Help me build this Mighty Great Half Orc Skald ^^


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FLite wrote:

That implies that your teammate must be able to use his feat.

Negative. This implies that the owner of the feat gains no benefit if the 'conditions' of using that teamwork feat are not met. It says nothing about meeting the pre-requisites of taking the feat. Thus, the familiar will gain no benefit, but the character (the half-orc) will.

The half-orc is meeting the requirements of gaining the 'bonus' from the feat, which is the +4 to STR and CON. The requirements of this is 'adjacent or flanking' with another creature that 'has the same teamwork feat'.

As for the earlier issue of Amplified Rage and bardic performances not being used at the same time, our group doesn't consider masterpieces as bardic performances. They use the same resource, yes, but most can't be extended with Lingering Performance and have extra performance costs involved.

Grand Lodge

Actually, many of them can be. And they specifically say the are an "advanced form or bardic performance."

Feat prereqs are required to get all bonuses from the feat, direct or indirect. the indirect bonus of the feat, is that it gives things to your partner.

Your group can make up whatever rules they want, but if giving advice on the boards to someone not in your group, it is probably best to base your advice on the actual rules, not your house rules.

Besides all that, Wouldn't a familiar never be able to match the pre-reqs of any feat beyond a very select limited number of them being that they are a magical beast and not a humanoid?

Grand Lodge

Humanoid isn't a prereq of most feats.

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FLite wrote:

Actually, many of them can be. And they specifically say the are an "advanced form or bardic performance."

Feat prereqs are required to get all bonuses from the feat, direct or indirect. the indirect bonus of the feat, is that it gives things to your partner.

Your group can make up whatever rules they want, but if giving advice on the boards to someone not in your group, it is probably best to base your advice on the actual rules, not your house rules.

This isn't a house rule. This is RAW.

Teamwork feats provide no bonus if the listed conditions are not met. Note that allies who are paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or otherwise unable to act do not count for the purposes of these feats.
That implies that your teammate must be able to use his feat.

No it doesn't. It doesn't imply anything, it clearly states that anyone incapacitated doesn't count. You can't be adjacent to a dead ally and call it good. That's all it says.

Let's take a look at the conditions for Amplified Rage:
1. Whenever you are raging - You have to be raging, Skald Inspired Rage takes care of that
2. ...and adjacent to a raging ally - The familiar can also benefit from Inspired Rage, so this condition is met assuming we're adjacent (or flanking as we'll learn later)
3. who also has this feat - For this we need to read Valet: A valet is considered to have all the teamwork feats its master has. It's considered to have them all. Not the ones it meets prereqs for all of them. So that means that yes it is considered to have the feat.
4. or flanking the same opponent as a raging ally with this feat - This isn't really a condition, just give you more options.

That is RAW. You may not like it, you may even think that it's not RAI, but it is RAW. If you don't like it, you are free to house rule it away, but don't come to the forums and call something RAW a house rule because you don't like it.

Grand Lodge

It's pretty clear that the feats granted by Valet ignore pre-requisites, like recent similar abilities (hunter animal companion, Eldritch Guardian.) Otherwise the "Able Assistant" ability would do *nothing* since the familiar has no caster level. If the archetype feats weren't intended to ignore pre-reqs, the familiar would fail the pre-reqs for all shared item creation feats (Caster level X+) and thus fail the pre-reqs for Cooperative Crafting.

Actually, reading Valet again, maybe it isn't meant to actually give the teamwork feats to the familiar at all, only "considered to have them." In other words, the familiar triggers the feats for allies but doesn't actually have them. Pre-reqs would still be irrelevant, but the Valet would never get the teamwork bonuses, even if it meets them. That would make my goat sad (for one more level until Holy Tactician kicks in!!)

Grand Lodge

Except that hunter companion says "Companion does not need to meet the prereqs" as does eldrich guardian.

Able assistant say "master treats familiar as if it had" cooperative crafter and all the masters creation feats and skills, it doesn't say it gets them.

I recognise that changes in phrasing aren't always meaningful, sometimes they just mean an editor didn't think it would look attractive to have the same words over and over again. But at the same time I feel like if they meant the same thing, it should have been worded the same way.

I agree as worded the Familiar may not benefit and would expect table variations. The owner would get the full benefit though.

Welcome to everyone and thanks for helping me with all those details about the rules, I really appreciate it!

