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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ghost Moon Bow
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 36,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
This +1limning ghost touch long bow looks to be made of pearl and is intricately carved with symbols of hunting and stalking. It glows with the same ghostly silvery light that it outlines its targets with. It allows the wielder to cast faerie fire three times a day. In addition, once the bow has outlined a target through either its faerie fire or limning[/1] ability the bow’s wielder always knows their location, and can target them. The arrows ignore all cover including full cover, concealment, and solid walls. Arrows fired at an outlined target are treated as incorporeal except they can move completely through solid objects larger then themselves. The arrows count as an incorporeal attack for purposes of ignoring armor bonuses. These arrows cannot go through [i]walls of force or similar force effects.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire, true strike, plane shift; Cost 18,000 gp

Mark Seifter Designer , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

Re "once per combat": If it's bad design, then it made its way into the APG's cavalier class. I think that opens things up for potential superstar use and shouldn't be discounted just for using it. That said, the items that use it probably have to pack some major mojo. But I guess that is a given for any item.
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:But did you notice those are not magic items? An encounter could be an RP scene, trap, haunt, or etc. Thus a limit usage is needed.Re "once per encounter": Parting Shot is clearly meant for a combat. For Anthony's item I would say it's probably meant for combat as well, but if a trap drops some fire on you then why not let them half the damage and split off into a simulacrum?
Anyway, it's interesting to see what's a taboo mechanics usage despite published precedent. Definitely an interesting difficulty curve in this competition.
Unfortunately, there's published precedent for a lot of things that aren't good design. That's one reason why the "maybe for a book of items, but not Superstar" comment exists.

DounArsena Dedicated Voter Season 8 |

These were just my thoughts during voting:
Corpse Thicket Javelin - This was on my DVF list. Evil GM: Last night i turned the party into walking shrubberies. Yeah, I made sure they couldn't remove the corpse thicket javelins quickly. Now if they take them out they die. They spent about an hour arguing about how to trim themselves. +1 wooden javelin. Price/cost incorrect.
Thanks for the feedback! I definitely was going for leaving the players in a living bonsai tree conundrum.
What's "DVF" stand for?
From my understanding, the cost would be:
300gp: Masterwork Item
2000gp: +1 enhancement
200gp: (Spell level 1)(Caster Level 4)(50gp for single use, use-activated spell) This is a one-and-done weapon
Total: 2500gp
Price would be 5000gp

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hi all! Like last year I will be reviewing every item placed in this thread, mostly one whole page at a time. I keep my reviews short and to the point: what was good and why I think it didn’t make it. I usually only take a few lines to do this, so don’t expect in depth analysis. My point is to explain only that which made me up-vote and/or down-vote each item. I will say this: imagery is king for me, way beyond mechanics. You may have the most balanced item out there and if the imagery doesn’t resonate with me, I won’t be likely to up-vote you unless it’s against something even worse.
OK, let’s start with all the items on page one:

JJ Jordan |

Unfortunately, there's published precedent for a lot of things that aren't good design. That's one reason why the "maybe for a book of items, but not Superstar" comment exists.
True enough. I guess since there are only a few instances of these cases in published form then that should serve as a red flag.

Brother Fen Star Voter Season 8 |

Sidereal Blade
Aura strong evocation; CL 14th;
Slot none;Price 24,250; Weight 4lbs.
Of extra-planar make, a sidereal blade carries a series of crystal runes along the surface of the blade representing the line of heavenly bodies in the solar system. A sidereal blade performs as a +1 ghost touch longsword and does double damage vs outsiders. Developed for use across the Great Beyond, a sidereal blade can be placed in a pocket dimension as a free action and then withdrawn by the wielder at any time or place by visualizing the runes of the blade as a move action.
Once per round, on a successful hit, a sidereal blade opens a dimension door that throws the opponent back 10ft in the opposite direction of the wielder; a DC 20 Will save negates the effect. On a critical hit, the wielder chooses whether to triple the distance of the [/i]dimension door[/i] or change the target destination to any square within 15ft.
Once per day, a sidereal blade slices between the planes opening a dimension door with a range of 200ft.
Requirements craft magic arms and armor, plane shift, dimension door, creator must be neutral; Cost 12,500
Have at it.

Kiel Howell RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka theheadkase |

Thanks all for the comments so far on my chrysalis carapace.
I realized the pricing issue after I submitted, boo me. That was after multiple editing phases.
As for the common comment on the last power, it was a very subtle reference to the fact that the definition for the word chrysalis is
A hard case that protects a moth or butterfly while it is turning into an adult.
On further introspection I definitely could have chosen a better power to get that point across, but thank you again all of you who have commented on it.

JJ Jordan |

This item didn't have mojo but had something else... like an overwhelming cuteness. Tons of flavor that was written really well and incorporated into its mechanical usage. It also was, maybe?, the lowest cost item in the pool which got it major points from me. But that leads into...
I think the low price is misleading. I believe, but am probably wrong, that a continual effect of the Virtue spell is probably in the 2,000 gp range and a single use of sending is in the 1,500 gp range. Maybe the situational usage of the sending drops the price some.
Anyway, I thought this would make its way into the Top 32 and it looks like it was very close.
I hope to see you in the mix next year.

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Grandmaster's Plate - Didn't like activation or limitations. Price/cost incorrect.
Thank you and everyone else for your comments. I realized probably after the cull that this was probably going to have wondrous item/not armor abilities problems that I didn't realize at first. Thomas when I first read the Price/cost incorrect, I though that can't be right. I was so confident that I had gotten that part right, but then I went back and checked and realized that when I increased the price in a latter draft, I forgot to increase the cost, oops!
I'll try to get some commenting done on other people's items when I have a bit more time.
Again thank you everyone for you comments.

The Golux Star Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8 |

Staff of Entwined Elements:
Not a bad staff, but once again we are dealing with imagery that isn’t inspiring. There has to be a cool visual for me to really like an item and this one falls a little short.
Ironically, imagery was one of the things I really thought about here, with the symbolism of the materials and the color-changing elemental flame. I even tried to pick spells that were iconic enough but also would look cool in different forms and function in different enough ways to make it cool and useful, but I kind of ran out of room for flavor text...

Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |

Feros wrote:Ironically, imagery was one of the things I really thought about here, with the symbolism of the materials and the color-changing elemental flame. I even tried to pick spells that were iconic enough but also would look cool in different forms and function in different enough ways to make it cool and useful, but I kind of ran out of room for flavor text...Staff of Entwined Elements:
Not a bad staff, but once again we are dealing with imagery that isn’t inspiring. There has to be a cool visual for me to really like an item and this one falls a little short.
Yeah I think you were in a "too much of a good thing" place. To get across the imagery you would have needed more words than allowed or found a way to describe it better within the 300 word limit.

