Basic exploit.

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

These abilities are still way to strong. When my 1000 exp alt can do as much damage as my two month old toon something is wrong.

The basic attacks should enable you to kill starting mobs and that is it. Ammo will not balance this, so don't try to use that excuse. The great sword and spear exploits hit just as hard as the long bow one. They all need to be tuned way down.

Goblin Squad Member

I agree, they definitely need an adjustment. However, we also want new players to be able to contribute to a group, so it needs to be carefully adjusted so they don't lose relevance.

Goblin Squad Member

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Maybe change (some of?) the damage bonus to a snare to let new players fill the tackler role.

I imagine that a ranged slow or a melee stun would even be handy for the PvE crowd.

:braces self for the scream of:

"Moar DPS!"

Goblin Squad Member

If the reduced the base damage on the secondary, but increased the Precise, it would still work against T2 targets, just not as much damage. If you couple this with ammo, it should be a decent balance.

Also, the 1k Alts should be removed from the game.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm not sure why they even have feats in the game that are not able to be trained like all the others. I say just remove them from the game.

TEO Cheatle wrote:


Also, the 1k Alts should be removed from the game.

While I totally get why you'd ask that, there are Eve players who train a character for a particular task and then train another for something else.

Getting camped into one place by enemies and having ZERO other PFO play options would be very very unpleasant.

But if you're saying make them zero point alts and require us to actually train it, well, I don't have a good objection to that.

I do think the 1K alts help people experiment on initial and early builds to try feats out, so maybe timing that option out on an account after 8 weeks have passed or 100 hours of play?

Goblin Squad Member

Tyveil wrote:
I'm not sure why they even have feats in the game that are not able to be trained like all the others. I say just remove them from the game.

They're there so that you can use any weapon you pick up, at minimum effectiveness. They're not trainable, but they're free; before the Basics were implemented you would have zero usable attacks with any weapon until you spent XP on attacks for it.

Goblin Squad Member

Seems like the easiest fix is to scale them back but make them trainable past level 1.

Tyveil wrote:
I'm not sure why they even have feats in the game that are not able to be trained like all the others. I say just remove them from the game.

Earlier threads I'd seen suggested they were meant to keep new players relevant to a t2 equipped world next year, without letting THAT skill scale up.

But I like the crowdforging of "relevant", so far, if that's where we're going.

Goblinworks Game Designer

The exploits were an experiment in training people to make use of conditionals. That they just add precision and damage was to make them very easy to understand. I'm not sure they've had the desired effect, because they seem to be making people value them as a source of pure damage, when conditionals are generally for making good use of the other effects in the system.

So we may look at making them more varied in their conditionals rather than just incentivizing going for the biggest straight up damage numbers.

Goblin Squad Member

Savage Grace wrote:
TEO Cheatle wrote:


Also, the 1k Alts should be removed from the game.

While I totally get why you'd ask that, there are Eve players who train a character for a particular task and then train another for something else.

Getting camped into one place by enemies and having ZERO other PFO play options would be very very unpleasant.

But if you're saying make them zero point alts and require us to actually train it, well, I don't have a good objection to that.

I do think the 1K alts help people experiment on initial and early builds to try feats out, so maybe timing that option out on an account after 8 weeks have passed or 100 hours of play?

Ehh, I don't mind if they are there, if you are paying for their EXP, I am just saying that they are way to versatile for free. If they had X play time, that wouldn't be a bad compromise.

Goblin Squad Member

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Stephen Cheney wrote:
So we may look at making them more varied in their conditionals rather than just incentivizing going for the biggest straight up damage numbers.

I think I speak for all Wizards when I beg you to make the Basic Longbow Exploit trigger on something other than Opportunity.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

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I agree that the base damage is a lot for a free attack, but one thing to bear in mind is that the Basic Exploits will only be effective in T1 and early T2. They don't improve with keywords (as they only have 1 level), so give it a few months and they won't be as popular. However, I agree that reducing the conditional base damage increase and replacing it with some other effect (slowed, afflicted, etc) will make it a little more balanced in T1.

Goblin Squad Member

Longbows conditional damage is too powerful, especially because of the decent damage number, 'suffer'(fighter +10 on enemy opp) and one of the rogue feature as currently implemented.

Hitting for 200 damage on an opportuniti'ed target is fun though, if incredibly unbalanced.

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Simply tossing a 6 second cooldown on the LB exploit is a good start, IMO. Not so sure it needs to be nerfed. My build doesn't use it and will kill any longbowman who *is* using it, whatever tier armor they are in.