So the deeper we dive in specific rules of this build, the more flaws it reveals.
So the only way to grant amplified rage to a familiar, is with the revolt song, but it's useless if we can't use raging song at the same time.

Also if my future GM says that the valet can't benefit from Amplified Rage, it will be ok, and I ll play another familiar, like a flying one (owl, ioun wyrm, so flanking will be easy to grant the Mighty Hero his bonuses, and it will serve very well for scouting and reaching dying allies to cast some Heavenly Touch. After all a Fated champion gets some cool divination spells with spell kenning, so it suits the player "to see what's coming" : "Winter is coming..."

Otherwise, I might Wallaby or Goat for funny jokes.

By this way Markov, you are absolutely right about guarded life.
If we get guarded life at lv 4(Our 3th Skald level) and greater guarded life at lv 7(Our 6th Skald level), and that we have this awesome Torc of the Primal Song, we will have one free feat at lv 5 and another one at lv 7.

The only drawback about the Torc is that Die Hard gets cancelled if there some anti magic zone right?(or someone steals/shatters/... it) So if you are at negatives at this time, you just fall unconscious otherwise it's awesome (even if I don't like to depend on magical items... it's like begging a GM to give it to us...) I will keep this in mind.

If we intend to get Die hard with the Torc:
We could swap shaman's apprentice for this more fluffy trait:


Unflinching Valor

(Frostkin Only) Many fearsome arctic predators consider young frostkin easy prey, but some frostkin manage to surpass their fear and fight off these beasts in time for help to arrive. Winter half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and a +1 racial bonus to CMD to avoid being grappled. This racial trait replaces the intimidating racial trait.

Our Mighty and Fearless Hero would get more of a Viking flavour with that. I like it!

I ll try to refresh (tonight after work) the previous build with all those rules "mistakes" done and advices given. Thanks guys :)

I have a lvl 8 fated champion wardrummer skald pretty much similar to that.
Lvl8 he has:
Amplified rage
Skalds vigor
warleaders rage

He gives his ring of tactical precision to our mounted hunter (so he and his pet gets amp rage) and our war oracle uses his martial flexibility feat to grab it when he needs it.
With pageant of the peacock he has like +21 to all int skills when needed.

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Ok, we start again but with some modifications: round 3 !
So let's begin with the stat Array (lets assume a 20pts buy):

- fate's favored For a fated Champion? Obvious
- Tusked Such hero is never unarmed! and stacks well with a normal attack and a lesser spirit attack).
- Community minded Such hero cares about his community and his word echoes in minds even when he stops talking.
- + 1 drawback (Vain prolly)

Racial traits:
- Sacred tatoo : most bad ass looking you can get!
- Unflinching Valor: Badass Frostkin !
- City raised?
- Dark vision : You can't fool such hero even in darkness !

Progression of the first 5 levels:
I will probably choose Fated Champion for flavor and some mechanics. I do not want totemic because I want the first rage power to be lesser spirit totem.
For the scribe scroll free feat at lv 1: I would ask my GM to swap for the PFS extra rage rounds feat, because writing only swift and immediate action spell is useless since you need a standard action to activate them...

Global Level 1 : Bloodrager 1 :
HP:12, Saves : +6(+8)/+4/+1(+3) && +2vs fear, BBA+1, Rage:6r
- Amplified rage (not activable yet)
- Movespeed +10 feet
- Bloodline Celestial familiar : (depending to GM ruling for its nature)
- Rage +4/+4/+2/-2

Global Level 2 : Skald(Fated Champion) 1 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:19, Saves : +8(+10)/+4/+3(+5) && +2vs fear, BBA+1, Rage:6r, Performance: 12(feat && FCB included)
- scribe scroll or extra performance round.
- Inspire give +8 Str & +8 Con to the hero (+2/+2 others)
- Bardic Knowledge (Ex)
- FCB : +1 rage round or
Awesome, can you feel this great hero rushing in fights?

