Pathfinder Reference Document (PRD) Reporting Thread

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Report - Spell level Error

Dark Archive

In Ultimate Equipment, the spell storing armor enhancement is linking to the weapon enhancement, not the armor enhancement.

The correct link is: Spell-storing armor rSpecialAbilities.html#spell-storing

In the Dark Stalker's SLA, shadow conjuration links incorrectly. Instead of linking to shadow conjuration, it links to the shadow magic armor quality.

On the Technomancer page (, in the spells sections, there is a typo.

"Recycle Technology (Ex)...

Broken or nonfunctional 10% of crating cost"

Crating should be crafting.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Somewhat strange one.

Search of the PRD for "fly", the second link is to the spell.

Note the name of the anchor is #fog-cloud.

It works, but is really confusing. I imagine the reason is this snippet from the page source:
<p id="fog-cloud" class="stat-block-title"><b>Fly</b></p>

The spell Detect Radiation is described as:

School divination; Level bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1, ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1

But in the index it shows as cantrip:

0th Detect Radiation divination Detect radiation in the surrounding area.

What can I report here?

  • If you think any piece of content is missing (though, do keep in mind we do not include any item that isn't covered under the Open Game License, including Golarion specific names)
  • Suggestions to make the PRD better (IE: "This feature would make the PRD much more useful in my own games if...")[/list]

    I noticed that the Spell Index includes spells from the Advanced Class Guide, and has filters for some of the classes from that book, but does not feature a filter for the Hunter class, which would be super useful as the Hunter class mechanics sort the Druid 0-6 and Ranger spells (some of which overlap) by whichever spell has the lowest level.

    Additionally, I could not select both the Druid and Ranger lists simultaneously to reproduce a very rough Hunter list, though that could simply be user error on my part.

    The Spell Index page I am discussing is here:

  • The Spell Index is not excluding based on book.

    When filtering by creature subtype in Global Monster Indices, clearing the flags and selecting "swarm" shows creatures with swarm subtype and those who lack any subtype.



    It seems that if you uncheck all subtypes the filter simply shows all the creatures without subtype and then adds to them creatures with selected subtype(s).

    Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

    The bhuta from Bestiary 3 has the word 'cold' in its weaknesses line accidentally linked to the cold subtype. This error recurs in the Special Abilities section.

    Instead of 'channel resistance' being linked to the UMR channel resistance, the word 'resistance' is linked to the UMR resistance.

    On the Global Bestiary Indices page, the link to "Jellyfish, Giant" says "Jellyfish, Death's Head", so there are two links that say "Jellyfish, Death's Head"

    Typo here ("duration" should be "DC")

    Multiple Doses of Poison

    Unlike other afflictions, multiple doses of the same poison "stack," meaning that successive doses combine to increase the poison's DC and duration.

    Making your initial saving throw against a poison means stacking does not occur—the poison did not affect you and any later doses are treated independently. Likewise, if a poison has been cured or run its course (by you either making the saves or outlasting the poison's duration), stacking does not occur. However, if there is still poison active in you when you are attacked with that type of poison again, and you fail your initial save against the new dose, the doses stack. This has two effects, which last until the poisons run their course.

    Increased Duration: Increase the duration of the poison by 1/2 the amount listed in its frequency entry.

    Increased DC: Increase the poison's "duration" by +2.

    1 person marked this as a favorite. oundingWords.html

    The page linked above shows Wounding Words for the Word Spell optional rules from Ultimate Magic. The page is called Weather Words, however.

    This link: a

    Leads to a page with text that reads:

    "The requested URL was not found on this server, or you do not have permission to access this area."

    By default, all filters on the Bestiary Index are turned on. You click on Bestiary Index in the sidebar, and all the monsters are displayed.

    I think it would make a nice improvement if there was an intermediary screen where you could decide which filters to start with; for example, "start with all Bestiaries checked/unchecked" or "start with all CRs checked/unchecked".

    In other words, let there be an option to check or uncheck all the filters we want to use before we start actually querying the database.

    There is a lot of processing and database access time being spent retrieving the selected database rows each time a filter is checked or unchecked (even with uncheck all). Anything that could speed up this process would be helpful.

    In the faceless stalker's stat block, under Skills, "...Stealth +11 Racial Modifier..." should read "...Stealth +11; Racial Modifiers...". These errors also appear in the printed book.

    The Iron Body spell lists a Divine Focus as a material component, even though the spell is not available to divine casters.

