Greetings from Marvyr Huthron

Liberty's Edge

Liberty's Edge

"Greetings, fellow Edgers," says a musclebound warrior who enters the lodge, a greatsword strapped to his back. Although he is quite clearly a warrior, there is a hint of the arcane around him and closer inspection of his eyes reveals light golden flecks through what is normally a dark brown iris.

"I am Marvyr Huthron, and I have recently joined this faction. I despise slavery and the infringement of freedom," Marvyr continues to look around the room, "I am also a follower of Cayden Cailean, as I suspect many here are."

I would point out that 'the Eternal' epithet has only been applied to this alias as I'm intending for Marvyr to be around for some time. He has yet to earn it.

Silver Crusade

Poring over a rather large book, a beautiful varisian woman pulls back a loose lock of lustrous auburn hair from her tattooed face, and she frowns a bit before speaking to her companion.

"This isn't supposed to be so hard, Cuor. I've been reading magick works for years now, but writing them is something I just can't grasp." There's a soft sigh, and then the miniature winged figure pats her on the arm, gently.

"I'll help all I can, Shel," the musical soprano voice of the obvious Outsider tries to console the woman. "But you know as well as I do that you need a wizard's training to be able to do that. Do you really want to go back to school, nose locked in -more- books, for years?"

The strange blue characters of her tattoos glitter slightly as Sheliantha shakes her head. "No, no, there's too much to be done to take that kind of time. Maybe, if I got ahold of a dose of the Sun Orchid Elixir..." She laughs softly in her rich contralto at the ridiculousness of that suggestion. Hearing someone come in, she turns and flashes a radiant smile.

"Welcome to the hall, good sir. Come in, and have a drink, or a bite to eat, if you like. This time of day the kitchens are working." Rising smoothly to her feet, the fairly tall woman flashes some more tattoos from other parts of her body. Her gaze takes in the newcomer, pausing momentarily on his eyes. "Marvyr, it it? I think you will find we don't have any use for slavery here, but not all of us take our cues from the Drunken Hero."

There's a gesture to an empty chair, and she closes up the book quietly. "Just starting out on this strange quest of Pathfinding? I hope you find your way as easy as it can be. Some have a rough time with it."

Liberty's Edge

A woman wearing a painted wooden icon of a rose growing from between bloody cobblestones walks in tentatively. Her pearlescent hair and silver eyes testify to her non-human ancestry. She fingers her wooden icon nervously.

"Excuse me, is this the Liberty's Edge meeting hall? I'm afraid I'm new around here and have yet to learn my way around."

Liberty's Edge

The room brightens as a small, even by halfling standards, yellow-skinned halfling wearing black and yellow O-Yoroi with a Continual Flame glowing within the crest of the helm, enters the room."Greetings friends! Newcomers always welcome! I've returned from my tenure at my farm to see if the Ten have any work for a distinguished Seeker, only to find that my Faction's up and changed a bit." He says with a somewhat thick Tian accent.

"Knight Captain Buzz Seeker, of Andoran's Arial Calvalry, at your service. If you need any assistance, feel free to ask. I heard someone mention Cayden, which means the booze must have started flowing by now." With that, he places a figure of a Giant Wasp of the ground. As soon as he releases it, the figure expands rapidly and comes to life. "Ah, Vespa, time to help your master get up to the bar." He then jumps on the wasp's back and it flys up to the bar where Buzz grabs a glass and a bottle of mead.

"Don't you folk worry none about my pet here. I've got 'er trained to only attack if I'm in danger." He says, as he lands the beast on a table in the corner of the room. He then pours a half full glass of the mead and sets it on the table next to the insect, while drinking from the bottle.

Liberty's Edge

Marvyr turns to Shel and nods. "Yes, I've only recently passed the tests. I anticipate the challenge."

He watches the halfling and his wasp with bemused interest. Finally he turns to the other newcomer.

"Yes, it is, pleased to meet you," Marvyr sticks out his meaty hand to shake the woman's.

Liberty's Edge

A gold plated (perhaps dragon plated) man bearing green eyes and a wild look arrives bestride a golden lion in mithril barding. Both have the radiance of the celestial planes. Am I late, the party ended way over time at the temple. Tony had a great run over the rooftops...dare say the wildlife will be rethinking city life.

