Star Wars - The Force Awakens


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Liberty's Edge

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Official Trailer

The above link takes you to Apple Trailers, so this is the real one.

For the extreme brevity of it; holy smoke, but it looks great!

As I watched it, well..hairs standing on end, goosebumps, eyes gradually widened, ridiculous, enormous face-splitting grin, spontaneous clapping: yes, I'm excited.

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

As well was I. I think I was sold at when the X-wing came to screen. They looked gorgeous. And of course, the ending. as you said, goosebumps. This starts to look promising.

Liberty's Edge

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Yes goosebumps. Seeing the x-wings and the Falcon flying like that, all of a sudden I'm 9 years old again and seeing it for the first time .

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

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One site discussed the difference between the CGI of the pre-quels versus the physical effects in TFA. The snapshot of the X-wings flying over the lake, with the mountains in the background, has such weight and physicality to them, as opposed to the ships and droids in the pre-quels, which seemed mass-less, and only cast shadows because someone decided that it would be better if they did.

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All I can say is...HOLY SHIT!!!!!

Now we can have a new debate:

Millenium Falcon looks best with round dish or rectangular antenna!?! Fight!

Dark Archive

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Looks awesome! Gonna be hard waiting until the next trailer, much less the release date!!!

Appears JJ has keep the same look and feel as the original trilogy.... NO LENS FLARES!!! That's a win just by itself in my book! IMO, JJ went overboard with Star Trek movies.

Hmm, I don't know.

Maybe it's just me...but it feels completely like one of those fan films for the first half of the trailer.

The second half with the millennium falcon is pretty cool looking, but it does look like JJ had to put in some light flare effects with the sun in your eyes type thing...

Not sure how I feel about the trailer. Right now it really feels just like a glorified fan film to me.

Maybe I was just expecting more out of the trailer.

Sovereign Court

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Hmm, I don't know.

Maybe it's just me...but it feels completely like one of those fan films for the first half of the trailer.

My guess is these are early development scenes without a lot of polish.

GreyWolfLord wrote:

The second half with the millennium falcon is pretty cool looking, but it does look like JJ had to put in some light flare effects with the sun in your eyes type thing...

It's JJ's signature you are not getting a movie without lens flare.

GreyWolfLord wrote:

Not sure how I feel about the trailer. Right now it really feels just like a glorified fan film to me.

Maybe I was just expecting more out of the trailer.

This is an early tease to whup em up. I'd expect things to get better.

The Exchange

dont look unless you want it spoiled for you:
Sith with #claymorelightsabre is Idris Elba (Luther). Right height and build, plus puts more weight on right leg.

395 days.

Liberty's Edge

Chris Mortika wrote:
One site discussed the difference between the CGI of the pre-quels versus the physical effects in TFA. The snapshot of the X-wings flying over the lake, with the mountains in the background, has such weight and physicality to them, as opposed to the ships and droids in the pre-quels, which seemed mass-less, and only cast shadows because someone decided that it would be better if they did.

Superb rendering! This is exactly what I was thinking but couldn't quite articulate to my wife.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Underwhelmed overall. I felt that is pretty much showed that they did in fact film a Star Wars movie, but that's about it. I get that it was only a teaser, but to actually get me excited I'd have wanted either a shot of one of the returning characters like Han or Luke, or one of the brief shots of a new character to include just enough dialogue to associate a name with them, preferably with a last name of Skywalker or Solo.

Right now I know that there are storm troopers, x-wings, tie fighters, and the Millennium Falcon. And three people I have no idea who they are. Without seeing the teaser, I pretty much knew that already.

Liberty's Edge

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Well, it is, afterall, a teaser trailer. By its very definition, it's just suposed to 'tease' us with a few hints and quick glimpses to get us excited and talking about the movie. Given that, I'd say this first teaser trailer was just about perfect.

The first full trailer, when it comes out, will surely have all the additional things some folks are compaining they didn't get to see.

Again, this is only a teaser trailer...

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See I for one am pretty stoked they didn't feature any of the old cast...

Think there was enough of the new and the old in each shot - the pseudo R2... new style droid but evoking old faithful Astro-Mech; X-Wings in formation... but across a lake (tip to the Snow Speeders of Hoth?) instead of deep space; new female heroine in Leia-esque Endor style gear on a hot-rod speeder looking like a cross between Luke's old bucket which has been pimped with a Pod Racer engine and Storm Troopers in new trim - looking way more ominous than the blaster fodder they became...

I could go on (and on)... There was old and new in each segment without familiar faces (or even voices) appearing.

Like others have touched on this is first time in a LONG time that an upcoming film has hit me with that warm halcyon fuzzy feeling whilst giving me new WTF content :)

A teaser in every sense... Actually hope they keep the trailers throughout in the same style - short, punchy and leaving us wanting more... Frankly fed up of trailers that effectively allow you to fit the film together if you've any degree of smarts (but I digress)

In short: Cannae wait :)

Liberty's Edge

We may see another trailer at super bowl. But I would say we will get a meater trailer at Age of Ultron.