Global Level 3 : Skald(Fated Champion) 2 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:26, Saves : +9(+11)/+4/+4(+6) && +2vs fear, BBA+2, Rage:6r, Performance: 15(feat && FCB included)
- Watcher of the Weave (Ex)
- Versatile Performance (Ex)
- Skald's Vigor: Grants Fast Healing to the hero
- FCB : +1 rage round

Global Level 4 : Skald(Fated Champion) 3 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:33, Saves : +9(+11)/+5/+4(+6) && +2vs fear, BBA+3, Rage:6r, Performance: 18(feat && FCB included)
- Rage Power : Guarded Life
- +1 Cha
- FCB : +1 rage round
- Song of Marching

Global Level 5 : Skald(Fated Champion) 4 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:40, Saves : 10(+12)/+5/+5(+7) && +2vs fear, BBA+4, Rage:6r, Performance: 21(feat && FCB included)
- Free Feat (Craft wondrous Item to be sure to craft Torc of primal song? And since we have a valet Familiar we will be able to craft quicker)
- Spells lv 2
- FCB : +1 level 1 spell known (Saving finale, or swap with a level 1 spell known to get it from start)

So as spells i was thinking to get some cool ones like:
Level 0:
- Detect Magic : Such Hero should notice magic!
- Know Direction: Such Hero shall always now where is NORTH!
- Mending : Such Hero never fights with broken s$@*s!
- Read Magic: Such Hero is smart enough to read paper...
- Message: Such hero knows when to be silent and when to sing legends!
- Mage hand?: Such hero can get a female naked while... well you understood his great ^^.

Level 1:
- Call Weapon + Moment of Greatness : Spontaneous spike of awesomeness
- Swallow your fear : A mighty hero can't be frightened !
- Feather fall? : Such hero should die in an epic fight not from falling ...

Level 2:
- Mirror image: You can't tuch this ^^
- Bladed dash : I can already see this hero, grabing the weapon of his fallen blood brother with the call weapon spell, and dashing in for revenge !

Ok so I think this Hero's build is kind of finished:)
Only small adjustments left to do.
We had lot's of good idea but sadly rules didn't match very well for masterpieces and the familiar being not able to benefit from amplified rage, etc...
But this hero should live epic adventures! Thanks you all for helping :)

Otherwise, What do you think about craft wondrous items? Seems good so we can be sure to get everything we need without depending of the GM?
And there is certainly other great items to craft

Grand Lodge


I'd put your familiar and Bloodrager bloodline in there. Even if it's not getting massive Str, a Compsognathus Valet with healing powers is handy.

Minor point: you get another round of rage at 4th when you bump your Cha.

I'd consider Gallant Inspiration as one of your first 2nd level spells known, then pick up Bladed Dash at 5th, 6ht, or 7th(viaFCB.) Bladed Dash really shines when you get move action song at 7th, so you can activate song, move, and still attack.

I'm not really sold on 14 Dex. ;)

Craft Wondrous is probably the most versatile of the crafting feats, if you can spare the feat and will have the cash, go for it.

for 1st levels spells i would also pick up saving finale.
let out a mighty roar to keep that puny ally in his own mind and not dominated/paralised/etc when you see them falter (also awsome to like, not allow them to die^^)

for 2nd level, rod of lesser extend+heroism. because you should ALWAYS be heroic (also awesome since the long duration means that it doesnt destroy your action economy to buff yourself)

5th level feat could be battle cry if your dm plays it raw (allows rerolls for all saves, not just fear related)

Markov Spiked Chain wrote:

You might take Torc of the Primal Song instead of spending a feat on Die Hard. Now that Courageous got nerfed, that's probably my neck slot.

Wait, what's this about Courageous rules clarifications? Could you elaborate?

(Sorry for the mild off-topic, but I can't find the specifics on this.)

Grand Lodge

It only increases morale bonuses to will saves against fear now. As written, it would increase, say, the morale bonus to Str from raging and give you more Fast Healing (as well as bumping Heroism, Battle Cry, etc.) Now it's basically worthless.

Hey there,

I am actually playing this hero and having great fun !!

We ll soon be lv 4, and I wonder if I shall get guarded life.

Because I just noticed something, here is an example:
-So we are bloodrager 1 and skald 3 and have 10 hit points left
- We take a hit of 12 in our face
- Guarded life trigger, and convers 3 damage to non lethal
- Our current hp is 1 and we have 3 non lethal damage

And even Die Hard can't prevent that, Die Hard allows us to stay conscious if we go to negative health, which is not our case.

Since we are no more raging, we don't get the benefits of our fast healing. The only way to continue raging(thus healing) is with the raging vitality feat.
But this means everytime it happens, we fall on the ground and need to stand up...