Isaac Volynskiy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Petty Alchemy |

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Living Copperthread Net: I liked this item a lot and it usually got an up-vote from me. However, once again the imagery didn’t grab me; it came across as sort of like the flying carpet from Disney’s Aladdin with the tassel hands and I couldn’t get that image out of my head. So it wasn’t in my Top 32
The flying carpet from Aladdin was something my Pit-crew pointed out. I laughed and went with it.
Thank you so much for liking the net! And thanks for the upvotes! ^.^ I'll rock something awesome next year and be more mindful of imagery.

RJGrady |

Corpse Thicket Javelin
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 4th
Slot none; Price 5000 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
While some battlefields may be dotted with rust and decay, druids mark their victories with new growth. This +1 wooden javelin is made of still living wood. Upon wounding creature, the javelin begins to take root and will begin to deal 1d6 damage per round for 2d4 rounds. While this occurs, the javelin begins to root into their flesh and grow around their body, causing the creature to gain the entangled condition. A creature may make a Strength check (DC 16) to free themselves from being entangled, but the javelin is still rooted in them unless it is pulled out, which deals 1d4 damage for each round it grew. The javelin will only grow if it enters the flesh of a corporeal creature. After growing, the javelin becomes a young tree, 3 feet tall. A creature, Large or smaller, that has let the javelin complete its growth gains the exhausted condition and now is carrying an additional 10 lbs.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, entangle; Cost 2500 gp
It's a magic weapon but doesn't work anything like one. I have a hard time picturing this kind of investment for a single kill. Also, it only does about 5d6 damage. Ten pounds doesn't seem like a lot. Plant growth seems more logical than entangle. Because you have to cover the weapon part, this is ridiculously more expensive than using a wand of fireball or something. Talk about throwing money at the problem! What really bugs me is this: who would craft such an item and why? Putting a magic weapon and a consummable function together to me seems like strapping a bomb to a BMW. So, even though I don't see this item as wrong, per se, I voted it down a couple of times.
What this should really be is a spell or ointment that turns ordinary javelins into this.

Mlemke Star Voter Season 8 |

Hey Guys this was my entry. Please make me feel the learn!
Mithral Shirt of Concealment
Aura[b/] Faint Illusion and Transmutation; [b]CL 5th
Slot Armor; Price 21,800 gp; Weight 10 lbs.
At first glance this well-polished silver mithral shirt is just like any other - light and shiny. But if the shirt is gazed upon for a short period of time, it will appear to fade away and then return.
When activated the wearer of this+2 mithral chain shirt becomes surrounded by magic that makes their presence virtually undetectable and increases their speed. Those that are nearby notice nothing more than a light breeze picking up some leaves and dust.
Once a day for three rounds the character benefits from invisibility, gains 30 to her base speed, may make one additional standard action per round, and becomes inaudible as if the spell silence had been cast except that the effect only extends to the wearer and everything within one foot of her. If the wearer makes an attack or directly threatens any creature, all of the effects created by this ability end.
A character who wears the shirt gains a +5 competence bonus to Stealth and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. If the character loses her Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, she also loses the +1 bonus to dodge.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, haste, invisibility, silence Cost 10,900 gp
Oh and I've never been a part of this before so please if you comment please let me know so I can find it. I suppose if there is tool in place for that already then I bet I just sounded silly.

daemonaetea |
So, before I post my item, I read during the contest that the entire point of my item is a common "no no". So in general I'd kinda like to know why that is, besides the specific critique of this item.
Rings of Shared Power
Aura Moderate Evocation; CL 8th
Slot Ring; Price 35000 gp; Weight -
Rings of shared power are a pair of rings, each made of gold and silver entwined, and cherished by close comrades. When worn, these rings allow two willing allies to share their power with each other. Each chooses a single class feature and transfers it to the other. If the class feature normally allows access to multiple abilities, one of them must be chosen. For instance, bardic performance can give inspire courage or fascinate. Each wearer calculates uses per day, DC, and other effects of the ability as if she had a number of levels in the class required equal to half her total level, or the level of the original bearer of the ability, whichever is lower, and using her pertinent ability modifiers. If only part of a class feature was given, such as a single bardic performance, uses per day are determined by the one giving the ability choosing how many uses per day to keep to use for other abilities, and how many are transferred. Spells may be shared, but only a single casting of a single spell. If a prerequisite ability is traded away, that person does not lose access to later abilities.
The rings only function as long as the bearers are within 1000 feet of each other and each is still living. If one of the bearers dies, or if the bearers go further than 1000 feet from each other they lose access to the ability they gained from the other. Abilities traded away always return at dawn, and cannot be regained before then.
Requirements Forge Ring, Imbue with Spell Ability, must be created by two casters working in tandem; Cost 17500 gp

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

JJ Jordan wrote:Unfortunately, there's published precedent for a lot of things that aren't good design. That's one reason why the "maybe for a book of items, but not Superstar" comment exists.Re "once per combat": If it's bad design, then it made its way into the APG's cavalier class. I think that opens things up for potential superstar use and shouldn't be discounted just for using it. That said, the items that use it probably have to pack some major mojo. But I guess that is a given for any item.
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:But did you notice those are not magic items? An encounter could be an RP scene, trap, haunt, or etc. Thus a limit usage is needed.Re "once per encounter": Parting Shot is clearly meant for a combat. For Anthony's item I would say it's probably meant for combat as well, but if a trap drops some fire on you then why not let them half the damage and split off into a simulacrum?
Anyway, it's interesting to see what's a taboo mechanics usage despite published precedent. Definitely an interesting difficulty curve in this competition.
Also one of the reasons I decided to share - a prime example that even checking what has gone before is no safety net :)

zefig Star Voter Season 8 |

I found out midway through voting that I didn't do my homework and a very similar item made it through in a past year. Still, I'd like to see what people thought.
Fraud's Rod Aura Faint Divination; CL 9th Slot none; Price 5800 gp; Weight 5 lbs. Description This gold-painted wooden roller for a scroll grants the user a +5 competence bonus to Use Magic Device checks to decipher or activate any scroll wrapped around it. Wrapping a scroll around the fraud's rod is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity and when wrapped in this way the scroll can be read and used normally. Once per day the bearer of the fraud's rod may attempt a Use Magic Device check to activate the first spell on a scroll wrapped around the rod without wielding the rod. The rod must still be in the user's possession but otherwise the skill check is made normally. If the user successfully activates the scroll, he appears to observers to cast the spell himself with innate spell casting power using appropriate verbal and somatic components. If the spell would normally require a material or focus component, observers may realize the deception with a DC 20 + spell level Spellcraft check. Construction Requirements Craft Rod, read magic, 5 ranks in Use Magic Device; Cost 2900 gp

