About Anafa, Yamyrabackground:
Yamyra Anafa has occupied nearly her entire life among the streets & monuments of Magnimar. The daughter of former Chelaxian slaves, Yamyra was fascinated by the tales her parents & their friends told of witnessing devils & other fiendish beings and the miasma of anguish & misery which always seemed to shroud them.
Growing up in Magnimar however, Yamyra had always felt the presence of other otherworldly beings. In the shadows of monuments to such Empyreal Lords as Ashava & Soralyon, Yamyra felt the closeness of a warmer, comforting, presence. A presence that would soon make itself known to her more concretely when one day a previously unnoticed statue turned & curtsied before her. Naming this wonder 'Fancy', Yamyra discovered she could call the being to her at need. Further, she found that their link also opened up previously unknown sorcerous capabilities within herself. Yamyra's fascination with the lore of the monuments soon lead to a fascination with the history of her birth home. The more she learned of Varisia's history, the more fascinated she became. Eventually, Yamyra made the acquaintance of Sheila Heidmarch & the two shared many a snippet of gathered history. Over time, the young Halfling succeeded in impressing the Venture Captain enough that she invited Yamyra into the Pathfinder Society, an invitation Yamyra accepted with the understanding that she had no real interest in much beyond Varisia's borders. Current Notes: 43/43 HP, 8th lvl. Summoner, Current Spell Slots: 1st lvl.: 6/6, 2nd lvl.: 5/5, 3rd lvl,: 3/3; Summon Monster: 8/8 Yamyra Anafa
NG Small humanoid
Skills (2 +Int +{Favored Class}x8)
Class Abilities:
Spells Known:
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic (up to 8 minutes), Mending, Message, Read Magic (80 minutes) 1st Level: Alarm, Enlarge Person (8 minutes), Feather Fall, Mage Armor (8 hours), Magic Fang (8 minutes) 2nd Level: Barkskin, Glitterdust, Protection from Evil (communal), Resist Energy, summon eidolon (8 minutes) 3rd Level: Haste (8 rounds), Rejuvenate Eidolon (3d10 + 8 hp), Restore Eidolon Godbound:
Knowledge: Gifts: The Best Course Action Commit Effort for the scene. Gain one sentence of truthful information from the GM on the best way to accomplish your current desire or goal. New information cannot be gained with this gift until the existing information is acted upon or the goal is abandoned. The Unveiled Truth Action Commit Effort for the scene; get an answer to any question, provided the truth about it is not being intentionally concealed by all who know it. This answer is generally brief, no more than a few sentences. A Word Far Off Action Commit Effort for the scene. Know what’s going on in a particular place or community that you’ve been, learning as many as three sentences of what the GM thinks you’d find most important or most relevant to your immediate interests. Passion:
Carried/Worn on person:
Explorer's Outfit Leather Armor +2 Headband of Intellect +2 (Knowledge: Arcana; Aklo) Cloak of Resistance +3 Masterwork Backpack (Advanced Player's Guide) Field Scrivener's Desk (Pathfinder Society Field Guide, pg 52.) belt pouch 100 page notebook pen & ink Magnifying Glass signal whistle Spell Component pouch Everburning torch Bedroll dagger Longspear w flag mountings Other:
Gold 6
Silver 0 Copper 4 |