Post your war of tower skirmishes here

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Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Who will take the first tower? Will there be lots of PvP or will most groups stay away from each other. Do you start from far away and work inwards, do you go the other way round. Did you plant some stormtroops deep into the enemy teritory to take some of their towers.

I know a lot of US players will be working - but at least they will be able to see what unfolds.

I will keep this up to date as it develops - assuming I sit idle in a tower and wait it to be captured. If you don't hear from me - well - then we will be busy.

Dark Archive Goblin Squad Member

WoT is go, starting my first cap, so far quiet.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

300 points - 5 Emerald Lodge - 2 Brighthaven camping outside

So far no shots fired as they don't enter

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

421 - Brighthaven disappeared - or will they be back in force?

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

630 - more of us - still no Brighthaven back

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Large fight around the tower 5 east of EL and 5 north of Brighhaven. Got chased of a few times but have been victorious

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

A gatherer a smelter a tailor - not sure what the other three are - but we took the tower - second tower empty so far

Good fight Thod.

Goblin Squad Member

GG man,

We tried taking 20 towers at once, we showed up wayyyy too late.

The biggest issues we had were the same as everyone else:

1 - Hard to target opponents.
2 - Couldn't heal our own.
3 - Hard to tell friend from foe.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

5 kills for Thod and Baron leads with 13 - no other counts yet

Got our next tower without a fight

Goblin Squad Member

I believe I had 10 kills, Thraq 6, Aren 5, Gedi 3 (he went AFK), Kaeros had 6, I don't know about Glen.

Goblin Squad Member

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Attacking the Emerald Lodge forces. Man, I thought we were the evil guys.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I went down a few times for sure

Goblin Squad Member

I was under the impression that Thod wanted to PvP for that specific tower?

Goblin Squad Member

If you trust the NAP, it's better to start taking towers away from your settlement, trusting nobody will take yours, right? Right?

Goblin Squad Member

The NAP is in place, I don't believe anyone has taken anyone's core six that wasn't given permission.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I just hope so that no core 6 are taken by us - I have a few 'lose' people and hope none sees an 'empty' tower and doesn't ask me.

About the tower we took - it was the same distance from Golgotha, Brighthaven, Bernstein and us. I was hoping we would take it by stealth.

And if you are at 700+ when someone else arrived then you defend the tower. But yes - if I expected PvP at any of the towers then at this one.

Oh - I hear my gaming group arrive. Need to kill one as he didn't show up as he should have. Was pretty close.

Goblin Squad Member

Capitalocracy wrote:
If you trust the NAP, it's better to start taking towers away from your settlement, trusting nobody will take yours, right? Right?

Exactly. And frankly, even if someone took a ring tower from Settlement A, holding it from Settlement A for any length of time might be harder than taking it day 1.

Goblin Squad Member

I have received an application from my DT to join my company, but when I hit "approve" nothing happens. Is this a known bug?

Goblin Squad Member

TEO Cheatle wrote:

GG man,

We tried taking 20 towers at once, we showed up wayyyy too late.

The biggest issues we had were the same as everyone else:

1 - Hard to target opponents.
2 - Couldn't heal our own.
3 - Hard to tell friend from foe.

as to Number 3, go into your paperdoll and everyone pick the same colors to wear. That might help.

Goblin Squad Member

That is general protocol.

There just needs to be some better UI changes, and a smoother camera. Also, once you get more than 6 people, it gets exceptionally harder to tell friend from foe.

Lord Regent: Deacon Wulf wrote:
Attacking the Emerald Lodge forces. Man, I thought we were the evil guys.

Headline of the Golarian Times:


Goblin Squad Member

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Reporter: "Mr Guurzak, do you agree that Golgotha's lack of noteworthy activity is itself noteworthy?"

Guurzak: "You maykin Guurzak hed hurt. Go way fore me bash you flat."

Goblin Squad Member

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Great fight with TEO over near KB.

Goblin Squad Member

Yep, another solid fight.

Although, late again! lol

Goblin Squad Member

There is some advantage to taking your core 6.

