Star Wars: The Force Awakens


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Dark Archive

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There's an old Rita Rudner joke about why she doesn't wear her diamond necklace when she goes out in New York. "I don't wear anything around my neck that's worth more than my head."

I think that applies to ~30k watches, too.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
You seem to be getting a discount—it's $28,500!

I know a boutique dealer in New York.

** spoiler omitted **

let me know next time you go, I'll give you some cash to play for me!!

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Can anyone loan me $23,500, I want this watch.

Geez that's 5 months rent in New York.

I want a y wing watch....

Dark Archive

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Character and vehicle close ups from toys and LEGOs!

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Stephen Colbert found out that SW:TFA will be released one day earlier in England. So mad, that speaking like Yoda he is.

GreyWolfLord wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

The problem I had with stuff beyond the Death Star wasn't what other sf settings had by the way of weapons or power levels, it's that people were ignoring the point of the DS, the fact that it should have, narratively speaking, stayed the most powerful. Authors basically chose the cop-out of doing '+1' to their superweapons. And that's not even touching on how the Sun Crusher wasn't a giant moon-sized ship but something the size of a small freighter with invincible armor and sun destroying torpedoes. That's such a jump in power from what came before it doesn't make sense with the rest of the setting.

So yeah, now that the old EU is gone we hopefully don't have to hear about the SC or such stuff again. It's just that nothing of what they've given us to replace the old so far has been any good, and there's always the danger that they might re-canonize some bad stuff.

If the spoilers/rumors are're going to be grievously unhappy with what they have with in the Force Awakens.

** spoiler omitted **

Well, if what you have hidden in the spoiler is true, there are at least a couple of relieving factors.

1) It has been over 30 years since we've seen the original story advance after the destruction of the last super weapon.

2) The super weapon du jour run of the EU has been swept away in a massive slate cleansing.

So even if we go from Return of the Jedi to another fight vs Imperial remnants with a super weapon, the it'll still feel a whole lot fresher. And I will approach it with an open mind.

Liberty's Edge

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Looks like tickets go out October 19.

There won't be any internet outages that day, right?

Dark Archive

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Started a D6 Star Wars thread for a mini adventure HERE, looking for two more players.

Dark Archive

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I want more Plasteel staff.

Dark Archive

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I want more Plasteel staff.

I want more weapons that aren't lightsabers. Ooh, this one has crossbars, and the fans lose their ****. Can't we have gravity hammers or lightning whips or plasma lances? Something new?

So bored with lightsabers.

Liberty's Edge

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Set wrote:

So bored with lightsabers.

Lightsaber is no match for a good blaster at your side. ;)

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CapeCodRPGer wrote:
Set wrote:

So bored with lightsabers.

Lightsaber is no match for a good blaster at your side. ;)

Actually you're thinking of a flamethrower (deflect THIS, princess!).

The Exchange

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Set wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I want more Plasteel staff.

I want more weapons that aren't lightsabers. Ooh, this one has crossbars, and the fans lose their ****. Can't we have gravity hammers or lightning whips or plasma lances? Something new?

So bored with lightsabers.

Lightsabers are sort of the trademark of this series. You can't have Star Wars without 'em.

Dark Archive

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The current "Canon" timeline for Star Wars.

Yet while a great deal of material from EU has been moved to Legends, both Imperial Intelligence and the Imperial Security Bureau, powerful but redundant and competing agencies created and detailed by West End Games, (and helped developed in those games by my humble self) are now officially Canon.


Dark Archive

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From the Star Wars page.

Ride Jakku on a speeder! View in 360 degrees.

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Since Friday it is, your moment of Zen The Force this is.

Tacticslion, like my post, please do.

That's... hilarious, really.

Dark Archive

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It's now seventy days hours, seven hours, and seven minutes to The Force Awakens.

Since the number 7 played some iconic role in the Original Trilogy (seven heroes in each of the OT), I would like to share some "news," that many fans already knew in their hearts, but now, thanks to the Disney publishing Warmachine, is now finally canon.


And may have been the only one to get a shot in.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

It's now seventy days hours, seven hours, and seven minutes to The Force Awakens.

Since the number 7 played some iconic role in the Original Trilogy (seven heroes in each of the OT), I would like to share some "news," that many fans already knew in their hearts, but now, thanks to the Disney publishing Warmachine, is now finally canon.


