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Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Has a typo

Both poor and good inn rooms are listed as 2gp.
Poor inn rooms are actually 2sp.

Necro post!

Would glamored Parade Armor be able to shift nationality at will?

Chess Pwn wrote:

So I'm not seeing your need for these spells, but oh well.

Shield is probably purely AC boost, but Reduce Person is due to Mouser's requirement of "enemies larger than you" for its main level 1 deed. Reduce Person lets you use it more often (as otherwise, a Halfling can't use it on another Halfling, or Goblin, etc.)

Sorry to necro a few months later, but one thing to consider is that while you qualify for unarmed feats as if you had Improved Unarmed still always threaten with your natural attacks. You are always considered armed (unless grappled or helpless or something, I can't remember the conditions that negate it.)

Yeah, at the point it was cast, they'd have caster level 10 and thus have it for 100 minutes (10/level)

When the boost wears off, the spell has already been cast, so it doesn't matter that your CL has been lowered (and that you can't cast it at will anymore).

Sixteenbiticon wrote:

My third character idea is a straight up alchemist bomber. I think the beastmorph/vivisectionist role is already covered by our barbarian and I don't want to step on any toes. I want to take the Student of Philosophy trait and/or the Buising Intellect trait allowing me to retain my role as the party face, which I quite enjoy.

Whether buffing Int or Cha, consider the Cognatogen discovery to boost your skill-monkey side if you go this route.

DarthPinkHippo wrote:

I could see taking the Sylvan bloodline, then for a number of times per day unleash a stronger animal companion.

"I usually keep my pet tiger cub close, but in a jiffy he'll be happily hacking lives while I hack magic!"

Could Sylvan even be taken? It's an altered Bloodline from a Sorcerer archetype, not a bloodline of its own.

andreww wrote:
Captain K. wrote:
Orc Bloodline with Evocation Admixture. Probably the best blaster in the game.

It is decent but you lack a +1damage/die from the second bloodline and cant really afford to grab a level of sorcerer to get it.

You couldn't take a level of Sorcerer to get it anyway. Arcanists cannot take Sorcerer levels (See the Alternate Class rules)

Popping in a little late but shouldn't Alchemists count as Arcane given that they can copy from a Wizard's spellbook?

I know I'm jumping in late, but don't forget resolute and entropic also do the same thing here. They're pretty awesome templates and are often overlooked.