Liberty's Edge

Marvyr the Eternal wrote:

Finally he turns to the other newcomer.

"Yes, it is, pleased to meet you," Marvyr sticks out his meaty hand to shake the woman's.

Sense Motive: 20 + 7 = 27

"Thank you! It's a pleasure to meet you too!"

Valeria cheerfully shakes Marvyr's hand.

Liberty's Edge

A strangely red-haired human of Tien decent tentatively speaks up. She wears a Mithral chain shirt and has a rapier on her hip.

Uh, excuse me? Is. . . is slavery the only thing Liberty's edge cares about? I uh, I kinda wondered if maybe we could take on some other issues? Like unwanted forced marriages. I mean, that's why I joined. . . am I, am I off base here?

Perception 23

though the wilting flower appears human, you catch the telltale signs that she is a kitsune

Liberty's Edge

"Any infringement upon personal freedoms by oppressive forces is to be met with Resistance, guile and force is necessary"says the freebooter captain dressed in black and red and sporting the holy symbol of Milani.

Silver Crusade

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Sheliantha, the varisian woman, looks to the new arrivals. "Welcome all, this is, in fact, the meeting hall for those of us in Liberty's Edge. Do come in and I've covered the bar tabs for this afternoon. Priviledges of rank, don't y'know." Her nose wrinkles in a smile which causes some of the tattoos on her face to look somehow, different.

She addresses Ami-San, no recognition of anything but humanity in her. "Oh, oppressed into servitude to someone you don't want. Sounds awfully like slavery to me. Either way, though, it is something to be fought. I believe you have escaped the forced marriage, or do I have it wrong? But, not being allowed back into your old life is intimidating to say the least. Feel welcome here, and I think you can find us to be a new family. Take your time, and find your place."

She looks to Tar-Aslan, and nods. "My own work, these days, is to find actual solutions to the institution of slavery. Making war on slavers needs to be targeted and precise, as the repercussions on the former slaves can be quite detrimental. My research is indicating that economics will be the most powerful force in changing the mores involved in the abhorrent trade. But, I am always eager to hear new information, anything that will help in the Cause!"

Meanwhile, her friend the Lyrakien flies over to the bar. She hefts a tub-like shotglass and moves over by Buzz, holding it out for a fill. "Please, sir, can I have some mo... well, some?"

Liberty's Edge

A weathered man, but not of age, walks into the room. He wears a Andoran naval uniform with a longsword on his belt, and a musket on his back.
"Oh, what do we have here? Oh, a new recruit! Welcome, Welcome! My name is Monroe Stonewall, it is nice to see new people join up. Even though Liberty's Edge is currently not affiliated with Andoran, it still promotes its ideals, its message, its-" Monroe caught himself before continuing. "Ah, sorry, been a Seeker for a while, so I have been doing transport of "Goods" and such, bring them back to Andoran. Other wise, its been boring. Anyway, the Society will do well to have you!"

Liberty's Edge

"A forced marriage, you say?" The powerfully built aasimar turns her head to one side, thoughtfully. "I guess that my usual plan - dramatic escape on a fast horse - would still work, with minimal changes. I've never tried it with a giant wasp, but I expect the principle is basically the same."

Liberty's Edge

Sheliantha wrote:

[dice=Perception]1d20 + 9

Sheliantha, the varisian woman, looks to the new arrivals. "Welcome all, this is, in fact, the meeting hall for those of us in Liberty's Edge. Do come in and I've covered the bar tabs for this afternoon. Priviledges of rank, don't y'know." Her nose wrinkles in a smile which causes some of the tattoos on her face to look somehow, different.

She addresses Ami-San, no recognition of anything but humanity in her. "Oh, oppressed into servitude to someone you don't want. Sounds awfully like slavery to me. Either way, though, it is something to be fought. I believe you have escaped the forced marriage, or do I have it wrong? But, not being allowed back into your old life is intimidating to say the least. Feel welcome here, and I think you can find us to be a new family. Take your time, and find your place."

Oh, yes, I did escape. Well, I sort of . . . My . . . she slips into Tien for a moment, under her breath. Nantoka? Shinseki de Tarudoru-go wa . . . nandesuka . . . etousa . . .a, souda. My . . . extended family? may still be looking for me? Is that the word?