Help me...

Grand Lodge

Yeah, Guarded Life doesn't interact well with Diehard, or raging in general. If you're going to take it at all, I wouldn't take it until later since it scales with your Skald level. If you want to take it, it's probably best to talk with your GM about Diehard (and Ferocity) and non-lethal damage. The easiest fix is to say your non-lethal+lethal damage needs to be enough to knock you unconscious (so more than your current HP+Con most of the time.) Otherwise, a non-lethal punch will take out an Orc better than a sword blow because it somehow bypasses their Ferocity.

I thought you were going to take Lesser Spirit Totem as your level 3 rage power, though? It's great, especially with the familiar.

Hey Markov :)

Thanks for the advices, and I tend to take lesser Spirit Totem yes, but I was sad about this case with guarded life that I wanted too...
I don't want to ask my GM too much stuff, but yeah, it's probably the best fix we could do.

I took a hedgehog as familiar, so cute and lovely bonus for Eyjolf.
Ho yeah, I named him Eyjolf Skallagrimsson with his lovely little cute hedgehog of the celestial bloodline named Neira.
I took a hedgehog because of the fact that since the familiar does not get the amplified rage and we were already 6 player, I didn't wanted to slow fights longer with a fighting familiar. Plus Neira can do cool stuff with some healing and unlimited prestidigitation because she has the valet archetype of course.

If I take the lesser spirit totem, we agree that even Neira will be able to attack from the pocket of Eyjolf? It's like if Eyjolf had double the spirits everybody have around him, what a badass :)

Because actually a Hedgehog can only attack creatures in his square.
But the rage power says :

Lesser spirit Totem wrote:
These spirits make one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to the barbarian.

Plus, at 4th level Eyjolf is going to get 16 charisma, so it will be decent buff for everybody.

I might swap those guarded life line of feat with just extra DR. When we get the first DR (at lv 9 IIRC), we can get some extra bonus rage feat, to grant the whole team more DR.


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I am going to necro my own thread because I found a new awesome build for this mighty warrior :)

So let's begin with the stat Array (lets assume a 20pts buy):
str 14+2 (+1 lv 8 +1 lv20)
dex 14
con 15 (+1 lv4)
int 10
wis 8
cha 14 (+1 lv 12/16 in order to be able to cast 5th/6th spell level)

Same traits traits:
- fate's favored
- Tusked Such hero is never unarmed! and stacks well with a normal attack and a lesser spirit attack).
- Community minded Such hero cares about his community and his word echoes in minds even when he stops talking.
- + 1 drawback (Vain prolly)

Racial traits: here we change quite much
- Sacred tatoo : yeah, still badass and op as f$## with the trait
- Shaman's apprentice: get endurance feat, crucial for the build
- Dusksight: granting low light vision and reroll on miss chance on dim light.
- Dark vision : You can't fool such hero even in darkness !

Progression of the first 8 levels:
So here, we go bloodrager at first level again, but with blood conduit, to grab improve unarmed strike feat, with a bloodline familiar with valet archetype, and the basic rage (all are necessary). Let's get a hedhehog for the +2will and let in a pocket to never get it at risk

For skald archetype I took Undying Word and Red tongue, those both together are so damn cool, we are gonna build a damn mighty skald that can outlast anybody. Just grab a 2handed reach weapon for a little pressure in order to not be ignored

Global Level 1 : Bloodrager 1 :
HP:12, Saves : +6(+8)/+4/+3(+5), BBA+1, Rage:6r
- Amplified rage (not activable yet)
- Improved unarmed strike
- Bloodline Celestial familiar archetype valet
- Rage +4/+4/+2/-2

Global Level 2 : Skald(Undying Word/Red Tongue) 1 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:19, Saves : +8(+10)/+4/+5(+7) BBA+1, Rage:6r, Performance: 6(FCB included)
- Inspire resilience: grants +1 will +2 con and thats it for anybody, be we going to replace it for ourselves with the bloodragers bonuses, so we still get our basic +4str/+4con/+2will/-2AC.
- Inspire resilience still grants the hero +8 Str & +8 Con +2 will -2AC to the hero thanks to amplified rage and the +1 will, +2 con for others
- Rile instead of bardic knowledge, more bluff to deceive or conceal his motive and intimidate to improve relationship instead of knowledge. Really nice for having some social impact.
- access to some non class list spells even if we got low DC ( doom (1st), castigate (2nd), charm monster (3rd), denounce (4th), greater command (5th), mass eagle’s splendor (6th)).
- Diehard feat (undying word archetype replacing scribe scroll by bonus feats at lv 1, 7 and 13 for any feat with endurance requirement that we meet prerequisites)
- FCB : +1 rage round

