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I am looking to replace a player who has stopped posting in this Shattered Star AP. We have nearly completed the first module (Shards of Sin) and all of the other players are 4th level.
The other players are:
Horven Graveltoes, male Halfling Rogue,
Gared Naught, male Dwarven Monk
Ganer Jitesh, male Rakshasa Spawn Oracle (who has apparently gone missing)
Carmina Scarnetti, Tiefling (Demonspawn) Sorcerer,
Yamyyra Anafa, female Halfling Summoner (and her eidolon Fancy)
Ground Rules/Creation Guidelines
4th level.
No Evil characters.
All PF Core races and classes, plus the Featured Races in ARG (Chapter 2) on DM approval. Also the classes in the ACG are available on DM approval.
25 pt buy
2 traits
Average gold per level
Max HP at 1st level. Roll or use the PFS method for HP for the rest of the levels.
As for the character class, we are looking for a divine caster to bolster the party's healing capabilities. Feel free to check out the Game Thread.
This is NOT first come-first served. Recruitment will close on 9 pm PST Monday 10/6 .
Good Luck!

Dal Selpher |

I'd like to submit Carridan Horn for consideration. A simple, unassuming woodsman, Carridan can supplement heals in the group and also help pad the need for it with summon nature's ally.
And thanks to Irnk for point me from the first thread to this newer one =)

Wu Kong |

For your consideration.
A hunter with divine hunter and primordial companion archetypes. Was made for a serpents skull game, that didn't get far.
He can heal, shoot arrows, cast spells, melee and his companion can be a frontliner/tank depending on what is needed. Could take ankylosaurus for a proper tank or spinosaurus for straight up dmg.
Currently he is lvl 1, pb 20 and a Vanaras. But if needed I could change that up if you want.
Will there be pfs chronicles handed out upon completion of the appropriate sections?

Jolly Roger |

Wu kongs forum alias here.
If you read the chronicle section carefully you will find that if you play the entire books in campaign mode, you can add whatever houserules you want, do not have to play PFS sanctioned characters, and still get a chronicle that you can apply to any other PFS legal character you might have. Not a lot of people are aware of this apparently.

Ser Clay |

I have a 4th level Numerian Witch who is healing/backup melee hybrid, she's 20 pb (one of my local PFS Game Store characters} She's traveled far and interacted with strange artifacts. I'd be more than happy to convert Esmenet over for your game! She sounds like a good fit. In the spoiler is the PFS version of her, with 4th level avg gold and 25 point buy I could buff her up a bit. LMK what you and your players think. I have spare time and have been looking for 1 more dedicated game. Heres Esmenet, not quite where she needs to be but if you approve of her I';; tweak her to25PB and give her some extra gold. :)
Esmenet Decroix Level 4 Human Witch Alignment: Neutral Good XP 10 Fame 28/ PP 22
HP 30 AC 16 FF 12 touch 14 BAB: 2 CMB -1 CMD 14 Speed 30 Init +6
traits:Birthmark(faith)+1 Luck Bonus', Havock of the Society(magic) +1 damage to all spells and spell effects.
Combat: R1, Cast Shadow Weapon to summon a MW Monowhip, when creature is hit for first time Will DC 16. (Pass, Weapon Deals only 1 Shadow and 1 Force instead of 2d6 Shadow and 1 Force. Attack at 15 ft reach Vs touch AC. +6 Power Attack, 2d6+3+1Force. Fortune Self, Cackle as needed.
Str 7
Dex 16(18)
Con 14
Int 20
Wis 8
Cha 7
Fort 3
Ref 5
Will 3(5 vs Charms or Compulsions)
Class Powers
Familliar: Scorpion +2 Inititiave
Hex: Fortune, Cackle, Healing
Patron: Stregnth
Spells Known:
0: All 0 Level Witch Spells
1:Ill Omen, Shadow Weapon, Cure Light Wounds, Burning Hands, Charm Person, Mage Armor, Hypnotism
2: Divine Favor, Cure Moderate Wounds, Daze Monster, False Life, Levitate,
Spells Prepared
0:4:Daze, Light, Detect Magic, Mage Hand
1:5: Shadow Weapon x4 Burninh Hands x1
2:4: Divine Favor x2, Daze Monster x1, Cure Moderate Wounds
Skills 12
Fly 4 + 3 + 3 = 9
xLinguistics 4 + 5 = 9 (Common, Elven, Celestial, Draconic)
Know Arcana 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
Know Nature 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
Know History 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
Know Planes 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
xKnow Local 4 + 5 = 9
xKnow Dungeonering 4 + 5 = 9
Craft: Weapons 4 + 3 + 5 =12
Spellcraft 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
Intimidate 4 + 3 - 2 = 5
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Monowhip
Weapon Finesse
Power Attack
Pearl of Power 1 x2
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 Charges)
+1 Mithral Buckler
Wand of Mage Armor (35 Charges)
Wand of Ill Omen (40 Charges)
Cloak of Resistance +1
Ring of Force Shield
Potion of Cat's Grace x4