I know it's not my place but, uh, it just seems to me that maybe there are more issues to freedom than JUST slavery. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't like slavery, but, like indentured servitude . . forced marrigaes . . . that thing were you become a slave if you're in debt . . . I mean, shouldn't we work against those as well?

Mila Syrenka wrote:
"A forced marriage, you say?" The powerfully built aasimar turns her head to one side, thoughtfully. "I guess that my usual plan - dramatic escape on a fast horse - would still work, with minimal changes. I've never tried it with a giant wasp, but I expect the principle is basically the same."

Ami is viably taken back by the radiant outsider's words.

I? What? Pardon is that some sort of Taldan joke? I'm afraid I don't get your humor too well yet. Why . . . why would . . . giant wasps?

Liberty's Edge

"No joke, I'm simply referring to the Knight Captain of the Andoran Aerial Cavalry." Mila gestures towards Buzz Seeker, enjoying his drink on the other side of the room. "He rides a giant wasp, which I expect would be just as good as a fast horse for escaping things like slavery, forced marriages and the like."

She gets a daydreamy look in her eyes. "Imagine the wind in your hair if you were riding a giant wasp! I wonder if they're hard to train . . . I expect you could use mostly the same commands as a horse, but you'd need something for up and down . . ."

"But you're absolutely right. Forced marriages are right out! If any of your extended family shows up and gives you any trouble, just let me have a few words with them."

Liberty's Edge

Um...on a related note, I am both a Calistrian and capable of Vermin Shape2. With an extended cast it could last 22 mins..and recast several times.

Liberty's Edge

A heavily armored halfling, walking with an armored and saddled dog, walks in.

"Sorry I am a bit late to this event, though I heard a bit about freedom and how slavery shouldn't be our only focus on my way in.

I have embraced the ideals of the country that welcomed me into freedom. These ideals go much further than just the end of slavery. We stand up people's rights. People should be free from ownership in any form, oppression from their government, oppression from their employers, or oppression from their families.

My training with the Golden Legion, has prepared me to defend any and all from such oppression. If there is anyone in need Sleepy and I will protect them.

Forced marriage is a dreadful form of tyranny."

Murgen's thoughts seem to wander a bit from his fiery opposition to oppression, and his features soften a bit as he continues.

"Shelyn teaches us to value love, and a union such as marriage should be for love above all else. Ah, love is indeed the driving force behind my work as a pathfinder ..."

He quietly trails off.

Liberty's Edge

I fear I may be giving you the wrong impression. Ami replies sheepishly.
I mean, after my parents decided that I had no talent for combat, my parents tried to marry me off to another clan in order to cement trade relations between our two peoples. But, well, my husband to be was . . . He was not interested in making 'our' life happy. He didn't do anything bad, but he just wanted me to cook and clean and, well if I needed a hobby or socialization, I was supposed to play Majong withe the wives of his friends, and that wasn't for me. So I came here, after getting sidetracked in the mwangi, where a fellow pathfinder introduced me to the Taldan world of fencing. But I here that kind of arranged marriage is common on this side of the world, am I wrong?

Sovereign Court

Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
"Well, I must agree. Such arrangements are just not fun."
A woman with Dark black hair, with an orange/bronze tinted skin, and wearing light blue Vudrani robes with gold trim walks into the room. "But that is only my opinion. It's a lot more fun here, don't you all agree? So." The woman, walks over to Ami, with a tail behind her that is holding a wine bottle. She retrieves the bottle from her tail and hands it to Ami. " I don't know if that might make your day, but it wasn't really being put to much~ use." after that, she turns to leave, but then turns back around. " And I believe one must be able to choose where they are headed, to lead, or look for a leader. And I am quite sure everyone in our Society of adventures can attest to that!" Naomi gives Ami a small bow. "And my name is Naomi, it was interesting to meet you all, farewell." She turns to leave and heads on out to find more entertainment elsewhere.

Liberty's Edge

Ami-San wrote:

But I here that kind of arranged marriage is common on this side of the world, am I wrong?

"Just because something is common, that doesn't mean that it is right. Slavery and unrepresentative governments are also common in the Inner Sea region. You shall always find someone like me standing up to and fighting against any injustice, regardless of their popularity."

Liberty's Edge

Been busy
"Wasps aren't all that difficult. Train them much the same as any beast. Been working with them since I was a boy. This is just one of many that I've trained. Need to make sure I've got enough for the recruits, eh?"