So now we can already fight until negatives, and maintain our rage too. So no need to powers like raging vitality or anything like that.
It will allow us to keep getting fast healing starting from next level

Global Level 3 : Skald(Undying Word/Red Tongue) 2 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:26, Saves : +9(+11)/+4/+6(+8), BBA+2, Rage:7r, Performance: 9(FCB included)
- Well versed
- Perform oratory mandatory, but that's good because we were going this way
- Skald's Vigor: Grants Fast Healing 8 to the hero (Cause the source of the +8strength is the raging song, btw inspire resilience works as raging song, they mention it)

Inspire Resilience (Su)

At 1st level, the undying word can grant his companions supernatural endurance. This functions as inspired rage, but it grants neither a bonus to his allies’ Strength nor a –1 penalty to their AC.

This raging song replaces inspired rage.

- FCB : +1 rage round

So now we get the fast healing 8 and can still regen at negatives. With 15+8con, we have a 23 constitution, so I guess we can go until -23Hp but not sure, maybe it still goes until -15 only.

Global Level 4 : Skald(Undying Word/Red Tongue) 3 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:37(con raise included), Saves : +10(+12)/+5/+6(+8), BBA+3, Rage:6r, Performance: 12(FCB included)
- Rage Power : Celestial totem lesser, so every healing is amplified for everybody accepting the inspire rage.
- +1 Con granting more hp and negative threshold
- FCB : +1 rage round
- Song of Marching

Global Level 5 : Skald(Undying Word/Red Tongue) 4 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:46, Saves : 11(+13)/+5/+7(+9) BBA+4, Rage:7r, Performance: 15(FCB included)
- Something like Quillbreaker defense (with mending and a masterwork spike you can apply 2 RD 10/- per fight) and keep mending it afterward, or you can go power attack if you feel ignored my creeps. You can also go foritied armor feat to deny a critical by breaking an armor or shield.
- Uncanny dodge, man that this is usefull as a defensive layer.
- Spells lv 2
- +1 will save to the shared inspire resilience song.
- FCB : +1 level 1 spell known

Global Level 6 : Skald(Undying Word/Red Tongue) 5 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:55, Saves : 11(+13)/+5/+7(+9) BBA+4, Rage:7r, Performance: 17(FCB included)
- Undying word power: guarded life, so now we share it to everybody too.
We can still go unconscious if non lethal > hp but just wait for next level :)
- FCB : +1 level 1 spell known

Global Level 7 : Skald(Undying Word/Red Tongue) 6 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:64, Saves : 12(+14)/+6/+8(+10) BBA+5, Rage:7r, Performance: 19(FCB included)
- Guarded life greater as a shared rage power
- Feat : Flagellant => now we do not go unconscious if non lethal damage is above HP. Now we can convert 12 damage to non lethal when going from positive to 0 or less. Even if we go negatives we are up and that non lethal we can keep raging and fast healing 8 heals 8 non lethal and 8 lethal damage. We doubling our regen at this point and stay way more often around 0 hp. If the hit it too hard, just pop the defensive feat of the lv 5 or a windy escape. (Uncanny dodge helps using windy escape more often)
- FCB : +1 level 1 spell known

Global Level 8 : Skald(Undying Word/Red Tongue) 7 | Bloodrager 1:
HP:73, Saves : 12(+14)/+6/+8(+10) BBA+6/+1, Rage:7r, Performance: 21(FCB included)
- Red tongue archetype: rogue talent => ninja trick => deflect arrows? And we can share it to anybody too! So everybody with improved unarmed strike can now deflect arrows once per round, dunno if there are more usefull talent or tricks but this is so cool.
- Undying Word feat: Deathless Initiate => no more staggered at negatives with Diehard, so can go full round attack with the new iterative attack and the tusked trait at base +6/+1/+1 if desired and we also get +2 attack and damage while in negatives.
- FCB : +1 level 1 spell known

And from there we get improved uncanny dodge at next level, and then from lv 10 to 12 we can get 3 times increased damage reduction rage power thanks to the one granted by class (at our lv 10) + extra rage power (lv 11) + Undying Word: something like superstition or energy resistance that we can share or improved damage reduction(lv 12)
And at lv 13 we can get another rogue talent to share and a new rage power like celestial totem to purge invisibility around everybody accepting the rage. And the classical 13th feat open that can be stalwart, fast healer, another rage power for ourselves etc...