Rasputin17 Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 |

Apparently got booted by the cull, which is just fine. People's opinions on my item would be more than welcome.
Broken Gambit Shield
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 5th
Slot shield; Price 10,750 gp; Weight 5-10 lbs.
This pathetic, broken +0 wooden buckler fools enemies into thinking the wearer an easy target. It has the broken condition while first worn (with an effective shield bonus to AC of +0). However, when the wearer is first struck in battle, the true nature of the shield’s ruse emerges. Each time the wearer is successfully hit by a melee attack (whether or not said attack does damage), the Broken Victim’s Shield grows in size and splendor, increasing its enhancement bonus by +1 up to a maximum of +3. The shield loses the broken condition after the first successful attack, gains the Impervious armor special ability and is treated as a heavy wooden shield upon reaching a +3 enhancement bonus.
Furthermore, for each and every attacker, after having successfully hit the wearer, must make a DC 15 Will saving throw in order to disengage from combat with the wearer as the urge to kill the wearer overcomes all sense. This is a mind-affecting effect. This save may be made each turn after the first while the attacker is still engaged in melee combat. The mind-affecting effect ends if the wearer withdraws or moves away from combat with the attackers, but the shield retains its enhancement bonus. Enemies may only be affected once per day but any new enemies that attack the wearer must save against the shield’s enchantment.
The Broken Victim’s Shield uses its abilities in one combat per day and reverts back to its initial broken state at the end of the combat in which it was used.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Amor, Compel Hostility (UC), Make Whole, creator must have 5 ranks in Bluff; Cost 5,375 gp

Isaac Volynskiy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Petty Alchemy |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Some more notes:
BLACK-AND-WHITE SWORD: Caps. This sword is a single +1 away from already overcoming cold iron/silver DRs. The flavor left me confused, why is it icy burst? Strange that there is a limit on charging/using, but not a max limit on charges.
Varisian Dancing Chain: As others have said, this item really wants to be mithral. The name does not tell me what I'm getting, I was expecting a spiked chain weapon, or even a wondrous item. The power is cool (sort of Panther Parry-ish), but since it can be used all the time it feels like a game changer. I would've preferred this item scaled up to mid, maybe upper mid tier.
Ring of Utmost Need: I liked it, useful, but as has been mentioned, power concerns on being able to stockpile these due to how cheap they are. Ironic considering the name, there is little reason to wear this ring continuously. Which makes it feel like a one-shot wondrous item that recharges after the adventure is over.
Cryohydra's Coil: On my high-five list (to elaborate I don't mean top five as I didn't make such a list, but I'd high five you if I saw you)
Skywalker's Cloth: The name killed it for me. Every time I saw this item I thought of Luke Skywalker.
Further elaborating: I'd high-five each and every one of you, any time, but not necessarily for your item.

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Ghost Moon Bow
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 12th
Slot none; Price 36,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.Description
This +1limning ghost touch long bow looks to be made of pearl and is intricately carved with symbols of hunting and stalking. It glows with the same ghostly silvery light that it outlines its targets with. It allows the wielder to cast faerie fire three times a day. In addition, once the bow has outlined a target through either its faerie fire or limning[/1] ability the bow’s wielder always knows their location, and can target them. The arrows ignore all cover including full cover, concealment, and solid walls. Arrows fired at an outlined target are treated as incorporeal except they can move completely through solid objects larger then themselves. The arrows count as an incorporeal attack for purposes of ignoring armor bonuses. These arrows cannot go through [i]walls of force or similar force effects.Construction
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire, true strike, plane shift; Cost 18,000 gp
Snowblossom, I want to apologize to you before presenting my critique. I just want to say, I have a very strong opinion of your item, and it's not one that many would consider too nice...I just want you to know that I'm not saying anything I wouldn't want said about my own item. This is the kind of critique I would want to hear from someone who genuinely did not like anything about my item.
So, I am sorry. Please, feel free to skip me over if you wish.
"This +1 limning..." Ooh!~ Limning! We don't see that often~!
"ghost touch longbow..." Ghost touch, eh? Hmm...SOMEONE hates invisible undead...
"...silvery light it outlines its targets with." Nice description! I can picture it!
"...Cast faerie fire three times a day." Okay, this person REEEAALLLYYY HATES incorporeal undead.
"Once the bow has outlined a target through either its faerie fire or limning ability..." Oh boy, here we go...
"the bow’s wielder always knows their location..." Okay, that's a little much.
"... and can target them." Um...'kaaaayyyyyy...*twitch*
"The arrows ignore all cover..." Wha...?
"...including full cover..." Gerk...wh...??
"...concealment..." >B(
"...and solid walls..." *Head explodes*
Can this...possibly get...
"Arrows fired at an outlined target are treated as incorporeal except they can move completely through solid objects larger then themselves." WHHYYY!? Ghost Moon Bow STAHP!!!
"The arrows count as an incorporeal attack for purposes of ignoring armor bonuses." My head hurts...
"These arrows cannot go through walls of force or similar force effects. If this is an attempt to balance this weapon...just...no.
How much does this cost again?
Price 36,000 gp ............................wh...?
What I see here is an item that effectively trivializes every encounter with incorporeal undead that was, is, and ever will be. And it FEELS, with every word, like it was designed by someone who wishes to take everything that is challenging about said incorporeal undead and chuck it into a thresher; as if they were wishing such rules didn't even exist.
I can not get behind any kind of item that essentially turns challenges over its knee and spanks them vigorously into submission. This item is no exception; especially since I feel that for what this item does, it is horrendously undercosted.
The description is well done, though. I was able to clearly picture the image of an archer wielding this. Your eye for design is there, but the apparent seething hatred for the invisible at this magnitude was a critical mis-step in this man's eyes.
Despite what I think, please be assured that there are a LOT of people out there that really liked your item. Matter of fact, I saw the Ghost Moon Bow on a number of people's personal top 32's. So, you are appealing to them, and we all see that you do have a knack for the design aspect of Pathfinder.
Regardless of my opinion on this individual item, I would definitely encourage you to enter in future years. Just be careful not to let harsh critiques get under your skin. Learn from them, and press forward.
If my review is bad form for critique, someone let me know and I will correct it. This is my first negative critique.