And may have been the only one to get a shot in.

damn straight..Greedo was not the most competent of scum

Dark Archive

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Black Dougal wrote:
damn straight..Greedo was not the most competent of scum

I heard she is a pretty good taxi driver though.

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feytharn wrote:
cmastah wrote:
feytharn wrote:

The reliance on planet destroing superweapons would make the W40K universe a lot less suitable as a setting for a miniature wargame, wouldn't it?
Not necessarily, it could be W40K's DM's way of saying 'rocks fall and you die'.....provided W40K plays with a DM.....never actually played it so.....
There are planet destroing superweapons in WH40K - but the setting doesn't rely on them. Let me put it differently: If a planet destroying superweapon would be used for every conflict, buying and building armies of minis would be quite pointless.

If Battlefleet Gothic had eclipsed popularity of Warhammer 40K... Who know...

Dark Archive

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Star Wars A New Hope quiz

I got 15 out of 15 ... I'm not sure if I should be proud of that.

I didn't do so great...only got 8. I suppose I'm no super fan.

Scarab Sages

14. I missed Leia's cell number. I had thought it was 8675309.

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I got 6.

I'm a farm boy.

I got five, wondering how, on earth, it was possible for me to just... not know so much, as I looked at the answers available.

Then I reloaded, and discovered that there were four answer options all along, instead of just two. Ah, well. Farm boy it is.

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Pass me that pitchfork, I think we got sand people coming over the horizon.

15 - I had to think about a few and a couple were guesses.

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Honestly, I'm kind of proud not to know those kinds of irrelevant details. I got two, which is I think below what random guessing should have got.

Scarab Sages

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thejeff wrote:
Honestly, I'm kind of proud not to know those kinds of irrelevant details. I got two, which is I think below what random guessing should have got.

I watched the original trilogy at least 500 times, most of which was as a kid. The first film I remember seeing in a theater was Empire Strikes Back when I was four and a half. I rewatched them constantly on HBO during summer break. I had most of the toys, and Star Wars was a huge part of my childhood.

I'd be worried if I didn't score has highly as I did, because it would be a sign of memory loss.

Sovereign Court

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I got 10. Considering it's been a while since I've watched it. not bad.

Liberty's Edge

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Imbicatus wrote:
14. I missed Leia's cell number.


thejeff wrote:
Honestly, I'm kind of proud not to know those kinds of irrelevant details. I got two, which is I think below what random guessing should have got.

Lots of people are proud of their ignorance.

I suppose it's comforting for them.

Krensky wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
14. I missed Leia's cell number.


thejeff wrote:
Honestly, I'm kind of proud not to know those kinds of irrelevant details. I got two, which is I think below what random guessing should have got.

Lots of people are proud of their ignorance.

I suppose it's comforting for them.

Ignorance of that kind of petty detail? Sure.

I don't really care what Leia's cell number was. Or most of the other irrelevant background details.

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I got 4 :-)

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I got 13. And the two I got wrong, I didn't know those things had names. I guess I should have read the book.

The Exchange

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thejeff wrote:
Honestly, I'm kind of proud not to know those kinds of irrelevant details. I got two, which is I think below what random guessing should have got.

I think the point of the quiz is less to examine how smart you are and more to amusingly show you how obsessive you are. I got 8 right, which seems appropriate - I must have watched the movie dozens of times, but nearly all of them as a child. It felt kind of nice to see that there were such details I do remember. It gave me a nice moment of nostalgia to a time where I would rewatch the video tape of the movie every single day after school.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I got 10. Not bad for not having watched them in 10 yeas.

Liberty's Edge

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I got three, but shouldn't have gotten any. I haven't watched Star Wars in...forever (really only ten years, but that's 2/3 of my lifespan).

I'm a damn good farm boy, though.

Dark Archive

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Randarak wrote:
I got 13. And the two I got wrong, I didn't know those things had names. I guess I should have read the book.

I'm not sure which you refer to, was it the Star Destroyer Devastator which was named after a World War II bomber on the Allies side? Or the Dianoga which Meg portrayed in Family Guy's Star Wars version?

Or Garindan who I actually gave stats to for Star Wars D6 who had the first Spy Template and is also the proud user of John Wayne's synthesized voice in A New Hope?