    In the Global Bestiary, the "Filter by Subtype" commands aren't functioning. Selecting or deselecting any of the choices does not change the listing.

    Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

    The monster list for summon monster I does not hyperlink the word "dog" to the dog monster stats in the Bestiary.

    Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

    The pale stranger's fear ability does not anchor to the fear ability in the UMR.

    The current link is -(su-or-sp)

    This is under the Slayer's Grave Warden Archetype:

    Slayer Talents: The following slayer talents (and rogue talents) complement the deliverer archetype...

    Just change "deliverer" to "grave warden".

    Using the filters for book in the spell index has no effect on the list of spells shown. No matter what is checked all spells that match other filters are shown.

    For example, looking for clerical spells from just the Core book will show all clerical spells from all books. Choosing Clerical spells from just the core book of levels 0-4 will show all clerical spells of level 0-4 from all books.

    In the Global Bestiary Indices (which is generally a great tool, and the mobile interface works well on my phone), searching on types and subtypes have some quirks with monsters that have neither an explicit type nor subtype listed. I did a little poking through the code in my developer tools and I think I see how to fix both problems.

    For types, it looks like the celestial and fiendish familiars are listed but aren't properly flagged as magical beasts. Adding the class "link-type-magical-beast" to the <li> element should work.

    For subtypes, you've got a similar problem. If I'm looking for creatures with a specific subtype, plenty of creatures with no subtype turn up. You can't filter down to creatures who don't have one, either, although that's a bit lower than "nice to have" in my opinion. The subtype functions are a little more complex but looking at the code, a new class (such as "link-subtype-none") on the <li> should fix this as well.

    Page URL is:

    Ultimate Equipment
    Wondrous Items -> Slotless -> Greater Minor Slotless Item

    PRD wrote:

    78–79 Horn of goodness/evil 6,500 gp

    79 Naga-scale bindi 6,600 gp

    Roll of 79 is double counted between these two items. The total probabilities of greater minor slotless items add to 101.

    I would assume the Horn of Goodness/Evil should just be 78.

    In the "Advanced Class Guide", under "spells", the link to "Investigative Mind" isn't working.

    RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Mike Kekovich wrote:

    Using the filters for book in the spell index has no effect on the list of spells shown. No matter what is checked all spells that match other filters are shown.

    For example, looking for clerical spells from just the Core book will show all clerical spells from all books. Choosing Clerical spells from just the core book of levels 0-4 will show all clerical spells of level 0-4 from all books.

    I'm seeing this too, on Firefox in Windows 7. I tried to fix the issue by reloading the page, but then it not only just reloads the spell list in alphabetical order and won't let you sort by level. And all the spells from all the books are there, that I can see.

    I particularly noticed this issue trying to eliminate Advanced Race Guide because the spells in that book are specific to that race only and so I'm never going to use that as a source in a general search. Which leads me to some general feedback:

    It would also be really nice if by default all of the indices had everything UNCHECKED and then only loaded sources after you ticked the box. This would resolve a lot of page load issues I've had, as often I use the indices to find a very specific thing, and it takes forever just to untick everything. Some of the sources are often very circumstance specific (i.e., ARG, Mythic Adventures, Monster Codex) and are unlikely to ever by always or even desired most of the time (or when they are desirable, to the exclusion of other options).


    Ultimate Equipment, Appendix

    3rd level random potion and oil table

    PRD wrote:

    01–12 Burrow 750 gp
    11–22 Countless eyes 750 gp

    There are overlapping ranges between Burrow and Countless eyes.

    In the Advanced Race Guide, are the age brackets listed for Aasimar and Tiefling correct? If so, they start their adventuring careers in all "Trained" classes already middle-aged.

    Height, weight, and age tables

    Ultimate Equipment, Appendix , 8th Level Arcane , Uncommon Table

    48–52 Pyrying eyes, greater 3,000 gp

    Should be "Prying"

    The alchemy crafting kit has the wrong weight listed. The 1st printing of Ultimate Equipment lists it as 50 lbs but the 2nd printing corrects it to 5 lbs. The PRD references it as 50 lbs. gin.system.issuetabpanels%3Aall-tabpanel

    In the global bestiary (, there are two entries for Bear, Polar.

    They point to different pages.

    The first entry links to the wrong page (

    The second entry links to the right page (

    Spell List Index no longer allows users to sort a spell-list by level.

    RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

    Milo v3 wrote:
    Spell List Index no longer allows users to sort a spell-list by level.