Ser Clay |

Actuuually I made something new for you! She look fun. Primary melee with spontanious cast heals + cure wand. I used the UCG (Paizo material) guidelines for feat retrains and gold costs etc.
Sera Poi, the Swordsaint; for your consideration :) Instead ofmy PFS witch offering above
Sera Poi, Swordsaint Level 4 Sacred Fist of Shizuru Male Human Speed 30 Init: +2
traits: Fate's Favored, Heirloom Weapon(katana proficiency) BAB 3 FAB 2/2
HP: 31 AC 16 FF 14 touch 16 Ferver 5/Day 1d6 Heal, or Swift Cast Spell on Self
Str 20
Dex 14
Con 12
Int 7
Wis 16
Cha 7
[spoiler=Crunch, Combat, Class, Race, Gear, Backstory(minor)]
Combat (No Buffs: Divine Favor adds +3/+3 and Bull's Strength adds +2/+3)
Attack +10 1d8+8 18-20x2, Power Attack +9 1d8+11 18-20x2
Flurry of Katanas +8/+8 , Power Attack Flurry of Katanas +7/+7
+1 Skill per level
1 Bonus Feat at first level.
Perception 4 + 3 + 3 = 10
Sense Motive 4 + 3 + 3 = 10
1 Retrained: Crusader's Flurry(Cost 400gp. [10 days(no trainer)x level 4 x 10gp]
1 Retrained: Power Attack (Cost 400gp. [10 days(no trainer) x level4 x 10gp]
3 Weapon Focus
Class Powers
Improved Unarmed Strike
Flurry of Blows (Unarmed or Katana)
Aura of Good CL4
Monk AC Bonus while Unarmored (Wisdom, +1 every 4 levels at 4+)
Blessed Fortitude (Evasion for Fort Saves)
Ferver 1d6
Channel Positive Energy
Spontanious Casting Cure x Wounds.
Blessings(Minor) 5/day
Good Blessing:Holy Strike (minor): At ist level, you can touch one weapon
and bless it with the power of purity and goodness. For
1 minute, this weapon glows green, white, or yellow-gold
and deals an additional id6 points of damage against evil
creatures. During this time, it's treated as good for the
purposes of overcoming damage reduction. This additional
damage doesn't stack with the additional damage from the
holy weapon special ability.
Repose BlessingGentle Rest (minor): At ist level, you can fill a living
creature with lethargy by hitting it with a melee touch
attack, causing it to b ecome staggered for i round. If
the target is already staggered, it falls asleep for I round
instead. An undead creature that's touched is staggered
for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier
0:4:Light, Guidance, Resistance, Detect Magic
1:4:Divine Favor x4
2:2:Bull's Strength x2
+1 Adamantine Katana
1 Wand of CLW
An outcast from the Dragon Empires, Sara has been on the run for 10 years after being framed for the death of her noble father.
She lives in the west now, finding it easier to hide from her persuers in a far away place. Sara is a protector of the innocent and
defender of the weak. Her divine patron has granted her his greatest boon - she has become a swordsaint. Able to flurry her blade
like it was a fifth limb, Sara spends hours reflecting on the duality of her life; Blessed by her beloved deity and hunted by the remnants
of her wretched family.
Like I said I have ample free time, check my other aliases for RP credentials if ya like and feel free to PM me should you have any questions etc! Gracias ^_^

