Why Summoner is a Broken Class

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Celanian wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

I am not assuming anything. I am just giving an example. The point is that many full casters get their party to "wipe up" stage, and conserve spells. It might take 3 spells, but the point does not change.

The problem is that you said "The sorcerer pretty much needs to cast a spell every round to be effective.", but that is not true at all. It is a false statement for sorcerers, wizards, druids, clerics, witches, and probably arcanist also. I simply countered it by saying how a sorcerer can be effective without casting every round, and not its not theory craft. No, I am not saying that every spell cast will overcome SR or will overcome every save. I am only saying that your statement is false. The pit spells can be cast in round one and basically end a fight, as an example.

Put it this way, if there is credible opposition on the field, the sorc needs to cast to be effective. You seemed pretty blithe about the spells ending the fight the first 2 rounds. With a summoner, if the spells end the fight early, great. If they don't, then they can forgo spells and tear the opposition apart with ease.

For the last time the 2 rounds was just an example. I wont repeat it again and all being a class built around spells it makes sense that it primarily get by on spells just like wizards (best class in the game). And stop moving the goalpost. First the sorcerer needs to cast every rounf. Now the argument is that a class based around spells relies on spells. As long as someone is decent at choosing spells this is a nonissue.

So once again it does not matter if it is 2 rounds or 6 rounds. The point remains the same.

Now stop focusing on the number of rounds. It was never the focal point.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

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Of some relevance, Jason Buhlman has blatantly referred to the Summoner as "the most horribly twisted and broken thing in the game" (jump to 24:45), and they're aiming to release a fixed version. So that counts for something.

Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

They can, but it is a 1 round casting time and a 1 minute duration.

I do use this for my mounted summoner, but MAN it is a PAIN. Almost not worth it, especially since it makes the eidolon easier to hit without a commensurate natural armor or HP boost.

This is mostly a style choice, for which you pay a hefty premium.

I disagree. The Summoner already has better action economy than most other classes in the game, and thanks to its numerous natural attacks and comparative expendability, the eidolon is better able to leverage the benefits of the spell than most other characters.

Ughbash wrote:

There is a difference between what is the best for a party and what is best in arena. Point value also makes a difference (usually I play at 25 points so less of a differnce) at 15 points it would be harder to even come close.

Still at 20 points a basic ordinary sword and board fighter. I did not take traits but *shrug* only "unusual" thing is race (angel blooded aasimar) the rest is straight out of Core.

Level 5 Fighter angel-blooded Assimar

Str 18 (10)
Dex 16 (7) +1 level 4 stat increase
Con 14 (5)
Wis 10
Int 10
Cha 10 (-2)

HP 10 +(4d10) + 10 (con) +5 (Favored class) = 47
AC: 30
Damage +12 (D6) +10

(1) Dodge
(F1) Arcane Strike
(f2) Weapon Focus Scimitar
(3) Shield Focus
(F4) Weapon Specialization (scimitar)
(5) Improved Shield Bash (does nothing but setting up for two weapon fighting later)

Equipment: 10135
Full Plate +1 (2650)
Heavy Steel Shield +1 (1170)
Amulet Natural Armor +1 (2000)
Ring Protection +1 (2000)
+1 Scimitar (2315)

Not having haste from party mates really hurts this character. While haste would change the Synthesists from 4 attacks to 5 (25% more) it would double the attacks of the fighter.

Still fighter hits Eidolon on a 16 17 18 19 or 20.

Eidolon hits fighter on a 20.

Which helps to counteract a lot of the damage difference. Would still probably put money on the Eidolon but a close fight. With haste (commonly cast by party members) I think the fighter might win.


+2 Str (2)
Limbs Arms (2)
Claws (1)
Improved Damage Claws (1)
Improved natural armor X2 (2)
Energy Attacks (2)

Feats: Power attack, Arcane Strike, and +1 evolution.

Take half-elf for favored class benefit to get another +1 evolution.

Your build is a gimmick build specifically designed to fight an eidolon. It's nowhere near as good as the synth for general adventuring and against a general assortment of CR appropriate foes. But even with this build, the synth simply doesn't power attack and it's still a one-sided battle. And if the synth casts a few spells such as evolution surge or haste, the fighter loses even quicker.

Nice try though. A good way to get a very high AC.

wraithstrike wrote:
Celanian wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:

I am not assuming anything. I am just giving an example. The point is that many full casters get their party to "wipe up" stage, and conserve spells. It might take 3 spells, but the point does not change.

The problem is that you said "The sorcerer pretty much needs to cast a spell every round to be effective.", but that is not true at all. It is a false statement for sorcerers, wizards, druids, clerics, witches, and probably arcanist also. I simply countered it by saying how a sorcerer can be effective without casting every round, and not its not theory craft. No, I am not saying that every spell cast will overcome SR or will overcome every save. I am only saying that your statement is false. The pit spells can be cast in round one and basically end a fight, as an example.

Put it this way, if there is credible opposition on the field, the sorc needs to cast to be effective. You seemed pretty blithe about the spells ending the fight the first 2 rounds. With a summoner, if the spells end the fight early, great. If they don't, then they can forgo spells and tear the opposition apart with ease.

For the last time the 2 rounds was just an example. I wont repeat it again and all being a class built around spells it makes sense that it primarily get by on spells just like wizards (best class in the game). And stop moving the goalpost. First the sorcerer needs to cast every rounf. Now the argument is that a class based around spells relies on spells. As long as someone is decent at choosing spells this is a nonissue.

So once again it does not matter if it is 2 rounds or 6 rounds. The point remains the same.

Now stop focusing on the number of rounds. It was never the focal point.

YOU seem to be the one moving the goal posts. You declared that the greater number of spell slots was a major advantage for sorc. I was showing that it wasn't as much advantage as you claim since the summoner has quite a few effective actions that don't involve spells and then YOU started going on about 2 rounds. I was pointing out that 2 rounds wasn't sufficient for many fights and now you say it doesn't matter if it is 2 rounds or 6. It matters quite a bit since if you cast for 6 rounds, that spell slot advantage goes away pretty rapidly.