Dal Selpher |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mail of Ash Woven Ramparts
I don't have any really substantial critiques or suggestions regarding this armor, but I wanted you to know that it was my favorite out of everything I came across during the voting period. The only things that made me pause and consider how well it would function were the Overrun requirement and the fact that the fill-in effect can't be triggered unless the wearer has a movement speed of 35 or higher. (And a speed of 35 only nets one or two squares of 'fill-in').
That being said, this armor immediately evoked images of Charon's Claw, that sweet, smoky sword Artemis Entreri wields in so many Salvatore novels, and that grabbed my interest right away. I liked your armor so much that I added it into one of the games I'm GM'ing as a reward for one of my PC's.
And that PC, after he read the description, just dropped his jaw. He loves it, man. Just plain loves it!
And while I'm sure it's little consolation after missing the Top 32, I thought you'd like to know that your creativity specifically brought some added awesomeness and enjoyment to my gaming table.
Well done!

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Apparently got booted by the cull, which is just fine. People's opinions on my item would be more than welcome.
Broken Gambit Shield
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 5th
Slot shield; Price 10,750 gp; Weight 5-10 lbs.
This pathetic, broken +0 wooden buckler fools enemies into thinking the wearer an easy target. It has the broken condition while first worn (with an effective shield bonus to AC of +0). However, when the wearer is first struck in battle, the true nature of the shield’s ruse emerges. Each time the wearer is successfully hit by a melee attack (whether or not said attack does damage), the Broken Victim’s Shield grows in size and splendor, increasing its enhancement bonus by +1 up to a maximum of +3. The shield loses the broken condition after the first successful attack, gains the Impervious armor special ability and is treated as a heavy wooden shield upon reaching a +3 enhancement bonus.Furthermore, for each and every attacker, after having successfully hit the wearer, must make a DC 15 Will saving throw in order to disengage from combat with the wearer as the urge to kill the wearer overcomes all sense. This is a mind-affecting effect. This save may be made each turn after the first while the attacker is still engaged in melee combat. The mind-affecting effect ends if the wearer withdraws or moves away from combat with the attackers, but the shield retains its enhancement bonus. Enemies may only be affected once per day but any new enemies that attack the wearer must save against the shield’s enchantment.
The Broken Victim’s Shield uses its abilities in one combat per day and reverts back to its initial broken state at the end of the combat in which it was used.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Amor, Compel Hostility (UC), Make Whole, creator must have 5 ranks in Bluff; Cost 5,375 gp
For the price of this shield, I could instead just have a straight-up +3 heavy shield. For your item, I have to get hit 3 times before I reach that point. So, after I've gotten hit three times, it becomes the item I've already paid for. And then I have to do it all again next time.
The compulsion doesn't make sense with the theme of the item, and more importantly is kind of a non-ability; how often do enemies try to run away from you in your games? Or even if it works, that means I'm forcing people to keep attacking me when I've intentionally given myself a lower AC than I should have had. Why would I want that?I like the idea of a shield that tricks people, but the way you implemented it, I can't see any real incentive for getting this instead of a normal +3 shield. In fact, I feel like I'd be punished for doing so.

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Snowblossom, I want to apologize to you before presenting my critique. I just want to say, I have a very strong opinion of your item, and it's not one that many would consider too nice...I just want you to know that I'm not saying anything I wouldn't want said about my own item. This is the kind of critique I would want to hear from someone who genuinely did not like anything about my item.So, I am sorry. Please, feel free to skip me over if you wish.
** spoiler omitted **...
No worries, Brigg - I appreciate the input and for taking your time to critique it. Hearing different opinions only helps me grow, so thank you :)

Isaac Volynskiy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Petty Alchemy |

For the record, I liked Ghost Moon Bow, and we don't have solid proof that Brigg isn't a ghost himself (not to say his critique isn't valid!)
There should probably be a range limit on knowing an outlined target's location, unless it's meant to be a tracker dart on teleporting/planeshifting creatures.

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Brigg wrote:No worries, Brigg - I appreciate the input and for taking your time to critique it. Hearing different opinions only helps me grow, so thank you :)
Snowblossom, I want to apologize to you before presenting my critique. I just want to say, I have a very strong opinion of your item, and it's not one that many would consider too nice...I just want you to know that I'm not saying anything I wouldn't want said about my own item. This is the kind of critique I would want to hear from someone who genuinely did not like anything about my item.So, I am sorry. Please, feel free to skip me over if you wish.
** spoiler omitted **...
You're welcome. ^.^! Thank you for your gracious reply.