And it keeps going this way :)
So mainly at this point we share to others:
- Inspire resilience +4Con +4Will no malus
- Celestial totem lesser, celestial totem
- Guarded life, guarded life greater
- Deflect arrows (or swap to another talent that you find usefull, even standup can be cool)
- Damage reduction 4/-

What do you think? I have the feeling that I have found the best tanky / support skald you can do at this point :) Wanna play him so badly now !

Any suggestions on which rogue talent / ninja trick you would chose instead of the ones I suggested? Or any other idea?

Metux wrote:
Feat : Flagellant

Flagellant has the prerequisite of being a worshiper of Zon-Kuthon, which probably is more roleplaying baggage than you'd bargained for. Definitely not a deity for any hero, though.

Metux wrote:
- Red tongue archetype: rogue talent => ninja trick => deflect arrows? And we can share it to anybody too! So everybody with improved unarmed strike can now deflect arrows once per round, dunno if there are more usefull talent or tricks but this is so cool.

The Combat Trick rogue talent would give you access to a combat feat, which could be Deflect Arrows, but your allies would get to choose a new combat feat every time you gave out the rogue talent.

Blind-Fight, Dedicated Adversary, Friendly Switch, Teamwork feats, etc.
Which is pretty damn good.

Wonderstell wrote:
Metux wrote:
Feat : Flagellant

Flagellant has the prerequisite of being a worshiper of Zon-Kuthon, which probably is more roleplaying baggage than you'd bargained for. Definitely not a deity for any hero, though.

Nooo, I couldn't see it in the pathbuilder application, just a religion requirement :(. Man so sad, dunno if there is any other way to prevent non lethal damage to knock you out....

Wonderstell wrote:
Metux wrote:
- Red tongue archetype: rogue talent => ninja trick => deflect arrows? And we can share it to anybody too! So everybody with improved unarmed strike can now deflect arrows once per round, dunno if there are more usefull talent or tricks but this is so cool.

The Combat Trick rogue talent would give you access to a combat feat, which could be Deflect Arrows, but your allies would get to choose a new combat feat every time you gave out the rogue talent.

Blind-Fight, Dedicated Adversary, Friendly Switch, Teamwork feats, etc.
Which is pretty damn good.

Are you sure it works this way? Once you choose the combat trick talent, you also chose the feat associated with, and I think that every allies including you, receive this one.

But you might have a point, because RAW you grant a rogue talent. Combat trick is a talent, and that's it, but it seems way damn too good.

Metux wrote:

Are you sure it works this way? Once you choose the combat trick talent, you also chose the feat associated with, and I think that every allies including you, receive this one.

But you might have a point, because RAW you grant a rogue talent. Combat trick is a talent, and that's it, but it seems way damn too good.

Your ally's choice associated with the Rogue Talent aren't restricted by your own since the ability would have to state that the choice is set (like Paragon Surge does). RAW, you give away the Combat Trick Rogue Talent, and its effect is that they're given a combat feat.

As for RAI... yeah definitely not. I just realized that you can take the Ninja Trick rogue talent, which means your allies would have access to all Ninja Tricks and all Rogue Talents and all combat feats through taking the "Rogue Talent" Ninja Trick with their "Ninja Trick" Rogue Talent.
Which is waaaaaaay too damn good. Let's just pretend it doesn't work like that since no sane GM would ever allow it.

If you take Extra Rage at all you'll probably want it earlier than 11th level.

And Raging Vitality is more than just a good idea, it's a life-saver.

Slim Jim wrote:
If you take Extra Rage at all you'll probably want it earlier than 11th level.

Skalds can use their Inspired Rage to activate other kinds of rage while using their own rounds of Raging Song.