Goblin Squad Member

As long as firing an arrow self-stuns you I don't think there is an issue :)

Once the real combat mechanics are in place I'm sure GW will take a look at all the attacks including spells, melee and bows.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Stephen Cheney wrote:
So we may look at making them more varied in their conditionals rather than just incentivizing going for the biggest straight up damage numbers.
I think I speak for all Wizards when I beg you to make the Basic Longbow Exploit trigger on something other than Opportunity.

From the love they've been giving wiz I wouldn't be surprised if they had it rigger on targeting an arcane lol. Sorry wizards don't get to be good. You want to be awesome interesting spell slinger noooo you get to be a clown and make funky colours on the battle feild neat o weeeeee.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, on the flip side, Wizards aoeing enemy formations should prove potent once the game develops.

Goblin Squad Member

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Stephen Cheney wrote:

The exploits were an experiment in training people to make use of conditionals. That they just add precision and damage was to make them very easy to understand. I'm not sure they've had the desired effect, because they seem to be making people value them as a source of pure damage, when conditionals are generally for making good use of the other effects in the system.

So we may look at making them more varied in their conditionals rather than just incentivizing going for the biggest straight up damage numbers.

The issue with the ranged exploit, which seems to be the one that makes the min/max training fans the most upset (as it makes the whole "learn complicated game rules to be superior" exercise pointless) is the synergy with opportunity.

There is simply not a situation other than very first shot where a ranged fighter does not get opportunity as every enemy is either shooting, casting or running/charging. You always get opportunity. Hence the target having opportunity is effectively NOT a conditional for ranged fighters it is a normal state.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Whoah. Mind = blown.

No wonder long bow exploit beats short bow exploit six ways from Sunday! Once combat begins, everything triggers it!

Edit: Well, not everything. There are some times when monsters stand still and beat on PCs, though usually not for long.


just kidding. That may very well be why people gravitate to longbows.

But what explains that the second most used weapon is the staff? I'm not talking enervating field buffs, but the folks who actually attack with it.

Is their basic exploit a sock rocker on a common conditional, or is it just that their trained cantrips rock out even at low levels, to offset their cloth armor? (bwahahahaha, cloth armor, that's a good one... sorry couldn't resist)

Because when I see people hunting and PvPing (in tier 1 gear) 80+% of them are fighting with longbows and staves.

Goblin Squad Member

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Not always. Some attacks that cause opportunity will also interrupt your attack, like all the bandit archers do. It can be very difficult, sometimes impossible, to take out higher-level knights before your stationary shots slow you down enough to get hit (not to mention how many attacks in the game slow you). Also, ogres can do ranged attacks without provoking opportunity. And enemies often fail to provoke opportunity when running after you, though that may be a bug. And as for PVP, like Sspitfire said, anyone spamming an interrupt has nothing to fear from basic longbow exploit.

interrupts are indeed the counter.

Goblin Squad Member

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Grace, there are no basic attacks for staff/wand/focus, they're all purchased with XP. And until they add in armor penalties, you can wear plate armor and use a staff... which does close-range massive damage that is well offset in my opinion by cloth armor, but with heavy armor is definitely OP.

Capitalocracy wrote:
Grace, there are no basic attacks for staff/wand/focus, they're all purchased with XP. And until they add in armor penalties, you can wear plate armor and use a staff... which does close-range massive damage that is well offset in my opinion by cloth armor, but with heavy armor is definitely OP.

I'm shocked, shocked I say, to discover players gravitating to overpowered builds! ;-)

Please ignore the longbow on my back. :-)

Actually I'm taking longbow far higher, so the basic exploit will soon(?) be immaterial to my build.

Now if only I had an AoE.

Goblin Squad Member


Oooh, do we have one? I've spent so much time on my gathering character I haven't fully looked into my combat character's choices.

Goblin Squad Member

LOL I have no idea!

Must crowd forge feat named Valley of Volleys.

Self explanatory.


Goblin Squad Member

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Staff can be useful for taking down large numbers of low-level mobs, which is why they added the cooldown, but I don't know if it's necessary. Compare Wraith's Cry to Whirlwind: they cost the same stamina, Whirlwind does 3x damage and Wraith's Cry does 3.8, so Wraith's Cry does higher. Whirlwind is a smaller area of effect. Wraith's Cry has a cooldown of 12, and Whirlwind of 2. Whirlwind can be used by someone in heavy armor, where Wraith's Cry will in the future do much less damage if you're wearing heavy armor... without numbers, one could guess it will end up doing similar or less damage than Whirlwind in armor. It will also cost ammunition while Whirlwind will not. The armor limitation and ammunition I think would be enough to make up for the extra damage and slightly larger area without having to add a cooldown, at least not as large as they have.

What it comes down to with longbow exploit for me is that a massive damage "kill it before it kills you" strategy is an easy one to figure out, and is always the first strategy to get criticized as overpowered. Stunning someone into oblivion will be the second strategy to get criticized, as it's annoying. But is it actually overpowered? I'm not so sure.