Celanian wrote:


+2 Str (2)
Limbs Arms (2)
Claws (1)
Improved Damage Claws (1)
Improved natural armor X2 (2)
Energy Attacks (2)

Feats: Power attack, Arcane Strike, and +1 evolution.

Take half-elf for favored class benefit to get another +1 evolution.

Your build is a gimmick build specifically designed to fight an eidolon. It's nowhere near as good as the synth for general adventuring and against a general assortment of CR appropriate foes. But even with this build, the synth simply doesn't power attack and it's...

Yes, it is somewhat gimmicy, and yesit was crafted for the Eidolon but would work in a regular group also. However the challenge was prtty much set up as build a Martial who could fight the Eidlon. Mine COULD have been optimized more (for example I am not at all using Improved shield bash) so could ahve left off one of his feats.

Not power attacking lets the Eidolon hit on a 19 or 20 instead of just a 20 his alter person to small size would let him increease his to hit by 1, and change it so even wihtout power attack you need a 20. Again HASTE is your big advantage over him. You are also better againt mooks. The only REALLY gimmicky part of the character was taking Aasimar as a race so the 5 points of Acid resistance would negate your energy attack most of the time.

Is a synthesists summoner strong? YES
At level 5 will it beat a pure melee? PROBABLY
Does it TOTALLY DOMIMATE every other character? No.

I think Synthesists are strong characters but do not consider them broken.

In a 5 point game they would be INCREDIBLE and DOMINATE!!!!
In a 100 point game people would say useless.
As I thikn I said I usually play 25, I consider them to be strong but not overpowering, in PFS which is 20 point buy they would be a little stronger.

Also if it did not come across, I think what you put together was a very nice build. I may try it one day.

If you read the challenge, it was to build a martial who could do as well as the synth in a party vs a typical selection of CR appropriate foes. Your fighter fails in that regard because damage is so low that most CR appropriate monsters will ignore him to attack squishies in the back.

The synth doesn't even have to go toe to toe vs your fighter. It could do something like evo surge wings to fly, then cast enlarge person in safety, then go to ground and evo surge a trample. Then just trample the fighter to death. With spells, there are all sorts of ways of beating the fighter cheaply with minimal risk.

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The problem with summoners isn't the summoner. The problem is and will always be the player and/or the gm. The only time its the gm's fault is if he lets the player play a summoner without knowing about the summoner rules and not pulling an offending player aside and fixing any problems. All other blame lies on the player. Because the summoner is so fluid, if the player's eidolon build is a problem. The player needs to fix it. If the player is taking to long then the player needs better organization and plans stuff better. If he is being a douche and not allowing other players their fun, chances are he would do it with other characters. As far as a fighter not being as good as an eidolon. A fighter cant be banished. A fighter will have more hitpoints and more feats. A smartly built and played fighter will have less problems facing an adversary played intelligently by a gm.

Celanian wrote:

If you read the challenge, it was to build a martial who could do as well as the synth in a party vs a typical selection of CR appropriate foes. Your fighter fails in that regard because damage is so low that most CR appropriate monsters will ignore him to attack squishies in the back.

The synth doesn't even have to go toe to toe vs your fighter. It could do something like evo surge wings to fly, then cast enlarge person in safety, then go to ground and evo surge a trample. Then just trample the fighter to death. With spells, there are all sorts of ways of beating the fighter cheaply with minimal risk.

For IN a party against typical CR foes I would defintely build differently most likley an archer. Yes I realize with magic there are a lot of things any caster can do to trash a melee.

However MOST if not you but other posters were saying someone post a melee who can hold its own agianst the Eidolon. Heck one even suggested since I mentioned 6 is a break point for melee to send a level 6 melee against your Eidolon.

My fighter while he WOULD work best in a group was designed for by himself.

BTW on a side point do you know off hand if evol surge, was nerfed the same way paragon surge was? Just due to the similarity.

Finally if the idea is to be a melee with party support againt CR equivalent foes... Would you care to pick half a dozen appropriate fights and say what the party buffs should consist of?

I THOUGHT I was expected to build a melee to fight (more or less) straight up against the Eidolon. If the challenge is not that please clarify exactly what you want the melee to do in comparison to your Eidolon and what outside resources are available from group members?

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Rogar Stonebow wrote:

The problem with summoners isn't the summoner. The problem is and will always be the player and/or the gm. The only time its the gm's fault is if he lets the player play a summoner without knowing about the summoner rules and not pulling an offending player aside and fixing any problems. All other blame lies on the player. Because the summoner is so fluid, if the player's eidolon build is a problem. The player needs to fix it. If the player is taking to long then the player needs better organization and plans stuff better. If he is being a douche and not allowing other players their fun, chances are he would do it with other characters. As far as a fighter not being as good as an eidolon. A fighter cant be banished. A fighter will have more hitpoints and more feats. A smartly built and played fighter will have less problems facing an adversary played intelligently by a gm.

I don't really buy that at all.

1) "It's the player's faultfornot letting other people have their turn":
Really? It's the player's fault that the class chassis is so potent and adaptable that he can participate in nearly everything as well as or better than the classes who specialize in it? I don't think so, especially not given the number of times I've seen new players create one these super builds almost on accident.

2) "It's the GM's fault for not pulling Billy aside and telling him to play nice":
It might be the GM's fault for letting the Summoner in in the first place, but I won't fault him for asking his player to condescend to his fellow players and play down at their level. While a player might be frustrated that he brought the sum total of his system mastery to bear and is still getting out-performed by a wide margin, I know many who would be downright offended at someone "letting" them have a turn. "Come here little Fighter, I softened one up for you. Want me to hold him so you can hit him a few times?"
3) "A Fighter can't be banished":
Nearly as ridiculous as "a wizard can't cast spells in an antimagic zone". Totally aside from the fact that isn't even a level appropriate option in the first half of the game, how many spells actually can simulate a banish effect? 3? 5? Out of literally thousands of spells if you include 3pp options. That's like saying a level 5 half-elf paladin who can deal 1,000 points of damage a round is fine because the GM should be using nothing but Rangers with Favored Enemy: humanoid (elves) and elf-bane arrows. There's also the fact that the Summoner can bring him right back with summon eidolon, making him even stronger by being able to apply his feats like Augment Summoning to the eidolon.