Inspired Rage:
At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but also take a –1 penalty to AC. While under the effects of inspired rage, allies other than the skald cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the song’s bonuses on Will saves increase by 1; the penalty to AC doesn’t change. At 8th and 16th levels, the song’s bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by 2. (Unlike the barbarian’s rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends.) If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian’s rage, bloodrager’s bloodrage, or skald’s inspired rage), she may use the Strength, Constitution, and Will saving throw bonuses, as well as AC penalties, based on her own ability and level instead of those from the skald (still suffering no fatigue afterward). However, inspired rage does not allow the ally to activate abilities dependent on other rage class abilities, such as rage powers, blood casting, or bloodrager bloodlines; the ally must activate her own rage class ability in order to use these features.


Slim Jim wrote:
And Raging Vitality is more than just a good idea, it's a life-saver.

This Half-Orc has Diehard though, so it might not be needed.

Sovereign Court

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I played a variant of this type of character before, Half-orc Skald/Bloodrager with Flagellant and Guarded Life.
However, I went with Totemic(Tiger)/Urban/Red Tongue for Archetypes. That way I could give everyone a Morale and Enhancement bonus to Dex(with no AC penalty) while keeping Str/Con for myself. Also used Combat Trick to add Power Attack (because I couldn't fit it in otherwise). Ferocious Action over Diehard(and Fate's Favored) and Skilled over Darkvision. Tales of Twisting Steel bardic masterpiece to dole out shield other on the squishies. I didn't pick up the Celestial rage powers, because PFS(though they get Extra Performance instead of Scribe Scroll so thats good).
Natural Spell and Planar Wild Shape (with druid's vestment to get the second charge of wild shape) and I am a celestial/fiendish Pounce Tiger all adventuring day that can still cast spells and start oratory performances in form. Essentially as soon as I get Planar Wild Shape I have DR 5 or 10/evil on top of Greater Guarded Life and Skalds Vigor with 8 Str.
I choose a Rat familiar, for flavor mostly. Despite all my familiar's rage, he is still just a rat in a cage.
For spells, I picked utility. Feather Fall, Liberating Command, Remove Fear, Saving Finale, Haste, etc.
Typical Combat: Start in Wild Shape, Move Action Inspire (controlled) Rage for +4 enhancement to Dex, +4 morale to Dex, taking Dex for myself... for round 1. Might as well get the increased AC and with Community Minded the Morale portion will stick around for a few more rounds. Standard Action: Haste, hopefully 5' step somewhere to get a better charge lane for round 2.
Round 2: Maintain performance but switch to 8 Str/Con for myself, Pounce.

Wonderstell wrote:
Slim Jim wrote:
Slim Jim wrote:
And Raging Vitality is more than just a good idea, it's a life-saver.
This Half-Orc has Diehard though, so it might not be needed.

As long as he didn't forfeit it for Sacred Tattoo (as half-orcs are commonly inclined).

Are you sure ferocious action is enough to not be disabled?
I have the feeling that you also need Ferocious resolve in order to not be disabled. Ferocious action, just allows to get rid of the staggered condition at the cost of hp.

Ferocious action was meant for orcs because they has Ferocity racial trait or the ferocity ability which is same name anyway as requirement.

Half orcs have : orc ferocity racial trait, which is a less powerful trait.

But what you can do is as an Half orc get the Ferocious Resolve, and gain the ferocity universal monster ability. This one is meant for half orcs because it has Half orc orc ferocity racial trait and con 13.

Ferocious Action:

Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 141
You ferocity is quick but shorter lived.

Prerequisites: Ferocity racial trait, orc.

Benefit: When you fall to 0 hit points or fewer, you lose 2 hit points each round, but you are not staggered. If you are in a rage (such as that caused by the barbarian rage class feature), you instead only lose 1 hit point per round.

Ferocious resolve:

Source Advanced Race Guide pg. 57
Your orc heritage allows you to fight on.

Prerequisites: Con 13, half-orc, orc ferocity racial trait.

Benefit: You gain the ferocity universal monster ability, allowing you to continue fighting at negative hit points. When using this ability, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.

Normal: A half-orc with the orc ferocity racial trait can fight for 1 more round after he is brought below 0 hit points.

So at this point I prefer having diehard which grants you the choice of being disabled (and auto stabilize) or not at least where ferocity forces you. This I can keep the sacred too and the fate's favored for +2 to all saves and diehard is also useful for other feat requirements.

And if you go Ferocious resolve, you can then go ferocious action but I prefer diehard + deathless initiate for the same effect but in way more powerfull version.

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