Thunderfrog Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

Here is where I'm at, through page 3!
My ranking scale. Top “x” (my own persoal ranking), Upper Tier (top 100), Middle Tier (should have at least made cull and was in the upper 50% of items), Lower Tier.
Windpath Razor: This one was one of my favorite weapons, and I loved the visual. I was afraid through, that it tread a little too closely to Yasuo from League of Legends, but I might have been reaching and at least the weapon wasn’t a katana. I think this was better than any of the earth breakers. - My top 16
Rod of Versatile Channeling: Considering this affects a scaling class ability, I thought it was too cheap. I also thought the reference to necromancer was vague. If I raise undead ever, am I a necromancer? If you meant the wizard specialist, you should have specified. - Lower Tier
Alchemists Retort: This was my favorite shield and I think it’s ridiculous it wasn’t in the top 32. I liked the concept and feel you got robbed, buddy. - My top 32
Enlightened Jian: I didn’t really like the name, or the fact it was a long-sword instead of something like a 9-ringed broadsword or a temple sword. Im also not a huge fan of reducing a monks MAD, and letting a wis-stacking monk do good damage and pick up air-walk for only 30k seemed a bit cheap to me. The formatting was good though. Middle Tier.
Mail of Ash Woven Ramparts: There was a lot happening in this item. I really liked most of it, but the overrun to get out of the ash confused me. Still, this armor was in my keep list. - My Top 32
Grave Nettle: I upvoted this one a few times. I liked the idea but didn’t know why it only animated human zombies, whent the weapon limits the hd zombies and doesn’t allow for templates like Juju Zombies. By the time I can afford a 16k dagger, CR ½ zombies aren’t worth it. Middle Tier
Staff of the Vinyard: I never saw this item. I don’t have time to double check, but the price seems a little low? I like the theme. It at least should have made the cull. The formatting and powers are very detailed. There’s no confusion in how it works. Middle-Upper Tier.
Azgahans Bloodthirsty Spear: Too much for too little. A +2 weapon is 8000gp. Adding a cumulative crit bonus and extra attacks for 1kgp seemed too much. Lower Tier.
Chrysalis Carapace: I had a love/hate with this one. I loved the first three lines. I hated the last paragraph, not because of the missing range, but because it was another item in the pile of “immediate action spellcaster-gib items.” Middle Tier.
Dirk of Treachery: I didn’t like many of the items that were priced as a +1 or +2, then became +5 or +6 weapon upon an easily filled condition. With a ring of invisibility or an improved invisibility spell, you’ve got a +5 weapon for under 20k. Lower Tier.
Monastic Staff: I never saw this one come up, and I made Marathon Voter. I would have preffered it have it’s weapon qualities for everyone using it, and making the spells available to people with ki pools. I also would have kept the spell abilities at level 8 (minimum for staff) and not tried to use character level as a way to boost it above that. I liked this more than Staff of the Vanara King, which I’m surprised even made the cull. Middle Tier.
Skewer Shield: The writing on this item was very stop and go. I didn’t like the visual of a small shield holding a greatsword in it either. Lower Tier.
Catapult Ring: The effect is neat, but I don’t like it being a touch attack on unwilling targets. Those are too easy to pull off and to be able to instantly throw something 60ft away with such a high degree of success was too much. There were a few times I would have upvoted this item (more than I did) if that had required a successful Combat Maneuver attack instead of a touch attack. Upper Tier
Living Copperthread Net: First time I read this I was like, “Where are the copper-heads?”. Anyways, it’s well written and cleanly done, and useful! But a net that grapples wasn’t super exciting for me. It took a second read for it to stick that it doesn’t something other than just grapple! It’s not that the item was bad, but in the process of reading so many entries, this one had a “poor skim”, if that makes sense. It also doesn’t help that it was almost always competing with another very good net. Middle Tier.
Shield of Compassionate Radiance: I was stingy with votes for items with very specific users. It kind of reminded me of a Lightwell from World of Warcraft, which isn’t a bad thing. Middle Tier.
Jailbirds Sweetheart: One of my favorite items. Activated with a kiss? Nice touch. It was also a pretty unique touch on the effect, and it’s cheap enough one could buy it as a backup or a quest tool at higher levels. I would have used a phrase other than “virtually begs”. Top 32
Ragathiels Regalia: There was a typo in this one, as well as a “uses per day” limitation that wasn’t really a limute. If you can use an item 5x per day for 5 minutes a pop, it’s hardly limiting. It was also priced a little strange, maybe high side? And the descriptive text over a bit too much. You shouldn’t have to explain that your item combines unlike forces, the reader should get that implication through their understanding of it’s mechanics. Lower tier.
Perpetual Vortex Staff: My issue with this item was that none of it’s effects are follow a standard pathfinder layout. The owner would be constantly referring to how it works in the book it would be printed in. The descriptive text was good and the price seemed on point. Lower Tier.
Raven Leather: I really liked this one a lot. Ravens swarms as you wrote them brought up good imagery, and it was smart to separate the travel/combat uses of the armor. Upper tier.
Coutier’s Solitare: I liked this one, and upvoted it several times. There was just nothing special about it other than it being a skill buff and auto-detecting stealth/invis, which was a detractor to me. Middle tier.
The Wing Smashers Hammer: I liked this one and made a comment on the “Items I’ve seen so far thread”, pointing out it was my favorite hammer of any type. It’s purpose is fairly singular, but it’s what I think of when I think of a specific weapon. Upper tier.
Staff of the Hidden Blade: I wasn’t a big fan of this one. I think the Monastic staff handled the effect this item wanted, but better. I didn’t like the ki-for-staff charges mechanic. Lower tier.
Staff of Entwined Elements: The wall o’ text with bad formatting kept me from really paying the attention to this item I should have. It was mechanically sound, but a bother on the eyes after hours of voting. The effect was also not terribly exciting, as the author suggests. Lower tier.
Honeycomb Cuirass: Props for using the word “Cuirass”! Anyways, I liked this one a lot, though the visual of a guy leaking honey was a little weird. I also didn’t know whbeing made of honeycomb didn’t affect the weight or the dex bonus of the armor. I thought the DC 19 was a bit steep, even a 10th level Fighter might struggle with that. Middle tier.
Deadeye’s Shepard: I saw this item sooooo maaaaanny tiiiiimes. It paired on my screen 23 times, so blame me for its lack of advancement. =( Anyways, the item itself bothered me in it’s formatting (the summoning should have been the final paragraph) and the number of things it was trying to do. It’s a club, a bow, a ranged bull-rush, + other things if you have a Ring of the Ram and it’s also a portable rhinocerous. Middle tier.
Rod of Ghost Teeth: I liked this rod, but thought the “beware!” was a bit corny. The storage/recharge mechanism was genius. I really thought this would be the top rod. I thought perhaps it was a tad undercost. Top 32
Grandmasters Plate: I understand the concept and execution, I just didn’t like the effect of the item. It was well written, it just wasn’t my flavor of pathfinder. Middle tier.
Sightstealer Rapier: I agree with the author. It’s well written, priced, and balanced. It just isn’t a super interesting item. I would have liked it to steal low-light or better vision from it’s victims and give it to the wielder, or improve their own vision somehow.
Thieving Buckler: After reading the first 3 shields that stole things from misses or hits upon or against them, I decided I wouldn’t upvote them as it didn’t seem to take a lot of thought to arrive at that particular type of power. Well written perhaps, but no super-star amounts of thought were required. Lower tier.
Dimensional Skewer: I liked this spear, and I think it fell into the maligned category of “vortex cutter” that got a lot of bad rep in the various superstar threads. It’s a bit chewy in it’s rules and requires a few re-readings, but I liked it. Spears need more love. Middle-Upper tier.
Phantom Guardians Ring: I liked what you did here a lot, but I think you charged about half as much for it as you should have. This ring does a lot of things, using otherwise un-used AoO’s, provides flanking, provides damage, and can’t be hurt.
Mumners Slapstick: This and the Popcorn staff were joke items that executed better than some of the top 32 imo. I liked it. Upper tier.
Gnome Splat Pelter: Some people loved this item. I disliked it’s name immensely, which may have biased my reading of it. Shooting anything is neat and good-fun though. I upvoted it against weak competition, but not vs. what I thought were upper items. Middle tier.
Varisian Dancing Chain: This was a good item with a neat description and concept, but not super exciting. It got upvoted vs lower tier items, but I felt it wasn’t super ambitious. Middle tier.
Springheart: Robbery! I have no idea why you didn’t make it into the top 32. This ring was my #1 ring and my #5 item overall. The beautiful description and light-hearted effect (which matched it’s pricing) seemed outstanding and sure to advance. I feel for you sir. I don’t know if it’s any consolation, but I added your ring as a quest reward for a fey based adventure in my pbp game. Top 5.
Raw Meat Hook: I upvoted this over a large majority of the other weapons, but had a hard time upvoting it against some of the better rods and staves. Middle tier.
Shield of the Fallen: The reference to “The Spartans” was immersion breaking for me. I also didn’t want to pay 14k for a shield with a +1 bonus that only did something else if I died. Lower tier.
War Breakers Staff: I upvoted this one quite a few times, 6 to be exact. I think your lack of formatting between your paragraphs and your spells-in-staff might have cost you votes. I think the theme was great. Upper tier.
Talon: This had a neat ability but was sort of pricey and the name had nothing to do with what it did. It needed a pit-crew for editing and I think it might have done better. Lower tier.