4) "A Fighter will have more hit points":
No, he won't. The summoner can pick up rejuvenate eidolon spells and even feed his own hit points to the eidolon.

5) "A smartly built and played fighter will have less problems facing an adversary played intelligently by a gm":
No, he won't. The eidolon has evolutions granting him innate flight, unique attack options, even SLAs. He also has a near full-caster class feature called the Summoner, so he's infinitely more able to adapt and overcome.

Ughbash wrote:

For IN a party against typical CR foes I would defintely build differently most likley an archer. Yes I realize with magic there are a lot of things any caster can do to trash a melee.

However MOST if not you but other posters were saying someone post a melee who can hold its own agianst the Eidolon. Heck one even suggested since I mentioned 6 is a break point for melee to send a level 6 melee against your Eidolon.

My fighter while he WOULD work best in a group was designed for by himself.

BTW on a side point do you know off hand if evol surge, was nerfed the same way paragon surge was? Just due to the similarity.

Finally if the idea is to be a melee with party support againt CR equivalent foes... Would you care to pick half a dozen appropriate fights and say what the party buffs should consist of?

I THOUGHT I was expected to build a melee to fight (more or less) straight up against the Eidolon. If the challenge is not that please clarify exactly what you want the melee to do in comparison to your Eidolon and what outside resources are available from group members?

A good selection of CR appropriate monsters might be:

Babau demon fighter or rogue 1
Hill Giant
Huge Earth Elemental
Frost Drake
Flesh Golem
2 mummies
Bearded Devil Barbarian 2

Feel free to suggest other iconic CR 7 enemies.

Let's say the rest of the party is a level 5 cleric, sorcerer, and ranger.

The arena fight is amusing, but the fighter stands no chance and it doesn't really tell us anything that we didn't know already.

Celanian wrote:

YOU seem to be the one moving the goal posts. You declared that the greater number of spell slots was a major advantage for sorc. I was showing that it wasn't as much advantage as you claim since the summoner has quite a few effective actions that don't involve spells and then YOU started going on about 2 rounds. I was pointing out that 2 rounds wasn't sufficient for many fights and now you say it doesn't matter if it is 2 rounds or 6. It matters quite a bit since if you cast for 6 rounds, that spell slot advantage goes away pretty rapidly.

I told you the number of rounds was not the focal point BEFORE my last post. Now either you missed it or you chose to ignore it. Now maybe I should have not used a specific number but you have not done a great job of getting your point across either.

The summoner has a higher floor than a sorcerer but I still think the sorcerer has a higher ceiling. I say that because I don't need to plan as much to avoid a sorcerer single handedly owning an encounter if I intend for it to be difficult. The master summoner might require more work but one archetype does not define a class.

As for this martial vs frontline summoner debate we should assume they have a party with them and run them vs several opponents. Levels 5 and 11 might work. In order to avoid system mastery everyone should look over the builds to suggest better ideas and to avoid things such as the martial forgetting to buy ammo or the summoner not having evolution X when it makes since for him to have it.

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Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

I can't imagine a bigger waste of time than adversarial analysis of Pathfinder.

PvP tells you basically nothing about how the game plays in a campaign setting.

Well, yes and no. I'm going to jump out and say that PvP is not something that I encourage in my games in the least, however when you get right down to it, the entire game is PvP.

You see, realistically speaking, monsters and players are generally following the same rules. It's not like in games like World of Warcraft where you have different mechanics vs the computer and other players. When you fight a creature it has statistics just like you. It has a role just like you. All NPCs are run by a human mind so there is no "aggro" system (that awful Antagonize feat be damned).

For me specifically, it's irrelevant to me if the eidolon can out-damage a Fighter or whatever, but what is relevant to me is that between the eidolon, the summoner, and his minions, he can fill every role in the party, often better than anyone else. He also lacks certain innate weaknesses of other classes with comparable purpose.

As others have pointed out, while a sorcerer might cast more spells per day, the summoner doesn't need to. He can cast the spells that are needed and he and his eidolon, his summons, and so forth can take it from there.

The funny thing is, despite how grossly overpowered the summoner is I don't actually mind them. Their spell list bugs me more than anything else.

wraithstrike wrote:
As for this martial vs frontline summoner debate we should assume they have a party with them and run them vs several opponents.

This is the key disparity.

Summoners provide more to the party and can single class party pretty well. Sorcerers not so much.

Undone wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
As for this martial vs frontline summoner debate we should assume they have a party with them and run them vs several opponents.

This is the key disparity.

Summoners provide more to the party and can single class party pretty well. Sorcerers not so much.

What!? No really what? Since when does Summoner have Heroism on their list? Transmutations? Abjurations (ok they have a couple)? Divinations? Dazing Super High DC spells? Ya, no. Sorcerers contribute *way* more to the party then a Summoner if they want to.

Put together quickly so not fully optimized.

Human Fighter 2 handed weapon archetype
str 22 (13) +2 racial +1 level 4 +2 belt
Dex 14 (5)
Con 14 (5)

Int 7 (-4)
Wis 10
Cha 10

AC 23 (24 if hasted but yes I consider this low)
HP 10 +(4d10) + 10 (con) +5 (Favored class) = 47
When Power attacking +12 (d8+20) (assuming haste and bless +14 to hit)

1 Dodge
H Weapon Focus Naginata
F1 Improved Unarmed Strike
F2 Power Attack
3 Dragon Style
F4 Weapon Specialization
5 Combat Reflexes


Equipment: 10085
Full Plate +1 (2650)
+1 Naginata (2335)
Belt of GIant Strenth +2 (4000)
Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000)
Potion of Enlarge Person x2 (100)

Notes has reach so on medium sized opponents he gets an attack as they come in.
COmbat reflexes so up ot three attacks of opportunity even if flat footed.
Can charge through difficult terrain and allies due to dragon style.

Side Note one: Crits are RARE, and can not be counted on... but one crit will one shot almost all of those encounters (84 -112 damage).
Side note two: landing those crits are FUN!!!!!