Gared Naught |

Actuuually I made something new for you! She look fun. Primary melee with spontanious cast heals + cure wand. I used the UCG (Paizo material) guidelines for feat retrains and gold costs etc.
Sera Poi, the Swordsaint; for your consideration :) Instead ofmy PFS witch offering above
** spoiler omitted **[/spoiler]...
Hey, one of the players here. I love the crunch on Sera, but I did notice your math was off just a tad on the flurry of katanas calculations and wanted to run it by you. I think the standard flurry stats should be +9/+9 as you increase your base attack bonus by 1 as you start the flurry before taking the -2 TWF penalty, for a net of -1. You're flurry with power attack should still be spot on, because increasing your base attack bonus to 4 just increases the power attack penalty (and damage, yay!) along side it to go down to +7/+7.

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If you read the chronicle section carefully you will find that if you play the entire books in campaign mode, you can add whatever house rules you want, do not have to play PFS sanctioned characters, and still get a chronicle that you can apply to any other PFS legal character you might have. Not a lot of people are aware of this apparently.
I was not aware of this particular rule. Could you show me where you found it?

Slyness |

Howdy again. I like your group's RP style and wish to submit a character.
Would a Skinwalker be acceptable? It's outside of what you specified, but I figured that I might as well ask. If not, Sylph? My initial concept is a Skinwalker Lunar Oracle, possibly with the Stargazer archetype. I'll try to have more detail later today in the way of background and stats.

Ser Clay |

Appreciate the feedback I'm glad you like Sera, I see what I did. I totally made her in about an hour after I read some of your groups gaming. I also like the style of game, so I made her for you. Correct btw, I shorted her +1, I was so sleepy but determined to finish :D I'd really like the chance to play her so I'll keep an eye on the thread til a character has been selected! Good luck to everyone in the running.

Jolly Roger |

You can find the quote in downloadable chronicle handout for every module that is sanctioned.
For Shattered star: clicky
You may apply the credit for the adventure
to a Pathfinder Society character as soon as she reaches
the level of the pregenerated character played. Equipment
Pathfinder Adventure Path:
Pathfinder Society Organized Play
listed on the pregenerated character sheet may only be
sold to clear conditions, such as death, during the play of
the adventure and any remaining wealth does not carry
over at the end of the sanctioned content.
Alternatively, if you are participating in the .... (insert adventure here) with an ongoing group
undertaking the entire, six-chapter campaign, you may
receive credit for playing the sanctioned portions of the
adventure as if you had played a pregenerated character.
In this case, GMs running the Adventure Path are not
bound to the rules of the Pathfinder Society Organized
Play campaign (such as 20-point buy, unavailability of
hero points, etc.) when running the campaign or the
sanctioned portion of the adventure. Pathfinder Society
characters and characters from an ongoing Adventure
Path campaign may not play in the same adventure.
If the group needs a more melee character, the hunter would be able to do that, just with a different race and stats spread. But I liked the idea of a climbing monkey that shoots arrows and has a companion to do the tanking. ;). Though I think pathfinder does not favor healing as a combat action except in special cases. Dmg avoidance with a high tank or high dmg output/control works better. For downtime yay for clw wands ;).

Ser Clay |

Essentially that's how Sera Poi is set up; front line damage(very decent) with enough mobility to move around and poke people with her CLW wand or spontaneous Cure Mod's if Something Bad(tm) happens. She fights very well and covers any non-life threatening damage taken after an encounter. Very flexible =)

Ser Clay |

Does the party have a solid 'face" character? I'm in the middle of throwing together other Divine Options. I'll have a Human Sanctified Slayer and an Elven Witch (heavily focused on melee with plenty of arcane cures+Healing Hex perhaps) for your consideration. I have quite a few ideas, considering the AP. Will update shortly.