Isaac Volynskiy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Petty Alchemy |

Thunderfrog Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |

Hey Thunderfrog, thanks for taking a look at Sightstealer Rapier (and props for doing the entire page in one big post).
But...it totally steals low-light/darkvision and gives it to the wielder!
One of the judges apparently missed that too.
Holy cow, really? Im going to go reread it!

Kreniigh Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Kreniigh wrote:*The attack power is basically magic missile with an added benefit for collecting large teeth.
Rod of Ghost Teeth
I wonder if this would have been better if it had been explicitly described as a magic missile with a bonus for size. For some reason I felt like I had to copy in all the rule details; I could have saved myself some words.
Overall, it's almost a relief that I'm not advancing farther, as my wife and I are entering the final round of our own "create a new NPC" contest, ending March 17th or so. It would have been a disappointing (but easy!) choice to have to bow out of a later round to care for a newborn.

Theory Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |

No worries, Brigg - I appreciate the input and for taking your time to critique it. Hearing different opinions only helps me grow, so thank you :)
I certainly enjoyed the bow. I think Brigg has a point about neutralizing certain encounters, but it seems to take the usual Fairy Fire effect to the next level, without guaranteeing hits. It could allow an archer to remain useful in a ethereal/invisible fight without using half the encounter to just see or effect the creatures.
I've seen a lot of archers siting with arrow notched, waiting for the casters to do something to bring them into the fight.
Additionally, it loses effectiveness against more than a handful of entities, which I think is a fine limit. Granted, getting that second or third shot against one target would always be easier, but getting that first one can be tricky.

Anne Sullivan Marathon Voter Season 8 |

Anne Sullivan wrote:In the spirit of "we learn by doing," I present to you my "wow, I learned a lot by doing all those things wrong entry. Thank you in advance for your feedback. Next year I will do better! :)
Blade of the Dark Betrayer
*Formatting issues.
*Can I have more than one shadow active at once? I'm guessing yes.
*I wish there was something shadowy on the weapon itself so that this felt less like it could just be a shears wondrous item that snipped shadows.
I really appreciate the feedback, thank you! I see there are a few more levels of thinking I needed to do with my item.

Isaac Volynskiy RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 , Dedicated Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Petty Alchemy |

Anne Sullivan Marathon Voter Season 8 |

I can't find the post with your item in it Anne, but the name isn't very evocative to me. "Dark" is a fairly generic adjective in fantasy.
It's the last post on page 5, and got a bit lost in the shuffle. :)
You bring up a really good point. I don't think I really understood how important the names were until I was actually voting and recognizing my own reactions. Next year I'll be putting more thought in my name. :)

![]() |

These were just my thoughts during voting:
Ghastly Plate - Solid item, but not Superstar. +1 ghost touch agile breastplate. Add etherealness and ghostly disguise and remove ghostbane dirge in requirements. Formatting issues.
Yeah i was thinking about adding the ghostly disguise but i wanted it to feel like that part was unintended side effect you get when creating it, and you use Ghostly dirge to get an armor that helps you fight ghostly stuff and the appearance is unintentional. I was just wondering what were the formatting issues?
And yeah i didn't think big enough :)
Thanks for taking a look into it

Mark Seifter Designer , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

Here's mine, warts and all...Yes, I neglected to use the bold tags when I posted, so I'll do the same now ;)
The Pen of Mirado
Aura Strong Divination and Evocation; CL 12th
Slot None; Price 20,010 gp; Weight --Description
Mirado was a bard and scribe known for his careful use of wit and invective in defeating his foes, whether verbally, in writing, or otherwise. His pen was as sharp as his tongue, and never far from his grasp.The pen of Mirado is a slender stylus of ebony, chased with brass; it is a functional writing instrument. When used in combat, it is considered a +1 weapon that deals 1d2 points of damage on a successful hit (20/x2 critical, piercing). The wielder, upon making a successful DC 25 Bardic Knowledge check about his opponent, can then use the pen to strike once, as a full attack action, as if the pen were a greatsword. The strike is at +5 to the attack roll, and automatically scores a critical hit if successful; x3 if the roll is a natural 19 or 20. This strike ignores damage reduction of any sort, as well as fortification. Further, the pen is considered a bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing weapon for this attack. Only corporeal creatures can be struck.
The wielder can attempt his Bardic Knowledge check once per round as a swift action at the beginning of his turn. If he fails, the DC increases by 2, until five attempts are made against a given opponent. A successful check decreases the DC by 2 for a subsequent check. A maximum of five successful attacks can be made per opponent. A given opponent can be subject to these attacks only once every 24 hours.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Critical Focus, Legend Lore, Shatter; Cost 10,005 gp
*Pretty jokey
*3.5ism (we don't have bardic knowledge as a skill)
*wondrous item
*auto-crits can inflict some pretty major status effects.
*IP violation, since Mirado pencils.

