Zoronarn's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

I was under the impression they were aiming to be villains from the start.

Goblin Squad Member

Healer Squishies>Damage Squishies> Others

Goblin Squad Member

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It sounds as though this type of spawning mechanic might be interesting to intentionally implement in portions of the world that are intended to be extremely dangerous.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, on the flip side, Wizards aoeing enemy formations should prove potent once the game develops.

Goblin Squad Member

Longbows conditional damage is too powerful, especially because of the decent damage number, 'suffer'(fighter +10 on enemy opp) and one of the rogue feature as currently implemented.

Hitting for 200 damage on an opportuniti'ed target is fun though, if incredibly unbalanced.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, coal is tier 1 too, and everyone needs lots of that..

Goblin Squad Member

If possible, you may want to set up multiple regional king of the hell designation points. As someone who's based primarily out of the south east, I at least, would prefer not to run that far.

Goblin Squad Member

You can extremely very rarely find T2 recipies on yellow mobs.

Goblin Squad Member

As someone on ogre mountain in the south east, i can verify that all ogres seem to have a stun. Edit: A ranged stun that is their roar. They might as well be yeti's breathing ice though.

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
Shaibes wrote:
Conceptually, I disagree with MOBS dropping recipes.

Imagine if we kept the killing part, but put in who might "really" have the recipes. Every town's crafting halls would be perpetually empty, as the NPCs running them would be slaughtered each time some poor apprentice was stupid enough to take up his master's profession :-).

We'd have to Crowdforge an "invention" system, or some such, as the risks to life and limb would prevent any NPC from ever touching a recipe, much less developing one or--Ghod forbid--writing it down.

We could have bosses like forgemaster garfrost!

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Shaibes wrote:
Conceptually, I disagree with MOBS dropping recipes. If one assumes our trainers are sufficiently proficient to be training us in higher skill levels, it should be reasonable to assume that they themselves would be able to train us in higher-tier recipes. I could even see having to quest for a super awesome T3 recipe known only to a lone hermit crafter deep in the wilderness somewhere who demands a heavy toll for his knowledge... but random drops? No, that doesn't make sense to me.
It's a conceit to cover over the fact that this is a game. There need to be incentives for adventurers to go out and kill mobs, and those incentives need to include things that are valuable and sought-after by Crafters.

While I do agree that there needs to be incentives, perhaps later on once the game is more stable, a transition to trading trophy's of particularly strong mobs to designated NPC's for recipes might fit better flavorwise.

Alternatively, a discovery system would also be nice... but that's all far future.

Goblin Squad Member

I think it would be hilarious to have a high leveled wizard in the future have his or her own wizard tower and have other players raid it for loot.

Goblin Squad Member

I think that the best thing to do at the moment is see how it plays out, as bludd mentioned earlier, there are ways to retaliate should one get killed, and some of the mentioned methods of retaliation could be pretty devastating, assuming they don't get abused.

Goblin Squad Member

Before i post further, i need a check up on current S & D mechanics. As far as I'm aware, it amounts to basically stopping a traveling player and either getting some % of what that player is carrying, or initiating combat with a criminal flag, right?

Or is it something that is currently in a nebulous area where it may not be implemented depending on how banditry works out in EE?

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
Zoronarn wrote:
Reading through some of this stuff makes me wonder if it would be possible to add infamy or 'negative' reputation, where upon if a player gets a high enough infamy, they start geeting npc bounties on their heads, and once they. Get to x point, npcs will actively start sending out bounty hunters.

There is a player based bounty system. You can hire a bounty hunter to kill someone who has "harmed" you (they show up on your enemies list).

You can also hire an assassin to kill anyone you wish. This is of course going to be quite expensive.

You can finally, place a Death Curse on someone. This will cost you some of your reputation, but should they be killed by you, you will have access to some (or all, I forget) of their threaded gear.

Retribution in any of its forms is a meaningful human interaction.

Yes, I remember these aspects of retribution, but i was thinking along the terms of having meaningful interaction among npc's as well. Most of the later posts in this thread seem ( and call me out if i'm wrong) scared about S & D being a griefing tool ( in its current form, anyway). What i was thinking is with an infamy system, you get an additional way of interaction with npcs, and that could open ways of both punishment and reward. E.G, at a certain infamy, you have a bounty on your head, and can't enter some towns without being disguised, but some NPC's react to you differently; if there are npc caravan's, they're more likely to give you what you want if you S &D them, or if there are NPC run shady establishments, you can get things cheaper etc.

Essentially, giving people benefits and drawbacks for being a bandit, besides just having all the glorious pvp for profit. Or maybe i'm in over my head, regardless, should be interesting to see how the game actually plays out.

Goblin Squad Member

Reading through some of this stuff makes me wonder if it would be possible to add infamy or 'negative' reputation, where upon if a player gets a high enough infamy, they start geeting npc bounties on their heads, and once they. Get to x point, npcs will actively start sending out bounty hunters.

Goblin Squad Member

I'd love to either to take either Gorum (War, fighters, glory of combat) or Irori (self perfection)

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