Kalari |

Merlet J'nosi Human Witch (Level 4). Alignment NG (Pharasma) Inititiave: +6
HP 34 AC(ac/ff/touch) 14(18 Mage Armor) 10(14) 14 BAB: +2 CMB 0 CMD 14
traits: Faits Favored (+1 Luck Bonus'), Heiroom Weapon(Falchion Proficiency)
Combat: +8 MW Falchion, 2d4+6 18-20x2 [Represents Unbuffed Combat]
Str 7
Dex 18(+2 item)
Con 16(+1 level)
Int 20(+2 Race)
Wis 7
Cha 7
F 5
R 6
W 3
Bonus Feat, Normal Vision, 1Skill extra per level
Favored Class Bonus HP x4
1Weapon Finesse
1(400gp Retrain) Weapon Focus Falchion
3:Slashing Grace Falchion
Stealth 4 + 4 + 1 = 9
Spellcraft 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
Know Arcana: 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
Know History 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
Know Planes 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
Know Nature 4 + 3 + 5 = 12
xKnow Local 3 + 5 = 8
xAcrobatics 4 + 3 = 7
Craft Weapons 1 + 3 + 5 = 9
Hex:Slumber (Will DC 17, 30 foot range) Fail and Sleep 1 round. Once per target per day.
Hex:Fortune Once per target per day unless Cackle is used to extend by 1 round. Reroll 1 d20 Roll of your choice. Range: Sight
Hex:Cackle Move Action, Extend certain curses or boons by 1 round, (Fortune Hex only available target atm)
Patron: Devotion
Familliar: Scorpion, +2 Inititiave, Spellbook qualities.
Spells Known (Commune with Familliar to prepare daily)
0:All Witch Cantrips
1:Divine Favor(P), Cure Light Wounds, Infernal Healing, Ill Omen, Adhesive Spittle, Bungle, Shocking Grasp, Web Bolt, Mage Armor
2:Martyr's Bargain(P), Cure Moderate Wounds, Climbing Beanstalk, Levitate, Glitterdust
Spells Prepped
0:Daze, Guidance, Detect Magic, Message
1:Divine Favor x 3, Adhesive Spittle, Ill Omen
2: Martyr's Bargain, Cure Moderate Wounds, Glitterdust x2
Cloak of Resistance +1
MW Falchion
+2 Belt of Incredible Dexterity
Wand of CLW
Wandof Mage Armor
A human weaponsmith from Sandpoint, he recently moved on the the big city! Magnamar sounded like paradise considered to the little backwater
of Sandpoint so Merlet made his way there, plying his trade as a healer and mending weapons along the way. He's now apprenticed to a journeyman
weaponsmith in the trade district of the city but he see's and hears things that, lately, make him wish he'd never left home.
I still prefer Sara but whichever fits more :) I may submit more options later heh! :)

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Was thinking a Barbarian 1 / Cleric 3 of Gorum... heavy front-line with Cleric curative ability. Would something like that help?
Some basic crunch here, but gives you an idea of what I'm thinking anyway. If it's way off and not of any interest to the group, let me know.

Aradel Lauric |

You know what, scratch my above inquiry... (Calinthas above). I've had this idea for a healer bantering about in my mind for awhile, and now that I've taken a closer look at the Warpriest, it's a really great fit.
So here is Saldimeh Naveed, a human Keleshite Warpriest of Sarenrae. Features include the ability to do ranged empower heals, and a solid melee combatant with the Dervish Dance and Good Blessings. I'll come up with the fluff tomorrow, but the vast majority of the crunch is done and can be found here