Mark Seifter Designer , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

Motherly Love
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 8th
Slot none; Price 25,025 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This +2 shortbow (+2 Str bonus) has the hair of a dead woman braided into the string. Against any creature that wounds the wielder, the bow counts as having the bane special ability, which lasts for one hour. Additionally, while the wielder sleeps, the bow sings a quiet and soothing song, aiding their rest and recovery as if using the Heal skill to provide long-term care. The power of the bow comes with a catch, however, as it functions only so long as the wielder refers to it, and only it, as their mother. Failure to do so, or using such terms with regard to another, will cause the bow to lose its magical properties for 24 hours.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, speak with dead, summon monster I, hair from a deceased female humanoid that has had children; Cost 12,775 gp========================
TL;DR Summary: The goal was to produce a strongly themed weapon that possesses useful abilities at a price, and remained a prominent accessory to the character wielding it, without overshadowing them.
In hindsight, while I enjoy the concept of 'power at a price', and items with roleplay implications, I appreciate that many players will not, and were likely put off by the rather heavy handed downside.
** spoiler omitted **...
*I like how the theme of the bow haunted by a mother that treats the wielder as a mother comes together on the item
*the drawback strikes me too much like a curse
*the bane vs all foes who damage me is usually more powerful than any +2 equivalent ability (compare holy), making it undercosted
*I kind of want it to have something more Superstar for its unique feature than just long term care.
*This author had a good starting vision and good formatting but needed to refine it more to be Superstar.

Mark Seifter Designer , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

Axle of Sky and Storm
Axle of Sky and Storm
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 50,305 gp; Weight 9 lbs.Description
The haft of this double-ended +2 mighty cleaving elysian bronze longspear is a churning tornado which writhes in the wielder’s hands. A pillar of cyclonic winds besets a creature hit by the axle of sky and storm for 1 round. The wind’s speed is 2 mph per point of damage dealt.On command, the wielder of the axle of sky and storm may cast it forth horizontally, unleashing a 50-foot radius vortex. The cyclone assembles 300 pounds of unattended non-magical items and terrain into a medium chariot (Ultimate Combat) with hardness and hit points based on the predominant material. A pair of Large bull-silhouetted whirlwinds (10 ft. high, 1d6+2 damage, DC 14, 50’ speed) draws the chariot. The whirlwinds are magical effects controlled by the driver, and grant a +4 circumstance bonus to driving checks.
The broad-headed spear forms the vehicle’s axle and the blades function as scythes projecting from the wheels. Using the scythes, the driver can attack a creature adjacent to the chariot’s path of movement. Resolve the attack using the driver’s attack and damage modifiers as if attacking with the axle of sky and storm. Drivers with the Cleave or Great Cleave feats can cleave additional creatures. The targets need not be adjacent to one another.
The bearer can unbind the chariot as a standard action, whereupon the constituent items are scattered, undamaged, across a 50-foot radius area. Treat the debris field as difficult terrain. The chariot unbinds if it is wrecked or destroyed, and cannot be called again for 1 week.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, control winds, divine power, fabricate; Cost 25,305 gp
*This is mostly a chariot, not a weapon
*The unique weapon ability is difficult to adjudicate. Which way does the pillar push? Up? Does it stop ranged attacks? Need more details.

Mark Seifter Designer , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

Ok, here's my item (without the hyperlinks and minor submission window changes):
Eremite Rod
Aura strong necromancy; CL 10th
Slot none; Price 58,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs.Description
This bone rod, made from a bleached humanoid tibia, has a meager amount of sinew running its length and jagged shards of metal protruding from the tibia's head. Chain-like shadowy glyphs wrap the exposed bone surface, twisting and undulating in areas of bright light. The wielder can cast up to three spells per day that gain the pain descriptor and creatures that take damage from the spells must make an additional Fort save. On a failed save, a creature takes 1d4 bleed damage and suffers from pain while bleeding. The pain causes the creature to take a –2 penalty to AC, attacks, and Reflex saving throws, and must succeed at a concentration check to cast spells. The additional Fort save and the concentration check uses the spell's DC. Increase the DC by 1 if the spell has the evil, lawful, or shadow descriptor.This rod acts as a +2 wounding bone light mace that can deal ability damage on a critical hit. The wielder may choose to eviscerate the target instead of the extra damage dealt by a critical hit. If eviscerated, the wielder chooses an ability score that takes 1d4 points of ability damage.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Rod, bleed, howling agony; Cost 29,000 gpImmediately thought of how to rewrite it when I first saw it in voting. The one person who saw my item prior to submission told me to scrap the second paragraph.
*Wording has issues, particularly in introducing the 3/day ability.
*Int damage for PCs is a problem because of 1 and 2 Int high-CR monsters that crop up every once in a while.

Mark Seifter Designer , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

My item, any input would be great appreciated. =)
Hammer of Besting
Aura moderate Abjuration; CL 13th
Slot none; Price 60’500; Weight 5 lbs.Description
Upon slaying a creature with this rune engraved +2 Warhammer the wielder may gain a resistance bonus on all Will saving throws equal to the HD possessed by the slain creature and spell resistance equal to 12+ the HD possessed by the slain creature, the effects last for 1 hour and only as long as the Warhammer is within the wielders possession. This may be done 3 times per day.Construction
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Spell Resistance, creator must have Will bonus 4 or greater; Cost 30,250 gp
*Formatting and wording issues. Price/Cost don't match.
*Since you can keep the bonuses by possessing the weapon and not wielding it, the main purpose of this warhammer seems to be to kill things with lots of HD that you knocked out during a fight with some other weapon in order to gain an ungodly bonus to Will saves.
*Not really weaponlike, and not very interesting.

Mark Seifter Designer , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

My item. I found several issues after I hit submit, but I would love to hear all the others I missed. Thanks in advance.
Ephemeral Staff
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot none; Price 29,000 gp; Weight 2.5 lbs.
Tenuously tied to the material plane, this staff wavers like a mirage beneath the desert sun. When held, its presence stabilizes into a shimmering bar spun of glass.
An ephemeral staff exists in both the material and ethereal planes, allowing the wielder to see each as semitransparent overlays of the other. It also functions as a +1 quarterstaff (only one end of the staff bears magical enhancement), doing half damage to corporeal creatures and full damage to those that are ethereal or incorporeal. It retains these properties even if drained of all charges. The staff allows the use of the following spells:
- faerie fire (1 charge)
- spectral hand (1 charge)
- blink (2 charges)
The staff weighs half as much as expected and effects targeting it suffer a 50% mischance as it flickers between planes.
Requirements Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Staff, blink, faerie fire; spectral hand, Cost 14,500 gp
*Some wording issues.
*The ghost touch-esque property fits with the Ethereal theme, but it's still not really enough of a unique ability to overcome a staff's normal SAKness.