I ... I need help.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Randarak wrote:
I got 13. And the two I got wrong, I didn't know those things had names. I guess I should have read the book.

I'm not sure which you refer to, was it the Star Destroyer Devastator which was named after a Worl War II bomber on the Allies side? Or the Dianoga which Meg portrayed in Family Guy's Star Wars version?

Or Garindan who I actually gave stats to for Star Wars D6 who had the first Spy Template and is also the proud user of John Wayne's synthesized voice in A New Hope?

I remember reading his stats back in the day.

Can't BELIEVE I'm friends with the guy who created those stats.

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I got 14..couldnt remember the name of the game R2 and Chewie played.

I got the number of rebel spacecraft attacking because it was an obsession of mine as a kid..

lets see Red squadron and Gold had 12 fighters, gold had 3 or 6 .

only reading the book helped me understand there were 4 squadrons if I am correct, or was that Lucas screwing around and changing Blue squadron in the book to Red in the movie. Now I am going to have to look that up again. But the number 30 always stuck with me..we certainly don't see 30 on the way to the station..

and we have 3 returning..90% casualities..Han was right, it was a suicide mission

Dark Archive

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Black Dougal wrote:
But the number 30 always stuck with me

As an homage to A New Hope, in the very first chapter of the very first Pathfinder AP there was a goblin raid.

When I DMed I had 30 goblins invade Sandpoint, there faces were painted after the Rebel squadrons.


Some info from the Death Star Technical Manual.

The Empire had 100 fighter Wings on board the Death Star.

That's six squadrons to a Wing and twelve TIEs to a squadron.

Had the Imperials wanted they could have flooded the space between the Death Star and Yavin IV with 7,200 TIEs. Which were even more TIEs than there were stationed with the Armada at Battle of Endor.

Instead only Darth Vader's squadron of 13 TIEs intercepted the Rebel forces.

Scarab Sages

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Had the Imperials wanted they could have flooded the space between the Death Star and Yavin IV with 7,200 TIEs. Which were even more TIEs than there were stationed with the Armada at Battle of Endor.

Yes, but with that many ties in a fight at once, they becomes as dangerous to each other as the enemy. With no shields TIEs are mostly disposable, but even the Empire wouldn't wast so many pilots and fighters without good reason. Especially without the Emperor there to mind control them into fighting as a single unit.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber


Douglas TBD Devastators were mid-WW2 USN torpedo bombers (well they first flew in 1935, which doesn't portent well for an '42 combat aircraft). They were withdrawn from service after 35 out of 41 present at the battle of Midway were shot down.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Black Dougal wrote:
But the number 30 always stuck with me

As an homage to A New Hope, in the very first chapter of the very first Pathfinder AP there was a goblin raid.

When I DMed I had 30 goblins invade Sandpoint, there faces were painted after the Rebel squadrons.


Some info from the Death Star Technical Manual.

The Empire had 100 fighter Wings on board the Death Star.

That's six squadrons to a Wing and twelve TIEs to a squadron.

Had the Imperials wanted they could have flooded the space between the Death Star and Yavin IV with 7,200 TIEs. Which were even more TIEs than there were stationed with the Armada at Battle of Endor.

Instead only Darth Vader's squadron of 13 TIEs intercepted the Rebel forces.

Tarkin was excessively arrogant though. If I recall he didn't feel that the Fighters really could do much of anything...even when told there was a danger he basically shrugged it off.

It was Vader that said...screw this...and even then it was more just to protect the trench then to fight a space battle.

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In all fairness, Tarkin would have probably been right without the Power of Plot the Force.

Scarab Sages

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Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
In all fairness, Tarkin would have probably been right without the Power of Plot the Force.

Eh, Wedge could have made the shot without the force. If Vader hadn't take the single squadron he did, the first attack run would have succeeded.

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If the rebellion used BTL-S3 or BTL-S3Bs, the y wing squadron would have been the heroes of yavin.

Scarab Sages

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Imbicatus wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
In all fairness, Tarkin would have probably been right without the Power of Plot the Force.
Eh, Wedge could have made the shot without the force. If Vader hadn't take the single squadron he did, the first attack run would have succeeded.

The only reason Vader left the Death Star was a plot devices , er the Force told him to leave, so he could appear in the next movie.

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