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![]() Another quick Q from the road; are you heavily opposed to be selecting a drawback and third trait (both of which would be subject to your approval of course.) For instance I was considering Vagabond Child for Disable Device and a suitable drawback. If I do it that way I can sort-of fill the skill slot and let you grab a melee martial ![]()
![]() Ranged, lightly armored combatant more akin to an Archery Ranger...but with a boom-stick! I wouldn't hate it if there was a melee martial who catches your eye and gets added to the party as well. Worse case though I'll be happy to sack up and accept the front-liner role:) ty for the spot GM, i'll create an alias when I get home ![]()
![]() Norman Guff Male Human Gunslinger 1 Chaotic Good Musket Master Archtype
Basic Stat Block:
HP 12 AC 17/FF13/t14 Inititiave: +6 traits: Local ties.(Know Local class Skill, +1 trait bonus + technologist bonus')
Str 10 33 lbs/ 33 lbs for Light Load
BAB: +1, CMB 1, CMD 13 Fort 3
Perks of Humanity:
Race: +1 Skill per Level, Bonus Feat at 1st Level. Speed 30, Medium Size Gear 'n Coin!:
Gear: 2gp Battered Musket(Free),9lbs 1d12 20x4 40ft Range Increment, Misfire 1-2, Capacity 1, B and P type. Studded Leather(25gp, 3AC 5MAX DEX, ACP-1, 30ft Speed, 20lbs) Potion of Cure Light Wounds(50gp) Heal 1d8+1 Backpack(2gp 2lbs) 60 Bullets (6gp after cost reduction via Gunsmithing) 1lb Alchemical Cartridge, Flare x10 (50gp after Gunsmithing) -lbs Gunsmith Kit(15gp) 2lbs Feats 'n Skills, to pay the Bills!:
Feats: Precise Shot Deadly Aim Rapid Reload(Bonus from Archtype) Gunsmithing(Bonus from Class)(Create Guns/Fix Broken Guns, Create Ammo for 10% cost) Skills:
Class Powers:
Class 2 Handed Firearm Proficiency, All Simple/Martial Weapons, Light Armor. Grit: 2, Spend for Deeds. Crit or Kill an enemy to restore. Refreshes at the start of every day. Deeds: See Below -Steady Aim (Ex): At 1st level, as long as a musket master has at least 1 grit point, she can take a move-equivalent action to increase the accuracy of a two-handed firearm. When she does, she increases the range increment of the firearm she is firing by 10 feet. This stacks with other abilities that increase her range increment. This deed replaces the gunslinger's dodge deed. -Deadeye (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger can resolve an attack against touch AC instead of normal AC when firing beyond her firearm's first range increment. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point per range increment beyond the first. The gunslinger still takes the –2 penalty on attack rolls for each range increment beyond the first when she performs this deed. -Quick Clear (Ex): At 1st level, as a standard action, the gunslinger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. The gunslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the gunslinger spends 1 grit point to perform this deed, she can perform quick clear as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action. Description and Backstory:
Norman stands about 5'5 with chesnut brown shoulder length hair and green 'cat' eyes which are quite striking. He carries his trusty musket he affectionatly calls 'Lilly' with him most times, keeping it strapped to his back. In his spare time he enjoys hunting the wild game Numeria has to offer in order to keep himself fed. A resident of Torch, Norman Gruff is a local gunsmith who arrived in town months before the town's iconic flame went out and people
He hails from Absalom, although any attempts to pry more than scant details from the man usually end in silence. A man of few words
Here's the quick and dirty, again, if you can't tell...i really want to play ;) Appreciate the consideration GM. If selected and once we get far enough in I'd like to discuss retraining to techslinger. Starting as one isn't really workable since tech access starts really slow. Let me know what you think! :) ![]()
![]() Human Witch (CC/Melee/Arcane Healing Hybrid):
Merlet J'nosi Human Witch (Level 4). Alignment NG (Pharasma) Inititiave: +6 HP 34 AC(ac/ff/touch) 14(18 Mage Armor) 10(14) 14 BAB: +2 CMB 0 CMD 14 traits: Faits Favored (+1 Luck Bonus'), Heiroom Weapon(Falchion Proficiency) Combat: +8 MW Falchion, 2d4+6 18-20x2 [Represents Unbuffed Combat] Str 7
F 5
Spells Prepped
I still prefer Sara but whichever fits more :) I may submit more options later heh! :) ![]()
![]() "If we have a moment I'd like to combine an extract in case we come across anything else troublesome. I haven't mastered the art of using my alchemy on other yet Baru else I'd give you my prepared curative vial." the wayang says sadly before taking out an empty vial and a small book and several pouches."[/b] 1 minute prep time, going to create a Shock Shield exract since I have an open slot and things are getting hairy! "Unless anyone could use those items now I suggest we split the haul once we've finished exploring this wreckage. My instincts are telling me there's more here yet to be found." ![]()
![]() The wayang smiles, a rarity. "I just...it hit you and it looked bad, is it bad? Engleaktig come look at Baru plase he's bleeding..." Kalari looks at the sleeping monster, you can see him weighing a decision internally, his face twisting into a bitter grimace before a look of resolve settles over him. Striding slowly towards the monster her firmly grips his small rapier before slipping it's point through the unmoving reptile's jugular. He seems to have quite the grasp on anatomy... Coupe de Grace damage: 2d4 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 3) + 4 + 2 = 11 |