Is the Goliath Druid from Giant Hunters Handbook as cool as it looks?


Has anyone played a Goliath Druid yet? I just was reading it and realized that it might be a really really fun archetype to play (probably for PFS).

It seems to trade away mostly the least interesting features of a druid (to me) and instead gets really cool animal companions (or decent domain options), really nifty wild shape options (though with some minor mid-level drawbacks) and a bunch of really really nifty tricks.

It gives up: Nature Sense, Resist Nature's Lure, Venom Immunity and Thousand Faces (the last being the one Druid ability I really like though it comes a bit late in the game)

It modifies: Class skills, nature bond - domains can only be Animal, Destruction or Strength (or select subdomains) and animal companion can only be a dinosaur or a megafauna, Wild Empathy - only with sized Large or larger animals, Wild Shape - can't turn into animals other than dinosaurs or megafauna (no elementals or plants) and at certain levels gains the ability to turn into a number of Giant forms

It gains a bunch of nifty replacements (additional animals on summons lists, defenses against giants and more.

All in all a very flavorful archetype which also seems, at least on first glance, to be mechanically very sound and potent. It gives up a few iconic Druidic abilities but gains some very very nifty ones (at higher level being able to use giant forms as wild shape options is really nifty - as is spontaneously casting "Enlarge Person" on your Dinosaur companion (which isn't quite as powerful as Animal Growth - but also takes a 1st level not a 5th level spell slot for a similar if marginally less potent ability - less STR gain, no CON gain, but the same gain in weapon damage etc.

Is there something i have missed/ Is there a particular race I should look to use for this character? (have a bunch of boons for elemental races)

I am far from an expert, but personally I love mine. I am building him around buffing his pet rex named Mr Chomps. The expanded summoning list seems to need a bit to really get useful. I do like that you can spontaneously enlarge person. He is a PFS character by the way.

It restricts you animal choices to dinosaurs or megafauna...which means you have to pounce with an allosaurus rather than a tiger form. Very slight downgrade for flying since you are restricted to pterosaurs and the like.

But yes, this is fairly powerful. Particularly since giant shape allows you to use your normal weapons and armor, according to the transmutation rules. So it is mostly just a huge boost with few of the compromises regular wildshape requires.

Just grab a scimitar with the impact property, and swing that thing like it was a greatsword. Or play a half orc and just use a falchion. You can definitely play that up for a 'big, mean, and green' thing.

I was looking at the Spinosaurus for that massive STR that it would eventually have - or at a T-rex both the iconic nature and for the sheer fun of a HUGE trex, possibly with Vital Strike really, really ruining someone's day.

The build is just begging for the Animal Growth spell :)

I recommended in another thread the possibility of dipping a level of Living Monolith. Lot of good bonuses for one level, you get to keep your spell-casting and you get to cast Enlarge Person 3/day as a swift action.

Wiggz wrote:

The build is just begging for the Animal Growth spell :)

I recommended in another thread the possibility of dipping a level of Living Monolith. Lot of good bonuses for one level, you get to keep your spell-casting and you get to cast Enlarge Person 3/day as a swift action.

Goliath Druid specifically says that you can cast enlarge person on your pet.

Animal Soul feat says you can animal growth yourself

Ryan Freire wrote:

Animal Soul feat says you can animal growth yourself

But is that worth it? A 5th level spell and a feat for a temporary buff when you could wild shape for something that is just a bit less, but for 9+ hours at that point?

By level 12, there is little difference stat wise, and at level 14....ha, no you want to turn into a giant ASAP (since giant form II is written rather..differently from beast shape- it gives a set amount of stat increases, and doesn't separate them by form taken; you want to stay as a large troll, this just increases your stat boosts). Transmutation is always a bit of an iffy business for druids- they usually have better things to turn into.

Animal soul is more awesome on the nature fang druid, which trades in wild shape for studied target. They aren't turning into useful things otherwise, so why shouldn't they use animal growth or atavism (which I kind of prefer- +4 to all stats works great when your talents work off a different stat than your casting stat)

Also Animal Soul isn't allowed in PFS

Giant Form is pretty nifty (rend is nice, regeneration is of course excellent etc)

I was just reading this archetype and loving it. Very tempted to mix in some barbarian (feral gnasher or hurler) and see what I can do with rock throwing.

Sovereign Court

Living Monolith is a poor combination, since you can't stack Enlarge Person with Wild Shape (due to the polymorph rules).

Me, I was thinking of just using a Moss Troll chassis, for the 15ft reach claws.

Also, investing in fire-resistant armor, because any enemies that succeed on a knowledge check will know that moss trolls hate and fear fire. So you can semi-predict the most common attack people will use against you.

Ascalaphus wrote:

Living Monolith is a poor combination, since you can't stack Enlarge Person with Wild Shape (due to the polymorph rules).

Me, I was thinking of just using a Moss Troll chassis, for the 15ft reach claws.

Also, investing in fire-resistant armor, because any enemies that succeed on a knowledge check will know that moss trolls hate and fear fire. So you can semi-predict the most common attack people will use against you.

Resist energy seems like a fairly prime buff for anyone using troll forms too.

I mean, fire resist 30 for 2 hours is an option by the time you get regeneration. Keeping that prepared seems like a fairly obvious use of a 2nd level slot. Turn it into an enlarge spell for your animal companion if you decide you aren't going to use it.

If you use the variant multiclass rules from unchained and put barbarian as your secondary you can grab rage without sacrificing levels of druid.

Yebng wrote:
If you use the variant multiclass rules from unchained and put barbarian as your secondary you can grab rage without sacrificing levels of druid. can do that anyway. The goliath druid includes the rage domain as one of its options.

Scarab Sages

I've already stated practicing my pronunciation of "innuck chuk!" in preparation for this archetype.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Keep in mind for PFS Allosaurus and Spinosaurus are not PFS legal.

Its a cool archtype. But... Is it better than saurian thst summon as sdandard?

lemeres wrote:
Yebng wrote:
If you use the variant multiclass rules from unchained and put barbarian as your secondary you can grab rage without sacrificing levels of druid. can do that anyway. The goliath druid includes the rage domain as one of its options.

But that will cost you your animal companion, whom you are specifically allowed to cast enlarge person on, for that large, flanking, friend at level 1....

Liberty's Edge

Fun Fact: Druids have been able to that since 3.0.

Animal Companions wrote:

Share Spells (Ex)

The druid may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

This is one of those class features that doesn't really do anything.

Feral wrote:

Fun Fact: Druids have been able to that since 3.0.

Animal Companions wrote:

Share Spells (Ex)

The druid may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

This is one of those class features that doesn't really do anything.

The class feature specify this because unlike the standard enlarge person this one only works on the goliath druid casting it. The AC is the only other creature on which he can cast it

Feral wrote:

Fun Fact: Druids have been able to that since 3.0.

Animal Companions wrote:

Share Spells (Ex)

The druid may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a touch range spell) instead of on herself. A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

This is one of those class features that doesn't really do anything.

I am not sure about that, the spell doesnt have a target of "you" or is it poor language that means any spell of any range that just happens to target you this time instead of a spell that only ever can be cast on you?

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