Final Fantasy 7 remake and Shenmue 3

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At long last! Squeenx is going to do FF7 on PS4

Shemnue 3 kickstarter it seems

I think that Squareenix is an evil company who hates their fans and only cares for money.

All the FF saga is in a terrible state: FFXIII was painful, 12 was bad, 10 was so so but 10-2 was awful, 9 was good, 8 was great, 7 was meh.

Nes and Snes FF were so good.

Then they re sells this FF7 for every single console as a comodin, they knew about the idiocy in the fanboy mind, that they will pay a lot for the same game.

I went off the train of FF since 10th, but if they gonna make the remake, they have to offer more, because they will charge us more for the final product.

So, if they made a well balanced game system, level and character customization. Also, they need to put crisis core, FF7, the events in advent children as a story plot and then dirge of cerberus. then they will have my attention at all and i will buy their game for sure.

But as I see FFXV (an emoband of who care guys) then i think they will not do this.

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Well then don't buy it ^_^ I for one will purchase this even in its original form.

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I've been waiting since that tech demo for the PS3 for this. My only fear is that they'll take another 3-5 years to actually release it like they've done with XV. I'll still buy it day 1 though. Hopefully my nostalgia isn't coloring my love of the game too much.

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VII is one of the FF games, along with VIII, the MMO ones, and XIII, that I simply couldn't get interested in, despite knowing a LOT of people who swear it's one of if not the best game ever. I have the Steam re-release and I still haven't managed to get through the starting cutscene. The remake is unlikely to change that.

Likewise I've heard good things about the Shenmue series but never managed to get anywhere toward trying it out.

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Juda de Kerioth wrote:

10 was so so but 10-2 was awful, 9 was good, 8 was great, 7 was meh.

Nes and Snes FF were so good.

I didn't know the portal to crazy backwards world had opened again...

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Orthos wrote:

VII is one of the FF games, along with VIII, the MMO ones, and XIII, that I simply couldn't get interested in, despite knowing a LOT of people who swear it's one of if not the best game ever. I have the Steam re-release and I still haven't managed to get through the starting cutscene. The remake is unlikely to change that.

Likewise I've heard good things about the Shenmue series but never managed to get anywhere toward trying it out.

despite his love for 9, this guy...this guy gets it.

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Yeah, I will never apologize for loving IX. It's second only to VI in my book. It's also the one I happen to be replaying at the moment.

So. VII remake. I vaguely recall reading somewhere that Square said, way back when, that VII wouldn't get remade until another FF game outsold it. Has that finally happened or did they just change their minds?

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Three (japan's 6) was the last good Final Fantasy game.

That being said, if 7 is getting an actual next gen remake (and not just a repackaging with a few pretty cut scenes) I'll probably buy it.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

VII is one of the FF games, along with VIII, the MMO ones, and XIII, that I simply couldn't get interested in, despite knowing a LOT of people who swear it's one of if not the best game ever. I have the Steam re-release and I still haven't managed to get through the starting cutscene. The remake is unlikely to change that.

Likewise I've heard good things about the Shenmue series but never managed to get anywhere toward trying it out.

despite his love for 9, this guy...this guy gets it.

I liked VII but my favorite Final Fantasy games will always be IV and VI. Really didnt care for VIII or XI and pretty much stopped playing them after that. I like my games to be GAMES not cut scenes interrupted by occasional gameplay. IF I want to watch a movie, I'll do that. To me the perfect blend of game play and pushing forward a narrative with a cut scene are the Uncharted games.

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VII, VIII and IX are my favourites, in that order. Well, actually Final Fantasy Tactics probably is my absolute favourite, but for main series it's those three. They're all pretty close together on the list, I think it's mainly just because that's the order I played them in that I even have favourites.

Each of those three has it's own strength though that really makes me love it. For VII it's the dark industrial aesthetic of it. VIII I love the story. IX it's the characters, they were all so well done (especially Vivi, and his implied ending just broke my heart).

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I liked a GREAT deal about IX with the exception of the main character. I didn't quite understand Zidane and wasn't terribly invested in his overall story. Garnet, Vivi, and Freya were VERY cool characters and underwent some VERY cool reveals and story during the game. MUCH love for that!