    Just noticed this as well. Using latest version of Firefox in Windows 7. This is extremely problematic as it makes leveling characters extremely difficult (if I learn 1 level 1 spell and 1 level 3 spell, looking through the whole list by alphabet is obnoxious; filtering to only one or two levels at a time takes forever for how long it takes for the filter script to work and the alphabetic sorting is still frustrating; if I want to learn, like four spells of four different levels it takes an eternity to filter and choose).

    If the sort function wasn't working as intended, is there a way just have the lists automatically sort by level before being sorted alphabetically? I never need to look up by alphabet (if I'm looking for a specific spell I just run a search).

    It's pretty much this or switch to using a third party site which I'd very much rather not do. :(

    Sovereign Court

    Link Issue
    Page: ml#weapon-adept

    Real link: perfect-strike
    Broken Link: perfect-strike-(combat)

    page: html

    In the paragraph that starts with "The people in your organization obey..." there is a link embedded in "Upkeep Phase section", specifically mentioning the Downtime upkeep phase, but it links to the Kingdom Building overview page (Which doesn't even have the Kingdom level upkeep phase on it) instead of linking to the Downtime upkeep section
    ( on page )

    The Level Filter on the Spell Index does nothing, both on desktop and mobile versions. It just straight up has zero effect.

    There seems to be a general issue with the formatting of spell descriptions in the Occult Adventures and Ultimate Combat sections.

    Spells are written with the statblock and then a description. In the Core Rulebook and most other sections, the spell description is written with a plain paragraph html tag (<p>). However, the spell descriptions in the Occult adventures and Ultimate Combat sections seems to use the same html class as the statblock, making it look slightly weird and ugly.

    As an example, just look at Absorb Toxicity from Ultimate Combat. Its description font is all messed up and weirdly indented.

    I don't know how many spells are affected, but it seems like almost every single one. To fix it, make the spell descriptions be a simple paragraph html tag with no class.

    reference and id do not match (link is given in the respective spell index):

    missing ids:

    missing & broken links:

    I love the searchable Bestiary index but there are a few ways that I feel you could make it better:
    • Firstly, it frustrates me that you can't exclude unselected or specific terms. If I wanted to find all Evil Outsiders that weren't Chaotic, for instance. Additionally, it would be nice to have an "and" feature rather than an "or" feature -- for example, rather than finding all Outsiders that are either Evil or Chaotic, to find all Outsiders that are BOTH Evil AND Chaotic.
    • Secondly (and this is potentially much more complex) it would be nice to be able to search through monsters by specific abilities, to find all monsters that inflict curses, that have breath weapons or that have spell resistance. Perhaps more simply, I would like to be able to find creatures with class levels rather than exclusively with racial hit dice.
    • Regardless of what criteria are selected, the Celestial and Fiendish familiars appear (presumably because rather than linking to a creature's statblock, it links to the Improved Familiar feat).

    Dark Archive

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    What is the progress on updating PRD website? Thanks.

    I found an issue in the feat index page: Precise Strike is both a combat and teamwork feat, but if I check only the Teamwork Feats option, it doesn't apper in the results. I'm expecting that feat to appear in both combat and teamwork list.

    "Advanced Class Guide Spell Index" has a broken link for the spell "Investigative Mind".

    It would be very helpful if the monsters listed on could be linked to the specific monster instead of the general basic information of the monster. For example, I need to go to "Water Elemental (Huge)" so a link to that specific water elemental is more helpful than a link that goes to "Water, Elemental" at

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    ckdragons wrote:
    What is the progress on updating PRD website? Thanks.

    I am also curious about this. The PRD home page says the last update was nearly 2 years ago. I think it stopped at Ultimate Intrigue. Don't get me wrong. I love that PF has put all this stuff out there, and I realize it takes a tremendous amount of manpower to get done. Plus I'm sure there's a lot of those resources being put toward Starfinder Recourse Doc. But I do LOVE this resource and I am nervous it hasn't progressed for a while. s.html

    Has a typo

    Both poor and good inn rooms are listed as 2gp.
    Poor inn rooms are actually 2sp.

    Griffyn Maddocks wrote:
    The Spell Index is not excluding based on book.


    As of today (4 March 2018) the spell List page is still not filtering out unchecked book(s). This makes looking up spell list for core campaigns VERY hard.

    Milo v3 wrote:
    Seems something has changed in the Spell Index overnight making it so you can no longer sort by level.


    This is still a problem today (4 March 2018) And it sucks!

    Will the PRD ever be updated with the remaining Pathfinder 1.0 material now that 2.0 is coming out?

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