Anzyr wrote:
What!? No really what? Since when does Summoner have Heroism on their list? Transmutations? Abjurations (ok they have a couple)? Divinations? Dazing Super High DC spells? Ya, no. Sorcerers contribute *way* more to the party then a Summoner if they want to.

Summoners get Heroism as a level 3 spell. What they lack is an effective number of spell slots which is a major issue when facing things that their summons don't handle well like incorporeals or things with heavy DR.

Summoners also don't have access to an FCB giving them extra spells known.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ssalarn wrote:
Bretl wrote:

I'm no expert at melee builds so I will not be going there.
Then how can you possibly have a conversation about the power of a summoner and his eidolon if you don't know about 1/2 the factors involved?

Let me try that again.

I'm no expert at melee builds, so I will not be going there. I can build something better than the pregens, but I haven't spent the time figuring out exactly what the best feat choices are for the various melee build types.

On the other hand, I have been playing a Summoner -- no archetypes on it. I've hated not having Obscuring Mist or Fog Cloud to shut down archers. I've found that not getting Waterbreathing and Fly until 7th level really can be a problem. I was even more annoyed when I found out that Air Bubble isn't on their list.

I've also hit situations when the Eidolon goes down but not dead. Hello empty round as it takes a standard action to dismiss.

Now, how much of an expert are you at Summoner?

Ashiel wrote:
Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

I can't imagine a bigger waste of time than adversarial analysis of Pathfinder.

PvP tells you basically nothing about how the game plays in a campaign setting.

Well, yes and no. I'm going to jump out and say that PvP is not something that I encourage in my games in the least, however when you get right down to it, the entire game is PvP.

I tend ot agrere wiht Lincoln...

However I posted the first fighter at level 5 in response to the following post:

Rhedyn wrote:

OK, put together a level 6 martial that beats the level 5 eidolon.

Anzyr wrote:
Undone wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
As for this martial vs frontline summoner debate we should assume they have a party with them and run them vs several opponents.

This is the key disparity.

Summoners provide more to the party and can single class party pretty well. Sorcerers not so much.

What!? No really what? Since when does Summoner have Heroism on their list? Transmutations? Abjurations (ok they have a couple)? Divinations? Dazing Super High DC spells? Ya, no. Sorcerers contribute *way* more to the party then a Summoner if they want to.

Uh, summoners have always had heroism on their list. Though heroism IS unusual because it's still a 3rd level spell instead of a second level spell =P

Though they do get greater heroism as a 5th level spell. (Edit: Just like bards do.)

You can look at the compiled summoner list over here.

The summoner list isn't as extensive as sorcerer/wizard, but it is by no means a weak spell list. You should probably actually look at it before claiming "summoners can't do _____" =P

(A sorcerer should catch up, and eventually surpass, a summoner as support around 8th level or so, because the sorcerer WILL have more staying power, etc.)

Paizo Employee Design Manager

BretI wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
Bretl wrote:

I'm no expert at melee builds so I will not be going there.
Then how can you possibly have a conversation about the power of a summoner and his eidolon if you don't know about 1/2 the factors involved?

Let me try that again.

I'm no expert at melee builds, so I will not be going there. I can build something better than the pregens, but I haven't spent the time figuring out exactly what the best feat choices are for the various melee build types.

On the other hand, I have been playing a Summoner -- no archetypes on it. I've hated not having Obscuring Mist or Fog Cloud to shut down archers. I've found that not getting Waterbreathing and Fly until 7th level really can be a problem. I was even more annoyed when I found out that Air Bubble isn't on their list.

I've also hit situations when the Eidolon goes down but not dead. Hello empty round as it takes a standard action to dismiss.

Now, how much of an expert are you at Summoner?

Enough of one to recognize that the eidolon gets flight as a 5th level evolution so the summoner gains access to unlimited flight at the exact same level as the wizard gets it for a few minutes per day, and before the sorcerer gets it at all. Enough of one to know that Gills is a 1 point 1st level evolution. Enough of one to know that the eidolon can learn obscuring mist as a Minor Magic evolution if I want it. So, a bit more of one than some, it would seem.

Celanian wrote:
I'm kinda surprised that nobody has posted a level 5 martial so far. Level 5 should be easy to slap together.

Some of us have things like work that need to be taken care of. Xp

That said I'm working on a few things. My martial builds have a habit of turning out... weird, and I don't think we want to compare the Synth with the guy built to dual-wield longbows.

Also probably doesn't help that I'm literally building six different things (Fighter, Cavalier, Paladin, Warpriest, Inquisitor, Magus). Of the six Magus is basically done-- have to do items but that's it-- but the rest are in various stages of conception.

Experimental rigor is a cold-hearted b&$%% sometimes, isn't she?

Anzyr wrote:
What!? No really what? Since when does Summoner have Heroism on their list? Transmutations? Abjurations (ok they have a couple)? Divinations? Dazing Super High DC spells? Ya, no. Sorcerers contribute *way* more to the party then a Summoner if they want to.

Dazing spell is extremely powerful and yet STILL inferior to simply killing the target.

I'd also like to point out that access to dazing black tentacles for a pitiful 14k at level 7 is something that is simply unparalleled for a long time for the sorcerer and at spell level 3 it's a measly -1 to the save DC. The early spell access to magic also vastly improves spell recall at 4k a pop for a haste with some 3rd level spells being in range of lesser rods which completely changes the dynamic. Especially quicken and dazing rods which are far stronger to the summoner than any sorcerer could ever hope for.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ssalarn wrote:
Enough of one to recognize that the eidolon gets flight as a 5th level evolution so the summoner gains access to unlimited flight at the exact same level as the wizard gets it for a few minutes per day, and before the sorcerer gets it at all. Enough of one to know that Gills is a 1 point 1st level evolution. Enough of one to know that the eidolon can learn obscuring mist as a Minor Magic evolution if I want it. So, a bit more of one than some, it would seem.

Flight for the Eidolon is nice. If you want to bring along the Summoner at 5th level they have to be size small, the Eidolon would need the mount evolution, and either you increased the Eidolon's strength (total of 5/8th of evolutions) or used Ant Haul via page of spell knowledge or spells known to allow it.

Gills doesn't allow the summoner to breath water until 10th level.