I never really got into VII, I think the death of Aeris (Aerith?) is sorta the main reason why people like it? Right? Or is it Sephiroth? Not sure what people see in him... a big sword? I found him sorta... bland after Kefka. Who was TOTALLY awesome and diabolical! He killed a kingdom with pink poison! AWESOME!

With all that said: 10 is my favorite (despite Wakka's hair) and a lot of that has to do with the ability to change the combat party IN combat. And summon monsters were SO cool in that one!

After 10 the focus seemed to pull away from the turn based which is sorta my favorite thing about FF :( I am sad to see it go. I like being able to think and strategize. When I played XIII I spent the ENTIRE combat looking at the speed meter rather than watching what my characters were actually doing and kept thinking: "I bet that move looks REALLY cool, too bad I will never see it."

Well, I'm rather excited, and I hope it comes out for Xbox One. I HAVE been a HUGE PS fanboi, but with the announcement that Xbox One will be backwards compatible...well...they just won me over. Hopefully they get a bigger library of backwards compatible games (which I imagine they will), for me, who has been excessively anti-MS with the consoles...MS just won me over.

So with that said, hopefully it's on Xbox One. I'll be thrilled about it.

AS for favorite FF's it would probably go (at this point, it's always fluid)

FFVI - Loved the music, the plot, and most of it all. Great Game

FFIII - I don't know what it is about this one, but the charm wins me over every time.

FFIX - This is another awesome one. I think most people miss this one, but it's one of the best FF's ever!

FFX - Absolutely love this one too. Fake laughing at one part is the only thing that gives me a sour face, but overall, exceptional game.

FFX-2 - Only because it's a sequel to FFX...I must admit, I've never beaten it though.

FFVII - Yes, it's still a great FF, and looooong too.

FFXII - I know people rag on it, and to a degree rightly so. I HATE how the combat works in this game, but I DO absolutely LOOOVE the story.

FFIV - Great game to a degree, better combat than XII, but I've never been able to get through it and beat the game.

FF V - Another really long FF that I've played, but never beaten.

FFII - Nice, but very primitive in some ways

FF - Love how you can wander anywhere...

FFVIII - Never really felt the love on this one. The entire leveling system wasn't really my cup of tea, and the graphics were not used to their best ability for me.

FF MMO's - Don't do the MMO thing, I'm not an MMO type of guy.

FFXIII (all of them) - This is an aberration of FF, I've played them, and have been always reminded just how bad these games are. Hate them.

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Tinkergoth wrote:

VII, VIII and IX are my favourites, in that order. Well, actually Final Fantasy Tactics probably is my absolute favourite, but for main series it's those three. They're all pretty close together on the list, I think it's mainly just because that's the order I played them in that I even have favourites.

Each of those three has it's own strength though that really makes me love it. For VII it's the dark industrial aesthetic of it. VIII I love the story. IX it's the characters, they were all so well done (especially Vivi, and his implied ending just broke my heart).

Holy Crap How could I have forgotten about Tactics? That was an AMAZING game. Frustratingly difficult at times but great amazing nonetheless.

Liberty's Edge

VII is the absolute least of the disc based games. While its not bad, but all the others are far better.

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FF7 and Shenmue 3 were the big E3 announcements that I took the most notice of.

(And, of the main series, FF 6, 7, 4, and 9 is where it's at.)

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Personally its VI > IV > VII >>> all the rest.

I love 7, and this will be a day one purchase for me, but if they ever do a full HD remaster of 6 I would squee like a nine year old girl who just got a pony for her birthday.

It's still the best story of any FF game ever.

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So. VII remake. I vaguely recall reading somewhere that Square said, way back when, that VII wouldn't get remade until another FF game outsold it. Has that finally happened or did they just change their minds?

No, they said they'd make it when they felt satisfied they could do it justice and a new FF game came out that was better. I suspect they'll claim this for FFXV (regardless of its actual reception).

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I-VI(and tactics)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all others.

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Gambit wrote:

if they ever do a full HD remaster of 6 I would squee like a nine year old girl who just got a pony for her birthday.

It's still the best story of any FF game ever.

I admit, I'd do the same.

Krensky wrote:
VII is the absolute least of the disc based games. While its not bad, but all the others are far better.

How far does "disc based games" extend exactly? Just PS1 and PS2 titles? Or up through the most recent where digital download is also an option but you can still buy a physical disc set of the game if you so desire?