Seeing many more allies in the room than he recalls at last glance, he checks the mead he's been drinking and mumbles to himself.

"This that strong or am I just not paying attention"

Liberty's Edge

A pretty man walks in, clad in well-crafted parade armor of Taldan cut with Irrisenian accents. A duelist's sword rides his left hip and a very well-crafted drum is hooked to his right side. Dark brown eyes are tastefully framed by well-cared-for hair.

He makes his way to the bar, but very notably keeps a bit of space around him, perhaps a foot or two.

"Is this the place to get a drink and love the freedom of the arts and the ability to make one's own choices in life?"

Liberty's Edge






Liberty's Edge

The pretty Taldan man starts beating on his drum after every THUNDERLIPS! statement. It's a poetry slam, right?

Liberty's Edge

Thunderlips! wrote:






Oh my! That man is . . . is very very angry. I . . . I'll just be going . . .

The small Tien woman tries to start disloging herself from the crowd and slipping out the back.

Liberty's Edge

The pretty Taldan man shakes his head at the Tien woman. "I don't think he's angry, I think he's just loud."

And then he goes back to punctuating THUNDERLIPS! statements with drum beats.

Liberty's Edge

A relatively short Tien man loudly throws the doors to the liberty's edge lodge open. He is decked out in light, leather armor (darkleaf lamallar leather), and seems to have no weapons visable on him except a few javalins in his backpack. His hair is strangely pink, it is possible he has some elven ancestors, or perhaps he simply dyes it. The last thing of note is a checkered muffler he wears around his neck despite the relatively nice weather.

"Ooooi!" he shouts. "Dareka iru? Soshite, sake wa doko?"

If you know Tien:
This gentleman is being somewhat rude. He asks: "Hey! Anyone here? More importantly, where's the ale?"

Do not know tien, but make a linguistics check DC 20:
The man appears to be looking for amiable conversation and drink.

Silver Crusade

The Lyrakian Azata, still toting the shotglass, immense for her size and as yet unfilled, flies to the tattooed woman, and translates the most recent Tien outburst into Varisian. "He's asking if anyone is here, and where the ale is." Then her wingbeats take her to the newcomer, and she studies him closely.

What she says comes across in Tien, or Minkayan, whichever is Haru's native tongue. "Drinks are paid for, today, by Sheliantha there. Have what you like, but not too much." And she moves back to the bar, to finally get her own drink.

Liberty's Edge

The man beams a wide grin. It seems he understood the common, but continues to speak in Tien.

"Aah! Tasukatta! Domodomo!" He reaches over the bar and grabs of large stein and pours some beer from a keg into it. "Kampai! Ne! Ne! Yousei-san? Yousei ja ne ka? Namae wa? Ore wa Haru!"

If you know Tien:
Ah! You've saved me, thanks! Cheers. Hey, hey, miss fairy! You are a fairy right? What's your name? I'm Haru.

Liberty's Edge

A woman with pealescent hair and silver eyes enters the room.

"Excuse me? I found this young man wandering the streets outside looking for Liberty's Edge, so I brought him with me."

With that, she ushers in a young Tian-min man with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"This is... Um, what was your name?"

Liberty's Edge

"Yuki Toshiro, Miss. Call me Toshiro. I'm sorry for the trouble, but I'm still new in town and have yet to learn the area. I am very grateful for the assistance."

He finishes this last remark with a sly wink. Noticing Haru, he switches to Tien.

In Tien:
"Ah! I see I'm not the only one from Tian Xia here! Where in the Dragon Empires do you hail from?"

Liberty's Edge

Sense Motive: 15 + 7 = 22

Valeria colors slightly at the wink, but pretends not to have noticed it.

Liberty's Edge

Yuki Toshiro wrote:

"Yuki Toshiro, Miss. Call me Toshiro. I'm sorry for the trouble, but I'm still new in town and have yet to learn the area. I am very grateful for the assistance."

He finishes this last remark with a sly wink. Noticing Haru, he switches to Tien.

** spoiler omitted **

The man stands up and rushes over to meet the other native of Tien. He greets him warmly but smacks him on the back a bit hard, not knowing his own strength.