DMRaven |

Kisaiya Gabor
Class Cleric of Gorum
Archetypes Divine Strategist
Role Reach melee, healing, buffing
Kisaiya is from a Shoanti background and grew up amid the hellish Cinderlands. Unlike her xenophobic parents, she always had a curiosity of others. She saw the reclusive nature of her people as something to hold them back, not push them forward.
When a Pathfinder came into the Cinderlands looking for a lost relic, her people reluctantly assisted him after he showed his prowess against raiding orcs. Kesaiya volunteered to help him and was curious about his great strength. The man, Belor Deverin, claimed it came from the great god of battle, Gorum. He taught her Gorum's basic tenants and, eventually, took Kesaiya with him when he returned to Magnimar. She left willingly, not even bothering to ask for her parent's permission--knowing they would not grant it.
Since then, she has helped in studying Magnimar's monuments and learned the ways of Gorum's church.
Like her god, Kisaiya is impulsive. While having some interest in history, she finds herself most comfortable in battle. The Pathfinders have a good cause and she eagerly pushes her spear toward it--oftentimes without looking where she may be going, as long as a fight is in front.
[spoiler=”Character Sheet”]
Kisaiya Gabor
Female Aasimar (Archon-Blooded) Cleric (Divine Strategist) 4
Outsider (Native) Neutral Good
Init: +4; Senses: None, Perception +7,
Languages Common, Celestial, Infernal
AC 17, touch12, flat-footed 15 (+2dex, +5 armor)
hp 27 (4d8+4HD)
Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +8
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares)
Ranged None
Melee +1 Longspear +8 1d8+7
Face 5 ft. Reach 10 ft.
Base Atk +3; CMB +7; CMD 19
Concentration: +4
Spells Per Day
DC 130 4
DC 1414+1
DC 1523+1
Spells Prepared
0 4 Message, Read Magic, Detect Magic,
1 4+1 Summon Monster I x2, Bless x2, Shield of Faith(Domain)
2 3+1 Bull's Strength, Lesser Restoration, Summon Monster II, Aid (Domain)
Domain Spells
1Magic Weapon or Shield of Faith
2Bless Weapon, Aid
Abilities Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 7
Special Qualities Channel Energy 2d6, Seize the Initiative 6/day, Spontaneous Casting, Touch of Glory 6/day
Feats: Summon Good Monster(1st), Sacred Summons (3rd)
Traits: Nontraditional Native (+1 confirm with earthbreaker/Klar, +1 Survival in Varisia), Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
Skills Heal +9, Knowledge (History) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Perception +7
Possessions: +1 Longspear, Cloak of Resistance +1, +1 Agile Breastplate, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges), Scroll of Bless, Scroll of Protection from Evil, Scroll of Remove Sickness, Scroll of Remove Fear, Varisian Idol(+2 HP per hd on summon), Holy Symbol
Touch of Glory (Sp): You can cause your hand to shimmer with divine radiance, allowing you to touch a creature as a standard action and give it a bonus equal to your cleric level on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. This ability lasts for 1 hour or until the creature touched elects to apply the bonus to a roll. You can use this ability to grant the bonus a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
--- In addition, when you channel positive energy to harm undead creatures, the save DC to halve the damage is increased by 2.
Seize the Initiative (Su): Whenever you and your allies roll for initiative, you can grant one ally within 30 feet the ability to roll twice and take either result. This decision is made before results are revealed. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

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Right now the submissions are as follows:
- Gramtur Warrunner (ToxicDragon), Male Half-Orc Warpriest 4
- Carridan Horn (John Hathaway), Male Human Druid 4
- Saldimeh Naveed (Calinthas Aldimay), Male Human Warpriest 4
- Wu Kong (Jolly Roger), Male Human (Vanara) Hunter 4
- Sera Poi (Ser Clay), Female Human Swordsaint 4
- Merlet J'nosi (Ser Clay), Male Human Witch 4
- Kisaiya Gabor (DMRaven), Female Aasimar (Archon-Blooded) Cleric (Divine Strategist) 4
Hmmm, some rather interesting submissions here. It will be a challenge to pick one I am sure. Once recruitment has closed, I will have the original players submit a vote (via PM) to me as to who they want to join the group. If there is a tie, then I will be the tiebreaker.
A reminder: Recruitment closes on 9 pm PST Monday 10/6. Still plenty of time to submit a character!

Gared Naught |

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **[/spoiler]...
The crunch you've provided here seems to have all the stats for an archetype-less cleric with the glory and war (tactics) domains. Did you intend to actually take the divine strategist archetype, giving up channeling and one of your domains, or is the crunch right as it is?

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OK the final votes are in and it looks like I do not need to be a tie-breaker here (...wipes brows in relief.)
The lucky (?) winner is Carridan Horn! Please report to THIS thread and make sure your character is finalized.
As for everyone else, I am sorry I could not get you into this game. No matter how many times I do this, it does not get any easier (sigh...). Anyway I would keep an eye on this thread just in case Carridan is a no-show.