Liberty's Edge

Its a lesser game than VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII, XIII-2, and XIII-3.

Ask the question you want to, don't pussy foot around it.

VII is safe, conservative, mechanically simpler than VI and was rushed out the door unfinished.

Damn, someone's touchy today.

Liberty's Edge

I have little patience with people gushing about how great VII was and how much worse they think the later and better games are.

The story is head scratchingly obtuse because it was unfinished. The characters are lazy stereotypes with no real depth or indviduality, well other than Cait Sith. The battle system is boring and basically the same as VI.

Plus, chocobo breeding.

I would be more interested in this if....

1)It was on the Playstation 3.

2)It was done years ago when I still had faith in the company.

3)If it was FFVI instead;)

My biggest fear is that it will have a crappy battle system like all the FF games after FFX-2.

Krensky wrote:

I have little patience with people gushing about how great VII was and how much worse they think the later and better games are.

The story is head scratchingly obtuse because it was unfinished. The characters are lazy stereotypes with no real depth or indviduality, well other than Cait Sith. The battle system is boring and basically the same as VI.

Plus, chocobo breeding.

It's a good thing that's only your opinion and VII is still my favorite. So.... :-P

Liberty's Edge

I'm sure it will have the same crappy, boring, unimaginative, skill-less battle system it had originally.

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And I'm sure I'll love it yet again.

I don't think there's anything particularly bad with the others in the series, except for maybe the combat system in XII and X-2 in general, I just happen to consider VII, VIII and IX my favourites, with VII on top of the list probably due to the fact that it was my first JRPG and I've loved it ever since.

I've never got why people feel the need to rage about others opinions on the games. It's an opinion, of course it's going to be subjective for each person. There's no need to tell people they're wrong, especially when it's about something as inconsequential as gaming (this goes for both sides of the argument, both the rabid VII fans and the ones who think it's overrated). It's like with the radio show I do about cinema. My cohosts are very, very unforgiving of films, while I tend to be much more forgiving of plotholes and so on as long as it's entertaining enough. So we rarely agree on how good films were, but none of us feel the need to shout the others down.

Now for my potentially unpopular opinion: If I'm being honest, I'd probably even concede that Lost Odyssey for the 360 is actually the better game in terms of gameplay compared to any of the Final Fantasy games, as well as having a pretty awesome story. I still want a sequel to The Legend of Dragoon as well, or at least for the damn thing to get released in the European PSN store as a classic title (North America and Japan got it, but the European store, which Australia shares, got shafted on it).

Huzzah Legend of Dragoon!

Orthos wrote:
Huzzah Legend of Dragoon!

man. That game was a room splitter for me back in the day. I really didn't care for it myself, but the fans were truly mad for it.

6, 4, 7, 9

Tactics is best, but is not a Final Fantasy game (it was a Tactics Ogre game). 10-2 was fun, but also doesn't count (Final Fantasy games don't have direct sequels).

I don't know what the video game equivalent of a "Grognard" is, but one has just spoken.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Huzzah Legend of Dragoon!
man. That game was a room splitter for me back in the day. I really didn't care for it myself, but the fans were truly mad for it.

Keep piling up the evidence.

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I agree that 6 was the best, but let's talk about these announcements. E3 was crazy. We got announcements of a bunch of everyone thought was a pipe dream. Shenmue 3, The FFVII remake, Nier 2 (my favorite), and the Last Guardian (close to my favorite).

It's like a dream that we can all barely believe. I love it. No love for Metroid, but I suppose it's always like this.

Nier 2? Whoa.

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MannyGoblin wrote:
Nier 2? Whoa.

How my last 3 minutes went after reading this post:

1)"Nier 2? Nah, they're pulling my leg."
2)"Wow, they actually announced it! Let's see the trailer. Cavia got dismantled, so it probably won't be anything like the previous game..."
3)Developed by Platinum Games :D
4)Character Designer: Akihiko Yoshida :D :D
5)Composer: Keiichi Okabe :D :D :D
6)Director: Yoko Taro DECADUS' MOAN
7)I'm now humming this

So you're telling me that we'll have Nier/Drakengard shenaningans, and gameplay.
What a good day for mankind. And I need to buy a PS4 now.