In tien:

Ooh, nice to metcha' Name's Haru. Don't know exactly where I'm from. Somewhere in the southern Archipelago. My Dad had his own island that we just called his island. Eventually we flew to another island where I met some Wayangs, I guess? I dunno, dad thought I should have more interactions with humanoids, so I lived with them for a while. Afterwords I couldn't find him again, so I wandered around. I heard that the pathfinders are all about exploring and stuff so I figured they might know, so I signed up.

Say, you haven't seen my dad, have you?

Liberty's Edge

Toshiro rubs his chin thoughtfully.

In Tien:
"Hmmm, I'd need to see a picture to be sure, but I don't recall seeing anyone that looked like a relative of yours. It sounds like you were raised somewhere in Minata, and I never went that far south. If anyone has comprehensive maps of the Wandering Isles, it would be the Pathfinder Society. I wish you luck in your search."

Liberty's Edge

Yuki Toshiro wrote:

Toshiro rubs his chin thoughtfully.

** spoiler omitted **

Still in Tien:
"Naw naw naw, he's not my 'Dad-dad.' He's my stepdad. He's a dragon, did I not mention that? Adopted me when I was just a little kid. Taught me all about fire magic. And hitting stuff. Lots of stuff about hitting stuff."

Without much of a thought to his story, the strange man reaches over and pours another mug of ale, and passes it to his new friend Yuki

Silver Crusade

Haru Drakestand wrote:

The man beams a wide grin. It seems he understood the common, but continues to speak in Tien.

"Aah! Tasukatta! Domodomo!" He reaches over the bar and grabs of large stein and pours some beer from a keg into it. "Kampai! Ne! Ne! Yousei-san? Yousei ja ne ka? Namae wa? Ore wa Haru!"

** spoiler omitted **

As before, the words of the Lyrakien come across in whatever language is most comfortable to the listener.

The flying miniature and winged woman looks back to the Tien man. "Oh, no. I'm sorry, but I'm not Fae at all. I'm from Elysium, which is..." She looks around the room a moment, and then points, nearly dropping her immense shotglass. "That way! But, it's a long ways away. Too far to walk, or even fly for that matter. I can sing you a song from there if you like, and that could let you know the difference between where I'm from and the First World."

Liberty's Edge

Toshiro gives a nod of thanks for the drink before replying.

In Tien:
"I'm afraid I've never met a dragon before, but one of my mothers might have. They were quite the adventurers in their day."

Switching to Taldane, Toshiro addresses the azata.
"I would love to hear some songs of your homeland! If I practice more, perhaps I will be able to return the favor some time with songs from Seirei no Mori."

Haru Drakestand wrote:
Yuki Toshiro wrote:

Toshiro rubs his chin thoughtfully.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Without much of a thought to his story, the strange man reaches over and pours another mug of ale, and passes it to his new friend Yuki

...And I finally realized who Haru is based on.

Liberty's Edge

1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26
A human child walks along with a large hawk like bird following behind her.

Perception 26:

She's a Halfling!

Kn Nature 19:

The large hawk, is a small Roc!

She walks into the room, looking around with that hawk following close behind her. "Hello!~ Looks like many big people are joining the club! It is so nice to see many new friends." She walks over to the gathering and looks up towards them. "Hi!~ Whatcha doing?"

Liberty's Edge

Vutava wrote:

...And I finally realized who Haru is based on.

Ha ha! And here I thought I was being too obvious.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

HA! Natural 1!

The pink-haired man looks at the incoming 'child,' and switches to common, though he still has a noticeable Tien accent.

Whoa! You're a little one ain'tcha? That's so cool! You cun probably sneak into all sorts of places, get into all kindsa trouble! That's awesome!" He begins rummaging around behind the bar. "I wonder if Mira-ne left any sweets back here. I'd give you some ale but I got yelled at last time I gave some to Romeo. . ."

Liberty's Edge

"Oh! Thank you! My name is Lissa.~" As Lissa replies to the fiery human, the large bird behind her lets out a loud shriek, making the little one pause before continuing. "Oh right. This is Whiteclaw. He is a big bird huh? He is really a rock.. Well, he is sturdy to ride on, but he is a Roc." She gets help from the bird to get onto a bar stool so she can see over it. "Thanks to others, I got to taste lots of different things. Some make your head funny and makes you giggle!~"

Liberty's Edge

"Oh? Look at the size of that bird! Looks tasty! Don't worry, I wouldn't eat him though, he seems like a nice bird. He's not a stone though. Or is his name Rock? Or is he, like, some sort of magical statue that walks around 'n stuff?