I admit that I hadn't noticed that the Minor Magic including Obscuring Mist as an option. I read through those evolutions when I got Ultimate Magic, but missed that detail. It is sort of expensive for a once a day ability, but still I'll have to think on that.

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Rhedyn wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Eidolons' (and summoners') saves are pretty bad without gear, though. Even with Greater Heroism. That's basically the only reason the shared item slots are a pain in the ass.
I've done this math. The Bidped Eidolon still has better saves than the fighter with some summoner buffs.

Well... "Better than a Fighter" is not exactly impressive... And by being biped, they lose access to pounce.

Ashiel wrote:
The funny thing is, despite how grossly overpowered the summoner is I don't actually mind them. Their spell list bugs me more than anything else.

Yeah... I really, really hate their spell list. A revised spell list and revised point-cost for their evolutions (Pounce is 1 point, but Weapon training costs 2? See in the Darkness costs 3? WTF?) would most likely be enough for me.

Well... Evolution costs and the Race Builder do consistently show that Paizo is really freaking bad at calculating point-based build systems...

Lemmy wrote:
Rhedyn wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Eidolons' (and summoners') saves are pretty bad without gear, though. Even with Greater Heroism. That's basically the only reason the shared item slots are a pain in the ass.
I've done this math. The Bidped Eidolon still has better saves than the fighter with some summoner buffs.
Well... "Better than a Fighter" is not exactly impressive... And by being biped, they lose access to pounce.

IMHO: Pounce is a bad ability. You either devolve your game into rocket tag or the GM throws encounters at you where you can't pounce/full-attack. At best you unbalance the game. At worst you are effectively weaker.

Ughbash wrote:

AC 23 (24 if hasted but yes I consider this low)
HP 10 +(4d10) + 10 (con) +5 (Favored class) = 47
When Power attacking +12 (d8+20) (assuming haste and bless +14 to hit)

Not terrible. Might do better than the synth vs the babau due to 10 DR that neither side can penetrate without using a lesser weapon. Depends on what the rest of the party can bring to the fight. Then again, the babau can cast darkness at will and dispel magic so the haste has a very good chance of getting dispelled. The fighter can't function in darkness whereas the synth has no problems.

If the babau summons another babau, the fighter is in real trouble. He can't kill one of them quickly enough to keep them from flanking and sneak attacking him to death unless he gets really lucky on a crit. He'd better hope that his buddies rescue him fast. The synth in the same situation would still have a high enough AC that hits will be relatively rare. He'll still probably lose to 2 babaus, but he can buy plenty of time for his comrades to fix the situation.

For all the other encounters on the list, I think the synth is objectively better in every way. Higher AC, more HP, more damage, and spells to fall back on in case the situation can't be resolved by melee. Plus more mobility since he doesn't wear heavy armor.

The one advantage that the fighter does have is that if he gets very lucky with a crit, he can kill off one of the teleporting types before they can escape.

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Rhedyn wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Rhedyn wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Eidolons' (and summoners') saves are pretty bad without gear, though. Even with Greater Heroism. That's basically the only reason the shared item slots are a pain in the ass.
I've done this math. The Bidped Eidolon still has better saves than the fighter with some summoner buffs.
Well... "Better than a Fighter" is not exactly impressive... And by being biped, they lose access to pounce.
IMHO: Pounce is a bad ability. You either devolve your game into rocket tag or the GM throws encounters at you where you can't pounce/full-attack. At best you unbalance the game. At worst you are effectively weaker.

The fact that the GM can invalidate an ability doesn't mean it's weak. Otherwise, literally every single ability in the game is weak. There is not a single ability that the GM can't nullify with a little creativity and a mean disposition.

It's no more rocket tag than any other full attack. The only difference is that the Eidolon is doing the opening full attack, instead of taking it after making a single attack.

Never understood the problem with Pounce, really... Why does the GM have a problem with the character moving and full attacking but not with the player losing most of his damage after moving 10ft and simultaneously being forced to eat a full attack from the opponent?

Besides, Eidolons have access to flight, which makes it really easy to find a charge lane. And even if they can't pounce, all they lost is 1 evolution point. Difficult terrain is really easy to bypass, and affects enemies just as badly as it does the Eidolon.

Undone wrote:
Anzyr wrote:
What!? No really what? Since when does Summoner have Heroism on their list? Transmutations? Abjurations (ok they have a couple)? Divinations? Dazing Super High DC spells? Ya, no. Sorcerers contribute *way* more to the party then a Summoner if they want to.

Dazing spell is extremely powerful and yet STILL inferior to simply killing the target.

I'd also like to point out that access to dazing black tentacles for a pitiful 14k at level 7 is something that is simply unparalleled for a long time for the sorcerer and at spell level 3 it's a measly -1 to the save DC. The early spell access to magic also vastly improves spell recall at 4k a pop for a haste with some 3rd level spells being in range of lesser rods which completely changes the dynamic. Especially quicken and dazing rods which are far stronger to the summoner than any sorcerer could ever hope for.

Black tentacles is not a great choice for dazing. The save only applies if the tentacles actually do damage and the cmd of anything you likely care about quickly out paces your bonus.

Lemmy wrote:
Rhedyn wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Rhedyn wrote:
Lemmy wrote:
Eidolons' (and summoners') saves are pretty bad without gear, though. Even with Greater Heroism. That's basically the only reason the shared item slots are a pain in the ass.
I've done this math. The Bidped Eidolon still has better saves than the fighter with some summoner buffs.
Well... "Better than a Fighter" is not exactly impressive... And by being biped, they lose access to pounce.
IMHO: Pounce is a bad ability. You either devolve your game into rocket tag or the GM throws encounters at you where you can't pounce/full-attack. At best you unbalance the game. At worst you are effectively weaker.

The fact that the GM can invalidate an ability doesn't mean it's weak. Otherwise, literally every single ability in the game is weak. There is not a single ability that the GM can't nullify with a little creativity and a mean disposition.

It's no more rocket tag than any other full attack. The only difference is that the Eidolon is doing the opening full attack, instead of taking it after making a single attack.

Never understood the problem with Pounce, really... Why does the GM have a problem with the character moving and full attacking but not with the player losing most of his damage after moving 10ft and simultaneously being forced to eat a full attack from the opponent?