Goblin Squad Member

The Half Draw Interrupt is great way for new folks to help, 200+ damage not so much.

All the weapons have a decent splat key, but that and ranged seems to strong, and I am a bow man.

Would like to see it toned down and the XP abilities increased.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

Stephen Cheney wrote:

The exploits were an experiment in training people to make use of conditionals. That they just add precision and damage was to make them very easy to understand. I'm not sure they've had the desired effect, because they seem to be making people value them as a source of pure damage, when conditionals are generally for making good use of the other effects in the system.

So we may look at making them more varied in their conditionals rather than just incentivizing going for the biggest straight up damage numbers.

Try fixing them to have less base damage boost and more stacking debuff.

Goblin Squad Member

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Savage Grace wrote:

But what explains that the second most used weapon is the staff? I'm not talking enervating field buffs, but the folks who actually attack with it.

Is their basic exploit a sock rocker on a common conditional...?

There are no Basic Attacks for Staff, Wand, or Focus; you can't use them unless you spend XP first.

Goblin Squad Member

The basic longbow exploit being the preferred attack with a T2 +0 bow (when you have opportunity) seems a bit off...

Goblin Squad Member

What a pity if they would take away the extra damage on exploit when you correctly use the conditional.

Some may know that I think most State---->conditional follow up attacks are *way* too short in their state-duration, as well as weak in the effect you get when you follow up succesfully.

Exept with " Opportunity ---> Exploit. So I finally managed to find a use for one of my Manouvers which causes 1 round of Opportunity and Flatfooted. When I am shooting with my bow, and one of these baddies closes in on me, I now use this Manouver, and then finish him off with exploit. I do this with red and orange mobs that have come in melee distance.

We only get to use spells and manouvers once during combat (again, weak-sauce) but at least I have found this one combo that I can actually work with, and feel like I am being powerful when I do the right tings.

If you would take away the extra damage of Exploit and only leave the weak-sauce Precision and other conditionals on them, I will stop using that too.

With all the Countdowns and cooldowns, and "once per combat" and "5 second duration buffs and debuffs" and "10 Oblivious"(oooh, minus 5 to attack) I constantly feel like a total gimp in this game.

Need more empowerment for combat in this game, not less.

I agree with Phyllains overall premisse though, exept that i would say: use the Opportunity-->Exploit effect as a baseline for empowerment and pull Expendables, Utilities (ugh, more 5-second weaksauce)and Buff/debuff durations to the same level of empowerment.

Why can we use Expendables only once? If people want to burn through their power in 2 fights, then let them. This creates choices and options. Also, what's with the 2-hour cooldown on camps? Again, extremely restrictive.

Stephen, step away from the spreadsheets and open a can of Fun.

Goblin Squad Member

LeeSw wrote:

The Half Draw Interrupt is great way for new folks to help, 200+ damage not so much.

A new character spamming half draw interrupt can pretty much face off against a red ogre and eventually kill it if they find one out on its lonesome.

Goblin Squad Member

Tyncale wrote:

What a pity if they would take away the extra damage on exploit when you correctly use the conditional.

Some may know that I think most State---->conditional follow up attacks are *way* too short in their state-duration, as well as weak in the effect you get when you follow up succesfully.

Exept with " Opportunity ---> Exploit. So I finally managed to find a use for one of my Manouvers which causes 1 round of Opportunity and Flatfooted. When I am shooting with my bow, and one of these baddies closes in on me, I now use this Manouver, and then finish him off with exploit. I do this with red and orange mobs that have come in melee distance.

We only get to use spells and manouvers once during combat (again, weak-sauce) but at least I have found this one combo that I can actually work with, and feel like I am being powerful when I do the right tings.

If you would take away the extra damage of Exploit and only leave the weak-sauce Precision and other conditionals on them, I will stop using that too.

With all the Countdowns and cooldowns, and "once per combat" and "5 second duration buffs and debuffs" and "10 Oblivious"(oooh, minus 5 to attack) I constantly feel like a total gimp in this game.

Need more empowerment for combat in this game, not less.

I agree with Phyllains overall premisse though, exept that i would say: use the Opportunity-->Exploit effect as a baseline for empowerment and pull Expendables, Utilities (ugh, more 5-second weaksauce)and Buff/debuff durations to the same level of empowerment.

Why can we use Expendables only once? If people want to burn through their power in 2 fights, then let them. This creates choices and options. Also, what's with the 2-hour cooldown on camps? Again, extremely restrictive.

Stephen, step away from the spreadsheets and open a can of Fun.

I agree the durration of buff/debuffs is waaay to short and also they should all work on pc's and npc's equally so that players who have not engaged in pvp will have a clue.

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