Liberty's Edge

There's also talk of a full trailer before the Hobbit movie in December ...

The following locations need to NOT be in this movie:

Tattooine - seriously, for as often as this planet gets used, it's tough to buy it as a backwater planet of any kind.


Endor's moon (no g-d Ewoks!)

Overall, I liked what I saw although I'm curious why the female character is wearing the Rebellion forest-style garb in a desert. Also, the speeder sounded more powerful/faster than the blocky sled she was driving.

And I could see myself getting tired of the "cute" droid very, very quickly.

The Exchange

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BPorter wrote:

The following locations need to NOT be in this movie:

Tattooine - seriously, for as often as this planet gets used, it's tough to buy it as a backwater planet of any kind.


Endor's moon (no g-d Ewoks!)

Overall, I liked what I saw although I'm curious why the female character is wearing the Rebellion forest-style garb in a desert. Also, the speeder sounded more powerful/faster than the blocky sled she was driving.

And I could see myself getting tired of the "cute" droid very, very quickly.

Because the natural reversal of all those would make it your own big black probe droid fitted with ripper claws (to keep jawas off your property), or daisy getting around dressed as a tuskan raider (hence the long rifle strapped to her bike), and a forestry project near tattoine's polar region where all the moiture farmers were selling their water harvest (it had to be going somewhere), And a speeder bike that looks like a land speeder being ridden on its side (all the kids are doing it these days-its the bomb).

Cross-posting (is that allowed here? :^o)

So everyone's seen the George Lucas Special Edition SW:EpVII Trailer?



I fell out of my chair at the new reveal for the Sith lightsaber.

yellowdingo wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

395 days.


Elba ain't in this film. The figure in black is either Adam Driver's main villain or Gwendoline Christie (probably the former).

Shadow Lodge

I really think some people try as hard as they can to find something to criticise.

Lower your standards a little if you have to, guys. Take it for what it is, which is clearly pretty damn sweet when you don't make comparisons vs the perfection you want it to be.

Quark Blast wrote:

Cross-posting (is that allowed here? :^o)

So everyone's seen the George Lucas Special Edition SW:EpVII Trailer?



I fell out of my chair at the new reveal for the Sith lightsaber.

Probably wrong of me to do so, but I laughed.

The Exchange

GreyWolfLord wrote:
Quark Blast wrote:

Cross-posting (is that allowed here? :^o)

So everyone's seen the George Lucas Special Edition SW:EpVII Trailer?



I fell out of my chair at the new reveal for the Sith lightsaber.

Probably wrong of me to do so, but I laughed.

Probably works like a whip.

Quark Blast wrote:
I fell out of my chair at the new reveal for the Sith lightsaber.

The saber in the original trailer was Lucasish enough, and was probably it's only downside for me. If that's the worst that's coming I can probably deal with it.

This Lucas Special Edition Trialer did make me laugh a few times.

Really hoping that they at least reference Thrawn in this film, bringing him back into canon. Also, I'm kinda hoping that claymore-saber guy isn't a with, as I've gotten bored of them.

yellowdingo wrote:
Because the natural reversal of all those would make it your own big black probe droid fitted with ripper claws (to keep jawas off your property), or daisy getting around dressed as a tuskan raider (hence the long rifle strapped to her bike), and a forestry project near tattoine's polar region where all the moiture farmers were selling their water harvest (it had to be going somewhere), And a speeder bike that looks like a land speeder being ridden on its side (all the kids are doing it these days-its the bomb).

They're not selling their water, they're using it to keep themselves alive and grow crops.

The Exchange

Dungeon Master Zack wrote:
yellowdingo wrote:
Because the natural reversal of all those would make it your own big black probe droid fitted with ripper claws (to keep jawas off your property), or daisy getting around dressed as a tuskan raider (hence the long rifle strapped to her bike), and a forestry project near tattoine's polar region where all the moiture farmers were selling their water harvest (it had to be going somewhere), And a speeder bike that looks like a land speeder being ridden on its side (all the kids are doing it these days-its the bomb).
They're not selling their water, they're using it to keep themselves alive and grow crops.

Hence the very cropy term 'moisture farmers'...more likely they are farming water with the moisture vaporators and selling water. No sign of crops just fields of moisture vaporators.

Troodos wrote:
Really hoping that they at least reference Thrawn in this film, bringing him back into canon. Also, I'm kinda hoping that claymore-saber guy isn't a with, as I've gotten bored of them.

The Sith and Jedi will always exist. They are Yin and Yang, black and white, good and evil. One does not exist without the other. There are always new Force-sensitive beings being born in the Star Wars universe. It just took a few decades this time for someone new to Awaken to the dark side of the Force and become the new Sith Master and/or apprentice.

Edit: Funny. I see that the spell-check for the forums recognizes Jedi as a correctly spelled word, but not Sith.

The Version We All Dreaded...

The Version We All Expected...