My understanding is that even with NAP people are free to PvP your gatherers in those hexes until the tower is taken, the NAP only stops them taking the tower.

River Pirates took two towers and had no conflict at all.

So the NAP stipulates that you can't raid gatherers within the core six towers either? Not just leave those towers alone, but basically don't conduct any warring of any kind within those six hexes?

Grand Lodge

I am taking BFK's core 6, so technically not NAP. But I am also not attached to a settlement, so they can reclaim them whenever they show up. The key point here is to demonstrate how absent BFK's leadership is/will be. That said, taking BFK's towers hurts Forgeholm, so in the future I will only take one of their core six as a means of assessing their activity.

Goblin Squad Member

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I am getting increasingly bitter that I am at work while all this is going on. Curse this timezone!

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Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:
So the NAP stipulates that you can't raid gatherers within the core six towers either? Not just leave those towers alone, but basically don't conduct any warring of any kind within those six hexes?

No. If your core 6 are not taken, then other players can come in and kill your gatherers consequence free all day long. With your towers taken, that danger window is limited to your normal tower PVP window.

Goblin Squad Member

Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:
So the NAP stipulates that you can't raid gatherers within the core six towers either? Not just leave those towers alone, but basically don't conduct any warring of any kind within those six hexes?

If I remember correctly, the NAP says you can't gain Capture Points or contest the "rightful" owner's attempts to recapture.

Goblin Squad Member

sspitfire1 wrote:
Doc || Allegiant Gemstone Co. wrote:
So the NAP stipulates that you can't raid gatherers within the core six towers either? Not just leave those towers alone, but basically don't conduct any warring of any kind within those six hexes?
No. If your core 6 are not taken, then other players can come in and kill your gatherers consequence free all day long. With your towers taken, that danger window is limited to your normal tower PVP window.


Which means if people want a PvP "free fire zone" for training or inter-settlement "honorable battles"they need to agree to keep at least one tower hex somewhere un-captured to use as an arena/combat zone.

Goblin Squad Member

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TEO Cheatle wrote:

The NAP is in place, I don't believe anyone has taken anyone's core six that wasn't given permission.

I'm not certain of that, an unknown group has taken Aragon's 7:00 Tower.

The Only Authorized Groups are:

Aragonian Council
UnNamed Company
Allegiant Gemstone Company
Rats of Hanspur

Unless that unknown company Blackthorn's Company is looking to settle in Aragon, there may be an issue here.

Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:
Which means if people want a PvP "free fire zone" for training or inter-settlement "honorable battles"they need to agree to keep at least one tower hex somewhere un-captured to use as an arena/combat zone.

I will not submit to PVP arenas! PFO is supposed to be open world PVP, any time and anywhere.

Bank Zombies Beware!!!! Don't think that because there is rep neutral ways to PVP, that you are safe where Rep counts. This is the River Kingdoms...

You are not safe
Only carry what you can afford to degrade (eventually lose)
It's all in fun (soon, it's all about the coin).

Goblin Squad Member

That's irritating. Does an unaligned group lock the hex for 24 hours, or can you take it back right away?

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
Neadenil Edam wrote:
Which means if people want a PvP "free fire zone" for training or inter-settlement "honorable battles"they need to agree to keep at least one tower hex somewhere un-captured to use as an arena/combat zone.

I will not submit to PVP arenas! PFO is supposed to be open world PVP, any time and anywhere.

Bank Zombies Beware!!!! Don't think that because there is rep neutral ways to PVP, that you are safe where Rep counts. This is the River Kingdoms...

You are not safe
Only carry what you can afford to degrade (eventually lose)
It's all in fun (soon, it's all about the coin).

And I venture to say that unattended precence in the world will be unwise when the husks arrives next week. Regenerating Rep by leaving the toon on while at work .... Creates interesting opportunities ....

I just wish we had emotes so you could aknowledge precence without breaking off whisper chats which makes you look a bit ..... Unfocused when people talk to you...