Haru looks intently at the bird.
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

"No, looks like a normal giant bird. Ah! Mitsuketa! Ooh, nandesuka, korewa. Whoa! Raki! Bonusu!"

From behind the bar Haru pulls out a slice of strawberry cheesecake and a large seed-cake for the bird.

"Ha! Eat up! Someone said it was on the house, I think."

Liberty's Edge

"Oh! Thank you again!" She nods towards the big bird. The bird tilts its head, looking at the large seed cake that was put near it. It gently grabs the whole cake in its beak ad slightly lifts it up before snapping it in half. It picks up one of the halves and tosses it up in the air before swallowing it whole. It makes a bunch of chirping noises before staring at Lissa, then at the Fiery man. "Thats right. I'm sorry, but Whiteclaw perfers to eat what normally would eat seeds. So if you happen to have a big pieces of meat, that would make his day." She then takes a bite from the slice of cheesecake before continuing. "You... Um" She swallows some of the cake "So Mister, what is your name?"

Liberty's Edge

Haru watches with a huge grin on his face as the bird chomps the seedcake in half. "Whoa! Lookit that! That's great!" He starts rummaging through his backpack before finding a piece of Jerky and tossing it to the bird.

"You like meat? Me too, me too. Sorry, that's all I got on me right now. Oh, hum? Oh, my bad, my bad, name's Haru. Haru Drakestand. Nice ta meetcha!"

He reaches out to shake Lissa's hand with a strong grip.

Liberty's Edge

Perception: 10 + 4 = 14
Knowledge (nature): 18 + 7 = 25
At least he recognized the roc for what it was.

Toshiro watches his new friend's antics with poorly hidden amusement.

Liberty's Edge

Whiteclaw nimbly catches the jerky out of the air as Lissa shakes the hand of Haru. She seems to be able to reciprocate the handshake well enough, but once done, she shakes her own hand. "...Ouchie~ You have a firm handshake Haru. Are you a great fighter? You seem really strong!" As Lissa exclaims.

Lissa looks behind her for a second, but then does a double take when she notice another Tien man nearby. "Oh! Hi, Hi! Hello! Who are you? Your eyes are pretty! Are you related to Haru?" As she speaks excitedly. "My name is Lissa, and this is Whiteclaw!"

Liberty's Edge

Lissa Greenthumb wrote:
Lissa looks behind her for a second, but then does a double take when she notice another Tien man nearby. "Oh! Hi, Hi! Hello! Who are you? Your eyes are pretty! Are you related to Haru?" As she speaks excitedly. "My name is Lissa, and this is Whiteclaw!"

Toshiro gives Haru an appraising look before asking,

In Senzar:
"Hey, are you a kitsune?"

Seeing that Haru didn't understand the question, Toshiro addresses Lissa in Taldane.
"No, I don't think we're related. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lissa, and you as well, Whiteclaw."

Liberty's Edge

Haru rubs his index finger under his nose with a huge smile on his face. "Ha ha! Great fighter?. It's clear he's happy about the comment but is barely able to sustain a thin veneer of humility. "Well, I am a Mahoushi working for the pathfinders, so I've got to be pretty good to keep up with everyone else. I'm still not as good as some others, though.

He turns to Yuki.

I dunno if we're related. I mean, I don't know where I was born, I was raised by my adoptive father for as long as I can remember. Could be, maybe. Then again, he doesn't have my pink hair.

Liberty's Edge

Kn Geography: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 She at least knows about Tian Xia. Might know a bit more.

Lissa finishes the cake that was given to her before seeing confusion on their faces. "Uummm.... I think I meant it looks like you are both from Tian Xia. The Eastern Continent." She licks off her fingers before continuing. "And you both have nice eyes. One fierce, the other with mischief. Both have a story behind them. And it is always nice to hear stories!" As she finishes with a large grin.

Liberty's Edge

"Stories, eh? How about this one..."

story synopsis:
Toshiro tells a tale about how his mothers and their friends battled the corrupted black wolf kami, purifying him and earning his eternal gratitude. Afterwords, the kami allowed them to build a village in his domain.

"...And that's how Kurookamimura came to be!"

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