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I'm trying to not be overly excited by it. It looks great and I did get a bit misty eyed when the fanfare kicked in. But I was very excited by the teaser and trailers for "Phantom Menace" and we all know how it and the subsequent movies in the prequels turned out. I want to love the new movie. I just hope I do.

The Exchange

the farce awakens

The Exchange

the snl awakens

I find it terribly bizarre that someone adds lens flare (a circumstance that is/was viewed as a problem that most film makers tried to avoid/negate) to a movie(s) and especially to digitally rendered things in which it is natively impossible to have lens flare. wrote:
. . . For good optical systems and most images (which do not have a bright light shining into the lens), flare is a secondary effect that is widely distributed across the image and thus not visible, though it reduces contrast. Lenses with large numbers of elements such as zooms tend to exhibit greater lens flare, as they contain multiple surfaces at which unwanted internal scattering occurs. . . .

Carry on.

George Lucas hasn't seen the new 'Star Wars' trailer.

When asked whether he was curious about the goings-on new version, he replied, "Not really."

I'm guessing he actually has.

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
I'm guessing he actually has.

Why assume someone is lying? Maybe he honestly doesn't give a sh!+ anymore. That's got to be a lot of pressure off, actually.

Liberty's Edge

No, Star Wars is and always will be his baby. Even though I think he is happy and relieved to have passed on the baton, so to speak, I guarantee he has seen the trailer and is curious how the movie will turn out.

Having said that, it does not surprise me in the slightest that he is taking a hands off, uninterested stance publicly.

Marc Radle wrote:

No, Star Wars is and always will be his baby. Even though I think he is happy and relieved to have passed on the baton, so to speak, I guarantee he has seen the trailer and is curious how the movie will turn out.

Having said that, it does not surprise me in the slightest that he is taking a hands off, uninterested stance publicly.

I don't make guarantees about what other people think or do, especially when they deny it.

It may well be that he's so close to it, he doesn't want to see what other people do to "his baby". Or some other reason I haven't thought of he's avoided seeing it.

What Marc said. It's more my response to his reaction from a human nature standpoint than anything else.

I have nothing against the guy, but I'd just be absolutely floored if he really hasn't seen the teaser trailer. And at the same time I can appreciate his decision to give a neutral response publicly.

I wouldn't wager my first-born on this or anything, but—like I said—I'm guessing he has, in fact, seen it.

I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that Lucas might be waiting until there is more complete footage before he decides to take a look. Nor would there be anything wrong with him if he indeed has not, as he stated.

Eben TheQuiet wrote:

What Marc said. It's more my response to his reaction from a human nature standpoint than anything else.

I have nothing against the guy, but I'd just be absolutely floored if he really hasn't seen the teaser trailer. And at the same time I can appreciate his decision to give a neutral response publicly.

I wouldn't wager my first-born on this or anything, but—like I said—I'm guessing he has, in fact, seen it.

In other words, you're calling him a liar, in some measure to shore up your stance on "human nature."

Scarab Sages

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There is a significant non-zero probability that he has seen it.
There is a significant non-zero probability that he has not seen it.

It doesn't affect a thing whether he has seen it or not, and it's nobody's business if he has seen it or not but his own.

Considering there is no way to tell if he is telling the truth and no consequence to him telling the truth or lying, I'll go on the assumption that he is telling the truth.

Jaelithe wrote:
In other words, you're calling him a liar, in some measure to shore up your stance on "human nature."

I don't know about shoring up my stance on human nature, but yah, I suspect he lied.

EDIT: I'll also say that I don't mean this as some kind of indictment of him as a person (like I said, I have nothing against him). There are any number of good reasons why he might lie in this circumstance, and it not be a selfish or petty reason.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Troodos wrote:
Really hoping that they at least reference Thrawn in this film, bringing him back into canon. Also, I'm kinda hoping that claymore-saber guy isn't a with, as I've gotten bored of them.

That's at the top of the Ain't Gonna Happen List. EU is dead, get used to the idea.

Scarab Sages

EU isn't dead, it's just a separate timeline now. They are still releasing new EU stuff actually, under Star Wars Legends. It just doesn't match canon of the new films.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Imbicatus wrote:
EU isn't dead, it's just a separate timeline now. They are still releasing new EU stuff actually, under Star Wars Legends. It just doesn't match canon of the new films.

I blame Spock and the Romulans for this.

The EU will never be dead as long as there are those who enjoy it.

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Guys Lucas IS from a much older generation that doesn't hang out online or follow twitter trends. He didn't grow up with computers or cell phone... his preferred entertainment may not include camping out online. In which case it is entirely believable that he may have missed the viral buzz about the new Star Wars trailer. Now it would surprise me if after being asked about it by a reporter he didn't go online to watch it later.

Aranna wrote:

Guys Lucas IS from a much older generation that doesn't hang out online or follow twitter trends. He didn't grow up with computers or cell phone... his preferred entertainment may not include camping out online. In which case it is entirely believable that he may have missed the viral buzz about the new Star Wars trailer. Now it would surprise me if after being asked about it by a reporter he didn't go online to watch it later.

Well said.

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