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
That's irritating. Does an unaligned group lock the hex for 24 hours, or can you take it back right away?

If the group is unaligned, it should be possible to capture the Tower right after the server reset.

Grand Lodge

It locks the Hex. The Wilderness Wanderers have successfully locked Blackfeather Keep out of two of its core towers until server restart tomorrow. We'll see how long it takes for the settlement members to reclaim them. In the mean time, one of the Agents of Erastil have joined with the Wilderness Wanderers (and helped in occupying the second tower after being fully informed of the situation) while another went over to Forgeholm.

(EDIT: OOC, I think I am really nailing the Neutral Good with this.)

Goblin Squad Member

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Forgeholm had an uneventful time capturing towers (more time was spent figuring out capture mechanics and submitting bug reports).

We welcome all individuals and companies looking for a strong and friendly place to stay, and we respected BFKs core towers as per the NAP. We look forward to an active and prospers relation with our western neighbor.

Report from the front lines -

I directed Olecsander to go sit at towers for most of the morning. He awoke from his nap at the third tower to find a company member standing next to him. They compared outfits and talked fashion.

Ciuco, having missed the narrow window of company invitation the day before, paced behind Olec (someone had to guard the nap-prone dwarf). Biding his time, he spun in circles at the nearby wolves. A Gol visitor, Grim, happened by while recruiting. Ciuco waved. They exchanged pleasantries and parted ways. Sadly...there would be no battle for Ciuco today. Although he couldn't help but wonder if things would have gone differently if Olec had been out there on his own.

I, me...Hobson, wandered around the settlement I was planning to train in and shouted "HELLO?!?", "Helloooooooooo?", "Anyone there?", and "damnit" for hours and hours. Good times.

Goblin Squad Member

Gale Windswept wrote:
It locks the Hex. The Wilderness Wanderers have successfully locked Blackfeather Keep out of two of its core towers until server restart tomorrow. We'll see how long it takes for the settlement members to reclaim them. In the mean time, one of the Agents of Erastil have joined with the Wilderness Wanderers (and helped in occupying the second tower after being fully informed of the situation) while another went over to Forgeholm.

To clear up any confusion, I will state that Forgeholm has not taken any of Blackfeather Keep's core 6 towers.

Four are held by the Agents of Erastil, and two are held by the Wilderness Wanderers.

Goblin Squad Member

Bringslite (elsewhere) wrote:
We are a bit troubled, I will add, to see instances of the Core 6 NAP treaty falling so fast into anarchy through "work around" free Companies.

I hope that whoever took Aragon's tower really is an unaligned company of independents.

Well, since the Aragon settlement leader is AWOL, not much we can do about it anyway, or benefit from, heh

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Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Bringslite (elsewhere) wrote:
We are a bit troubled, I will add, to see instances of the Core 6 NAP treaty falling so fast into anarchy through "work around" free Companies.
I hope that whoever took Aragon's tower really is an unaligned company of independents.

"I'd remind you that a declaration of *shenanigans* is a very serious matter". -South Park

Goblin Squad Member

Eeeevil shenanigans.

Dazyk wrote:
Eeeevil shenanigans.

I would guess Chaotic shenanigans.

Goblin Squad Member

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I swear to god I'll pistol whip the next guy who says shenanigans!

Goblin Squad Member

I have yet to encounter any PVP due to arriving late day one and being assigned to tower captures day two.

What I did experience was an attempted tower gank by a guy calling himself Santa Claus. As soon as I showed up, he ran away, but the tower was halfway captured.

Goblin Squad Member

Got into a nice fight again tonight with TEO and TSV. Traded oen tower for another. Lessons learned, Defense is impossible even when the defender outnumbers the attacker. That or TSV/TEO didn't quite outnumber us enough to stop us.

Goblin Squad Member

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Yub, Guurzak flatted some pinkface hummies an' got flatted sum his own self. Gud bashin. You's sword guyz is pretty effektiv in da clozed spayse uv da towur ring.

Tower dynamics really are lopsided toward attackers. I posted over on GW to open that conversation.

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