I never understood the love for VI. I found Kefka to be incredibly obnoxious, didn't care for the Esper system, and finally stopped playing in frustration when the world got destroyed and someone told me it would take forever to finally get Locke back.

Obviously, lots of people call it the best in the series, but it just didn't work for me.

IV, VII and VIII are my favorites, in that order.

VIII, VII, XIII-2, X. In that order, from most awesome down. VI was a very shallow game despite a few great moments. IX had flat, useless characters. Again, some neat parts.

Shadow Lodge

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The Last Guardian - I'll believe it when it's actually been released, someone I know owns it, and they actually tell me that it's an actual thing. Until then, it's vaporware.

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So far no one has mentioned the greatest Final Fantasy game of all time... which was... Final Fantasy Mystic Quest.

I like to refer to it as Babies First RPG. It was GLORIOUS! You all know that it trumps all other FF games.

LOL- jk. It is cute, but wow... NOT the best game. Some cool stuff though and I REALLY appreciate that there were NO random battles and there were dungeons specifically for grinding... BEAUTIFUL

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Not sure if sarcastic or not.

Talking about Nier 2, no one told me Yoko Taro presented the game dressed as Emil.
This is just fantastic.

Adahn_Cielo wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
Nier 2? Whoa.

How my last 3 minutes went after reading this post:

1)"Nier 2? Nah, they're pulling my leg."
2)"Wow, they actually announced it! Let's see the trailer. Cavia got dismantled, so it probably won't be anything like the previous game..."
3)Developed by Platinum Games :D
4)Character Designer: Akihiko Yoshida :D :D
5)Composer: Keiichi Okabe :D :D :D
6)Director: Yoko Taro DECADUS' MOAN
7)I'm now humming this

So you're telling me that we'll have Nier/Drakengard shenaningans, and gameplay.
What a good day for mankind. And I need to buy a PS4 now.

Good day for mankind? I think you mean soul-crushing despair and sadness.

MannyGoblin wrote:
Adahn_Cielo wrote:
MannyGoblin wrote:
Nier 2? Whoa.

How my last 3 minutes went after reading this post:

1)"Nier 2? Nah, they're pulling my leg."
2)"Wow, they actually announced it! Let's see the trailer. Cavia got dismantled, so it probably won't be anything like the previous game..."
3)Developed by Platinum Games :D
4)Character Designer: Akihiko Yoshida :D :D
5)Composer: Keiichi Okabe :D :D :D
6)Director: Yoko Taro DECADUS' MOAN
7)I'm now humming this

So you're telling me that we'll have Nier/Drakengard shenaningans, and gameplay.
What a good day for mankind. And I need to buy a PS4 now.

Good day for mankind? I think you mean soul-crushing despair and sadness.

And it shall be sweet, sweet sorrow.

As I said, Decadus' moan. If the writing and dub is half as depressing, dark, and wonderful, I'll be an happy man.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Final Fantasy IV through Final Fantasy IX are all great games. Without exception.

Dark Archive

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Imma let you finish but Final Fantasy VI was the greatest final fantasy game of ALL TIME.

Of. All. Time.

Although IX comes close.

I am however very excited about the VII remake, there's a lot of interesting possibilities with that game.

Adahn_Cielo wrote:
If the writing and dub is half as depressing, dark, and wonderful, I'll be an happy man.

Stop. Stop? You want me to stop?

You cut my sister like an animal and you tell me to stop? No one stops! It's way too late to stop!


Emil:I don't want to die...

King of Facade:Are there rules for songs sung while in battle

Advisor:Several, my lord.

King:Sing them loud!

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Krensky wrote:

I have little patience with people gushing about how great VII was and how much worse they think the later and better games are.

The story is head scratchingly obtuse because it was unfinished. The characters are lazy stereotypes with no real depth or indviduality, well other than Cait Sith. The battle system is boring and basically the same as VI.

Plus, chocobo breeding.

You spoony bard.

Liberty's Edge

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Gambit wrote:
Krensky wrote:

I have little patience with people gushing about how great VII was and how much worse they think the later and better games are.

The story is head scratchingly obtuse because it was unfinished. The characters are lazy stereotypes with no real depth or indviduality, well other than Cait Sith. The battle system is boring and basically the same as VI.

Plus, chocobo breeding.

You spoony bard.

Quiet Tellah, isn't it feeding time at the old sages home?

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