Beargram |

Hawkmoon269 |

Info about Iconic Heroes Set 5 is here.
Also, Paizo will be restocking singles from the Rusty Dragon Inn set. Radillo and Ranzak both had sold out, but there should be more available. (It says "early next week" and that was on Friday, so I'm guessing it could happen any time now.)

Frencois |

So we get to have Masterwork Horseeechoppers, Rateeechoppers, Spidyyychoppers and stuff. And Burning Bookees, Inflammable Armors, Blazing Bags, Cremating Foodyy and stuff. And Extremely Hugeeee Nose and Axxxxx Poking Devices and stuff. And Shiny Unique Clan Medals that Is so large You cannot see my face behind?
Let's make a big joyful bonfire to wait for July.

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Goblin Fight Deck announced for July as part of the class deck line.
That's a typo: It's called "Goblins Fight!" You know, from the song.
We'll get that fixed.

Hawkmoon269 |

Calthaer will be the one to enter the turntable. He's the owner of it. And I do think it should win.
I'm trying to decide what I'll enter. Probably a playmat I made. It is in fact waterproof and, if for some reason you wanted to, can be written on with wet erase marker and cleaned off. But no where near as exciting as the turntable.

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Let's take a picture of it on Friday, @Hawkmoon. Hawk did help me build it - we used his tool, and IIRC he provided the square base.
And maybe we can take a picture of it at our next Bel Air jaunt, which should be happening before the contest starts.
I have to admit that I can't imagine playing a 3+ player game without it at this point.
IIRC, there are some photos on BGG of turntables or displays that are a lot more elaborate. They don't have the fixed center for keeping the blessings deck stationary, but they are still really impressive. If they enter the contest it will be a tough one.

Hawkmoon269 |

Yes, a new photo or two would be a good idea.
There are indeed more elaborate ones on BGG. But the simplicity of the one you have is its advantage. It is portable enough to go in your car's trunk. It doesn't have fixed positions for locations, so it is flexible when scenario setups break from the normal pattern.
And you can't discount the fixed center for holding the blessings deck.

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OK but if we're going for that look we have to all dress appropriately. I have a pair of sunglasses that would do, but I fear I have long since gotten rid of all of my Jams.

Rebel Song |

You guys are still coming on the 27th, right? I can't speak for everyone else, but I'd be happy to sit around the setup looking overly happy, a la the top of a family board game from the 80s.
Sign me up for that! I'll even pose like this kid here.
I've been thinking of trying to draft some kind of bag for my base set. It's very awkward to carry my purse, my bag, a drink, AND the base set into the comic book store. -_- I only have two hands and two short arms!

Rebel Song |

Isn't this designed to solve that problem, Rebel?
Yes, but I want to keep it in its box. If I made my own bag, I'd only need one, as I could take the entire box out at once. If I used that, I'd need to remove all of the cards a tiny handful at a time. As much as I like that bag, it's not for me. Plus I don't think there's anywhere to keep the rule book (without rolling it up or folding it). So I'd still have to bring my other bag with my OP scenarios and chronicle sheets.

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Hawkmoon269 wrote:Plus that bag doesn't have a cup holder. Has anyone ever invented a bag with some kind of cup holder? That sounds like an untapped niche with some potential.So true. I blame Vic for that.
A cupholder in the bag is just so amazing...is it not?!?!? A great business opportunity that will make millions.

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Theryon Stormrune wrote:Hawkmoon269 wrote:Plus that bag doesn't have a cup holder. Has anyone ever invented a bag with some kind of cup holder? That sounds like an untapped niche with some potential.So true. I blame Vic for that.A cupholder in the bag is just so amazing...is it not?!?!? A great business opportunity that will make millions.
All the LULZ. :)

Hawkmoon269 |
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Has everyone seen that banner on the left side of the page? The one that looks like this? You know, the one that takes you here. Or that you can learn more about here.
I know a some of us are purely Pathfinder Card Game (and soon app game) players and have never played the Pathfinder RPG. I often have lots and lots of questions about the reason why things work the way the work and the answers often are influenced by what they are simulating form the RPG. Well, it looks like for about $15 I can get an insane amount of Pathinder RPG PDFs and start answering some of the questions myself. So I will be spending that $15. I don't know that I'll ever play the RPG still. But I do know I'll be able to more deeply immerse myself in the Pathfinder Universe. Plus, you know, charity. That's a good thing too. Even $1 gets you the rulebook PDF.
I just thought that might be something others would also want to consider too.

zeroth_hour2 |

If you buy the whole bundle, you get almost all the books in the Core Rulebook line. Which is great because even if you didn't want to run Campaigns in Golarion, you can still use them.
You also a lot of scenarios from Pathfinder Society out of the box so even if you're not an experienced GM, you still have guidelines.
It's really good value!

Hawkmoon269 |

It appears humble bundle handles the download directly in this case.
For anyone playing Season of the Runelords, I THINK (but I'm not 100% sure) that it is based on Dark Waters Rising. Regarless, I do know they come recommended by Theryon.

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The Pathfinder Comic Humble Bundle is a partnership of Dynamite and HB rather than Paizo. Dynamite is the publisher of the comics and they don't go through the same processing (watermarking) that the Pathfinder source books go through. That's why there's a difference.
And I do recommend the comics for anyone interested in some of the back story of the iconic heroes and their adventures in Sand Point and beyond.
(And, yes, the first part of the Season of the Runelords is based on the first series arc Dark Waters Rising.)

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The Pathfinder Comic Humble Bundle is a partnership of Dynamite and HB rather than Paizo.
Indeed, the comics aren't even available in electronic form from this (Paizo) site. Just the actual printed copies.
(And, yes, the first part of the Season of the Runelords is based on the first series arc Dark Waters Rising.)
I believe it also ties in with the Beginner Box adventure.

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Warpriest class deck announced for September.
Definitely not what I was expecting, but given my love of divine casters, I'm excited.

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Warpriest class deck announced for September.
Definitely not what I was expecting, but given my love of divine casters, I'm excited.
Hrmmm... Well, they seem to be going through the classes covered in S&S. So, Ranzak aside, and in order of the Character sheets pdf, that means:
Oracle (done), Swashbuckler (possibly a lower priority since Jirelle was unlocked for Guild play in SotS using a Rogue deck), Bard (done), Gunslinger (coming soon), Rogue (done), Magus (no idea), Fighter (done), Alchemist (coming VERY soon), Witch (coming soon), Druid (done), and Warpriest (point of the discussion). Other than Inquisitor butting in line, this almost makes a pattern.
So MY only questions are, "Is Magus coming up?" and "Will Swashbucklers (and by extension, Cavaliers and Arcanists) end up with their own decks, eventually?"

Ed Reppert |

The available class decks are Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, Paladin, Monk, Druid, Barbarian, and Oracle. Upcoming are Alchemist. Inquisitor, Witch, Goblins Fight!, Goblins Burn!, Gunslinger, and Warpriest. Ignoring the goblins, that's 12+5=17 of the, what? 38 classes?
I imagine that Paizo will continue to make class decks if they continue to sell. :-)

Mike Selinker Adventure Card Game Designer |

We have not announced class decks for the Arcanist, Bloodrager, Brawler, Cavalier, Hunter, Investigator, Kineticist, Magus, Medium, Mesmerist, Ninja, Occultist, Psychic, Samurai, Shaman, Skald, Slayer, Spiritualist, Summoner, Swashbuckler, or Vigilante. We have turned over to Vic a deck for exactly one of those.

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The Pathfinder Society Pawn Collection pawn list was updated Friday. It looks like it's going to have a lot of pawns for class deck characters.