Mark Seifter Designer , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

Staff of the Auraboros
Aura moderate abjuration and divination; CL 8th
Slot none; Price 16,400 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Wrapped in robust twists of maple wood and topped with the fearsome image of a leviathan, this staff looks like a crystal storm of pitch-black hue contained within an ancient haggard tree. The staff allows use of the following spells:• Imbue with aura (1 charge)
• Arcane sight (2 charges)
• Aura sight (2 charges)When the wielder is within the radius of an aura ability (such as fire aura) , the staff throbs violently. Petting the staff while it pulsates (a swift action), causes the fearsome leviathan to momentarily animate and swallow a single aura ability affecting the user, at which point the aura is suppressed for 8 rounds. The staff loses 1 charge and releases any previously suppressed aura when animated in in this manner.
Casting imbue with aura from the staff, grants the target any aura ability currently suppressed, for the duration of the spell.
Requirements Craft Staff, arcane sight, aura sight (Advanced Class Guide), dispel magic, imbue with aura (Ultimate Magic); Cost 8,200 gp
*This punny staff was consecutively submitted after another pun item. Weird.
*With the throbbing and the petting of a long snakelike staff, it also seems intentionally designed to evoke sexual metaphors, which is also odd.
*As far as the special ability beyond the spells, it seems to negate any aura in the game automatically for 8 rounds, but its unclear based on wording of "affecting" and "suppressed". Is this humble 16,400 gp staff a ticket to defeating Cthulhu's unspeakable presence (by far Big C's most powerful ability) in the entire radius? When you imbue yourself with an aura, do you get the original DC or a DC based on if you were the creature with the ability?

Thunderfrog Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Through page 4.
My ranking scale.
Top “x” (my own personal ranking)
Upper Tier (top 100)
Middle Tier (should have at least made cull and was in the upper 50% of items)
Lower Tier.
Sleepers Vessel: Neat idea, but the math is all off. +1 weapons cost 2000gp. It does have a drawback, but also ethereal affect magic. People also tend to scorn items that work against a very low HD, since it won’t always be relevant. Lower tier.
Ring of Utmost Need: I read this as once per week when caught with an exposed weakness, you can use magic-item fiat to cover it up. I really really thought this item was cheat-mode. It was well written and concise, but basically gave an effect as strong as a limited wish. Lower tier.
Cryohydras Coil: If thats how it formatted in it’s listing, I would have voted against it for its giant text wall without spacing. I really liked the name though, and it’s description. I would have gone with “critical hits with this weapon deal 1 point of strength damage” and however much cold damage you wanted. I also don’t think you can sunder an individual whip coil. How long does it take to regain it’s bonus? Low tier.
Arroreater Shield: I was excited about this name, for some reason hoping it would allow to you to spit out arrows or something, but the middle text is kind of vague. Is it items already in the bag of holding? Or those placed after the hijacking bridge is created? Low tier.
Thriving Branch: You left a lot of word space on the table and took an ugly shortcut with “all dc’s associated with the spell”. Low tier.
Breakaway Sword of Beguiling: This sword does a lot of things when you look at it in a vacuum. It turns an attack into a steal, which provokes an aoo, compells them to use a 1d2 weapon, said weapon breaks, leaving them likely disarmed, it repairs itself, and it is super useful on someone who can hex., all while imposing a -4 to hit on them. All for 250gp. Also what if I’m shooting with an arrow? I don’t think it specifies melee attacks. Does the archer put down his bow and run up to take the sword? Neat idea, poorly executed. Low tier.
Shillelagh of Legions: I really liked this one, playing to Legion creatures. That was a quirk that endeared it to some and probably killed it for other voters, who had no idea what a legion creature was. Middle tier.
Hermetic Armor: I’ve read the authors comments, but it still functions exactly like a wonderous armor and doesn’t do anything armor-y at all. Well, I take that back, there’s an untyped saving throw bonus. Lower tier.
Disruption Disk: I tended to harshly downvote items that targeted spellcasters just because, and this one did it vs their touch AC, negating a few of the few bonuses to armor spellcasters ever get. Plus an effect lasting d4 hours? I could make all wizards in my campaigns rage-quit with a few of these. Plus, the AC stacks indefinately but doesnt mention only stacking on arcane casters, so could I throw 10 of these at my cleric for some sweet armor buffs? Low tier.
Traior’s Blade: Having read the book, I wondered if that was the authors inspiration for the title. I didn’t like the idea of a free action activation that the stabee couldn’t detect, with no save or sense motive check to counter-act. Low tier.
Rod of Resonance: This one never really caught on with me. The bard bonus is great, but there aren’t that many sonic spells. Lower tier.
Rheumatic Rod: I liked this one a lot. The thing that killed it is that while the theme is grand, I don’t know how I would use it or who on? Why isn’t there a save on the move penalty for such a cheap item? It’s well made, but not super useful. Such a fine rope to walk… Middle tier.
Mimic Skin: There were two mimic armors, and I liked them both. This one had a good description and did exactly what you would think it should, which is maybe why it stalled? There was nothing super exciting, just a nod to a cool monster and the obligatory effects. Middle tier.
Celerity Blade: Other than it’s price, I thought this was a strong entry. Much better than most weapons, it had a theme that was tied to it’s ability and made sense as a weapon. Charging in zig-zags is powerful, but if it were priced right it might have gone further and not drawn as much criticism. Upper tier
Norborgers Lens: “Once per day, the wielder of Norgorber's lens can consume all remaining attacks to warp reality between himself and the buckler for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of attacks consumed.” is a very chewy sentence. I would have simplified that if possible, but sometimes it just isn’t. My own item had a similar line. I don’t know why you picked a buckler though. That bothered me a bit. Upper tier.
Thundering Shield: I didn’t much like the name, but liked the living metal enhancement. I wonder about limiting the distance while part of a charge to 10ft from the charge point? Formatting was a problem too, which no paragraph spacing. Middle tier.
Dynamic Staff: The Staff of Being a Sorcerer. I don’t like the power granted by this staff for this price. Something like being able to swap the spells you know through a staff on the fly is very powerful, and should be priced as such. And it regains 1 charge per spell level! So it breaks the rules of staves twice. They are naturally limited by their recharge, and limited by their spell selection. This one breaks all of that for only 20. Middle tier imagination, low tier mechanics.
Staff of Thin Air: I think if this one was read more thoroughly by some folks, it would have done better. It is a good staff and unique in it’s concept among the other teleport items, in that it was not ripping open the b$#@ h+~+ of time and space. Upper tier.
Skywalkers Cloth: I thought for sure this one was a wondrous belt converted to padded armor. We have 9000 in armor abilities and perma air-walk and bubble. It wasn’t a bad armor, but I don’t know if it was meant to be an armor all along. Very expensive too. Low tier.