Besides, Eidolons have access to flight, which makes it really easy to find a charge lane. And even if they can't pounce, all they lost is 1 evolution point. Difficult terrain is really easy to bypass, and affects enemies just as badly as it does the Eidolon.

The Eidolon's pounce is, of course, much worse than any other PC's pounce because it's available at level 1. It'd be much less ridiculous if it was level-locked to 10 like every other non-wildshape means of obtaining pounce in the game.

Arachnofiend wrote:
The Eidolon's pounce is, of course, much worse than any other PC's pounce because it's available at level 1. It'd be much less ridiculous if it was level-locked to 10 like every other non-wildshape means of obtaining pounce in the game.

Except the Master of Many Styles, who can get it at 2nd.

Or the Sohei, who can get it at 2nd.

Or the Magus, who can get pseudo-Pounce (30' range, extra attack thrown in at a notable bonus, requires a 2nd level spell slot) at 4th.

Ssalarn wrote:
Rogar Stonebow wrote:

The problem with summoners isn't the summoner. The problem is and will always be the player and/or the gm. The only time its the gm's fault is if he lets the player play a summoner without knowing about the summoner rules and not pulling an offending player aside and fixing any problems. All other blame lies on the player. Because the summoner is so fluid, if the player's eidolon build is a problem. The player needs to fix it. If the player is taking to long then the player needs better organization and plans stuff better. If he is being a douche and not allowing other players their fun, chances are he would do it with other characters. As far as a fighter not being as good as an eidolon. A fighter cant be banished. A fighter will have more hitpoints and more feats. A smartly built and played fighter will have less problems facing an adversary played intelligently by a gm.

I don't really buy that at all.

1) "It's the player's faultfornot letting other people have their turn":
Really? It's the player's fault that the class chassis is so potent and adaptable that he can participate in nearly everything as well as or better than the classes who specialize in it? I don't think so, especially not given the number of times I've seen new players create one these super builds almost on accident.

2) "It's the GM's fault for not pulling Billy aside and telling him to play nice":
It might be the GM's fault for letting the Summoner in in the first place, but I won't fault him for asking his player to condescend to his fellow players and play down at their level. While a player might be frustrated that he brought the sum total of his system mastery to bear and is still getting out-performed by a wide margin, I know many who would be downright offended at someone "letting" them have a turn. "Come here little Fighter, I softened one up for you. Want me to hold him so you can hit him a few times?"
3) "A Fighter can't be banished":
Nearly as ridiculous as "a wizard can't...

I forget that being a douche is ok for some people. I can take any class and play it in a way that it is not fun for anyone else. Just because you can be a douche doesn't mean you should. I never said anything about softening up the baddies so you can take the kids out. If you are playing in a group with other people, and you are doing everything and not giving them a chance to do it... well Your a douche and shouldn't be playing with others. It has nothing to do with the class but with the kind of person you are.

kestral287 wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
The Eidolon's pounce is, of course, much worse than any other PC's pounce because it's available at level 1. It'd be much less ridiculous if it was level-locked to 10 like every other non-wildshape means of obtaining pounce in the game.

Except the Master of Many Styles, who can get it at 2nd.

Or the Sohei, who can get it at 2nd.

Or the Magus, who can get pseudo-Pounce (30' range, extra attack thrown in at a notable bonus, requires a 2nd level spell slot) at 4th.

Or archers... Who can full attack from great distances.

Or casters... Who can teleport as a move action and still cast 2 spells, all in the same round.

Besides, at levels 1-5, everyone using a 2-handed weapon has "Pounce".

Here's a 6th level eidolon I threw together in a few minutes.

Base Form: Quadruped [Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; bite, limbs (legs) (2).]

Adjustments for level: +2 Str, +2 Dex, +4 natural armor, Darkvision, link, share spells, evasion (as rogue except without restrictions), devotion (+4 morale bonus vs enchantments)

Ability Boost: +1 Con

Evolution Points = 9 (10 w/ half-elf)
Chosen Evolutions
* Limbs (2) = 4
* Flight = 2
* Improved Natural Armor = 1
* Pounce = 1
* Minor Magic = 1
Total = 9. If half-elf, add INA again.

Feats: Arcane Strike, Multiweapon Fighting, Weapon Proficiency [morning star]

Your Eidolon
HD: 5d10+10 (37 hp)
AC: 21, touch 13, flat 18 (+8 natural, +3 dex)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +1; +4 vs enchantments
Defensive Abiltiies evasion, devotion
Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee 4 moring stars +6 (1d8+3) or 2 longspears +6 (1d8+4/x3) and bite +1 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks arcane strike (1 swift; +1 to damage and all attacks count as magic)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 3rd, +3 Concentration)
1/day -- One spell chosen from the following list: burning hands, comprehend languages, cure light wounds, detect chaos/evil/good/law, magic missile, obscuring mist, silent image, vanish [APG] (self only), or ventriloquism.
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
BAB +5; CMB +8; CMD 21
Skills -- 20 skill points (divide as pleased)

Paizo Employee Design Manager

BretI wrote:
Ssalarn wrote:
Enough of one to recognize that the eidolon gets flight as a 5th level evolution so the summoner gains access to unlimited flight at the exact same level as the wizard gets it for a few minutes per day, and before the sorcerer gets it at all. Enough of one to know that Gills is a 1 point 1st level evolution. Enough of one to know that the eidolon can learn obscuring mist as a Minor Magic evolution if I want it. So, a bit more of one than some, it would seem.

Flight for the Eidolon is nice. If you want to bring along the Summoner at 5th level they have to be size small, the Eidolon would need the mount evolution, and either you increased the Eidolon's strength (total of 5/8th of evolutions) or used Ant Haul via page of spell knowledge or spells known to allow it.

Or I took the Undersized Mount feat from the ACG. Female elf, half-elf, or human can ride a flying quadruped just fine at 5th level with no special spells, options, or evolutions. Also, synthesist has no restrictions on flight.

BretI wrote:

Gills doesn't allow the summoner to breath water until 10th level.

