. Dips on the magic eyeball that gives a bonus to appraise and casts Identify once a day !!!
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: Kobold Cleaver wrote: sorryjzargo wrote: Seems like a lot of people are knowledgeable about how items should be priced. I have no idea how items should be priced, I just based my item's price off something the same level I found.
Edit: Ok, I have some idea, but I'm really bad at calculating it I couldn't even find that, so I just eyeballed about what level I would want PCs to acquire the item. I still think I went a bit low. Did you use your own eyeball, or a replacement eyeball that required you to gouge out one of your perfectly good ones? I had to attune to it by infusing it with some of my blood first. Then I rolled a d6 to see what would happen.
How can you wrote a submission that long and still be under 300 characters ?
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Kobold Cleaver wrote: Oh my god. An item utilizing both Occult Adventures and the Technology Guide. Go for gold! I dunno, I just got an item for Vigilantes. Unreleased material vs 2 unhallowed ones?
You want me to consume what ?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
The black raven wrote: How can you wrote a submission that long and still be under 300 characters ? The power of BIG WORDS.
Also - i know it's not a big deal but after seeing the same tiny error a few times it becomes annoying.
Yes, affect and effect are different things dangit
This is not a weapon. It really should be a wondrous item :-(
Slot should be "none". Not "slotless".
The black raven wrote: You want me to consume what ? Go'on, all the cool adventurers are. Do it. Seriously, do it. Do it. DO IT. [/Maury Finkle]
You are overpriced, but you are far more interesting than that bland SiaC.
I think Daylight does not do what you think it does. Great evocative description though.
This is a plot device with too many good things attached. Also it will open hours of debate with the GM having to justify himself against frustrated players :-/
The powergamer inside me wants to play an exotic race with many hands just to use more than one of these ;-)
90% magic item, 10% plot device, 100% great visuals. I can go with this for the moment.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
This device was designed to undo errata that was recently released.
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A wise reviewer once told me that RPGSS is not the place to make a stealth-patch to a rule you may not like. How right he was.
You will learn this too.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
There are better ways to tell your wife what you want her to wear on Sexy Sunday than making an item for RPGSS.
It also doesn't help that this item is for men & women but well, not according to the author. Who has...opinions.
I liked your name, but the aura and type are for another game :-(
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"Now I will kill you until you die from it, you meat piñata of cash!"
The joke item is upvoted against the far too complicated in not so many words item
Craft Wondrous Item is indeed a feat.
Linking it to the prd description of the feat is wholly unnecessary. Save the links for less ubiquitous aspects of your item, epecially what it summons.
Come the cull, that we get rid of the awfully not formatted items.
AFAIK, a weapon does not occupy a slot ;-)
CL 5th is not a Strong aura AFAIK
Shouting the TITLE OF YOUR ITEM will not make me vote for it.
Disturbing, interesting but too powerful IMO
Saw a written in less than 5-minutes no preview item, which borders on IP infringement too, just in case.
The black raven wrote: Disturbing, interesting but too powerful IMO Can an item be too powerful if it's priced appropriately for that power level?
It certainly can be when one of the abilities kills gods.
Very good item (though for high-level play). Not on my keep list but quite flavorful. I would like to see you make it to top32 so we can get more from your designer.
That costs how much?!?
I don't think I'll ever see that amount of gold in my lifetime.
OP cursed item, you still win against that bland weapon.
You are a plot device. And a complicated one at that. Downvoted.
Sneaky designer - trying to hide the fact that your item is a ring by putting it in the 'hand' slot... despite the fact that you describe the item as a ring a half-dozen times throughout the submission.
Prism item vs prism item! I'm blinded!
If it was divided by 10, the price (and cost) would be far more in range with the CL
My last pair was merciful vs. merciful.
This pair is electrical vs. electrical.
Edit: And now, keg vs. drinking cup. Hmmm...
It is a strange SAK, and part of its description made me confused rather than in awe of your mastery of visuals.
You're still a plot device. Begone.
I do not wish to know any undead that well ;-)
*twitch* *twitch*
Priceless artifact, whose purpose and mechanics I still don't grasp after several rereads...
...vs incorrectly formatted, rather vague and unclear item whose main power is hideously OP given that it has no apparent limitations as to how often it can be used.... and is priced at half the cost of a published item that duplicates its secondary power, let alone that game-breaking first one... and the description makes me feel like this is supposed to be reference nod or joke item for something I'm not familiar with...
....what's a voter to do T____T (besides submitting the artifact for DQ, anyway)
I see that replacing the party's rogue with a RIAC is still a theme. C'mon, give the unchained rogue a chance.
You probably call it a "rouge" on purpose.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
This item already exists, except not as ridiculous.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote: I see that replacing the party's rogue with a RIAC is still a theme. C'mon, give the unchained rogue a chance.
You probably call it a "rouge" on purpose.
I've been getting a lot of replacing the party cleric, myself.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
That's not an item, that's a shopping list.