Non-issue for synthesist. Only an issue for the core summoner if it's an extended aquatic adventure where I can't just quickly scout the forward sections with the eidolon and then swim through. Also, UMD is a thing, and the Summoner is well suited to use it.

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Or, hell, if you want to go all out on a natural attack eidolon that just smashes things and doesn't solve its own problems or get fancy, you can provide its flight yourself when you hit 7th level (because summoners can cast it, for some reason). Also, arcane strike is in question depending on your GM's stance on FAQs=Errata (or even if they go out of their way to read them or know the FAQ exists to begin with), since it requires you to be able to cast arcane spells to qualify, which SLAs don't normally fulfill.

Aside, the Mount evolution literally does nothing. A creature doesn't need a special ability to be usable as a mount. There aren't even any size restrictions on it, just carrying capacity tends to be an issue for things that aren't quadrupeds (although riding a creature ill suited to be a mount imposes a -5 penalty on ride checks). A human can ride a pony just fine.

Form: Quadruped (+2 natural armor, good fortitude/reflex, bite, 2x limbs [legs])
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Qualities: +2 Str/Dex, +4 natural armor, darkvision 60 ft, link, share spells, evasion, devotion

Evolutions (9 points; +1 for Extra Evolution)
Claws (1)
Pounce (1)
Improved Natural Armor x2 (2)
Gore (2) (The interaction with Max. Attacks and taking an evolution that grants two attacks is unclear; otherwise take Claws again)
Ability Increase [Str] x2 (4)

Wrecking Eidolon
hp: 42 (5d10+10 plus 5)
AC: 24, touch 14, flat 20 (+10 natural armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +1; +4 vs enchantments
Speed 40 ft
Melee bite +10 (d6+5), gore +10 (d6+5), 2 claws +10 (1d4+5)
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
BAB +5; CMB +10; CMD 23
Feats Dodge, Toughness, Power Attack (boiler plate feats)
Skills 20 ranks, class skills are Bluff, Craft, Knowledge (planes), Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth + 4 more.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rogar Stonebow wrote:
I forget that being a douche is ok for some people.

But they aren't being a douche, they're just playing how the class is geared to play, which ends up having the same results as if they were being a douche.

Paizo Employee Design Manager

Rogar Stonebow wrote:
I forget that being a douche is ok for some people.

Playing a mechanically superior character isn't being a douche, and your sweeping statement is probably the most ignorant and offensive thing I've seen someone post lately. I've seen many players show up at the table and steam-roll encounters both on and off the battlefield by accident. As first or second time players they just went with the summoner because it was cool and followed the natural flow of choices. I've also noted earlier that it's just as offensive for many people to be played down to. Do you really think people at the table don't know when you're condescending and allowing them to participate? Most people I know don't want to be allowed to participate by another character, they want their game designers to preserve a certain level of niche protection and not make classes that they (the designers) themselves think are the most twisted and broken thing at the table.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aratrok wrote:
Or, hell, if you want to go all out on a natural attack eidolon that just smashes things and doesn't solve its own problems or get fancy, you can provide its flight yourself when you hit 7th level (because summoners can cast it, for some reason). Also, arcane strike is in question depending on your GM's stance on FAQs=Errata (or even if they go out of their way to read them or know the FAQ exists to begin with), since it requires you to be able to cast arcane spells to qualify, which SLAs don't normally fulfill.

I openly admit that I hope a swarm of people start arcane striking everything in pathfinder society because they have some SLAs. I need this. I want to watch the FAQ burn in a fire. =P

Ashiel wrote:
Aratrok wrote:
Or, hell, if you want to go all out on a natural attack eidolon that just smashes things and doesn't solve its own problems or get fancy, you can provide its flight yourself when you hit 7th level (because summoners can cast it, for some reason). Also, arcane strike is in question depending on your GM's stance on FAQs=Errata (or even if they go out of their way to read them or know the FAQ exists to begin with), since it requires you to be able to cast arcane spells to qualify, which SLAs don't normally fulfill.
I openly admit that I hope a swarm of people start arcane striking everything in pathfinder society because they have some SLAs. I need this. I want to watch the FAQ burn in a fire. =P

i see nothing wrong with the fact that the FAQ opens up item creation feats and arcane strike to non-casters, i merely dislike the fact that it limits martial characters to like less than 15 races.

Ssalarn wrote:
Rogar Stonebow wrote:
I forget that being a douche is ok for some people.

Playing a mechanically superior character isn't being a douche, and your sweeping statement is probably the most ignorant and offensive thing I've seen someone post lately. I've seen many players show up at the table and steam-roll encounters both on and off the battlefield by accident. As first or second time players they just went with the summoner because it was cool and followed the natural flow of choices. I've also noted earlier that it's just as offensive for many people to be played down to. Do you really think people at the table don't know when you're condescending and allowing them to participate? Most people I know don't want to be allowed to participate by another character, they want their game designers to preserve a certain level of niche protection and not make classes that they (the designers) themselves think are the most twisted and broken thing at the table.

There is a difference between playing down to, and playing in a manner that doesn't demasculate other players and still be a productive member. The point I make is that one can recognize the situation where they are taking all of the fun and to make slight changes. Then when the chance is available, make slight changes to the evolution choices.

This is the level 8 version of the synthesist. It's pretty nasty. Again, mage armor, arcane strike, and power attack are embedded into the stat blocks.

Evolutions are:
Large (4)
Limbs arms (2)
Claws (1)
Improved natural armor X2 (2)
Improved damage claws (1)
Rend (2)
Energy Attacks (2)

Some nice options I could do are:

Replace energy attacks with winged flight
Replace +1 evolution feat with combat reflexes and replace energy attacks with Reach evolution or +8 perception evolution
Replace energy attacks with another pair of arms which will use a +3 large steel shield. The amulet of mighty fists would downgrade to +1. I can add ring of protection +1 as well for a final AC of 36.

Unnamed Hero
Half-elf summoner (synthesist) 8 ( Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 54, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 80)
Large humanoid (elf, human)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +12
AC 30, touch 10, flat-footed 29 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +14 natural, +2 shield, -1 size)
hp 67 (8d8+24) +51 temp (118 total)
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +14 (+4 morale bonus vs. Enchantment spells and effects); +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune sleep
Speed 40 ft.
Melee 2 claws +16 (2d6+19+1d6 acid), 2 claws +16 (2d6+19+1d6 acid)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws, 2d6+20+1d6 acid)
Summoner Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +13)
8/day—summon monster IV
Summoner (Synthesist) Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +13)
3rd (3/day)— black tentacles , dispel magic , evolution surge APG (DC 18)
2nd (5/day)— lesser evolution surge APG (DC 17), haste, invisibility, summon eidolon APG
1st (6/day)— enlarge person (DC 16), long armACG, mage armor , protection from evil , lesser rejuvenate
0 (at will)— detect magic , light, mage hand , mending, message, read magic
Str 32, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 20
Base Atk +6; CMB +16; CMD 29
Feats Arcane Strike, Extra Evolution UM, Improved Natural Attack (claw), Power Attack
Traits indomitable faith, resilient
Skills Acrobatics +1 (+5 to jump), Fly +10, Perception +12, Spellcraft +13, Use Magic Device +16; Racial
Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elven, Infernal
SQ arcane training, devotion, elf blood, fused eidolon, fused link, maker's jump, shielded meld
Other Gear amulet of mighty fists +2 , belt of giant strength +4 , cloak of resistance +1 , 150 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as
magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Arcane Training +1 CL for spell trigger/completion items for favored class, or use them as if 1st level.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Devotion +4 (Ex) +4 morale bonus on Will Saves vs. Enchantments.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Energy Attacks (Acid) (Ex) Your natural attacks deal 1d6 additional energy damage.
Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save.
Fused Eidolon A synthesist summons the essence of a powerful outsider to meld with his own being.
The synthesist wears the eidolon like translucent, living armor. The eidolon mimics all of the synthesist's movements, and the synthesist perceives through the eidolo
Fused Link (Su) Starting at 1st level, the synthesist forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the
temporary hit points from his eidolon would be reduced to 0, the summoner can, as a free action, sacrifice
any number of his own hit points. Each hit point sacrif
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Maker's Jump (1/day) (Sp) At 6th level, whenever the synthesist is fused with his eidolon, the synthesist
can cast dimension door as a spell-like ability using his caster level. This ability only affects the fused synthesist and eidolon. The synthesist can use this abi
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Shielded Meld (Ex) At 4th level, whenever the synthesist is fused with his eidolon, he gains a +2 shield
bonus to his Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on his saving throws. This ability replaces shield ally.
Summon Monster IV (8/day) (Sp) Standard action summon lasts minutes, but only 1 active at a time
and can't use with eidolon.

Dark Archive

Gregory Connolly wrote:
I think summoners are fine, but I do have issue with their spell list being robbed by other classes. I just houserule that when pulling spell list shenanigans you have to use the Wizard/Cleric/Druid level and only get to use the Bard or Summoner level if it doesn't exist higher level somewhere else.

Oh yeah, I allow any class to research any spell, but if it's not naturally on your list then you must research it as the HIGHEST level that it is for whatever classes. So like a bard wanting to learn Anti-Magic Field must learn it as a 8th level spell, not as a 6th level sorcerer/wizard.. which I just realized that means a bard can't learn Anti-Magic Field... I'm okay with that.

(I do NOT allow research to give an unlimited spells known... though I've been wondering... I'll start a thread about that... see what people think)

I just read through this.. thinking about using a summoner for a 3 person party (they're two casters, so melee me and melee edolon might be nice; 2 is the most i'm willing to play).
I saw people asking if the first world summoner was any better. why do people thin kit is? As near as I could tell it was just half the stats of a normal edoleon, (i'm honestly not sure what it's suppose to be used for).

So, out of curiousity whatsup with that archetype?

First World gets a few niche-useful summons (pugwumpis), but people like to read between the lines of its ability to make it sound better than a first reading shows.

Basically the question is whether you assume that the text of its Summon Nature's Ally is all that there is to it, or if we assume the standard Summoner's restrictions and benefits apply. If we take the former case, we're back down to rounds/lvl, but it can be out alongside the Eidolon and can be stacked ala Master Summoner.

Zwordsman wrote:

I just read through this.. thinking about using a summoner for a 3 person party (they're two casters, so melee me and melee edolon might be nice; 2 is the most i'm willing to play).

I saw people asking if the first world summoner was any better. why do people thin kit is? As near as I could tell it was just half the stats of a normal edoleon, (i'm honestly not sure what it's suppose to be used for).

So, out of curiousity whatsup with that archetype?

Everything is fine up till you read that they can summon Pugwampis. Combine that with some save or sucks and you've got a nasty nasty Summoner.

kestral287 wrote:

First World gets a few niche-useful summons (pugwumpis), but people like to read between the lines of its ability to make it sound better than a first reading shows.

Basically the question is whether you assume that the text of its Summon Nature's Ally is all that there is to it, or if we assume the standard Summoner's restrictions and benefits apply. If we take the former case, we're back down to rounds/lvl, but it can be out alongside the Eidolon and can be stacked ala Master Summoner.

Yes it requires reading in-between the lines to get James Jacobs interpretation.

The bigger question is cast time. Player SLA's default to spell time, while monster SLAs default to standard actions.

Rhedyn wrote:
Player SLA's default to spell time, while monster SLAs default to standard actions.

Really? since when?

I thought all SLAs were standard actions unless specifically mentioned otherwise.

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My experience with a player using a Summoner:
The Eidolon did respectable damage, but then so did the Inquisitor in the party. The difference became apparent when they fought a Tripuasura. The DR 5/cold iron or good turned the Eidolon into the damage equivalent of a BB gun, while the Inquisitor powered through it.

The player of the Summoner was unimpressed by around level 7, and decided to switch to a Sorcerer, which was both more effective against enemies and more helpful to the party.

I can't help but be slightly mystified when people go on about how overpowered the Summoner is.

Rhedyn wrote:

Yes it requires reading in-between the lines to get James Jacobs interpretation.

The bigger question is cast time. Player SLA's default to spell time, while monster SLAs default to standard actions.

Uh... no. All spell-like abilities have a standard action casting time unless otherwise noted.

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